Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology

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Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology



Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative— Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

I, Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment, make the following determination.

Dated [Date]

Greg Hunt [DRAFT ONLY—NOT FOR SIGNATURE] Minister for the Environment



Part 1—Preliminary

Name This is the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015.

Commencement This determination commences on the day after it is registered.

Authority This determination is made under subsection 106(1) of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.

Duration This determination remains in force for the period that: begins when this determination commences; and ends on the day before this determination would otherwise be repealed under subsection 50(1) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Definitions In this determination: Act means the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011. ANZSIC means the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, jointly developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Statistics New Zealand. AS/NZS 4417.2 means Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4417.2: Regulatory compliance mark for electrical and electronic equipmentSpecific requirements for particular regulatory applications. baseline control gear, for a lighting upgrade, means control gear that was part of the lighting system immediately before the commencement of the lighting upgrade. baseline lighting equipment, for a lighting upgrade project, means lighting equipment in relation to the serviced area immediately before the commencement of the lighting upgrade. BCA means the Building Code of Australia, forming Volumes one and two of the National Construction Code, as amended from time to time.

CO2e means carbon dioxide equivalent. control gear means equipment that converts electricity to a different voltage, current or waveform, for the purpose of powering a lamp.

3 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT declaration day, in relation to a lighting upgrade project, means the day the project is declared to be an eligible offsets project. device load value, for a lamp or luminaire, is the load value for that lamp or luminaire specified in the National Electricity Market Load Tables for Unmetered Connection Points published by the Australian Energy Market Operator from time to time. EEI means ballast energy efficiency index as defined in AS/NZS 4783.2 Performance of electrical lighting equipment - Ballasts for fluorescent lamps - Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standards requirements. ELV means extra-low voltage, as defined in AS/NZS 60598.2.23: Luminaires - Particular requirements - Extra low voltage lighting systems for filament lamps. IEC means International Electrotechnical Commission. integrated photovoltaic luminaire unit—see item 20 of Schedule 1. lamp means equipment that converts electricity to visible light. lamp circuit power means the electrical power drawn by a single lamp or luminaire and its associated control gear. lighting control device means equipment that controls the amount of power delivered to a lamp or luminaire, in response to sensors or user input. lighting equipment—see paragraph 8(2)(b). lighting system—see paragraph 8(2)(a). lighting upgrade—see subsection 8(2). lighting upgrade project—see subsection 8(1). luminaire means a piece of equipment that affix lamps and may reflect, direct or diffuse the light output by those lamps to deliver illumination services in an area, together with the lamps. NCC climate zone, for a place, means the applicable climate zone for that place determined in accordance with the Climate Zone Map prepared by the Australian Building Codes Board. NGA Factors document means the document titled National Greenhouse Accounts Factors, published by the Department and as in force from time to time. nominal lamp power (NLP) means the electrical power drawn by a lamp or luminaire. project abatement amount, of a lighting upgrade project for a reporting period, means the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for the project in the reporting period for the purposes of paragraph 106(1)(c) of the Act (see also section 13). project control gear means control gear included in a lighting system following the completion of a lighting upgrade. project lighting equipment means lighting equipment included in a lighting system on the completion of a lighting upgrade. public lighting inventory means the inventory of the lighting equipment of a public lighting system that: (a) is maintained by: EXPOSURE DRAFT

(i) the public authority or other body responsible for the serviced area (for example, a local council); or (ii) the provider of the service (for example, an electricity company) for the purposes of billing the public authority or other body; and (b) records the number and type of lamps and luminaires and their locations. public lighting system means a lighting system that services a road or public space of a classification specified in AS/NZS 1158 Lighting for roads and public spaces. serviced area means the physical area serviced by a lighting system. stamped photograph in relation to a photograph of lighting equipment, means a photograph that includes the time and date when the photograph was taken superimposed on the image or in the metadata for the image (if stored electronically). type, of a serviced area, means: (a) if the serviced area fits a description in an item of Schedule 4—that description; and (b) otherwise—the description that it fits in an item of Schedule 5. Note Schedule 5 includes item 18 which covers a place not otherwise covered by an item in Schedule 4 or Schedule 5.

Factors and parameters from external sources If a calculation in this determination includes a factor or parameter that is defined or calculated by reference to another instrument or writing, the factor or parameter to be used for a reporting period is the factor or parameter referred to in, or calculated by reference to, the instrument or writing as in force at the end of the reporting period. Note This means that calculations using historical data for a reporting period may not be correct for later reporting periods because reference instruments might have changed. Baseline calculations, for example, may have to be reworked from one reporting period to another, as necessary. Subsection (1) does not apply if: this determination specifies otherwise; or it is not possible to define or calculate the factor or parameter by reference to the instrument or writing as in force at the end of the reporting period.

Definitions in other instruments relating to lighting equipment In applying: the definitions in section 5; or a provision of Schedule 1 or 2; to the lighting equipment of a lighting system, a reference in those provisions to a definition in a standard is a reference to the definition in the version of the standard that was in force on the date the lighting system was verified as meeting its design specifications, following testing undertaken after installation.

