ELA9 Name: ______English Language Arts 9

2016/2017 Ms Janice Lamb - [email protected] Riverview Collegiate - 306 693 1331

Areas of Study We are going to speak, listen, read and write to develop our language skills. We will work on all four of these together because that’s how they we use them in everyday life. This class concentrates on critical reading skills, which helps us form sharper ideas about what we’ve read. This helps us write better, too. We’re going to learn to “read between the lines,” figuring out what the author really means instead of just what the text says. We’re going to find connections to our own life experiences, and begin to think about how different stories can be related. The themes we’ll explore this year are: 1. Semester 1: a. All That I Am: The Search for Self b. Conflicts, Challenges, Issues, and Choices: Doing the Right Thing c. Indigenous and Norse Narratives 2. Semester 2: a. Exploring Loyalty, Love and Relationships b. Surviving and Conquering c. Our Shared Linguistic Roots (will be taught informally during the other two units)

Formative Assessment: 0% This is for me to see if you understand what you’re doing. We’ll do all sorts of activities to test and see so I can give you feedback on your progress, including everything from paragraphs and essays to checklists and self-assessment.

Summative Evaluation: 100% This is for me to grade for a report card. Your marks will be broken down into the following categories: 1. Comprehend and Respond 2. Compose and Create 3. Assess and Reflect 4. Midterm 5. Final Assessment  If you would like to re-do ANY assignment or test, it is YOUR responsibility to set this up with the teacher.  You will be evaluated using the following scale. Half points may be awarded based on your ability to meet each outcome. Below, each section of this course is listed and marks will be divided accordingly, based on outcomes, and time spent on each. *Evaluation subject to change at teacher’s discretion.  Marzano’s 4 Point Scale:  INC (Incomplete)   1 (Not Yet Meeting)  2 (Beginning to  3 (Almost There!)  4 (Congratulations!) Meet)   I did not complete  I completed only  I completed some of  I completed the  I completed the entire the task. some parts of the the task to the best of entire task to the best task to the best of my task, and may or my ability, but of my ability and got ability and may not understand missed some of the most of the major understand all major the major outcomes. major outcomes. outcomes. outcomes. ELA9 Name: ______ Good Stuff to Know  Be kind to each other, the teacher and the educational assistants.  Items needed for this class: a pencil, paper, highlighter, and your binder.  Assignments need to be handed in when they are due. They can be handed in anytime up until the end of the period. Whatever you’ve got by the end of the period is what is handed in. Otherwise, please hand in an Incomplete Homework Slip. If you know ahead of time that you will not be able to hand in an assignment on time, please talk to me about it and we’ll come to an agreement.  Work during the class time given – not at a later time.  Extra help is always available! Come by during lunch or after school.  Website: o If you must miss for class for any reason, you can go to the class website and look up our assignment for the day. This is also a great place to go to study for the quizzes, tests, and exams. o www.lamb.snappages.com  Conclusion: Challenge yourself. Maintain a positive attitude. Be prepared. Listen attentively. Concentrate. Give an honest effort. Do your required homework. Please, if you aren’t “getting it”, ask for help immediately. Take personal responsibility and pride for your education. I am here to allow and assist in your success.

 Student Learning Outcomes

o Comprehend and Respond  CR9.1 I CAN view, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts.  CR9.2 I CAN construct meaning before, during, and after viewing, listening, and reading.  CR9.3 I CAN understand pragmatic, textual, syntactic, semantic, graphophonic, and other language cues.  CR9.4 I CAN comprehend illustrations, maps, charts, graphs, pamphlets, photography, art, video and dramatizations.  CR9.5 I CAN listen to and evaluate information from conversations, discussions, interviews and speeches.  CR9.6 I CAN read and comprehend fiction, poetry, First Nation and Metis plays, and other cultures to be insightful.  CR9.7 I CAN read and comprehend expository essays, historical accounts, news articles, and scientific writing.  CR9.8 I CAN read silently, texts to increase fluency and expression.

o Compose and Create  CC9.1 I CAN create visual, multimedia, oral, and written work for social responsibility and doing the right thing.  CC9.2 I CAN create and present a research inquiry project.  CC9.3 I CAN use strategies to communicate meaning before, during, and after speaking, writing and reading.  CC9.4 I CAN use pragmatic, textual, syntactic, morphological, and graphophonic cues to construct meaning.  CC9.5 I CAN create and present visual and multimedia presentations.  CC9.6 I CAN use oral language to interact and participate in small and large group discussions.  CC9.7 I CAN use oral language to express dramatic readings of poems, monologues, scenes from plays and stories.  CC9.8 I CAN write to describe, to narrate, to explain and to persuade. ELA9 Name: ______ CC9.9 I CAN experiment with debates, meetings, scripts, advice columns, videos, and other techniques.

