2005 Beam Pumping System Workshop
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2005 Beam Pumping Continuing Education Evaluation Form
Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future
Beam Pump 101 – Basic Beam Pumping – Instructor: Tom vanAkkeren Very informative. Nothing. It was a Very good job. Unreadable. Better equipment good can b e used to get presentation. better production. All things covered. Yes. Enjoyed course very much. Very good. None needed. All lift systems. Bert Hawbecker Learning a lot about More “real life” Yes. basic concept of rod problems and pumping, i.e. solving. mechanical things about rod pumping. Interested to learn It’s an excellent Yes. Keep up the good the blending of course. job. theoretical topics Nothing to with the instructor’s improve. experience. Hear the speaker Yes. Vincent Dimaree talk about his knowledge. Style of delivery. Probably too Yes. Web site Ken Newsham Practical much detail for registration was applications. one day. confusing and Interactions. Likely would be somewhat better to break misleading. into separate I drove to the sessions for wrong OMNI Hotel. downhole and surface. The knowledge from Need to improve Yes. Probably on the presenter and on presentation all topics. presentations were and focus on very helpful to me. sample material rather than slide show. Very informative. Good class. Yes. I really enjoyed the Pat Sheets Good information on instructor’s style. the basics as well as more technical. Very informative, Props instead of Yes. Thank you. knowledgeable just illustrations. PC pumps. instructor. Surface equipment. The first part where Too much non- Yes. Basic beam an introduction to the sense at the end. pumping. different kinds of lift No need for as Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 2
Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future was presented. much detail in the last four slides. Covered downhole It was a little Yes, but have this Anne Fickinger to surface. basic to start but before the due to the range Workshop. of experience, it’s always hard to judge this one. Actual parts instead of pictures would have been better (or larger pictures.) It was a good tool for Unreadable. Yes, on all there is. Very well Unreadable. me to learn more presented. about downhole and about formulas. It allowed me to slow Problem solving. Sure. Robert Elliott down and look at the Troubleshooting. Chemical big picture and focus treatments. on specific problems. Rod Pumps. Lots of good More interactive Yes. information. with class. Good thorough Lots of overview of entire information in system. short time. Very good presenter. Started with basics. Same Yes. Good course. Showed how all information on All artificial lift types Thanks. components add up gas engine prime including capillary to a system. movers. injection strings.
Beam Pump 102 – Problem Solving – Instructor: Norm Hein The course content In future more Card prediction. Abdul Manaf was just right. time should be Rod guides. The details and allocated for this Beam pump handouts were good. course – i.e. one balancing. day. More examples of pump problems should be presented. Good discussion of Would have been Unreadable. downhole separation beneficial to have and sinker bars. cut-aways of the different types of pumps. More time could have been allowed for this course. The technical More time. Yes. Lawrence Bartley information and how Emphasis on gas it can be used in our producing wells. gas field. Very informative. Time allowed for Yes. Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 3
Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future Knowledgeable course. speaker. Learn more about Longer course. Yes. pump compression, It was too short. valves, and sinker bars. It is good and useful. I increased my The four hour time Mohamed knowledge is not enough to Ghareeh. regarding gas cover the course. well problems. It should be at least one day. Workbook. Needed more Yes. Course was well time. Sinker bar design. presented. Pumping unit Open discussion. design. BHP design applications. All items were very Time to cover all Yes. This class should informative. topics in format. Refresher course be a full day long. on all topics – especially sheave/speed design. It needs to be a Yes. A lot of good Tom Theaken longer course. Rod string design,. information. Covered main topic Allow additional Yes. Continuing Ranay Baskin on gas interference time, if possible. Troubleshooting. education classes that I needed to Rod design. are great. know. Well design for Could additional different day be add to formations. workshop to add more courses? Maybe could have more time in days uses for presentations – 8:00 am to 8:00 pm to allow more time for continuing education courses The presentation Yes. and organization. For my team. Gas. Need more time Defintely. Need more debate Cleon Dunham for problem “System” view of on compression solving. sucker rod ratio. systems.
