I Took the Little Scroll from the Angel's Hand and Ate It

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I Took the Little Scroll from the Angel's Hand and Ate It

without air conditioning. Sometimes you may even be expected to sit on uncomfortable wooden pews. Well, say goodbye to all such misery and welcome to the Daytona Beach Drive-In Christian Church in Florida. It’s a place for sun, surf and sermons. At this church, people park in rows on the grass facing an altar on the balcony of an old drive-in movie theater. To hear the service, they switch on their radios. Communion Sunday? No problem! Parishioners in their cars drink wine from plastic ramekins with tiny rectangles of bread under the lids. As they do so, the radio pipes out “I took the little scroll from the angel's instructions over soft organ music: "Remove this hand and ate it. inner lid and, holding this cup, join me in prayer." Rev. 10:10 The official newsletter published periodically by Some parishioners insist that the drive-in the First Baptist Church of Coraopolis, PA approach is perfect for those who have trouble 1443 Coraopolis Heights Road walking or for antsy children who enjoy the open Coraopolis, PA 15108 space. Others say they revel in the ocean air and 412-264-2520 Church office www.firstbaptistchurchofcoraopolis.org Florida sunshine. Still others appreciate that the Church Secretary Email: firstbaptmoon.net church welcomes the whole family; including pets Pastor’s Email: [email protected] who, when ushers hand out Communion, also To be added or deleted from the mailing list just receive doggie treats. At the close of the service give us a call, or send us an email. things get even livelier when people use their car horns to "clap." Those who want human interaction can then gather in the fellowship hall, “Save Money, which used to be the theater's concession stand. Live Better” Today, it offers a service that puts Starbucks to shame: “The Doughnut Hour.”

Now if you think that there is not a rational defense for all this appeal, think again. Proponents of “the Wal-Mart Church” are likely to contend, “Isn’t it better to have these people in church on “The Wal-Mart Church” their own terms than not at all?” Furthermore, Coming Soon Near You even Jesus often condemned the religious leaders by Mark E. Heiner, Pastor for their dead formalism in the worship of God. Why not be a little more creative to reach the next The more we hear about the decline of the generation that has found the old the traditional mainline church in America, the more we hear way of “doing church” passe and are simply more about the rise of what author David Wells has aptly “creature comfort” conscious? dubbed “The Wal-Mart Church.” The Wal-Mart Church is a euphemism for the increasingly popular So much of the insecurity and confusion in the trend of making “church” culturally appealing to church today would be resolved if we only read the the senses. It recognizes that ours is a consumer Bible. A word that is becoming rarer each day in driven age where “the consumer is king.” The idea modern Christendom is the word “theology.” is that the appetites and expectations of people are Theology is the study of God. If you study the constantly shifting and when people can’t find Bible, the ultimate textbook for not only for what they are looking for in one place of business theologians and pastors, but also for the church or worship they will seek out another who will member in the pew, we discover the truth about “give ‘em what they want.” The implication for the God and what God desires. That should after all be church is that we must be much more sensitive and our preeminent concern, should it not? responsive to what people want in order to attract and keep them in the church. The church has to In Job 13:15 we find a remarkably deep move with the times implementing social media, confession of faith coming from the lips of the less- convenient services, different music, and even known yet ancient patriarch, Job. Job said, cancelling services which conflict with high profile “Though he slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Given sporting events such as Nascar. the incredible grief, sickness and hardships which befell this man of faith one would expect a very