5 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT —Lighting upgrade projects

Lighting upgrade projects For paragraph 106(1)(a) of the Act, this determination applies to an offsets project with the following characteristics (a lighting upgrade project): it involves one or more lighting upgrades; it can reasonably be expected to result in eligible carbon abatement. For this determination, a lighting upgrade is the modification, removal, replacement or supplementation of the lighting equipment of an existing lighting system, for the purpose of decreasing energy usage by increasing the energy efficiency of that system, where: lighting system means a system of equipment that delivers artificial light to a particular area ; and the lighting equipment of the lighting system includes any control gear, lighting control device, lamp or luminaire. EXPOSURE DRAFT

—Project requirements

Operation of this Part For paragraph 106(1)(b) of the Act, this Part sets out requirements that must be met for a lighting upgrade project to be an eligible offsets project.

Information to be included in application for declaration The application under section 22 of the Act in relation to the project must include a description in relation to each lighting upgrade forming part of the project that includes the following information: whether the lighting upgrade will involve the modification, supplementation, removal or replacement of lighting equipment; for each identified lighting system: the location of the lighting system in the form approved by the Regulator; and a description of the serviced area of the lighting system, including: its type; and for a lighting system other than a public lighting system—its size; and a description of the baseline lighting equipment; and a description of any new lighting equipment that will be added to the lighting system; for a public lighting system, the requirements in subparagraphs (b)(i) and (iii) may be satisfied by providing a record of the public lighting inventory with the application; for each class of potential lighting systems: a description of the class, including how individual lighting systems will be chosen or identified for upgrade; and a description of the locations of the lighting systems, including at least the following: the State or Territory; the metropolitan or regional area; and a description of the kind of baseline lighting equipment of the class; and a description of the serviced areas of the class, including: its type; and for a lighting system other than a public lighting system—its size; and a description of the kind of new lighting equipment that it is proposed to add to the lighting systems of the class; how any lighting equipment that is removed as part of the project, or in association with it, will be disposed of. In this section: potential lighting system means a lighting system: (a) that has not yet been identified; and (b) belongs to a class of such systems: 7 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT (i) each of which: (A) has the same or very similar baseline lighting equipment; and (B) provides similar lighting to a serviced area of the same type; and (ii) that it is proposed to upgrade in a similar way, using similar new lighting equipment.

System requirements The project must meet the following requirements in relation to each lighting upgrade in the project and its relevant lighting system: the system must be in working order before the commencement of the upgrade; the energy consumption of the system before the commencement of the upgrade and after the upgrade must be capable of being estimated in accordance with the method in Part 4; before the commencement of the upgrade and after the upgrade: all lamps and luminaires must be of a type listed in Schedule 1; all control gear must be of a type listed in Schedule 2; if the lighting upgrade is part of associated construction or reconstruction works— either: no development approval is required under State or Territory law to undertake the works; or if development approval is required under State or Territory law to undertake the works—the approval is required only because of the lighting upgrade. If any project lighting equipment of the project is listed in AS/NZS 4417.2 as a type of electrical equipment that is classified as Level 3 equipment (potentially high risk), the lighting equipment must: have a Certificate of Conformity issued in accordance with the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council’s Equipment Safety Rules; and be listed on the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council’s Electrical Equipment Safety System National Database.

Disposal of equipment If the project will involve or require the removal of existing lighting equipment, it must also ensure that the lighting equipment is disposed of and not re-used or refurbished. Subsection (1) does not prevent the lighting equipment from being broken down into components and those components being recycled, other than for use in a lighting system. EXPOSURE DRAFT

—Project abatement amount


Operation of this Part For paragraph 106(1)(c) of the Act, this Part specifies the method for working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for a reporting period for a lighting upgrade project that is an eligible offsets project. Note This is called the project abatement amount in this determination (see section 5).

Overview of gases accounted for in abatement calculations The following table provides an overview of the greenhouse gases and emissions sources that are relevant to working out the project abatement amount for a lighting upgrade project.

Greenhouse gases and emissions sources Item Relevant emissions Emissions source Greenhouse gas calculation

1 Baseline emissions Electricity consumption Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Project emissions Methane (CH4)

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Data to be used in calculations The project proponent for the project must use one of the following to determine energy consumption in relation to a lighting upgrade for the purpose of establishing the nominal lamp power of a lamp or luminaire: product specifications publically released by the manufacturer; Example Specifications published on the manufacture’s website or printed specifications used for marketing purposes. standard test reports; a manufacture’s declaration of the nominal lamp power; a power rating label affixed by the manufacturer on a lamp or luminaire.

