Mark Edward Smith | 208 pages | 01 Sep 1998 | Watson-Guptill Publications | 9780823032327 | English | New York, United States Nude (art) - Wikipedia

The nudeas a form of visual art that focuses on the unclothed human figure, is an enduring tradition in Western art. Unclothed figures often also play a part in other types of art, such as history paintingincluding allegorical and religious artportraitureor the decorative arts. From prehistory to the earliest civilizations, nude female figures are generally understood to be symbols of fertility or well-being. Japanese prints are one of the few non- western traditions that can be called nudes, but the activity of communal bathing in Japan is portrayed as just another social activity, without the significance placed upon the lack of clothing that exists in the West. Through each era, the nude has reflected changes in cultural attitudes regarding sexuality, gender roles, and social structure. The meaning of any image of the unclothed depends upon its being placed in a cultural context. In Western culture, the contexts generally recognized are artpornographyand information. Viewers easily identifying some images as belonging to one category, while others images are ambiguous. The 21st century may have created a fourth category, the commodified nude, which intentionally uses ambiguity to attract attention for commercial purposes. With regard to the distinction between art and pornography, Kenneth Clark noted that sexuality was part of the attraction to the nude as a subject of art, stating "no nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even though it be only the faintest shadow—and if it does not do so it is bad art and false morals". According to Clark, the explicit temple of tenth-century India "are great works of art because their eroticism is part of their whole philosophy". Great art can contain significant sexual content without being obscene. However, in the United States in art has sometimes been a controversial subject when public funding and display in certain venues brings the work to the attention of the general public. At the same time that any nude may be suspect in the view of many patrons and the public, art critics may reject work that is not cutting edge. The art world has devalued simple beauty and pleasure, although these values are present in art from the past and in some contemporary works. When school groups visit museums, there are inevitable questions that teachers or tour leaders must be prepared to answer. The basic advice is to give matter-of-fact answers emphasizing the differences between art and other images, the universality of the human body, and the values and emotions expressed in the works. The introductory chapter makes though does not originate the often-quoted distinction between the naked body and the nude. This separation of the artistic form from the social and cultural issues remains largely unexamined by The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist art historians. One of the defining characteristics of the modern era in art was the blurring of the line between the naked and the nude. This likely first occurred with the The Nude Maja by Goya, which in drew the attention of the Spanish Inquisition. Some of the same characteristics were shocking almost 70 years later when Manet exhibited his Olympianot because of religious issues, but because of its modernity. Rather than being a timeless Odalisque that could be safely viewed with detachment, Manet's image was assumed to be of a prostitute of that time, perhaps referencing the male viewers' own sexual practices. Art historian and author Frances Borzello writes that contemporary are no longer interested in the ideals and traditions of the past, but confront the viewer with all the sexuality, discomfort and anxiety that the unclothed body may express, perhaps eliminating the distinction between the naked and the nude. When surveying the literature on the nude in art, there are differences between defining nakedness as the complete absence of clothing versus other states of undress. In early Christian art, particularly in references to images of Jesus, partial dress a loincloth was described as nakedness. Babylonian statuette of a goddess Astarte or Ishtar. Nude female figures called Venus figurines are found in the art of the Upper Palaeolithicand in historical times, similar images represent fertility deities. However, her bird-feet and accompanying owls have suggested to some a connection with Lilitu called Lilith in the Biblethough seemingly not the usual demonic Lilitu. Representations of gods and goddesses in Babylonian and Ancient Egyptian art are the precursors of the works of Western antiquity. Non-Western traditions of depicting nudes come from India and Japan, but the nude does not form an important aspect of Chinese art. Temple sculptures and cave , some very explicit, are part of the Hindu tradition of the value of sexuality, and as in many warm climates partial or complete nudity was common in everyday life. Japan had a tradition of mixed communal bathing