Chapter Guide to State FFA Activities s1
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Chapter Guide to State FFA Activities Last revised September 2015
Introduction to Horticulture CDE Any member found cheating in any state-level career development event will result in total team Purpose disqualification for that event. The Introduction to Horticulture Career Development Event is unique to North Carolina in Calculators used for this event must be only basic which only first-year horticulture students may five function (add, subtract, multiply, divide, and participate. The event is designed to allow square root only) calculators. Possession of students to demonstrate their proficiency in plant scientific calculators and other programmable identification, weed and pest identification and calculators or other non-basic calculator by any general horticultural knowledge. team member shall result in a team disqualification. Sponsor The Introduction to Horticulture CDE is At the North Carolina FFA State Convention, sponsored by North Carolina Nursery and participation in more than one FFA CDE Landscape Association as a special project of the North Carolina FFA Foundation. event is permitted as long as events are not being held concurrently and no special Superintendent previsions are required to facilitate Comments and questions may be directed to Mr. participation with the exception that Jason Davis, State FFA Coordinator, Department parliamentary procedure and public speaking of Agricultural and Extension Education, NCSU, and parliamentary procedure and Creed Campus Box 7654, Raleigh, NC 27695-7654. speaking which are held concurrently will Phone: 919.515.4206 Fax: 919.513.3201 allow dual participation and special Email: [email protected] provisions for flighting.
Eligibility State Career Development Event This event is open to FFA members in good Participation standing who are enrolled in or have taken The appropriate numbers of teams based on event Horticulture I. Students cannot compete if they participation from each region are eligible to are currently enrolled in or have taken compete in the state career development event. Horticulture II. Teams advancing to state event The top three individuals in the regional event are participation must be certified by the regional eligible to participate in the state event as FFA advisor. Members of a previous state individuals regardless of their team placing. winning team are ineligible. Teams and individuals advancing to state event participation must be certified by the regional The top three individuals in the regional event are FFA advisor. eligible to participate in the state event as individuals regardless of their team placing. Dress Code Teams shall consist of four members. Only the Participants are required to follow the North top three scores will count towards the team Carolina FFA Career Development Event Dress total. No alternates are allowed in state events. Code. A ten percent reduction in the total team Any alternate found participating in a state event score will be taken if a participant violates the will result in team disqualification. dress code. Participants are allowed to wear long pants, an appropriate shirt with a collar or an appropriate high school or FFA t-shirt. The use or possession of cellular phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) or any other mobile electronic communication device is prohibited Procedures for Administering the Event during any state-level career development event. Any communication between participants during Any violation of this rule by any team member the event will result in both individuals getting a will result in total team disqualification. zero on that phase of the event. If an individual is suspected of cheating, the participant will be given a personal quiet warning on the first offense 2 and a zero on that phase of the event for any Officials will rotate students second offense in addition to the team being through 5 pest identification stations. disqualified. To expedite the practicum process, the event coordinator may provide Participants are allowed and encouraged to bring more than one set of five pests to identify. and use clipboards in order to hold event score Students may earn a maximum of cards. Clipboards should be examined by an 2 points per pest for a total of 10 points. official prior to the event to determine that they are free of written materials. Regional Event Scoring Maximum Score Regional Event Set-Up The host school will have the responsibility in 100 setting up the career development event, choosing Identification career development event officials, judges and 40 materials according to the following: Knowledge Test 50 Part 1: Identification (40 points) Practicum 20 minutes are allotted for this 10 portion Twenty different plants will be State Event Set-Up chosen from the current list of ID plants and The State FFA Coordinator or horticulture each plant will be numbered. consultant shall be responsible for setting up the Each contestant will be assigned a event, choosing event officials, judges and plant to begin the identification portion of the materials according to the following: event. Each contestant will remain at each plant for one minute then progress on to the Part 1: Identification (80 points) next plant. 40 minutes are allotted for this portion No contestant will be permitted to Forty different plants will be chosen from return to a plant for a second time. the current list of ID plants and each plant Each plant will be worth 2 points. will be numbered. Event officials will grade papers. Each participant will be assigned a plant Grading will be done by giving 2 to begin identification. points for each plant correctly identified. Each participant will remain at each plant If it is observed that a participant for one minute then progress on to the next uses the same number twice, both numbers plant. will be marked incorrect. No participant will be permitted to return to a plant a second time. Part 2: Knowledge Test (50 points) Each plant will be worth 2 points. 25 minutes are allotted for this Grading will be done by giving 2 points portion for each plant correctly identified; if it is A written knowledge test will be observed that a participant uses the same made up of 50 items from the Horticulture I number twice, both numbers will be marked VoCATS Bank. incorrect. Copies of written tests will not be Teachers will grade the papers but should made available to teachers. not grade papers of their own team.