Lighting systems to be used in calculations For the purposes of working out the project abatement amount for a reporting period, the project proponent must include only lighting systems that are in commission before the end of the reporting period. The proponent may choose not to include a particular lighting system in the calculations for the period. A project proponent must not include a lighting system in the calculations if, at any time during the reporting period, any of the following circumstances apply:

9 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT the type of the serviced area of the lighting system is not the same as the type immediately before the commencement of the upgrade; for a lighting system other than a public lighting system—the serviced area of the lighting system is smaller than immediately before the commencement of the lighting upgrade; any lighting equipment is used in addition to project lighting equipment in the serviced area; after the completion of the lighting upgrade, project lighting equipment is replaced and this results in the lighting system consuming more energy than it did with the project lighting equipment. For the purposes of paragraph (3)(b), the serviced area of the lighting system is smaller than immediately before the commencement of the upgrade if it is less than 95% of the previous service area.

—Calculating project abatement amount


The project abatement amount for a project for a reporting period is the sum of the abatement for all lighting systems in the project in the reporting period.

The carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount of each lighting system is the baseline emissions minus the project emissions for the lighting system.

Equation 1—project abatement amount for the project (A) The project abatement amount for a reporting period is worked out using the formula (equation 1):


A is the project abatement amount for the reporting period, in tonnes CO2e. n is the number of lighting systems in the project over which abatement is measured for the reporting period.

Ai is the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for the reporting period of the th i lighting system, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 2.

Equation 2—net abatement amount for a lighting system (Ai)

For equation 1, Ai is worked out using the formula (equation 2):


th ECB, i is the baseline energy consumption, in MWh, of the i lighting system, given by equation 3.

th ECP, i is the energy consumption, in MWh, of the i lighting system following the completion of the lighting upgrade, given by equation 4.


(a) for electricity obtained from an electricity grid that is a grid in relation to which the NGA Factors document in force on the declaration day includes an emissions factor

—that factor, in kilograms CO2e per kilowatt hour; or (b) for electricity obtained from an electricity grid not covered by paragraph (a) or from a source other than an electricity grid: (i) if the supplier of the electricity is able to provide an emissions factor that reflects the emissions intensity of the electricity and is applicable on the

declaration day—that factor, in kilograms CO2e per kilowatt hour; or

(ii) otherwise—the emissions factor, in kilograms CO2e per kilowatt hour, for offgrid electricity included in the NGA Factors document in force on the declaration day.

For subparagraph (b)(i) of the definition of EFelec,i, the emissions factor must be worked out: on a sentout basis; and using a measurement or estimation.

Equation 3—baseline energy consumption for a lighting system (ECB,i)

The baseline energy consumption, ECB,i, is an estimation of the amount of energy that would have been consumed by the lighting system during the reporting period had there been no lighting upgrade.

For section 19, ECB,i is worked out using the formula (equation 3):

where: m is the number of lamps or luminaires in the lighting system immediately before the commencement of the lighting upgrade.

th th LB,i,j is the baseline energy consumption, in MWh, for the j lamp or luminaire of the i lighting system (as it stood immediately before the commencement of the lighting upgrade) that would have occurred had there been no upgrade given by the equation in subsection (2).

LB,i,j is worked out using the equation:


LCPB,i,j is: (a) either: (i) if the lamp or luminaire is of a type listed in column 2 of Schedule 3 and is connected to the control gear of corresponding type specified in column 3— the lamp circuit power, in watts, specified in column 4; or

11 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT (ii) if, for a public lighting system with a public lighting inventory, the project proponent elects to do so for the whole duration of the project—the device load value, in watts, for the lamp or luminaire; or (b) otherwise—0.

th ti is number of full days in the reporting period during which the i upgraded lighting system was upgraded and fully operational.

th OHi in relation to the serviced area of the i lighting system, is: (a) if the serviced area is of a type listed in column 2 of Schedule 4—the annual operating hours specified in column 3 for that type of serviced area; or (b) otherwise (in which case the service area will be of a type listed in column 2 of Schedule 5)—the annual operating hours specified in column 3 for that type of service area.

th th FLC,i,j for the j lamp or luminaire of the i lighting system (as it stood immediately before the commencement of the lighting upgrade) is: (a) if the lamp or luminaire has a lighting control device of a kind specified by column 2 of Schedule 6 that falls within the definition in column 3—the lighting control factor for the device specified in column 4; or (b) otherwise—1.

FAC,i is: (a) if the serviced area was air conditioned on more than half of the full days in the reporting period during which the ith upgraded lighting system was upgraded and fully operational —the air conditioning factor specified by column 3 of Schedule 7 for the applicable climate zone in column 2; or (b) otherwise—1.

Equation 4—project energy consumption for a lighting system (ECP,i)

The project energy consumption, ECP, i, is an estimation of the amount of energy that was consumed by the upgraded lighting system during the reporting period.

For section 19, ECP,i is worked out using the formula (equation 4):

where: m is the number of lamps or luminaires in the lighting system following the completion of the lighting upgrade.

th th LP,i,j is the project energy consumption, in MWh, for the j lamp or luminaire in the i lighting system following the completion of the lighting upgrade given by the equation in subsection (2).

