WGGS Member Number s1

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WGGS Member Number s1

West Gippsland Genealogical Society Inc. A00235921F, ABN: 4259723 0613 Member’s Research Interest details to publish on the Internet

WGGS Member WGGS Member Name Phone No. Number Address & post code E-mail address The email address shown on the website will be the Address will not be shown on website Society email

PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS TO FILL IN DETAILS - IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD USE THE PROVINCE & COUNTRY CODES AS PER THE GRD Taken from: GRD website: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~grdxxx/entergrd.htm#abbreviations (copied from this website which no longer exists)– see page 3 for a copy


Members_interests_may2012 When completed either attach to an email and return to 1 [email protected] OR Post to: WGGS, Box 225, WARRAGUL, Victoria 3820 West Gippsland Genealogical Society Inc. A00235921F, ABN: 4259723 0613 Member’s Research Interest details to publish on the Internet


Members_interests_may2012 When completed either attach to an email and return to 2 [email protected] OR Post to: WGGS, Box 225, WARRAGUL, Victoria 3820 West Gippsland Genealogical Society Inc. A00235921F, ABN: 4259723 0613 Member’s Research Interest details to publish on the Internet

Copied from the GRD website: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~grdxxx/entergrd.htm#abbreviations The GRD Abbreviations

For use in columns for Province/State etc. and Nation/Land

COUNTRIES (click on highlighted country to jump to abbreviations for its province)

Australia AUS Greece GR Rep. South Africa RSA Austria OES Hungary HU Romania RO Belarus (Belorussia) BRS Ireland (Eire) IRL Russia RUS Belgium BEL Isle of Man IOM Scotland SCT Canada CAN Italy ITL Slovakia SLK Croatia CRO Latvia LAT Slovinia SLO Czechoslovakia CS Liechtenstein LIE Soviet Union (USSR) SU Czech Republic CZR Lithuania LIT Spain (Espagne) ESP Denmark DEN Luxembourg (Land) LUX Sweden SWE England ENG Netherlands NL Switzerland CH Estonia EST New Zealand NZ Ukraine UKR Finland FIN Norway NOR United Kingdom UK France FRA Papua New Guinea PNG (see ENG, SCT, IRL, WLS)

Members_interests_may2012 When completed either attach to an email and return to 3 [email protected] OR Post to: WGGS, Box 225, WARRAGUL, Victoria 3820 West Gippsland Genealogical Society Inc. A00235921F, ABN: 4259723 0613 Member’s Research Interest details to publish on the Internet

Germany (1991) BRD Poland POL United States German Old Empire GER Portugal PT Wales WLS Yugoslavia YU

Australia (AUS) Austria (OES) Belgium (BEL)

Aus. Capital Territory ACT Burgenland BUR Antwerpen ATW New South Wales NSW Karnten (Carynthia) KAR Brabant BBT Northern Territory NT Neiderosterriech NOE Heinaut HNT Queensland QLD Oberosterreich OOE Liege LGE South Australia SA Salzburg SLZ Limburg LBG Tasmania TAS Steiermark (Styria) STY Luxenbourg (Prov.) LXM Victoria VIC Tirol (Tyrolia) TIR Namur NMR Western Australia WA Voralburg VOR Oost-Vlaanderen OVL Wein (Vienna) WIE West-Vlaanderen WVL

Canada (CAN) England (ENG) England (ENG) (cont.)

Alberta ALB Bedfordshire BDF Hertfordshire HRT British-Columbia BC Berkshire BRK Huntingdonshire HUN Manitoba MAN Buckinghamshire BKM Kent KEN New Brunswick NB Cambridgeshire CAM Lancashire LAN Newfoundland NFD Cheshire CHS Leicestershire LEI Northwest Territories NWT Cornwall CON Lincolnshire LIN Nova Scotia NS Cumberland CUL London LND Ontario ONT Derbyshire DBY Middlesex MDX Prince Edward Island PEI Devon DEV Norfolk NFK Quebec QUE Dorset DOR Northamptonshire NTH Saskatchewan SAS Durham DUR Northumberland NBL Yukon Territory YUK Essex ESS Nottinghamshire NTT Gloucestershire GLS Oxfordshire OXF

Members_interests_may2012 When completed either attach to an email and return to 4 [email protected] OR Post to: WGGS, Box 225, WARRAGUL, Victoria 3820 West Gippsland Genealogical Society Inc. A00235921F, ABN: 4259723 0613 Member’s Research Interest details to publish on the Internet

Hampshire HAM Rutland RUT Herefordshire HEF Shropshire SAL

Members_interests_may2012 When completed either attach to an email and return to 5 [email protected] OR Post to: WGGS, Box 225, WARRAGUL, Victoria 3820

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