2005 Beam Pumping System Workshop

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2005 Beam Pumping System Workshop

2005 Beam Pumping Continuing Education Evaluation Form

Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future

Beam Pump 101 – Basic Beam Pumping – Instructor: Tom vanAkkeren  Very informative.  Nothing. It was a   Very good job. Unreadable.  Better equipment good can b e used to get presentation. better production.  All things covered.   Yes.  Enjoyed course very much.  Very good.  None needed.  All lift systems.  Bert Hawbecker  Learning a lot about  More “real life”  Yes.  basic concept of rod problems and pumping, i.e. solving. mechanical things about rod pumping.  Interested to learn  It’s an excellent  Yes.  Keep up the good the blending of course. job. theoretical topics  Nothing to with the instructor’s improve. experience.  Hear the speaker   Yes.  Vincent Dimaree talk about his knowledge.  Style of delivery.  Probably too  Yes.  Web site Ken Newsham  Practical much detail for registration was applications. one day. confusing and  Interactions.  Likely would be somewhat better to break misleading. into separate  I drove to the sessions for wrong OMNI Hotel. downhole and surface.  The knowledge from  Need to improve  Yes. Probably on  the presenter and on presentation all topics. presentations were and focus on very helpful to me. sample material rather than slide show.  Very informative.  Good class.  Yes.  I really enjoyed the Pat Sheets  Good information on instructor’s style. the basics as well as more technical.  Very informative,  Props instead of  Yes.  Thank you. knowledgeable just illustrations.  PC pumps. instructor.  Surface equipment.  The first part where  Too much non-  Yes. Basic beam  an introduction to the sense at the end. pumping. different kinds of lift  No need for as Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 2

Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future was presented. much detail in the last four slides.  Covered downhole  It was a little  Yes, but have this  Anne Fickinger to surface. basic to start but before the due to the range Workshop. of experience, it’s always hard to judge this one.  Actual parts instead of pictures would have been better (or larger pictures.)  It was a good tool for  Unreadable.  Yes, on all there is.  Very well Unreadable. me to learn more presented. about downhole and about formulas.  It allowed me to slow  Problem solving.  Sure.  Robert Elliott down and look at the  Troubleshooting.  Chemical big picture and focus treatments. on specific problems.  Rod Pumps.  Lots of good  More interactive  Yes.  information. with class.  Good thorough  Lots of overview of entire information in system. short time.  Very good presenter.  Started with basics.  Same  Yes.  Good course.  Showed how all information on  All artificial lift types  Thanks. components add up gas engine prime including capillary to a system. movers. injection strings.

Beam Pump 102 – Problem Solving – Instructor: Norm Hein  The course content  In future more  Card prediction.  Abdul Manaf was just right. time should be  Rod guides.  The details and allocated for this  Beam pump handouts were good. course – i.e. one balancing. day.  More examples of pump problems should be presented.  Good discussion of  Would have been   Unreadable. downhole separation beneficial to have and sinker bars. cut-aways of the different types of pumps.  More time could have been allowed for this course.  The technical  More time.  Yes.  Lawrence Bartley information and how  Emphasis on gas it can be used in our producing wells. gas field.  Very informative.  Time allowed for  Yes.  Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 3

Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future  Knowledgeable course. speaker.  Learn more about  Longer course.  Yes.  pump compression,  It was too short. valves, and sinker bars.  It is good and useful.  I increased my   The four hour time Mohamed knowledge is not enough to Ghareeh. regarding gas cover the course. well problems.  It should be at least one day.  Workbook.  Needed more  Yes.   Course was well time.  Sinker bar design. presented.  Pumping unit  Open discussion. design.  BHP design applications.  All items were very  Time to cover all  Yes.  This class should informative. topics in format.  Refresher course be a full day long. on all topics – especially sheave/speed design.   It needs to be a  Yes.  A lot of good Tom Theaken longer course.  Rod string design,. information.  Covered main topic  Allow additional  Yes.  Continuing Ranay Baskin on gas interference time, if possible.  Troubleshooting. education classes that I needed to  Rod design. are great. know.  Well design for  Could additional different day be add to formations. workshop to add more courses?  Maybe could have more time in days uses for presentations – 8:00 am to 8:00 pm to allow more time for continuing education courses  The presentation   Yes.  and organization.  For my team.  Gas.  Need more time  Defintely.  Need more debate Cleon Dunham for problem  “System” view of on compression solving. sucker rod ratio. systems.