Part 3: Practicum (10 points) Part 2: Knowledge test (100 points) 5 minutes are allotted for this A written test will be made up from the portion North Carolina VoCATS Horticulture I item Each participant will be asked to bank. identify 5 pests. Each question will be valued at one point. Chapter Guide to State FFA Activities Last revised September 2015
Copies of written tests will not be made Identification available to teachers. 80 50 minutes are allotted for this portion Knowledge Test 100 Part 3: Practicum (20 points) Practicum The practicum will consist of the 20 identification of five pests in addition to five multiple-choice questions related to any of the Procedure for Determining the State Event pests identified on the practicum Winner When Scores are Tied identification list. In the event a tie score exists, apply the following To expedite the practicum process, the methods in sequential order until the tie is broken: event coordinator may provide more than one set of five pests to identify. 1. Compare the alternate scores. The lowest team Questions will be based on pest member score is the alternate score. management using the NC Chemical Manual 2. Compare the total team scores for the (At least 15 identical chemical manuals are knowledge followed by the identification recommended for use during this portion of component. The higher scoring team will be the practicum.). determined the winner. Each identified pest is worth two points, 3. If these methods fail to break a tie, co-winners and each multiple-choice question is worth will be declared. two points. No participants will be given extra time. State Awards 30 minutes are allotted for this portion The following awards will be presented annually at the state FFA convention provided sponsorship Time Summary is available: Identification 40 State Winning Team Minutes First place team plaque Knowledge Test 50 Second Place Team Minutes Second place team plaque Practicum 30 Minutes Third Place Team Third place team plaque State Event Scoring Maximum Score High Scoring Individual 200 Plaque
Official Plant Identification List NC FFA Introduction to Horticulture Career Development Event
Plant specimens will be numbered 120 for the Regional Event and 140 for the State Event. Contestant is to write the appropriate number in the space beside the name of the specimen.
Contestant Name______Contestant #______Score______Aracaria heterophylla/Norfolk Island Pine ____Abelia X grandiflora/Glossy Abelia _____Asparagus densiflorus ‘Spengeri”/ Sprengeri Fern _____Acer palmatum/Japanese Maple _____Aucuba japonica/Japanese Aucuba _____Acer rubrum/Red Maple _____Begonia X semperflorens-cultorum/ _____Ageratum mexicanum/Ageratum Wax Begonia _____Ajuga reptans/Ajuga _____Berberis thumbergii/Japanese Barberry 4 _____Betula nigra/River Birch _____Liquidambar styraciflua/Sweetgum _____Buxus sempervirens/Common Boxwood _____Liriope muscari/Liriope (Green or _____Canna X generalis/Canna Varigated cv.) _____Cercis canadensis/Eastern Red Bud/ _____Magnolia grandiflora/Southern Magnolia Judas Tree _____Malus sp. or cv./Flowering Crabapple _____Chlorophytum comosum cv./Spider Plant _____Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana/ _____Chrysantheum morifolium or Dendranthema Prayer Plant X grandiflora/Florist Chrysantheum _____Myrica cerifera/Wax Myrtle _____Chrysantheum X superbum/Shasta Daisy _____Nandina domestica/Heavenly Bamboo _____Coleus X hybridus/Coleus Or Dwarf Nandina _____Cornus florida/Flowering Dogwood _____Nephrolepis exaltata cv./Boston Fern _____X Cupressocyparis leylandii/Leyland Cypress _____Ophiopogon japonicus/Mondo Grass _____Dieffenbachia maculata/Dumbcane _____Pelargonium X hortorum/Geranium _____Epipremnum aureum cv./Golden Pothos _____Pelargonium peltatum/Ivy Leaf Geranium _____Euonymus alata/Winged Enonymus _____Petunia sp/Petunia _____Euonymus japonica or ‘Variegata’/ _____Philodendron scandens var. oxycardium/ Evergreen Euonymus Parlor Ivy _____Euphorbia pulcherrima cv./Poinsettia _____Pinus mugo var. mugo/Mugo Pine _____Ficus benjamina/Weeping or Benjamin Fig _____Pinus strobus/Eastern White Pine _____Ficus elastica ‘Decora’/Decora Rubber Plant _____Pinus Taeda/Loblolly pine _____Forsythia X intermedia/Border Forsythia _____Plectranthus australis/Swedish Ivy _____Hedera helix/English Ivy _____Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’/ _____Hemerocallis cv./Day Lily Japanese Flowering Cherry _____Hosta sp./Hosta _____Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’/Bradford Pear _____Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’/Fosteri Holly _____Quercus palustris/Pin Oak _____Ilex cornuta ‘Dwarf Burford’/ _____Quercus phellow/Willow Oak Dwarf Burford Holly _____Rhododendron catawbiense/Catawba Hybrid _____Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’/Helleri Holly Rhododendron _____Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’/Dwarf Yaupon _____Rhododendron kiusianum or Rhododendron _____Impatiens/Impatiens Cultivars and Hybrids obtusum japonicum/azalea _____Saintpaulia ionantha/Africal Violet _____Salvia splendens/Salvia _____Iris X germanica var. florentine/Bearded Iris _____Schefflera arboricola/Dwarf Schefflera _____Juniperus conferta/Shore Juniper _____Spathiphyllum cvs./Peace Lily _____Juniperus horizontalis ‘Plumosa,’ ‘Bar Harbor,’ _____Tagetes erecta/Africal Marigold or ‘Wiltonii’/Creeping Juniper _____Tradescantia zebrina/Purple Wandering Jew _____Lagerstroemia indica cv./Crape Myrtle _____Viola X wittrockiana/Pansy _____Ligustrum japonicum cb./Japanese Privet Chapter Guide to State FFA Activities Last revised September 2015
North Carolina FFA Association Introduction to Horticulture Practicum – Pest ID List
Contestant Name ______Contestant #______Score______
Pest specimens will be numbered 1-5. Contestant is to write the appropriate number in the space beside the name of the specimen. Each correctly identified pest is worth two points for a total of ten points for the pest identification portion of the event.
Weeds ______Crabgrass Insects ______Chickweed ______Aphid ______Dallisgrass ______Bagworms ______Goose grass ______Caterpillar ______Henbit ______Japanese Beetle ______Oxalis ______Lacebug ______Spurge (prostrate) ______Mealybugs ______White Clover ______Scale ______Wild Garlic ______Spider Mites ______Yellow nutsedge ______Thrips ______White Fly Diseases
______Black Spot ______Chlorosis ______Damping off ______Fireblight ______Powdery Mildew ______Root Rot ______Rust