LP,i,j is worked out using the equation:


LCPP,i,j is: for an integrated photovoltaic luminaire unit—0 EXPOSURE DRAFT

otherwise: (i) if the project proponent has made an election in subsection (2) to use device load values—either: (A) the device load value, in watts, for the lamp or luminaire; or (B) lamp circuit power in a test report prepared by a laboratory accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities; (ii) otherwise—the lamp circuit power specified in column 4 of Schedule 3, in watts, for the jth lamp or luminaire of the ith lighting system that corresponds to the lamp or luminaire in column 2 connected to the control gear in column 3.

th ti is number of full days in the reporting period during which the i lighting system was upgraded and fully operational.

th OHi, in relation to the serviced area of the i lighting system, is: (a) if the serviced area is of a type listed in column 2 of Schedule 4—the annual operating hours specified in column 3 for that type of serviced area; or (b) otherwise (in which case the service area will be of a type listed in column 2 of Schedule 5)—the annual operating hours specified in column 3 for that type of service area.

th th FLC,i,j, for the j lamp or luminarie of the i lighting system following the completion of the upgrade, is: (a) if the lamp or luminaire is controlled by a lighting control device of a kind specified by column 2 of Schedule 6 that falls within the definition in column 3 of that Schedule—the lighting control factor for the device specified by column 4 of that Schedule; or (b) otherwise—1.

FAC,i is: (a) if the serviced area was air conditioned on more than half of the full days in the reporting period during which the ith upgraded lighting system was upgraded and fully operational—the air conditioning factor specified by column 3 of Schedule 7 for the applicable climate zone in column 2; or (b) otherwise—1.

13 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT —Reporting, notification and recordkeeping requirements Note Other reporting, notification, recordkeeping and monitoring requirements are set out in regulations and rules made under the Act.

—Offsets report requirements

Operation of this Division For paragraph 106(3)(a) of the Act, this Division sets out information that must be included in an offsets report about a lighting upgrade project that is an eligible offsets project.

Information that must be included in an offsets report An offsets report for a reporting period must identify each lighting system included in a calculation undertaken in accordance with Part 4 for the reporting period. Each lighting system must be identified by: the location of the lighting system in the form approved by the Regulator; and the type of serviced area. For each lighting system, the report must either provide the following additional information, or refer to an earlier offsets report in which the information was provided: the serviced area of the lighting system, including: its type; and for a lighting system other than a public lighting system—its size; a description of the baseline lighting equipment; a description of any new lighting equipment that was added to the lighting system; the date when the lighting upgrade was commissioned; any lighting equipment installed in the lighting system in addition to the equipment described for the purposes of section . For a public lighting system: the requirement in paragraphs (2)(a) and 3(b) may be satisfied by providing, with the offsets reports, a record of the public lighting inventory as it stood immediately before the commencement of the lighting upgrade; and the requirements in paragraphs 3(c) and (e) may be satisfied by providing, with the offsets report, a record of the public lighting inventory for the reporting period. For a lighting system that was included in calculations for an earlier reporting period, but is not included in calculations for this reporting period, the report must state: (a) the reason for the exclusion; and (b) whether the exclusion is temporary or permanent. If, in the circumstances described in paragraph 6(2)(b), a factor or parameter is defined or calculated for a reporting period by reference to an instrument or writing as in force from time to time, the offsets report about the project for the reporting period must include the following information for the factor or parameter: the versions of the instrument or writing used; the start and end dates of each use; the reasons why it was not possible to define or calculate the factor or parameter by reference to the instrument or writing as in force at the end of the reporting period. EXPOSURE DRAFT

—Notification requirements

Operation of this Division For paragraph 106(3)(b) of the Act, this Division sets out requirements to notify certain matters relating to the project to the Regulator.

Notification requirements The project proponent must notify the Regulator of any safety or product performance issues that have been identified with lighting equipment installed or proposed to be installed in relation to the project within 30 days after the proponent becomes aware of that issue.

— Recordkeeping requirements

Operation of this Division For paragraph 106(3)(c) of the Act, this Division sets out recordkeeping requirements for a lighting upgrade project that is an eligible offsets project.

Recordkeeping requirements The project proponent for the project must keep a record of the matters listed in Schedule 8.

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EXPOSURE DRAFT —Dividing a lighting upgrade project

Division of project for reporting purposes For subsection 77A(2) of the Act, the project may be divided into parts, each of which is 1 or more lighting systems. EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 1—Lamp and Luminaire types Note See also section 7.

