Seniors Group Orleans. a Division of Indo-Canadian Community Centre, Ottawa

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Seniors Group Orleans. a Division of Indo-Canadian Community Centre, Ottawa



January: The group met four times. The last Thursday of January was Potluck lunch event. Some members have indicated their plans to travel to warm locations including trips to India. Kanak and Yash have agreed to keep the group informed of the activities. February: Because of the forecast of very cold weather the meeting on Thursday the 16th was cancelled. There was a group of people who ventured out nonetheless. The location was moved to a different room on the 26th.Being the last Thursday of the month, a potluck lunch was enjoyed. Presentation on Brain-Mind by Mrs.&Mr.Subhash was informative. A fund raiser in September focussed on Indian community Walkathon requires our support.

March: Elders helping Elders initiative was put into effect by setting up recording vital signs weekly. Any one who is interested is welcome to have the weight, Blood pressure, pulse and Oxygen saturation measured and recorded. On the 12th location was moved to another room. Inspite of tight quarters a festive atmosphere was enjoyed recognising Holi, daylight savings and St. Patrick’s day. Gulab Jamun and other savouries were shared. Jeet, .Amrit, Srinivas and Mrs&Mr.Ram Sahi are welcomed back from their travels. Kanak, Neogi and Nand are still missing. Music is now available for entertainment and for yoga practice. Several members have helped lead yoga sessions while Sri was away.

2015- 2nd QUARTERLY SUMMARY April: The least number present at one of the gatherings this month was three (3). Perhaps this is due to the continued absence of members wintering elsewhere. Welcome back, Nand Tandan and Kanak. In the second meeting of the month (April 9th) the kidney foundation staff presented Nutrition as an important factor in prevention of Kidney Disease. The Blood Pressure tends to creep up if unhealthy foods such as Bacon and Saturated acid containing oil (Crisco) are used excessively and consistently. Instead vegetable oil including coconut oil in small quantities would be welcome. High blood pressure, poorly controlled diabetes will lead to kidney failure. Genetics also play a part, South Asians being at high risk. It is one of the reasons the kidney foundation sees it fit to send staff to our group at least yearly. James presented a book review of Troubled Pilgrimage authored by Balwant Bhaneja. The copy of review is attached. Nand Tandan and Amrit Khosla are entrusted with canvassing the membership for ideas to enrich the group and improve attendance.

`May: Kanak had to return to India on some unfinished business. She will no doubt inform us news of her second visit this year. Seniors have lively discussions. The items were: 1. the gurudwara in Pakistan 2. Manjari Sankuratri Memorial Fund (MSMF). The family of Dr. Sankuratri perished in the Air India disaster over Ireland in 1985. The fund raiser ‘Dosa’ Picnic is slated for Saturday June 27th at 11 AM in the Andrew Hayden Park on the Ottawa River near Bay shore. For details visit 3. Ms. Emma Gama-Pinto attended the potluck lunch on April 30th. She expressed her disappointment that the Pot luck food kept arriving well after the meal was cosumed. She suggested that these functions are held more punctually. Her other observation was that men (Jim Bhai) gather first at the potluck trough and help themselves where as it ought to be the ladies who are offered to go first. For these and other reasons (Kanak was away) she may not return. When Nand Tandan was informed, he was confident Kanak would bring her back to the fold. It makes sense that her remarks need to be heard and our behaviour modified accordingly. Jim Bhai’s weight gained by 2 pounds. As this has happened in spite of his adhering to his diet, the explanation is fluid retention. The answer is to cut back on salt.

June: The seniors were fortunate to have had two potluck sessions this month, on June the 4th and again on June the 25th.Dr. Neogi’s birthday was observed appropriately with a cake and group singing (but no group hug). Plans are being made to convene a joint picnic of the Merivale and Orleans groups. Surely new friendships will be formed. At least one of us was ticketed at Petrie island for Parking Infraction. We are supporting city hall revenue this way but several of us are on fixed income. Jim Bhai the sickly fellow in our group, has had his breast lump examined every which way and was told that he has to live with the gynecomastia. But he now has a new problem. Kanak, retired RN, attempted to take his BP but after two attempts, was able to get his BP at 100 systolic. The following week, the reading was 97 over 54. The third reading in the doctor’s office was 105 over 50. Jim Bhai is delighted he has a new worry. The speaker this month, Arun Roy, spoke on Holocaust and its aftermath. We had good attendance. Thank you, Arun. The Orleans seniors group had a large presence at the international Yoga day(IYD). Nand, Dr. Niyogi, Mrs. Sahi and Dr. Ram Sahi, Vijay, Yash, Kanak, Arun, Jayanthi, Jim Bhai Chanchal and Rajinder Chadda, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Sudha and Shree were spotted. At a regular Thursday meeting, Rajnish Sharma was introduced to the group by one of our members. Rajnish is a franchisee of Subway outlet in Orleans area. It was good to see a fresh young face among us old fogees. Mr. Sharma spoke to the group of his other occupation, Licensed Mortgage Agent and can be reached at 6137613244e-mail: [email protected]. It is or ought to be our goal to encourage and support entrepreuners like Rajnish. The Manjari Sankuratri Memorial Foundation (MSMF) dosa picnic on June 27th had Orleans ICCC Seniors participating as volunteers.

