2017 VAWS Fall Deer Hunt Application
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2017 VAWS Fall Deer Hunt Application
Virginia Wheelin’ Sportsmen is proud to again offer quality deer hunts in all areas of the state this fall. Our hunts are open to all mobility-impaired individuals, and are free of charge. If you have a mobility-impairment disability and would like to participate in any of these hunts, please complete the attached application. All applications must be emailed or postmarked by SEPT. 28 th .
How to apply: 1) Please review the hunts listed below. Be sure you know the general location of the hunt. 2) Select your top 5 choices and rank the hunts in order of preference from 1-5, with 1 being your first choice. 3) *** Please ONLY select hunts you can attend! *** 4) Complete your personal information and hunt selections on Page 3. 5) Mail, or email, Page 3 to us by September 28th, 2017 6) Keep Page 1 and 2 for your records.
_____HUNT 1 – Outdoor Dreams Archery Deer Hunt – Shipman, VA – Wed. October 11. This half-day hunt will take place Wednesday afternoon on different properties in Nelson County. Hunters will use accessible box blinds, and pop-ups, located over food plots, and oak woods. Archery license is also required. Wheelchair hunters preferred.
_____HUNT 2 - New Kent Forestry Center Muzzleloader Deer Hunt – Providence Forge, VA – Sat. November 4. We will partner with the Va. Dept. of Forestry for our 13th Annual Opening Day Muzzleloader-Only Hunt on 1200 acres. Deer of either sex may be taken! DMAP tags are available. Lodging is available at the hunt site for Friday evening at $65 per double room. Each hunter may bring ONE companion who may hunt also.
_____HUNT 3 – Shenandoah River State Park Muzzleloader Deer Hunt – Bentonville, VA – Mon. November 6. We will partner with Shenandoah River State Park for another great hunt at this 1600 acre park. Muzzleloader only and deer of either sex may be taken (Bucks 6 point or bigger preferred)! Each hunter may bring ONE companion who may hunt also. All hunters and companions must possess a Hunter Education Certificate – NO Exceptions!
_____HUNT 4 – Lake Anna State Park Muzzleloader Deer Hunt – Spotsylvania, VA – Tue. November 7. VAWS will partner with Lake Anna State Park for another great hunt in Spotsylvania Co. This will be a muzzleloader only hunt, and deer of either sex may be taken (Bucks 6 point or bigger preferred)! Each hunter may bring ONE companion who may hunt also. All hunters and companions must possess a Hunter Education Certificate – NO Exceptions!
_____HUNT 5 – Outdoor Dreams Muzzleloader Deer Hunt #1 – Shipman, VA. – Wed. November 8. This hunt will be held on four different properties in Nelson County. Hunters will hunt from accessible box blinds. Deer of either sex, and turkeys may be harvested. Wheelchair hunters preferred.
_____HUNT 6 – Menokin-Warsaw Muzzleloader Deer Hunt – Warsaw, VA. – Sat. November 11. Our annual Warsaw muzzleloader hunt will take place on over 2000 acres consisting of crops, hardwoods, pines, and swamp thickets. Hunters will use pop-up blinds, . Deer of either sex are legal. _____HUNT 7 – Outdoor Dreams Muzzleloader Deer Hunt #2 – Shipman, VA. – Wed. November 15. Their second muzzleloader hunt will take place during the peak of the rut on four different properties in Nelson County. Hunters will hunt from accessible box blinds. Deer of either sex, and bear (separate tag required) may be harvested. Wheelchair hunters preferred.
_____HUNT 8 – Botetourt Longbeards Deer Hunt – Botetourt Co. VA – Fri-Sat. November 17-18 . The Botetourt Longbeards Chapter will partner with Greater Outdoor Ministries to host this opening day deer hunt. Hunters will meet on Friday evening and return to hunt on Saturday. Rifle or shotgun may be used, and deer of either sex may be harvested.
_____HUNT 9 – Staunton River State Park Deer Hunt – Scottsburg, VA – Sat. November 18. The Halifax Chapter will host their 12th annual hunt at the beautiful Staunton River State Park. Rifle, muzzleloader, or shotgun allowed. Deer of either sex may be taken. Each hunter may bring ONE companion who may hunt also.
_____HUNT 10 – Millswamp Longbeards Deer Hound-Hunt, Newsoms, VA – Fri. December 1. The Millwamp Longbeards Chapter will host their annual shotgun-buckshot only deer hunt, using hounds, on their 5000 lease. This is always a great hunt. Breakfast and lunch provided. Deer of either sex may be taken.
_____HUNT 11 – 2 nd Annual Freedom Hunt, Waverly, VA – Sat.. December 9. Five Sussex Co. hunt clubs have teamed up with the Tri-County Longbeards Chapter to host their annual, shotgun-buckshot only, deer hunt using hounds. This hunt is to honor our military veterans but is also open to all of our members. Each hunter may bring a hunting companion with them. Deer of either sex may be taken. Dinner and festivities will follow the hunt. 50 Hunters Needed!
_____HUNT 12 – High Bridge Strutters Deer Hunt - Cumberland, VA – Sat. December 16. The High Bridge Strutters Chapter will host their annual rifle or shotgun deer hunt on this trophy managed property. DMAP tags are available and deer of either sex may be taken.
_____HUNT 13 – Augusta Chapter WWRC Deer Management Hunt – Fishersville. VA – Sat. Dec. 30. The Augusta Area Chapter will host their annual deer hunt on the grounds of WWRC in Fishersville. Hunters will meet at 5:00AM on Sat. Dec. 30 for an all-day hunt. This will be a shotgun-buckshot ONLY hunt, and DMAP tags for does will be available.
*** Hunters must have all required hunting licenses in order to participate.***
*** Important Notice *** If you are selected for a hunt, it is important that you show up! Our volunteers invest a lot of time and expense to host our hunts. If you are unable to attend please notify Robin Clark at 434-249-6154 or [email protected] ASAP, so we can invite an alternate hunter. Do not jeopardize your future participation by not showing up for the hunt!
2 2017 Virginia Wheelin’ Sportsmen Fall Deer Hunt Application
If you have a mobility-impairment, and would like to participate in any of our hunts, please complete this application, and list your top five hunt choices. A pplications must be post-marked or emailed by Sept. 28 th !
Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Home Phone: ______Work/Cell Phone:______
E-mail address: ______
Describe mobility impairment: ______
Any special accommodations? ______**************************************************************************************
1st Choice: Hunt ______Date ______
2nd Choice: Hunt______Date ______
3rd Choice: Hunt______Date ______
4th Choice: Hunt______Date ______
5th Choice: Hunt______Date ______
Please check your mobility status:
___Ambulatory ___Use manual chair ___Use power chair
Will you need to borrow a firearm? _____Yes _____No
Mail To: VAWS - Fall Hunts – 1614 Greenleaf Lane – Charlottesville, VA 22903 OR: E-mail To: [email protected]
Questions? Contact Robin Clark 434-249-6154 or [email protected] Applications are also available on-line at www.vanwtf.com under “Outreach”.
Remember…….All applications must be sent NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 28 th !