that existed until recently, and was often portrayed in woodcut prints. In the early twentieth century, artists in the Arab world used nudity in works that addressed their emergence from colonialism into a modern world. Bathing woman caKitagawa Utamaro. Painillustration for The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran Nudity in Greek life was the exception in the ancient world. What had begun as an male initiation rite in the eighth century BCE became a "costume" in the Classical period. Complete nudity separated the civilized Greeks from The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist "barbarians" including Hebrews, Etruscans, and Gauls. The earliest Greek sculpturefrom the early The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist Age Cycladic civilization consists mainly of stylized male figures who are presumably nude. This is certainly the case for the kourosa large standing figure of a male nude that was the mainstay of Archaic Greek . The first realistic sculptures of nude males, the kouroi depict nude youths who stand rigidly posed with one foot forward. By the 5th century BCE, Greek sculptors' mastery of anatomy resulted in greater The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist and more varied poses. An important innovation was contrapposto —the asymmetrical posture of a figure standing with one leg bearing the body's weight and the other relaxed. An early example of this is Polykleitos ' sculpture Doryphoros ca. The Greek goddesses were initially sculpted with drapery rather than nude. The first free-standing, life-sized sculpture of an entirely nude woman was the Aphrodite of Cnidus created ca. In the convention of heroic nuditygods and heroes were shown nude, while ordinary mortals were less likely to be so, though athletes and warriors in combat were often depicted nude. The Greek goddess Aphrodite was a deity whom the Greeks preferred to see clothed. In the mid-fourth century BCE, the sculptor Praxiteles made a nude Aphroditecalled the Knidian, which established a new tradition for the female nude, having idealized proportions based on mathematical ratios as were the nude male statues. The nudes of Greco-Roman art are conceptually perfected ideal persons, each one a vision of health, youth, geometric clarity, and organic The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist. His emphasis on idealization points up an essential issue: seductive and appealing as nudes in art may be, they are meant to stir the mind as well as the passions. Hermes bearing the infant Dionysusby Praxiteles. Hermespossibly by Lysippos. Christian attitudes cast doubt on the value of the human body, and the Christian emphasis on chastity and celibacy further discouraged depictions of nakedness, even in the few surviving Early Medieval survivals of secular art. Completely unclothed figures are rare in medieval art, the notable exceptions being Adam and Eve as recorded in the Book of Genesis and the damned in Last Judgement The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist anticipating the Sistine Chapel renderings. With these exceptions, the ideal forms of Greco-Roman nudes became largely lost, transformed into symbols of shame and sin, weakness and defenselessness. The Nursing Madonna and naked "Penitent Mary Magdalene"as well as the infant Jesuswhose penis was sometimes emphasized for theological reasons, are other exceptions with elements of nudity in medieval religious art. By the late medieval period female nudes intended to be attractive edged back into art, especially in the relatively private medium of the illuminated manuscriptand in classical contexts such as the Signs of the Zodiac and illustrations to Ovid. The shape of the female "Gothic nude" was very different from the classical ideal, with a long body shaped by gentle curves, a narrow chest and high waist, small round breasts, and a prominent bulge at the stomach. The reinvigoration of classical culture in the Renaissance restored the nude to The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist. Donatello made two statues of the Biblical hero Davida symbol for the Republic of Florence : his first in marble, — shows a clothed figure, but his second, probably of the s, is the first freestanding statue of a nude since antiquity, [28] several decades before Michelangelo 's massive David — The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling reestablished a tradition of male nudes in depictions of Biblical stories; the subject of the martyrdom of the near-naked Saint Sebastian had already become highly popular. The monumental female nude returned to Western art in with The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli for the Medici familywho also owned The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist classical Venus The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist Mediciwhose pose Botticelli adapted. The Dresden Venus of Giorgione c. Although they reflect the proportions of ancient statuary, such figures as Titian's Venus and the Lute Player and Venus of Urbino