Notes of the College Liaison Group Meeting
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CLG 11/12/13 Notes
Notes of the College Liaison Group meeting, 11 December 2013, College Development Network, Stirling
Baird Marla Ayrshire College Bass, David Equality Challenge Unit Birney, Nancy Glasgow Clyde College Black, Jean SRUC Cairns, Margaret Stow College Gilchrist, Brian Motherwell College Grant, Susan North East College Hall, Chris Equality Challenge Unit Inglis, Susan Edinburgh College Lawson, Barbara Equality Challenge Unit Leitch, Helen Perth College UHI Marshall, David Glasgow Clyde College Marshall, Suzanne College Development Network Priestley, Fiona Fife College Storey, Caroline College Development Network
1. Welcome and apologies Introductions took place, ECU thanked College Development Network (CDN) for hosting the meeting.
Geraldine announced that a valued CLG member Francis McGeachie, of Coatbridge College, had unexpectedly passed away recently. The group expressed their sadness at this news and passed condolences to Francis’ family and colleagues at Coatbridge.
ACTION: ECU to send a card of condolence from ECU and CLG to Coatbridge College.
2. Notes of the last meeting The draft notes from the meeting held on 10 October meeting were approved by the CLG.
Action - ECU to upload notes to Scottish colleges practitioner network page on ECU website.
4. For information and discussion:
Completed work ECU explained that there were some key messages to share with the sector from the student support services research, which were flagged at the previous CLG. Noted that given the complexity of the topic, the research was not able to provide the protected characteristic specific information, but that it had informed the learner journey projects. Nancy Birney confirmed that the outcomes from the research would still be very useful for colleges and CDN felt that the work on defining student services within the research was important. A short publication will be disseminated in early 2014. Three college delegates had attended a workshop on unconscious bias delivered by ECU. Members who had attended agreed there was good potential and interest for further work in this area, customised for colleges.
Action: ECU to consider a future college event on unconscious bias.
4. ECU briefing paper update Ongoing work Priority 1: Equality in regionalisation; responsibilities opportunities and benefits Mainstreaming equality: delivering on outcomes. Noted that expressions of interest for participating in the first phase must be made by 20 December. Promotional flyers have been mailed out to all colleges. Supporting the outcome agreement process: ECU has recently published guidance for senior mangers on embedding equality within SFC outcome agreements. Priority 2: Robust equality evidence Developing consistent data collection Suzanne Marshall (CDN) provided an update after attending the SFC’s Statistical Advisory Group’s (SAGE) meeting. SAGE’s chair confirmed at this meeting that the recommendations of the CLG could be submitted, and would be considered for inclusion in 2014/15 FES 2 guidance. This guidance will be issued to colleges in December 2013; CDN had forwarded recommendations endorsed by the group but had not received a reply from SAGE at the time of the CLG meeting. Action: ECU to seek an update from SFC on equality data and status of updated FES 2 guidance. Action: SFC to be invited to provide an update on how college principles reported on equality in their SFC outcome agreements. Measuring progress on equality Practices will be gathered through mainstreaming programme activity and shared appropriately. ECU’s guidance on qualitative equality evidence and impact measures will be issued in early 2014. Action: ECU to circulate guidance Priority 3: Supporting colleges to deliver equitable learner journeys Equitable admissions A short-life working group of college admissions leads will be supported by ECU to produce guidance for the sector. Eight colleges have expressed interest in the project. A further call for participation will be circulated in early January. Action: ECU to circulate call for participation. Colleges to contact David Bass if interested in participating in equitable admissions and recruitment project and short-life working group by 20 January. Managing reasonable adjustments A joint CDN/ECU event on reasonable adjustments is planned for late march. The focus is a back to basics approach to administering adjustments. Members indicated that lecturers, along with support staff, would be a key audience to attract. Train the trainer materials on reasonable adjustments are available on the ECU website. While initially intended for HEIs, members thought they could be useful for colleges. Further noted that Edinburgh University have produced materials on reasonable adjustment e.g. 5 key things academic staff could do. ECU train the trainer pack: Anticipating reasonable adjustments: equality and diversity training pack University of Edinburgh materials on implementing reasonable adjustments Employability ECU has