Review Sheets

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Review Sheets

Review Sheets

I. Parties

Federalist Democratic Democratic-Republican Whigs National Republican Liberty Republican Know-Nothing Free-soil Populist Greenback Anti-Federalist Democratic

II. Key Elections

1800 Election 1860 Election 1896 Election 1824 Election 1876 Election

III. Cases

Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden Dartmouth College v. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia Woodward Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Commonwealth v. Hunt Railway Company v. Illinois Dred Scott v. Sanford Plessy v. Ferguson Munn v. Illinois Lochner v. New York Muller v. Oregon

IV. Scandals

Whiskey Ring Credit Mobilier Tweed ring Veterans’ Bureau

V. Wars - Rebellions – Crises

King Philip’s War Civil War Pontiac’s Rebellion Bacon’s Rebellion Paxton Boys The Regulators Revolutionary War Shay’s Rebellion XYZ Affair Barbary Pirates Aroostook “War” Nullification Crisis Mexican-American War Coxey’s Army VI. Battles

Lexington and Concord Yorktown Saratoga Antietam Tippecanoe Gettysburg

VII. Foreign Policy

Treaty of Paris 1763 Treaty of Paris 1783 Jay Treaty Pinckney Treaty Treaty of Ghent Rush-Bagot Agreement Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1864 Treaty with Great Britain Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Clayton-Bulwer Treaty Washington’s Farewell Address XYZ Affair Embargo Act Non-Intercourse Act Macon’s Bill, No. 2 Monroe Doctrine

VIII. Amendments

1 through 26

IX. Acts

Maryland Toleration Act of 1649 Interstate Commerce Act Sugar Act 1764 Civil Right Act 1868 Stamp Act 1765 Military Reconstruction Act 1872 Proclamation Line 1763 Sherman Anti-Trust Act Declaratory Act Sherman Silver Purchase Act Intolerable or Coercive Acts Navigation Act Judiciary Act of 1789 Proclamation Act Northwest Ordinance Stamp Act Alien and Sedition Acts Townshend Act Missouri Compromise Quebec Act 1832 Tariff Land Ordinance Gag Rule Hamilton’s Financial Program Kansas-Nebraska Act Virginia and Kentucky Resolves Pacific-Railway Act 1828 Tariff of Abominations Wade Davis Bill Force Bill 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act Compromise Tariff of 1833 Compromise of 1850 Morrill Land Grant Act Dawes Severalty Act McKinley Tariff 1890 Homestead Act Wade Davis Bill

XI. People John Smith Denmark Vesey Daniel Webster William Penn John Calhoun Martin Van Buren Pocahontas Robert Owen Emma Willard Cotton Mather Dorothea Dix William Loyd Garrison Edmund Andros Frederick Douglass Zachary Taylor Pontiac Harriet Beecher Stowe James Buchanan William Pitt Stephen Douglas John Bell George Grenville Abraham Lincoln John Rolfe Thomas Jefferson Powhatan William Bradford Ben Franklin King Phillip George Calvert Samuel Adams John Berkley John Winthrop John Hancock James Oglethorpe George Washington Benedict Arnold John Adams Thomas Paine John Locke James Madison John Jay Alexander Hamilton Edmund Randolph John Marshall Edmond Charles Genet Robert Fulton Ralph Waldo Emerson Eli Whitney Stephen Austin Samuel Slater Aaron Burr John Q. Adams William Crawford Tecumseh Henry Clay Nicholas Biddle Henery D. Thoreu Nat Turner Horace Mann William H. Harrison James Polk Franklin Pierce Andrew Jackson Harriet Tubman Roger Taney John Breckinridge Jefferson Davis Thaddeus Stevens George McClellan Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant Elizabeth Cady Stanton Thomas Edison Booker T. Washington Cornelius Vanderbilt J.P. Morgan John D. Rockefeller Oliver Kelley Alexander Graham Bell Samuel Gompers Jacob Riis Charles Darwin William G. Sumner Mark Twain Frederick Jackson Turner William Seward Charles Sumner Clement Vallandigham John Slidell William Tecumseh Sherman Robert E. Lee Susan B. Anthony Helen Hunt Jackson Roscoe Conkling W.E.B. Du Bois Jay Gould Andrew Carnegie Mark Hanna Uriah Stephens Terence Powderly William Jennings Bryan Jacob Coxey Mary E. Lease Thomas Reed Ida Tarbell

XII. Anything Goes Great Awakening Atlanta Compromise Committees of Albany Plan of Union Correspondence Stamp Act Congress Second Continental Annapolis Convention Congress Hartford Convention Erie Canal Second Great Awakening “54 40” or Fight” Seneca Falls Meeting Shakers Brook Farm John Brown’s Raid Popular Sovereignty Fort Sumter Freeport Doctrine Congressional Copperheads Reconstruction Presidential Crime of ‘73 Reconstruction The Grange Promontory Point American Federation of Robber Baron Labor Farmers Alliance Mulligan Letters Emigrant Aid Society Homestead Strike Crittenden Compromise Sons of Liberty Black Codes First Continental “Bloody Shirt” Congress Mugwumps National Road Knights of Labor Lyceum Movement Populists Mormons Pullman Strike

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