July: The joint picnic took place on Sunday July the 5th at the Petrie Island grounds. Jan and Nand gave a detailed summary of the attendance: 30-50 seniors from the Orleans and Merivale groups. The food was excellent and kept arriving even as the picnic was winding down. The variety included. Biriyani, chapathi, raita and any number of curries. The Subway paks were regretfully returned. Singing, poetry, story telling, jokes and bligatory walk concluded the outing. The reception for the Indian High Commissioner was held on Sunday July the 12th. At least five members of the Orleans group were in attendance - Sudesh, Nand, Jim Bhai, Chanchal, Rama and …..As this was an India Canada Community Centre (ICCC) hosted event, and as ICCC goes on a limb to pay our bills, we need to show our support by attending these events. Vinnie (the other Virendra) made a presentation on OCTranspo services on July the 23rd. Jim Bhai is participating in self-study course on Statistics and welcomes the fellow seniors to join him, each Thursday at the Seniors’ gathering. July 30th meeting was well attended, with potluck lunch. Chandra Arya from Napean, Official liberal candidate, originally from Bengaluru spoke to the gathering. He was presentable, spoke forcefully, well informed and fielded questions. He needs financial support. Cheques payable to Napean Federal Liberal Association.

Hiscontact6134007884;[email protected];tweet@chandranepean;facebook/e lectchandra; Campaign office at Woodruffe and Strandhurd. A Miss You Card was sent to Emma Gama-Pinto and a Thank you card was sent to the President of the India Canada Community Centre of Ottawa.

AUG: Thursday the 6th was a regular gathering. Ramesh had a few Urdu Poetry musings as well as singing. The mood caught on and Kanak offered a beautiful song. Not to be outdone, Jim Bhai belted out a couple of lines by Hemant Kumar. A festive mood was experienced by us. On Thursday the 13th, the gathering observed India’s Independence day, with the flag and cake. The National anthem was rendered loud and clear, followed by tape version of Vande Mataram. Jim Bhai read an account of Police Action. A typescript is included. Rama Kamra heard her family saying Raj will change, come and go but we will always be here. With help of a member of her family already in Delhi, they were airlifted to safety. She hurried to the plan with the dead on either side of the path near Multan. Nand Tandan remembered Allah Ho Akbar shouted and the Hindus shouting their chants. The following week Ramesh remembered his college days when he was asked to report to the Railway station and remove the dead and wounded. He had to step over bodies, some living. Atrocities included women having their breasts cut off and ortherwise torchered. Dr. Neogi was six but remembers the IAF fly past emitting the three colours of our flag. His Delhi neighbourhood was scene of shooting and riots. His father was in charge of the Railway line from Lahore to India. There were banners on the trains This is our gift to India. The railway police, being communal were ineffective. The police were forbidden to fire their weapons unless specifically ordered to do so by a british officer. Mr. Sharma offered poetry expressing the mood around the independence day. It would be useful if paper copies of their narrative are made available for putting together a memoir. Thursday August the 27th Rakhi bandan was recognised and a few rakhi were available but no takers. Instead of the money going to sisters it went into the collection pot. The seniors agreed that if we have to display a letterhead it should be the letterhead format of ICCC-Ottawa. The meal plan proposal was received with caution but was approved for further action. A letter from the president Arvind was mailed to the Nutrition/Dietary Manager and in due course, a deputation will meet in person with hospital officials. The draft proposal will be edited. A brochure for Indian –Canadian clients information will be prepared. Mr. Sharma narrated his experience during August 1947. At one point he was threatened with a knife but as he was able to recite holy scriptures and Sri Hanuman bhajans, he was let go. Dr. Anil Gupta, a first time attendee read excerpts from a book authored by his father about history of Jammu and Kashmir before, during and after partition.

SEP: On the 3rd a potluck was held. Good healthy food was brought and enjoyed by all. Nand, in 1947 was sent to a relative who worked for Railway whose employees travelled by railway under protection. His father was attacked in a train with axe and spear, sustaining serious deep penetrating injuries. He remained in hospital for three months. His uncle was forced to become a muslim and eventually managed to enter India. Fortunately rest of Nand’s family reunited. On the 10th, Balwant Bhaneja gave a presentation of his family receiving extended family refugees in Delhi. Each of them figured they would eventually return back to their homes. Discussion centred around Gandhi’s action. The second half of his presentation was the need for Department of Peace at Federal Level. Annual peace festival is being held later part of this month. On the 17th, Jim Bhai reviewd the Meal Plan and next steps to be taken. Vijay Kawartha probed members’ opinion about the federal election. The refugee situation was debated eagerly, sincerely and some apprehension about security issues was aired. On the 24th, there was increased activity at the book/library table. Books were returned, added or borrowed. The reference materials such as brochures, maps, one of a kind posters are for use on the premises and not to be taken out. For instance a map of India went missing; a brochure and Ottawa public health poster were also removed and they need to be returned. The divali celebrations are in the planning stage and Nand has generously assumed leadership for making the plans concrete. Fourth Quarterly report:

OCTOBER: On the 1st a pot-luck was served and enjoyed. There were poetry recitation as were Jokes. The yoga was omitted by general consent. On the 8th, Arvind Chhatbal, the president of ICCC- Ottawa, Inc., was in attendance. He urged us to find ways to stay active 7 days a week by participating. He gave example of attending courses, playing sports and also engage in physiotherapy offered by Ottawa public health free of charge or for nominal charge. He also informed that a fund is available to aid any individual either belonging to our group or personally known to us. This can be spent on sending flowers to the sick, assisting in expenses such as taxi or bus pass. An amount $200.00 to $500.00 is set aside to cover such expenses. Ms. Jayanthi Rai made a presentation of the woes of partition of Bengal on three different occations, in 1905, in 1947 and when Bangladesh was formed. What is not well known is that the communal violence flares out frequently in Bangladesh. A poignant observation that a family member, a minor, with bullet wound in the head had to be left behind in order to save the remaining family members was so moving and heartbreaking that the group observed a minute of silence. On the 15th Yoga was led by Kanak and assisted by Nand. Kanak also gave a summary of a course she is attending. The highlights are to live in your home for as long as possible, with safeguards; disabled seniors have alternatives available to stay independent; support services such as community care access centre (CCAC). Two new seniors Mssrs. Das and Chatterjee attended. Mr. Das has asked for advice with tax matters and Mr. Chatterjee is helping. Several seniors also joined in the discussion. Mr. Das felt he was receiving good advice and accepted guidance from Nand and Probir. On Saturday Nov 7th the India Canada association is observing Diwali at the Algonquin college; Nand offered to share the details if requested. Kanak contributed some books to our library. On the 22nd, after yoga practice, the seniors rehearsed a dance/music act for performing on stage at Diwali dinner. Nand is in charge of quality control and Jim Bhai will choreograph the moves. There appears to be enthusiastic participation. Vinnie Sahni’s son was married in Toronto this month. Ramesh’s wife is recovering in Sainte-Vincent’s. Other activity included song, tea and refreshments. On the 29th, yoga was led by Jeet Khosla. To recognise the start of Deepavali season, Ramma Kamra served up Mithaii. Jim Bhai brought to the attention of those gathered 1. A card from Emma Gama-Pinto thanking the group for sending her a we miss you card signed by several members. She also conveyed through Jim Bhai how touched she was for remembering her. 2. The meal plan file will be available with the work notes, correspondence, proposal and brochure. Please be free to use it but do not remove it from our library. 3. On Nov 3, a 2 hour meeting is being held at the Community church, Orleans, and the topic is end of life discussion. Nand asked our president Arvind Chhatbar to bring us news of ICCC affairs. He spoke about the ongoing negotiations to obtain funds; the details will be revealed after these funds are procured. Arvind suggested that the Meals Plan committee make a phone call to the Ottawa Hospital and speak to the personnel about our proposal. Jim Bhai agreed to do this. Nand has confirmed money is available from ICCC for Seniors support; any sick person known to our group may benefit from a bouquet of flowers, a get well card funded by the ICCC through the Seniors Group. Nand asked for a volunteer to help at the desk at Palki next Wednesday to check in the paid attendees and collect money from those who have not paid. Ramma Kamra has volunteered her services. She would need a ride back home when she decides to leave.

NOVEMBER: On the 5th, the seniors gathered, initially there were more ladies than men and later in the session it was even. Numerous songs were crooned by Maninder, Ramma and Kanak to everybody’s pleasure. The main attraction for the ladies appears to be the filmie music. They gathered around the cassette player and sang along with Lata, Asha Bhosle or others. The book collection is also popular among the ladies and some were borrowed/returned. The donation box was busy too; at least two five-dollar bills made their way into it. Sudhir and Jim Bhai brought some dishes which were well received. The previous night’s diwali dinner was the topic of the day and there was desire to arrange a similar meal soon. Christmas/ New Year week was popular choice. Someone needs to step forward and organise. It is important to collect cash before confirming the program. Yoga session started on time at 2 PM led by Nand. A potluck meal was shared on the 24th, beingthe last Thursday of the month. Weekly Seniors group of ICCC bulletin is received via e-mail for which we are thankful. DECEMBER: A record number (35?) of seniors attended the meeting of Nov the 10th to hear a presentation on Wills and Estate Planning. On the 17th a potluck meal was enjoyed. This was the final meeting for December and for the year.

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