Lamp and luminaire type definitions Item Type Definition 1 T12 linear fluorescent lamp A double-capped fluorescent lamp as defined by AS/NZS (also known as a T38 linear 4782.1 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance fluorescent lamp) specifications with a tube diameter of 38.1mm. 2 T8 linear fluorescent lamp A double-capped fluorescent lamp as defined by AS/NZS (also known as a T26 linear 4782.1 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance fluorescent lamp) specifications with a tube diameter of 25.4mm. 3 T5 linear fluorescent lamp A double-capped fluorescent lamp as defined by AS/NZS (also known as a T16 linear 4782.1 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance fluorescent lamp) specifications with a tube diameter of 15.9mm. But does not include a T5 linear fluorescent lamp that is installed in a luminaire that is not specifically designed for use with that lamp (for example, by using a T5 adaptor kit). 4 T8 or T9 circular fluorescent A circular double-capped fluorescent lamp as defined by lamp (also known as a T29 AS/NZS 4782.1 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – circular fluorescent lamp) Performance specifications with a tube diameter of 28.6mm. 5 T5 circular fluorescent lamp A circular double-capped fluorescent lamp as defined by AS/NZS 4782.1 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance specifications with a tube diameter of 15.9mm. But does not include a T5 linear fluorescent lamp that is installed in a luminaire that is not specifically designed for use with that lamp (for example, by using a T5 adaptor kit). 6 Compact fluorescent lamp An externally ballasted single-capped fluorescent lamp as with non-integrated ballast defined by AS/NZS 60901 Single-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance specifications. The lamp may include an internal means of starting and pre-heated cathodes. 7 Compact fluorescent lamp A self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamp as defined by with integrated ballast AS/NZS 4847 Self- ballasted lamps for general lighting services. 8 Tungsten halogen lamp A tungsten halogen lamp as defined by AS 4934 (240V) Incandescent lamps for general lighting service, with a rated voltage of 240V. 9 ELV tungsten halogen lamp A tungsten halogen lamp (item 8), with an ELV rating, typically 12V. These lamps run off an extra-low voltage lighting converter as defined by AS 4879.1 Performance of transformers and electronic step-down convertors for ELV lamps—Test method—Energy performance. 10 ELV infrared coated A tungsten halogen lamp (item 8) with an ELV rating halogen lamp where the halogen globe is coated with a reflective infrared coating to improve the efficiency of the globe. 11 Metal halide lamp A discharge lamp classified as a metal halide lamp as defined by IEC 61167 Metal halide lamps – Performance specification.

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EXPOSURE DRAFT Lamp and luminaire type definitions Item Type Definition 12 Mercury vapour lamp A discharge lamp classified as a high-pressure mercury vapour lamp as defined by IEC 60188 High-pressure mercury vapour lamps – Performance specifications. 13 High pressure sodium (HPS) A discharge lamp classified as a high pressure sodium lamp vapour lamp as defined by IEC 60662 High-pressure sodium vapour lamps. 14 Street light A luminaire used to illuminate roads and public spaces as referred to in AS 1158 Lighting for roads and public spaces or AS/NZS 60598.2.3 Luminaires—Particular requirements —Luminaires for road and street lighting 15 Emergency lighting A luminaire used to provide emergency escape lighting or exit signage as defined by AS 2293.1: Emergency escape lighting and exit signs for buildings. 16 Traffic signal lantern A traffic signal lantern as defined in AS 2144: Traffic signal lanterns. 17 ELV LED lamp A light emitting diode lamp that runs off an extra-low voltage lighting converter as defined by AS 4879.1 Performance of transformers and electronic step-down convertors for ELV lamps. 18 240V LED lamp A self-ballasted light emitting diode lamp as defined by IEC 62560 Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V, with a rated voltage of 240V. 19 Induction luminaire A luminaire containing a gas discharge lamp in which the power required to generate light is transferred from outside the lamp envelope to the gas via electromagnetic induction. 20 Integrated photovoltaic An assembled unit containing: luminaire unit (a) a luminaire; and (b) a battery; and (c) photovoltaic cells; that does not consume electricity from an external source.

Note: The addditionality requirements mean that a project cannot include an integrated photovoltaic luminaire unit that is attracting subsidies or credits under another government program. EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 2—Control gear types Note See also section 7.

Control gear type definitions Item Type Definition 1 Electronic ballast An alternating current supplied electronic ballast as defined in AS/NZS 4783 Performance of electrical lighting equipment – Ballasts for fluorescent lamps—Method of measurement to determine energy consumption and performance of ballast-lamp circuits. 2 Magnetic ballast A ferromagnetic ballast as defined in AS/NZS 4783 Performance of electrical lighting equipment – Ballasts for fluorescent lamps—Method of measurement to determine energy consumption and performance of ballast-lamp circuits. 3 Magnetic ballast (reactor An electromagnetic ballast that uses an inductor or type) autotransformer to limit the current and provide the voltage necessary to ignite the lamp. These ballasts do not include any means of regulating the light output. 4 Magnetic ballast (constant An electromagnetic ballast that uses a combination of wattage type) inductive and capacitive components to provide a regulated power output (constant wattage) to the lamp. 5 Electronic transformer An electronic step-down convertor as defined in AS/NZS 4879.1 Performance of transformers and electronic step- down convertors for ELV lamps - Test method - Energy performance. 6 Magnetic transformer A magnetic isolating transformer as defined in AS/NZS 4879.1 Performance of transformers and electronic step- down convertors for ELV lamps - Test method - Energy performance. 7 Voltage reduction unit A device that reduces the voltage applied to the lighting circuit after start-up, when used with magnetically ballasted discharge luminaires.