Beam Pump 103 – Corrosion, Scale – Instructors: Scott Malone, Mr. X Good presentations Where was third Eddie Bruner and presenters. presenter? Very interesting and Again, we Yes. Cleon Dunham worthwhile. needed more time. Very upbeat. Colored or better Good course. Unreadable Presenter did a very defined pictures good job of keeping in work book it interesting. would have been Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 4
Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future Topics and beneficial for examples had good future reference. definitions and pictures demonstrating the subject. One instructor Yes. didn’t show up.
Beam Pump 201 – Advanced Beam Pumping – Instructor: Lynn Rowlan PE specifics. Too much Yes. Some parts were discussion and Both basics and interesting. arguing by some advanced people. concepts. Lots of good Design. Lynn Rowlan did an information with data Root cause of excellent job. to back it up. failure analysis. Keep down the arguments. Good technical Colored work Yew Enjoyed the class Pat Sheets, XTO presentation. books (manuals). very much. Very good Perhaps if a little Yes. For my current information. more time could This type of knowledge of beam be spent to give education is very pumps, this information. much needed and provided me with a appreciated. lot of good new information that I look forward to using in the future. Lot of good technical I continue to learn information. at these workshops. The technology was Everything was Yes. very impressive. good. Require proper class session going deep into usage of technology. Liquid level testing. Add equipment. Yes. Dynamometer testing. Informative. More animations Yes. Good job. Steve Long, to illustrate General Weatherford concepts. troubleshooting. Technical data and It was very good. Yes. handout with All forms of artificial explanations. lift. Good coverage of Great job. Yes. very diverse issues. Rod design and wellbore design options with gas deliquification (advanced). Well potential, How to run and Examples using analysis, and use the software. software. troubleshooting of sucker rod lift wells. Very informative. Nothing I can Yes. Keep up the Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 5
Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future Enough to educate think of at the excellent job! me. moment. Covered a lot of Hold the classes Yes. The torque/power issues we are before the More case studies. discussion was a encountering in the workshop. little over my hear. field. Everything very Possible hands Yes. Great speaker. informative, very on. Other types of oil knowledgeable. and gas wells. Specific actual data. Yes. Several different More best practices cases of current on loading units. events. Power savings. All the technical and Yes. Great class. Lawrence Bartley application examples Dyna pumps. for field use. PC pumps. Enjoyed information Less slides and Yes. Enjoyed the class. on how to read more class More on reservoir dynamometer cards. examples. pressure. More on problem wells (e.g. gas, sand). Not only how to identify problems, but how to solve them. Good slides. QRod first (rod Yes. Good presenter. design), then pump cards. Examples and charts Yes. Excellent! of every subject. Automation. Good explanations and examples of surface and pump cards. Topics on balancing the pumping unit was very interesting.
Beam Pump 202 – Automation – Instructor: Cleon Dunham The presentation Yes. and organization. For my team. Good overview. More Time. Yes. Discussion of More discussion Yes. Need more time to advantages and on how and why cove r this material. disadvantages of one would automation. implement this technology in their system. Information about The course Beam pump Manaf automation was should be one automation and good. day, to show optimization. examples from fields on how automation improves production. Beam Pumping Continuing Education Page 6
Liked about Could be Suggestions for Other Comments Name Workshop Improved Future Interesting and well I think that Yes. focused. practical PCP. examples can be descried and discussed. Lots of material that Focus on ore or Yes. can be reviewed at two areas in Topics not covered my leisure. greater detail. this year could be covered next year. Good at putting A little less time Failure analysis. beam pump on testing, more A course on Norris automation into on lift control and rod programs business context. components. would be good. Very knowledgeable.
Beam Pump 203 – Advanced Program Concepts – Instructor: Cleon Dunham Lots of material that Focus on ore or Yes. can be reviewed at two areas in Topics not covered my leisure. greater detail. this year could be covered next year. Best presentation I More time. Yes. Move conferences attended. to Denver. Learned a lot. Open discussion on Yes. automation systems and how they can be improved. Good exchange of Yes. Tom Theaken ideas. Sucker rod failures. Open, “honest” Hope all the sharing of comments made information with only during the course minimal sales were captured and pitches. are available for review and additional comment. Discussion about issues.