Sarah Johnson Lesson Plan – Health and Physical Education Department

Class Year Level: Year 11 / Level 6 Lesson Focus: Yochilates and Physical Well-Being

Achievement Objective: 6A1 – Investigate and understand reasons for the choices people make that affect their well-being and explore and evaluate options and consequences. 6A2 – Students will choose, implement, and maintain an appropriate physical activity programme that enhances their well-being. Specific Learning Outcome: Explain how participation in yochilates influences physical well-being.

Essential Skill Focus: Physical Skills, Social and Co-Operative Skills

Resources needed: Tai Chi: Volume II CD, “The Pilates Powerhouse” by Mari Windsor, “Yoga for Living: Boost Energy” by Peter Falloon-Goodhew, “Chinese Soft Exercise” by Paul Crompton. Equipment needed: 4 large sheets of paper, markers, mats, CD player

Time Learning sequence. Consider logical progressions: teacher and student activities, focus questions, teaching points, and assessment opportunities.

To start the lesson I will: To capture interest, gauge current experience, knowledge, skills, attitudes.

Safety Guidelines  Before class, have pictures put up around the gym of key words (yoga, tai-chi, pilates, relaxation, breathing, posture, concentration, etc.) and of different people doing different yochilates poses. 10 min  Before class, have large sheets of paper posted on the walls on the gym with the headings physical well-being, social well-being, mental/emotional well-being, spiritual well-being.  To start class, students rotate around each poster and write up one guideline for safety in that dimension of hauora – if theirs is already written, then move on to the next.  Once students are finished, gather in front of the guidelines and read them together as a class.  Teacher asks if anyone has any additions or deletions?  Once the guidelines are all agreed on, each student must go and sign each one, making a contract to follow these rules for safe practices in this class.

Daily Logs  Teacher hands out the daily log sheet (see Resources) for students to fill out at the end of every class – students are to glue this into their notebooks everyday. 5 min  Teacher explains that these will be filled in at the end of each class, or for homework and used later for the self-assessment and the summative assessment.  Explain that emphasis is placed on effort/involvement and ability to describe how their participation affects different dimensions of their hauora. Sarah Johnson Body of the lesson: Learning activities that focus on learning intent.

Physical Well-Being – Today’s Focus  Explain to class that today’s focus will be on the physical well-being aspect of hauora. 5 min  Ask class of some physical benefits of physical activity? i.e. weight loss, increased strength, increased flexibility, increased endurance, etc.  What do you think might be some physical benefits of yochilates?  What do you think may be some negative physical aspects of yochilates?  What type of activity do you think yochilates is? i.e. flexibility, endurance, anaerobic, etc.

Learning sequence continued.

Breathing  Have students stand, in front of their mats, and explain to them the three stages of deep breathing – very important to yochilates.  Stage one: filling up your lower abdomen – have students practice. 5 min  Stage two: filling up your middle abs/chest – have students practice.  Stage three: raising your shoulders to make even more room – have students practice.  Explain that it is important to breathe just through your nose – mouths are for eating!  Have students lie down on their mats – hands on their lower and middle abs.  Go sequentially through the breathing process with students feeling their lower abs, middle abs/chest, and shoulders expanding and filling with air.  Explain that this is how they should be breathing to get optimal results from the activities we will be doing for the next few sessions.  This breathing technique gets the most amount of oxygen needed for our working muscles and is also a great way to induce a sense of relaxation and calmness.

Yochilates 15 min  Lead class through a 15 minute introductory session – practicing different poses, postures, and movements (see Resources).  During the session, remind students of proper breathing technique and to concentrate on what they’re doing and how it is feeling.  Ask students, throughout the session, how are you feeling?, what do you feel working?, what physical aspects are important to perform this?, etc.

Physical Well-Being Discussion***  Students are spread randomly around the gym and instructed to sit with their eyes 15 min closed.  Each student sits with a band in beside them – not on them.  Teacher starts with a piece of paper and writes down one way that yochilates (such as performed today) influences their physical well-being. – positive or negative.  Teacher gets up and walks to one student and hands them the piece of paper, and they are to do the same.  Once a student has contributed, they put their band on.  This process continues until each student has contributed and each student is wearing a band.  Once this task is completed, re-group in front of the whiteboard.  Teacher opens the piece of paper and passes it around for each student to read out one idea (not necessarily theirs, just in order).  After all are read out, discuss any that some agreed with, disagreed with, which Sarah Johnson were positive or negative, more that weren’t on the list, and enjoyment levels.  Teacher also brings into discussion if students think this is a worthwhile activity to do to improve physical well-being. Why or why not?

Conclusion To conclude the lesson in a relevant way, I will: Recap, de-brief, reinforce learning intent.

Daily Log  Have students complete their daily log for today’s lesson – be honest and thorough! 5 min  Teacher circulates to check student understanding, progress, and give students help.  Instruct students to finish this at home (if not done) and glue it into notebooks for future reference.

Assessment – Formative/Summative: How will I know that the intended SLO has been achieved?

Formative Assessment:  Students participate in the yochilates session and are actively involved – answering questions, concentrating, putting in effort.  ***Students contribute to the individual and group discussion on the ways that the session influences their physical well-being. That is, they contribute at least one idea to the list and are involved in the discussion.

Lesson Evaluation: Include comments about aspects that went well and why, and aspects that could be improved, including strategies to put in place for the next session.

What I think may go well:  The safety guidelines are a great way to have a contract with the students and for them to take responsibility for their behaviour.  Good idea to go through proper breathing technique as it stresses concentration and relaxation.  Passing the paper around for students to add ideas is a good way to share what they’ve learned in an anonymous and non-intimidating way.

What I think may go not so well:  May need to explain yochilates in more detail as it is quite new to most people.  Questioning thoughout the activity may be difficult – may have to wait until after.  May be good to write ideas on the board instead of just reading them out as students may forget them or not hear some of them.

Next session:  Practice proper breathing technique more and explain why it optimises results.  Do a longer session of yochilates so more aspects can be realised.  Have students evaluate more how the activity influences hauora (i.e. why, how, etc.)