For example, when most people drive to different response. Yet, in order to develop Job’s church on Sunday, they expect to sit for at least an faith, God moved him toward pain rather than hour long service, usually inside a sanctuary with or pleasure. God is not in the business of making spiritual more than amply rewarded in heaven where the playboys but soldiers willing “to endure all things streets are paved with gold and there is no night. for the sake of the elect” (2 Timothy 2:10). Does that sound offensive? So what? After providing “roadside service” in the form of 5000 lunches for people at one of His services, many followed Jesus to the other side of the sea. Jesus told them, “The only reason you’re following me is because you got a full stomach at the last service” (the Heiner translation). The aim of the Christian faith is Welcome Gabrielle Martin! spiritual truth not physical comfort or convenience. New Church Organist/Accompanist Never does the truth of God accommodate itself to joining the Music Ministry Team at FBCC! our soft and silly expectations. Garbriel Martin is a 2010 graduate of Grove City There is an old adage which says, “A mule College in Sacred Music (magna cum laude) and dressed in a tuxedo is still a mule.” Mules are has previously served in several churches as both stubborn by nature and so is sin. It can’t be coaxed organist and pianist. Gabriel has also worked as out of a person’s nature by indulgence. Instead it an Christian Elementary School Teacher in Troy must be confronted with hard realities which go NY, and has led music class for school aged against our natural grain. children. Gabriel currently resides on Westbury Drive in The nineteenth century Danish philosopher Moon Twp. and is the mother of a very active Soren Kierkegaard once commented on an little guy Josiah who is 1 year old. Gabriel will experience he had in worship: officially begin on May 17th and we are delighted "I went into church and sat on the velvet pew. I to welcome her to the music ministry team at watched as the sun came shining through the FBCC. stained glass windows. The minister dressed in a velvet robe opened the golden gilded Bible, marked it with a silk bookmark and said, "If any man will be my disciple, said Jesus, let him deny himself, take Welcome New Members up his cross, sell what he has, give it to the poor, and follow me." "And I looked around and nobody David Cattley by Believer’s Baptism was laughing.” How tragic, no one else saw the Christopher Barr by Believer’s Baptism inconsistency. Tammy Barr by Believer’s Baptism

The question the church of the 21st century needs to be asking is not how can we make our Upcoming Events worship more palatable to the modern man bent on avoiding the unpleasant, but how can we model May 3, Right Hand of Fellowship the extreme commitment to Christ that will show Dave Cattley, Christopher Barr & Tammy Barr all of that when it comes to following Jesus Christ we whom were baptized on Palm Sunday at FBCC. mean business. May 7, National Day of Prayer a service will be held at the Coraopolis Gazebo at 7-8:15 PM led When Julius Caesar landed on the by lay and clergy from the area. shores of Britain with his Roman May 9, Walk for Life sponsored by the Choices legions, he took a bold and decisive Pregnancy Center. Walk begins 10 AM at the step to ensure the success of his Coraopolis Gazebo military venture. Ordering his men to May 10, Mother’s Day march to the edge of the Cliffs of Dover, he May 24, Pentecost Sunday commanded them to look down at the water May 31, Hymnspiration Sunday, 7:00 PM below. To their amazement, they saw every ship in which they had crossed the channel engulfed in June 25-29, Annual Vacation Bible School flames. Caesar had deliberately cut off any July 5, Annual Church Picnic in the pavilion possibility of retreat. Now that his soldiers were immediately after Sunday Morning Worship in the unable to return to the continent, there was Pavilion. nothing left for them to do but to advance and conquer! And that is exactly what they did. How about you and me? To one fellow who came to “ Jesus to apply for discipleship, Jesus replied, "Foxes Too many Christians get lost in have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man the wilderness between Easter has no place to lay his head” (Luke 9:58). While it’s and Pentecost.” true that the cost of following Christ has its -Philip Hinerman inconvenience, for those who decide, all sacrifice is August 16 th - The Board of Trustees