19 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 3—Lamp circuit power

Lamp circuit power Item Lamp or luminaire types Control gear Lamp circuit (see Schedule 1) (see Schedule 2) power (watts) 1 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Electronic ballast, EEI = A1 NLP + 2 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent lamp 2 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Electronic ballast, EEI = A2 NLP or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent lamp 3 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Electronic ballast, EEI = A3 NLP + 2 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent lamp 4 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Electronic ballast, EEI not NLP + 2 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent marked lamp 5 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Magnetic ballast, EEI = B1 NLP + 6 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent lamp 6 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Magnetic ballast, EEI = B2 NLP + 8 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent lamp 7 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Magnetic ballast, EEI = C NLP + 10 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent lamp 8 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Magnetic ballast, EEI = D NLP + 12 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent lamp 9 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Magnetic ballast, EEI not NLP + 10 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent marked lamp 10 T5 linear fluorescent lamp or Electronic ballast, EEI = A1 1.13 × NLP + 2.5 T5 circular fluorescent lamp 11 T5 linear fluorescent lamp or Electronic ballast, EEI = A2 1.08 × NLP + 1.5 T5 circular fluorescent lamp 12 T5 linear fluorescent lamp or Electronic ballast, EEI = A3 1.13 × NLP + 2.5 T5 circular fluorescent lamp 13 T5 linear fluorescent lamp or Electronic ballast, EEI not 1.13 × NLP + 2.5 T5 circular fluorescent lamp marked 14 Compact fluorescent lamp with Electronic ballast, EEI = A1 NLP + 3 non-integrated ballast 15 Compact fluorescent lamp with Electronic ballast, EEI = A2 NLP + 1 non-integrated ballast 16 Compact fluorescent lamp with Electronic ballast, EEI = A3 NLP + 3 non-integrated ballast 17 Compact fluorescent lamp with Electronic ballast, no EEI NLP + 3 non-integrated ballast marked 18 Compact fluorescent lamp with Magnetic ballast, EEI = B1 NLP + 5 non-integrated ballast 19 Compact fluorescent lamp with Magnetic ballast, EEI = B2 NLP + 7 EXPOSURE DRAFT

Lamp circuit power Item Lamp or luminaire types Control gear Lamp circuit (see Schedule 1) (see Schedule 2) power (watts) non-integrated ballast 20 Compact fluorescent lamp with Magnetic ballast, EEI = C NLP + 9 non-integrated ballast 21 Compact fluorescent lamp with Magnetic ballast, EEI = D NLP + 11 non-integrated ballast 22 Compact fluorescent lamp with Magnetic ballast, no EEI NLP + 9 non-integrated ballast marked 23 Compact fluorescent lamp with Built in NLP integrated ballast 24 240V tungsten halogen lamp Built in NLP 25 ELV tungsten halogen lamp or Magnetic transformer 1.25 × NLP ELV infrared coated halogen (however, if NLP is lamp greater than 35 watts, NLP is taken to be 35 watts) 26 ELV tungsten halogen lamp or Electronic transformer 1.08 × NLP ELV infrared coated halogen (however, if NLP is lamp greater than 35 watts, NLP is taken to be 35 watts) 27 Metal halide lamp Magnetic ballast (reactor type) 1.05 × NLP + 14 28 Metal halide lamp Magnetic ballast (constant 1.07 × NLP + 22 wattage type) 29 Metal halide lamp Electronic ballast 1.10 × NLP + 0.9 30 Mercury vapour lamp Magnetic ballast 1.03 × NLP + 11 31 High pressure sodium lamp Magnetic ballast 1.05 × NLP + 13 32 ELV LED lamp Built in + magnetic 1.25 × NLP transformer 33 ELV LED lamp Built in + electronic 1.08 × NLP transformer 34 240V LED lamp Built in NLP 35 Induction luminaire Built in NLP 36 T8 or T12 linear fluorescent lamp Magnetic ballast + voltage LCP x (OV ÷ 230)2 or T8 or T9 circular fluorescent reduction unit lamp or compact fluorescent lamp where: with non-integrated ballast or mercury vapour lamp or high LCP is the lamp pressure sodium lamp circuit power of the relevant lamp with a magnetic ballast specified in this table; and

OV is the output

21 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT Lamp circuit power Item Lamp or luminaire types Control gear Lamp circuit (see Schedule 1) (see Schedule 2) power (watts) voltage of the voltage reduction unit selected or measured after installation. EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 4—Annual operating hours for type of serviced area – specific kind of area Note This Schedule applies to specific kinds of areas and Schedule 5 applies to general areas.