o Asses and Reflect on Language Abilities  AR9.1 I CAN assess personal strengths as a viewer, listener, reader, representer, speaker and writer.  AR9.2 I CAN assess own and other’s work for clarity, correctness, and impact.   ELA9 Name: ______ ELA 9 – Course Outline – Lamb  September 2016  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  29 No School  30 No School  31 No School  1 Outline,  2 All That I Am  Classroom Unit: The Search for Expectations, Self Goals  “regarding confidence, compassion, and bullies”  5 No School  6 Literacy Circle:  7 “Being  8 Response to  9 Sharing Circle “Can’t You See Comfortable with essays/poem  Continued response Me?” Being ‘Weird’”  How to Boost Your time Study Skills  Portfolio Project  12 CS Media 1-1:  13 Literacy  14 Literacy Devices:  15 “On the  16 CS Media 1-2: Digital Life 102 Formative  Foreshadowing, Sidewalk Oops! I Broadcast Assessment (not Flashback, and Bleeding” it on the Internet for marks) Symbolism  Narrative Elements   19 Early Dismissal  20 Literacy  21 “Oranges”  22 Literacy  23 Literary Devices:  Birth Order Devices:  Response to Devices: Metaphor  Sharing Circle  Imagery, Oranges and OtSB  Alliteration,  Portfolio Project Euphemism, and Oxymoron, Time Analogy Humour  26 CS Media 1-3:  27 Literacy  28 Literacy  29 “Gore”  30 CS Media 1-4: Copyrights and Devices: Devices:  Writing a Feeling on Display Wrongs  Onomatopoeia,  Simile character sketch  Hyperbole,  “Gore” Suspense  October 2016  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  3 Sharing Circle  4 Literacy Circle:  5 CS Media 1-5:  6 “Borders”  7 “Borders”  Literacy Devices: “The Execution” Turn Down the Dial on  Repetition, Cyberbullying Personification  10 No School  11 “Zits!”  12 CS Media Unit  13 Portfolio/  14 Portfolio/  1 Assessment Character Sketch Character Sketch  Portfolio/ Time Due Character Sketch  Time  17 No School  18 Challenges and  19 “The Taste of  20 “The Taste of  21 “The Taste of Choices Unit: Doing Melon” Melon” Melon” the Right Thing  Literacy Circle:  “If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking”  24 Sharing Circle  25 Literacy  26 “The Last  27 “The Last  28 “The Last  WriteTraits 1 Devices: Leaf” Leaf” Leaf”  Irony, Mischance,   Malapropism  November 2016  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  31 CS Media 2-1:  1 Literacy  2 “The Sniper”  3 “The Sniper”  4 No School ELA9 Name: ______ My Online Code Devices:  Pun and Paradox  7 Sharing Circle  8 Literature  9 Studying for  10 Remembrance  11 No School  WriteTraits 2 Circle: English Tests Day Service  “Sunday Bloody Sunday”  14 Student Led  15 Literature  16 Study Period  17 Test  18 No School Conferences this Circle: week CS Media 2-  “The Mysterious 2: Who Are You Naked Man” Online?  21 Early Dismissal  22 “The  23 CS Media 2-3:  24 “Irraweka:  25 “Irraweka:  Indigenous/Norse Wascawwy Building Mischief-Maker” Mischief-Maker” Narrative Unit Rabbit: Bugs Community    “The Wascawwy Bunny as Online  Rabbit: Bugs Bunny as Trickster” Trickster”   December 2016  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  28 WriteTraits 3  29 “The Apples of  30 “The Apples of  1 “The Apples of  2 Sharing Circle Iduna” Iduna” Iduna”  Storytelling: “The 11th Labour of Heracles”  5 CS Media 2-4:  6 Literature  7 “The Gift of  8 “The Gift of  9 CS Media 2-5:  Overexposed: Circle: Stories, the Gift of Stories, the Gift of Risky Online Sexting and  “The Forsaken” Breath” Breath” Relationships Relationships  Storytelling Assignment  12 Early Dismissal  13 “Words on a  14 “Words on a  15 “Words on a  16 CS Media Unit  Sharing Circle Page” Page” Page” 2 Assessment  19 Sharing Circle  20 WriteTraits 4  21 Gift Exchange?  