met with Education Scotland, SDS and others and is progressing a project examining differential outcomes in employability and readiness for further study of students with protected characteristics. Priority 4: Learning from UK wide HEI work E&D for academics It was agreed after discussion with the CLG that there is a rationale for targeting these materials for academic /teaching staff. Itt was further agreed that they should underline the need for academic staff and support staff to work together in supporting students. Members suggested that factsheets could be disseminated within learning and teaching CPD and staff learning environments. Members said it would be very helpful if they also received this in hard copy. It was mooted that similar materials, targeting support staff, would be welcome, acknowledging their existing expertise , emphasising the benefits from teaching and support staff collaboration highlighting where they could direct their efforts. Actions: Members to advise ECU on the number of hardcopy factsheets required for their college. ECU to publish college specific sheets E&D for teaching staff and distribute electronically to CDN to add to their professional development resources. ECU to provide E&D for teaching staff sheets to colleges both electronically and in hard copy. ECU to consider developing E&D fact sheets for support staff in colleges. Individual support on good relations At the October CLG three colleges had indicated an interest in participating in this work. The ECU lead, Clare Pavitt, is open to receiving further notes of interest; this work begins in February and would involve a tailored discussion with Clare Pavitt in the first instance. It was noted in discussion that this project had been omitted from the Opportunities form. Action: Any member of CLG interested in participating to email Clare Pavitt [email protected] and ECU to add good relations project to opportunities form and re- circulate. Student mental health Chris Brill expressed thanks to all members of the CLG who had contributed their feedback during the development of the survey and their support in sending this out, as initial response had been positive. The survey is open until the end of January. Action: ECU to send further email with links to mental health survey in January. Understanding the interaction of competence standards and reasonable adjustment ECU aim to share the core principles gathered from HEIs across subject areas with colleges. CLG members discussed potential subject areas specific to colleges that would be suitable for including in this research. Members highlighted concerns raised in recruiting students, e.g. with dyslexia for administrative programmes; staff predicted they may require support from work colleagues in employment. Other subject areas suggested included construction, sport, childcare and care. Action: ECU to feedback to Chris Brill CLG members’ suggestions and ideas for college specific subjects: construction, (child) care, administration and sport.
5. CDN Update CDN updated the group on the recent EHRC event on monitoring the performance the Public Sector Equality Duty. It was noted that it was hard to separate college specific feedback as the EHRC grouped FE and HE together. Noted individual college feedback would have been more useful. The EHRC’s framework for assessment was shared with the group so that colleges could self-assess their own equality outcomes. ECU noted that some form of outcome review would naturally be built into the mainstreaming project, ‘Delivering on outcomes, which begins in January. CDN also updated the group on practices a number of colleges had shared on providing prayer rooms in colleges.
Action: ECU to share CDN paper with Clare Pavitt, who leads on religion CDN updated on Scottish Trade Union Congress BME mentoring project, which four colleges have signed up to participate in. The CLG discussed the complaints handling policy (CHP) paper. The initial CHP software development now in use in many colleges had not been scoped to include tracking by equality characteristics or issue and this had been recognised as a missed opportunity. The first version also worked with one MIS system. Suzanne Marshall mentioned that there had been a request for input to inform an update on CHP from CDN. Training was also requested for frontline staff.
Action: ECU to forward email from Colin Buchanan requesting feedback prior to software update to CLG members as soon as possible. Suzanne Marshall reported she had recently delivered a webinar on inclusivity in the curriculum. This had been developed from examples of good practice from CDN analysis of colleges’ mainstreaming report. Action: Suzanne Marshall to circulate link to webinar and collated examples.
6. A.O.B ECU confirmed that there will be three large scale equality focused events tied to the mainstreaming programme that would be open to the sector. These would take the place of a single conference. Dates of future meetings: 19 March and 12 June 2014 Meetings will be held at College Development Network, Stirling.