Annual operating hours for types of serviced area—specific kinds of area Item Type of serviced area Annual Operating Hours (hours per annum) 1 Auditorium, church or public hall or the like 2,000 2 Board room or conference room 3,000 3 Common rooms, spaces and corridors in a 7,000 BCA Class 2 building 4 Control room, switch room, or the like See the annual operating hours (hours per annum) listed in Schedule 5 for the BCA building classification that applies to the serviced area. 5 Corridors See the annual operating hours (hours per annum) listed in Schedule 5 for the BCA building classification that applies to the serviced area. 6 Courtroom 2,000 7 A dormitory of a BCA Class 3 building used 3,000 for sleeping only or sleeping and study 8 An entry lobby outside a building See the annual operating hours (hours per annum) listed in Schedule 5 for the BCA building classification that applies to the serviced area. 9 Area serviced by an emergency escape 8,760 lighting or exit signs for buildings 10 Health-care— children's ward, examination 6,000 room, patient ward, all patient care areas including corridors where cyanosis lamps are used 11 Kitchen or food preparation area See the annual operating hours (hours per annum) listed in Schedule 5 for the BCA building classification that applies to the serviced area. 12 Laboratory—artificially lit to an ambient 3,000 level of 400 lx or more 13 Library—stack and shelving area, reading 3,000 room and general areas 14 Lounge area for communal use in a BCA 7,000 Class 3 building or BCA Class 9c aged care building 15 The circulation, cleaning and service lighting 2,000 of a museum or gallery 16 An office 3,000

23 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT Annual operating hours for types of serviced area—specific kinds of area Item Type of serviced area Annual Operating Hours (hours per annum) 17 A plant room See the annual operating hours (hours per annum) listed in Schedule 5 for the BCA building classification that applies to the serviced area. 18 A restaurant, café, bar, hotel lounge or other 5,000 space used for the purpose of serving and consuming food or drinks 19 A retail space, including a space in a 5,000 museum or gallery used for the purpose of selling objects 20 A road or public space 4350 21 A general purpose learning area or tutorial 3,000 room of a school 22 A sole-occupancy unit of a BCA Class 3 3,000 building 23 a sole-occupancy unit of a BCA Class 9c 6,000 aged care building 24 Storage 5,000 25 A service area, cleaner's room or the like See the annual operating hours (hours per within a building annum) listed in Schedule 5 for the BCA building classification that applies to the serviced area. 26 A toilet, locker room, staff room, rest room See the annual operating hours (hours per or the like annum) listed in Schedule 5 for the BCA building classification that applies to the serviced area. 27 Area served by traffic signal lantern 8,760 28 Wholesale storage or display area 5,000 EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 5—Annual operating hours for type of serviced area – general area

Annual operating hours for types of serviced area—general areas Item Type of serviced area Annual Operating Hours (hours per annum) 1 BCA Class 2 buildings (Common Areas) 7,000 2 BCA Class 3 buildings (Common Areas) 7,000 3 BCA Class 3 buildings (other than Common 3,000 Areas) 4 BCA Class 5 buildings 3,000 5 BCA Class 6 buildings 5,000 6 BCA Class 7 buildings 5,000 7 BCA Class 7A (open air car parks) 4,500 8 BCA Class 7A (undercover car parks) 7,000 9 BCA Class 8 buildings (other than ANZSIC 3,000 Division C, Manufacturing) 10 BCA Class 8 buildings (ANZSIC Division 5,000 C, Manufacturing) 11 BCA Class 9a and 9c buildings 6,000 12 BCA Class 9b buildings 2,000 13 BCA Class 10b buildings 1,000 14 Other place not mentioned in Schedule 4 or 1,000 this Schedule

25 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 6—Lighting Control Factors

Lighting control factors Item Lighting control device Definition Lighting control factor 1 Occupancy sensor (not for item 20 A device that: 0·7 of Schedule 4) (a) uses a motion sensor to detect the presence of a person in an illuminated space and responds by adjusting the light output of a lamp or luminaire; and (b) controls no more than 6 lamps or luminaires. 2 Occupancy sensor (item 20 of A device that: 0.5 Schedule 4 only) (a) uses a motion sensor to detect the presence of a person in an illuminated space and responds by adjusting the light output of a lamp or luminaire; and (b) controls no more than 6 lamps or luminaires. 3 Daylight-linked sensor A device that: 0.7 (a) uses a photoelectric cell to measure ambient daylight levels to automatically vary the light out of a lamp or luminaire; and (b) is located close to a significant source of daylight. 4 Programmable dimmer A device that: 0·85 (a) controls the light output of a luminaire to pre-selected light levels (scenes) which are automatically selected according to time of day, photoelectric cell or occupancy sensor; and (b) the scene reduces lighting power. 5 Manual dimmer A device that allows a user to 0.9 control the light output of a luminaire using a knob, slider or other manual input mechanism or by manually selecting a pre- programmed light level. 6 Programmable dimmer and manual A combination of item 3 0.76 dimmer (programmable dimmer) and item 4 (manual dimmer) where all lamps in the lighting system EXPOSURE DRAFT

Lighting control factors Item Lighting control device Definition Lighting control factor are connected to a programmable dimmer and manual dimmer. 7 Multi-modal lighting (item 7 Any lighting equipment that 0.3 Schedule 5 parking area only) operates in two or more lamp circuit power modes 8 Multi-modal lighting (item 7 Any lighting equipment that 0.2 Schedule 5 firestairs only) operates in two or more lamp circuit power modes 9 Multi-modal lighting (item 4 Any lighting equipment that 0.25 Schedule 5 for carpark only) operates in two or more lamp circuit power modes. 10 Multi-modal lighting (item 4 Any lighting equipment that 0.02 Schedule 5 for fire stairs – operates in two or more lamp emergency only) circuit power modes 11 Multi-modal lighting (item 4 Any lighting equipment that 0.1 Schedule 5 for fire stairs – general operates in two or more lamp access only) circuit power modes 12 Other combination of devices Any combination of 2 or more 0.6 of the control systems listed in items 1 to 5 other than the combination in item 6