Beam Pump 103 – Corrosion, Scale – Instructors: Scott Malone, Mr. X  Good presentations  Where was third   Eddie Bruner and presenters. presenter?  Very interesting and  Again, we  Yes.  Cleon Dunham worthwhile. needed more time.  Very upbeat.  Colored or better   Good course. Unreadable  Presenter did a very defined pictures good job of keeping in work book it interesting. would have been Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 4

Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future  Topics and beneficial for examples had good future reference. definitions and pictures demonstrating the subject.   One instructor  Yes.  didn’t show up.

Beam Pump 201 – Advanced Beam Pumping – Instructor: Lynn Rowlan  PE specifics.  Too much  Yes.   Some parts were discussion and  Both basics and interesting. arguing by some advanced people. concepts.  Lots of good   Design.  Lynn Rowlan did an information with data  Root cause of excellent job. to back it up. failure analysis.  Keep down the arguments.  Good technical  Colored work  Yew  Enjoyed the class Pat Sheets, XTO presentation. books (manuals). very much.  Very good  Perhaps if a little  Yes.  For my current information. more time could  This type of knowledge of beam be spent to give education is very pumps, this information. much needed and provided me with a appreciated. lot of good new information that I look forward to using in the future.  Lot of good technical    I continue to learn information. at these workshops.  The technology was  Everything was  Yes.  very impressive. good.  Require proper class session going deep into usage of technology.  Liquid level testing.  Add equipment.  Yes.   Dynamometer testing.  Informative.  More animations  Yes.  Good job. Steve Long, to illustrate  General Weatherford concepts. troubleshooting.  Technical data and  It was very good.  Yes.  handout with  All forms of artificial explanations. lift.  Good coverage of  Great job.  Yes.  very diverse issues.  Rod design and wellbore design options with gas deliquification (advanced).  Well potential,  How to run and  Examples using  analysis, and use the software. software. troubleshooting of sucker rod lift wells.  Very informative.  Nothing I can  Yes.  Keep up the Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 5

Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future  Enough to educate think of at the excellent job! me. moment.  Covered a lot of  Hold the classes  Yes.  The torque/power issues we are before the  More case studies. discussion was a encountering in the workshop. little over my hear. field.  Everything very  Possible hands  Yes.  Great speaker. informative, very on.  Other types of oil knowledgeable. and gas wells.  Specific actual data.   Yes.   Several different  More best practices cases of current on loading units. events.  Power savings.  All the technical and   Yes.  Great class. Lawrence Bartley application examples  Dyna pumps. for field use.  PC pumps.  Enjoyed information  Less slides and  Yes.  Enjoyed the class. on how to read more class  More on reservoir dynamometer cards. examples. pressure.  More on problem wells (e.g. gas, sand).  Not only how to identify problems, but how to solve them.  Good slides.  QRod first (rod  Yes.   Good presenter. design), then pump cards.  Examples and charts   Yes.  Excellent! of every subject.  Automation.  Good explanations    and examples of surface and pump cards.  Topics on balancing the pumping unit was very interesting.

Beam Pump 202 – Automation – Instructor: Cleon Dunham  The presentation   Yes.  and organization.  For my team.  Good overview.  More Time.  Yes.   Discussion of  More discussion  Yes.  Need more time to advantages and on how and why cove r this material. disadvantages of one would automation. implement this technology in their system.  Information about  The course  Beam pump  Manaf automation was should be one automation and good. day, to show optimization. examples from fields on how automation improves production. Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 6

Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future  Interesting and well  I think that  Yes.  focused. practical  PCP. examples can be descried and discussed.  Lots of material that  Focus on ore or  Yes.  can be reviewed at two areas in  Topics not covered my leisure. greater detail. this year could be covered next year.  Good at putting  A little less time  Failure analysis.  beam pump on testing, more  A course on Norris automation into on lift control and rod programs business context. components. would be good.  Very knowledgeable.

Beam Pump 203 – Advanced Program Concepts – Instructor: Cleon Dunham  Lots of material that  Focus on ore or  Yes.  can be reviewed at two areas in  Topics not covered my leisure. greater detail. this year could be covered next year.  Best presentation I  More time.  Yes.  Move conferences attended. to Denver.  Learned a lot.  Open discussion on   Yes.  automation systems and how they can be improved.  Good exchange of   Yes.  Tom Theaken ideas.  Sucker rod failures.  Open, “honest”    Hope all the sharing of comments made information with only during the course minimal sales were captured and pitches. are available for review and additional comment.  Discussion about    issues.

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