22 No School  23 No School  January 2017  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  26 No School  27 No School  28 No School  29 No School  30 No School  2 No School  3 Literature  4 WriteTraits 5  5 “Nanabush  6 “Nanabush Circle: Creates the Creates the  “On the Way to World” World” the Mission”  9 Literacy  10 Literature  11“The Beginning  12 “The  13 WriteTraits 6 Assessment Circle: of All Things” Beginning of All  Genesis 1 Things”  16 Early Dismissal  17 Work Period  18 Storytelling  19 Storytelling  20 Studying for  Sharing Circle Work Time Work Time Final Exams Response to Creation Stories  23 Studying for  24 FINAL  25 FINAL  26 FINAL  27 FINAL Final Exams EVALUATIONS EVALUATIONS EVALUATIONS EVALUATIONS  February 2017  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  30 No School  31 Exploring Loyalty,  1 Willy the Shakes  2 Elizabethan Life  3 Elizabethan Life Love and Relationships Unit  Literature Circle:  “O Mistress Mine” – ELA9 Name: ______Twelfth Night  6 Discussion:  7 Literature Circle:  8 The Prologue  9 The Complete  10 The Complete  Pre-Reading Theme  The Prologue continued… Works of William Works of William Shakespeare Shakespeare Abridged Abridged  13 Early Dismissal  14 RaJ I1  15 RaJ I2  16 RaJ I3  17 RaJ I3  Romeo and Juliet I1  RSC video  Baz Luhrman video  BL video  20 No School  21 No School  22 No School  23 No School  24 No School  March 2017  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  27 RaJ I4  28 RaJ I4  1 RaJ I5  2 RaJ I5  3 No School  BL video   BL video  6 RaJ Act I Review  7 CS Media 3-1  8 WriteTraits 7  9 RaJ II1  10 CS Media 3-2     13 Student Led  14 RaJ II3  15 RaJ II3  16 RaJ II4  17 No School Conferences this  BL video  week   RaJ II2  ELA9 Name: ______ 20 Early Dismissal  21 RaJ II5  22 RaJ II6  23 Watch Act II BL  24 CS Media 3-3  RaJ II4 video  RaJ Act II Review  27 RaJ III1  28 RaJ III  29 RaJ III  20 CS Media 3-4  31 RaJ III2  April 2017  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  3 RaJ III3  4 CS Media 3-4  5 RaJ III4  6 RaJ III4  7 RaJ III5  Watch RSC video  10 Early Dismissal  11 CS Media 3-5  12 CS Media Unit  13 WriteTraits 8  14 No School  Watch Act III BL 3 Assessment video  RaJ Act III Review  17 No School  18 No School  19 No School  20 No School  21 No School  24 RaJ IV1  25 RaJ IV2/3  26 RaJ IV4/5  27 RaJ V1  28 RaJ V2  May 2017  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  1 RaJ V3  2 RaJ V3  3 WHOOSH!  4 Final FaJ  5 Final FaJ Assessment Assessment  8 Literacy  9 Surviving and  10 Geography  11 Read LAWKI 1-  12 Group Meeting Assessment Conquering Unit: Project and 2  Journal  Life as We Knew It Presentations  Discussion  The Dead and the Gone  Moon reflections  15 Early Dismissal  16 Read LAWKI 3-  17 Group Meeting  18 Read LAWKI 6  19 No School  CS Media 4-1 5  Journal  Discussion/Group  Discussion  Meeting   Journal  22 No School  23 CS Media 4-2  24 Read LAWKI 7-  25 Group Meeting  26 Read LAWKI 10 9  Journal  Discussion/Group  Discussion Meeting   Journal  June 2017  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  29 CS Media 4-3  30 Read LAWKI  31 Group Meeting  1 Read LAWKI 13-  2 Group Meeting 11-12  Journal 14  Journal  Discussion  Discussion  5 CS Media 4-4  6 Read LAWKI 15-  7 Group Meeting  8 Read LAWKI 17-  9 Group Meeting 16  Journal 18  Journal  Discussion  Discussion  12 CS Media 4-5  13 CS Media Unit 4  14 Read LAWKI  15 Group Meeting  16 Multimedia Assessment 19-21  Journal Project Time  Discussion  19 Early Dismissal  20 Multimedia  21 Multimedia  22 Multimedia  23 FINAL  Multimedia Project Project Time Project Presentations Project Presentations EVALUATIONS Time  26 FINAL  27 FINAL  28 FINAL  29 No School  30 No School EVALUATIONS EVALUATIONS EVALUATIONS 