27 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 7—Air conditioning factors

Air conditioning factors Item NCC Climate zone Air conditioning factor 1 Climate zone 1—High humidity summer, warm winter 1.25 2 Climate zone 2—Warm humid summer, mild winter 1.18 3 Climate zone 3—Hot dry summer, warm winter 1.19 4 Climate zone 4—Hot dry summer, cool winter 1.08 5 Climate zone 5—Warm temperate 1.10 6 Climate zone 6—Mild temperate 1.05 7 Climate zone 7—Cool temperate 1.02 8 Climate zone 8—Alpine 1.02 EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 8—Recording keeping requirements

Record keeping requirements Item Lighting data 1 The location of each lighting system in the form approved by the Regulator and the serviced area for that lighting system described using maps, street addresses, schematic diagrams or plans, as appropriate. 2 For a public lighting system that elects to use device load values in subsection 20(2), the requirement in item 1 may be satisfied by maintaining a public lighting inventory. 3 The type of serviced area and any other information that may be required to determine the type of serviced area, including where relevant: (a) the BCA building classification; or (b) for a public lighting system—the appropriate road or public space classification in accordance with AS/NZS 1158 Lighting for roads and public spaces. 4 Whether the serviced area is air conditioned. 5 The NCC climate zone of each lighting system. Baseline data 6 A stamped photograph of each type of baseline lighting equipment in each serviced area. 7 For a lighting system other than a public lighting system that elects to use device load values in subsection (2)—the layout of the serviced area of the lighting system before the commencement of the project evidence by stamped photographs. 8 For a lighting system other than a public lighting system that elects to use device load values in subsection (2)—the following records: (a) either: (i) a schematic diagram or plan of the location of all baseline lighting equipment in each serviced area; or (ii) a schedule listing all baseline lighting equipment in each serviced area; (b) either: (i) an electrical circuit diagram of the connections between baseline control gear and other baseline lighting equipment; or (ii) a schedule listing the connections between baseline control gear and other baseline lighting equipment; (c) the nominal lamp power of each lamp or luminaire that is baseline lighting equipment, supported by any of the following evidence: (i) product specifications publically released by the manufacturer; (ii) standard test reports; (iii) a manufacturer’s declaration of the nominal lamp power (iv) a stamped photograph of the lamp or luminaire that includes the nominal lamp power recorded on the lamp or luminaire. 9 For a public lighting system that elects to use device load values in subsection (2)—a public lighting inventory. Project data 10 A stamped photograph of each type of project lighting equipment in each serviced area. 11 For a lighting system other than a public lighting system that elects to use device load values in subsection (2)—the layout of the lighting system following the completion of the lighting upgrade evidenced by stamped photographs taken from the same positions as the photographs 29 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Commercial and Public Lighting) Methodology Determination 2015

EXPOSURE DRAFT Record keeping requirements Item in item 7. 12 For a lighting system other than a public lighting system that elects to use device load values in subsection (2)—the following records: (a) either: (i) a schematic diagram or plan of the location of all project lighting equipment in each serviced area; or (ii) a schedule listing the location of all project lighting equipment in each serviced area; (b) either: (i) an electrical circuit diagram of the connections between project control gear and other project lighting equipment; or (ii) a schedule listing the connections between project control gear and other project lighting equipment; (c) the nominal lamp power of each lamp or luminaire that is project lighting equipment supported by any of the following evidence: (i) product specifications publically released by the manufacture; (ii) standard test reports; (ii) a manufacturer’s declaration of the nominal lamp power (iv) a stamped photograph of the lamp or luminaire that includes the nominal lamp power recorded on the lamp or luminaire. 13 For a public lighting system that elects to use device load values in subsection (2)—a public lighting inventory. 14 The date that each lighting system commenced operating after the completion of a lighting upgrade for that system. 15 Any project lighting equipment that is decommissioned, replaced or maintained by any person that has an effect (whether individually or with other lighting equipment), that is not minor or trivial, on the carbon abatement for the lighting system. 16 A description of any replacement lighting equipment that has an effect (whether individually or with other lighting equipment), that is not minor or trivial, on the carbon abatement for the lighting system, including the following: (a) the impact of the replacement lighting equipment on energy consumption; (b) for equipment that is a lamp or luminaire—the nominal lamp power or device load value, as applicable. 17 The disposal of lighting equipment, including evidence that the disposal was conducted in accordance with section 12 and any other applicable legislative requirements. 18 If subsection 11(2) applies to lighting equipment—a copy of the Certificate of Conformity and a record that the equipment was listed on the Electrical Equipment Safety System National Database (for example, a photograph of the Regulatory Compliance Mark on the equipment).

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