th EVERY WEDNESDAY September 20 - The Board of Deacons

October 18 th - “Gifts” S.S. Class 12:30 & 7:00 pm The purpose of the Sunday School breakfasts is to “THE encourage newcomers to join us and to remind everyone of the importance of studying God’s word GOSPEL OF MATTHEW regularly and systematically. FBCC RECEIVES $10,000 “Study to show thyself BEQUEST Earlier this year the FBCC approved…” received a $10,000 bequest from 2 Timothy 2:15 the recently closed Mooncrest Community Baptist In Memoriam Church. FBCC was Nadia Tate instrumental in the early August 14,1962 – January 11, 2015 formative days of the Mooncrest CBC and, therefore, we are saddened to see the church Helen Johnson close. However, we are deeply grateful to May 2, 1924 – January 29, 2015 God for the fact that the Lord allowed us to play a small part in the life of that church, Audrey W. Evans and we appreciate the kindness of our December 28, 1922 – February 1, 2015 brothers and sisters in Christ for their Susan A. Cunningham profound generosity in remembering FBCC March 19, 1954 – March 24, 2015 with this gift. Eleanor Schwenk Church Constitution & Bylaws December 17, 1932 – April 5, 2015 “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from Revision Committee Update now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from The Revisions Committee has been their labor, for their deeds will follow them." Rev. 14:13 pouring over the existing church constitution and bylaws for several months making some long overdue corrections, improvements, clarification and changes. We are coming to the end of the revisioning process and are looking Spring Clean-Up Day forward to bringing the document back April 11th to the congregation for consideration. As soon as everything is in order and the lose ends are tightened up, we will Thanks to everyone announce a meeting for this purpose. who assisted with a Stay tuned! very productive work week & day in which many chores were accomplished inside and outside the meetinghouse. Through the SUNDAY SCHOOL summer months when the work load increases significantly with mowing and other work 2015 BREAKFAST SCHEDULE projects we appre-ciate anyone willing to help. If All breakfasts 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM you would like to know how and where you can assist, just see a member of the Board of Trustees. Thanks again to everyone! Ryan Copeland, Chair May 10 th Mother’s Day - Board of Christian Ed Maintenance & Improvements st June 21 Father’s Day - Board of Christian You may have noticed the new cosmetic Ed improvements to the men’s and women’s restrooms downstairs. The Trustees continue to tackle jobs inside and outside July 19 th - “Cornerstone” S.S. Class and are open to your suggestions for items Pianist which need maintenance attention. Please fill out a “Trustee Report Form” found on Crew Leaders the top of the interoffice mailboxes at the Registration Table person West Corridor Entrance. Also, feel free to notify the Trustees if you are available to Workshop Leaders: pick up a paintbrush or to help with any of the many jobs inside and outside our Potter meetinghouse. Thanks Much! Soldier Questions! See a Member of the Board Seamstress of Trustees Farmer Fisherman Shepherd “No man is poor who has Missions had Carpenter a godly mother.” Abraham Lincoln, *………..Snack Time Helpers 16h Presdent o f the United Contact: Ashley Campbell States of America Heather Pozzo

“faith Now” Preparation Workshops with lunch provided are immediately after the June 22-26th Sunday morning worship services on: May 3rd

May 17th First May 24th Check back weekly to see the Baptist changes to this list as God moves in the hearts of His people to do His work. Church Community Events

Moon Twp & Coraopolis Coraopolis, PA

“Lord, Hear Our Cry” 6-8:30 PM The National Day of Prayer May 7, 2015 @ 7:00 PM Each @ Coraopolis Gazebo Pastor Heiner will deliver evening the “Prayer for the Church”

The Board of Christian Education is busy with preparations for this year’s program to bring the word and love of Walk for Life God to children in this area of western Choices Pregnancy Center Pittsburgh. May 9, 2015 @ 9-12 Noon The following positions need to be filled and offer you the opportunity to be Meet at FBCC at 8:45 AM engaged in reaching the next Registration: 9:00 AM generation for Christ. Walk: 10:00 AM WE NEED YOU SOMEWHERE… Celebration Leader 2015 High School Baccalaureate Services June 2nd Cornell High School @ United Methodist Church of Coraopolis 7:00 PM June 4th Moon Area High School @ St. Margaret Mary RCC, Moon Twp 7:00 PM These services are sponsored by the West Hills Ministerial Association

PENTECOST – MAY 24TH Power can be used in at least two ways: it can be unleashed, or it can be harnessed. The energy in ten gallons of gasoline, for instance, can be released explosively by dropping a lighted match into the can. Or it can be channeled through the engine of a SUBARU in a controlled burn and used to transport a person 350 miles. Explosions are spectacular, but controlled burns have lasting effect, staying power.

The Holy Spirit works both ways. At Pentecost, he exploded on the scene; His presence was like "tongues of fire" (Acts 2:3). Thousands were affected by one burst of God's power. But He also works through the church-- the institution God began to tap the Holy Spirit's power for the long haul. Through worship, fellowship, and service, Christians are provided with staying power.


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