highlight the sexuality of the female body rather than its ideal geometry. These works inspired countless reclining female nudes for centuries afterwards. In addition to adult male and female figures, the classical depiction of Eros became the for the naked Christ child. Raphael in his later years is usually credited as the first artist to consistently use female models for the of female figures, rather than studio apprentices or other boys with breasts added, who were previously used. The nude figure or of a live model rapidly became an important part of artistic practice and training, and remained so until the 20th century. The Creation of Adam c. Reclining Nymph by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Venus of Urbino by Titian. Rebellious Slave by Michelangelo. Apollo and Daphne by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Bathsheba at Her Bath by . In Baroque art, the continuing fascination with classical antiquity influenced artists to renew and expand their approach to the nude, but with more naturalistic, less idealized depictions, perhaps more frequently The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist from live models. Peter Paul Rubenswho with evident delight painted women of generous figure and radiant flesh, gave his name to the adjective Rubenesque. While adopting the conventions of mythological and Biblical stories, Rembrandt's nudes were less idealized, and painted from life. The Age of Bronze by Rodinmodeled after a Belgian soldier. Goya 's Nude Maja represent a break with the classical, showing a particular woman of his time, with pubic hair and a look directed at the viewer, The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist than an allusion to nymphs or goddesses. In the 19th century the Orientalism movement added another reclining female nude to the possible subjects of European paintings, the odalisquea slave or harem girl. One of the most famous was "The Grande Odalisque " painted by Ingres in In the later nineteenth century, academic painters continued with classical themes, but were challenged by the Impressionists. Gustave Courbet similarly earned criticism for portraying in his Woman with a Parrot a naked prostitute without vestige of goddess or nymph. Edgar Degas painted many nudes of women in ordinary circumstances, such as taking a bath. For Lynda Nead, the female nude is a matter of containing sexuality; in the case of the classical art history view represented by Kenneth Clark, this is about idealization and de-emphasis of overt sexuality, while the modern view recognizes that the human body is messy, unbounded, and problematical. Although both the Academic tradition and Impressionists lost their cultural supremacy at the beginning of the twentieth century, the nude remained although transformed by the ideas of modernism. The idealized Venus was replaced by the woman intimately depicted in private settings, as in the work of Egon Schiele. Nu Nu debout by Jean Metzinger. Red Nude by Amedeo Modigliani. Standing Woman The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist Gaston Lachaise. One of The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist primary influences in the rise of abstraction, the critic Clement Greenberghad supported de Kooning's early abstract work. Despite Greenberg's advice, the artist, who had begun as a figurative painter, returned to the human form in early with his Woman series. Although having some references to the traditions of single female figures, the women were portrayed as voracious, distorted, and semi-abstract. According to the artist, he wanted to "create the angry humor of tragedy"; having the frantic look of the atomic age, a world in turmoil, a world in need of comic relief. Later, Greenberg added that "Maybe I was painting the woman in me. Art isn't a wholly masculine occupation, you know. The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist - Mark Edward Smith - Google книги

More than two hundred full-color photos of women The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist motion and at rest Standing. World- renowned photographer Mark Edward Smith has captured women of every age and form in every type of movement, then gathered his striking, unusual images into The Nude Female Figure. An indispensable reference for artists who have limited access to live figure models, this remarkable book features striking images of shapely young women as well as elegiac photos of more mature women. The models in these full-color pictures include women of every type—slender women, not-so-slender women, pregnant women, and women of color. A special section shows closeups of the hands and feet. Each pose is beautiful, and the unparalleled attention to composition, lighting, and reproduction make it easy for artists to see the relationships between the parts of the body and to study the classic female figure. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. Halloween Books for Kids. Category: Art. Oct 02, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Paperback —. Also by Mark Edward Smith. See all books by Mark Edward Smith. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The Pop Manga Sketchbook. Fun to Draw Mini Mangas. The Mandala Guidebook. Kathryn Costa. Dynamic Human Anatomy. Roberto Osti. Losing You Tonight, 2-vol. Diango Hernandez. Janet Whittle. Valerian: The Illustrated Treasury. Pierre Christin. Graff 2. Scape Martinez. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Workbook. Betty Edwards. Golden Cosmos. Drawing the Male Nude. Giovanni Civardi. Innovative Artist: Drawing Dramatic Landscapes. Robert Dutton. Color for Painters. Art of Drawing: Drawing Light and Shade. The Art of Greg Spalenka. Greg Spalenka. John Stanko. Carole Massey. Anatomy for the Artist. Sarah Simblet. The Art of Sumi-e. Naomi Okamoto. Large Sketchbook Lizard, Black. Creating Radiant Flowers in Colored Pencil. Gary Greene. Lizzy Loves Darcy. Thomas W. Inside The Art Studio. Drawing Human Anatomy. Art of Drawing: Drawing Portraits. Claudia Nice. Small Sketchbook Lizard, Burgundy. Secrets to Realistic Drawing. Rick Parks and Carrie Stuart Parks. Masterpieces in Detail. Till-Holger Borchert. Abstracts: 50 Inspirational Projects. Rolina Van Vliet. Related Articles. Looking for More The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books! Art Reference Poses

Jump right in and explore the Pose Toolwhich has thousands of Poses that are Free to search and browse for inspiration overphotos! If you are learning how to draw the figure, this huge catalog of pose reference photos will give you loads of material from which to practice. Seasoned artists will find life drawing figures for all kinds of work; personal projects and those for sale. A great way to get a feel for how the site works is to Create A Login and click the link in the email we won't spam you. When you download the poses you'll have 48 The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist photos to use for drawing, painting, sculpting, sketching, or other art projects, completely Royalty Free! The animated image shows how a pose can be zoomed-in and rotated for portrait and detail views. You can see any part of the figure close-up from multiple angles. The Pose Tool is great to find additional male and female art models in thousands of reference poses—all free to browse and use. Searches can be done by criteria like. To support the site, we do actually need to sell poses. So, the sample The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist are of limited resolution and show just one view when enlarged. For choice of viewing angle and for the greatest detail, you can buy high resolution Poses in a variety of formats. There are many options to choose from, such as. Use the photos as a reference, and the art you make is yours to do with as you wish 1. Policy : The photos may be used as a reference for creating traditional art which may then be sold. For example, a drawing, painting, or sculpture is permissible under these guidelines, whereas a work which uses the actual photos—such as a collage—would be prohibited. The photos may be used for games, videos, and digital art if first manipulated in a substantive way, for example, as the basis for a wireframe mesh, skin, or texture. However, they may notin whole or in part, be resold, repackaged and sold, nor given away. If you would like to use our photos as part of a product, class teaching art technique, or other offering, please Contact Us and provide as much detail about your project as you can. We license photos on a case-by-case basis. Toggle navigation Cart. Want Help? Please Contact Us and let us know where you're getting stuck. We're generally available M-F 10a. Eastern Time. Costumed Poses. Ordinary Clothes. Action Poses. Reclining Male. Reclining Female. A Pose is usually a collection of photos of a model in one position. For example, The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist nude model standing in the contrapposto position or the T-pose will The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist photographed from 24 different angles once every degrees as the model is rotated. Those 24 art reference photos are collected into one "Pose. When the project first started, we imagined our customers as sculptors. They would be looking for anatomy reference photos and also traditional male and female nude artist's model photos but they would need to see all around the figure to create a complete sculpture. That's why we do the multiple angles. It turned out people who draw, sketch, paint, design characters, draw comics, etc. As customers requested more portrait reference photos, expression photos, action poses which can't be held for a rotationhuman anatomy, and other non-static poses, we started adding Poses without the standard view rotation. To The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist what views are included in a Pose, tap the thumbnail photo to bring up a preview then tap the All Views button. This Site The Web. Email or Username. Remember login if this is a private computer. Sign In. Create Login. Recover Login. Resend Confirmation email. Contact Us.