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September, 2007
Name: Carol Anne Veneziano
Birthplace: Quincy, Illinois
Birth date: February 2,1952
Marital Status: Married, two children
Home Address: 2319 Belleridge Pike Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 Telephone: 573-651-6506
Office Address: Crisp Hall Building Department of Criminal Justice Southeast Missouri State University Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 Telephone: 573-651-2690 (office) 573-651-2541 (department) 573-986-6417 (fax) E-Mail: [email protected]
Educational Background
School Dates Attended Major Degree ______
DePauw University 9/70-5/74 Psychology B.A.
Auburn University 1/75-6/77 Clinical M.S. Psychology
Sam Houston State 9/78-12/81 Criminal Ph.D. University Justice ______
Professional Experience
Southeast Missouri State University. 1988 to the present. Associate Professor of Criminal Justice 1988-1992. Promoted to Full Professor, 1992. Department Chairperson, 1992-1995. Duties include a teaching load of graduate and undergraduate courses in Criminal Justice, department administration, and research and service in the field of Criminal Justice.
1 Memphis State University. 1981-1988. Assistant Professor, 1981- 1987. Associate Professor, 1987-1988. Tenured 1987. Teaching, research and service in the Department of Criminal Justice.
Sam Houston State University. March 1980 to May 1981. Project Manager for a $50,000 federal National Institute of Corrections grant entitled "Legal Responsibilities of Probation and Parole Officers". The project entailed the production of a monograph for probation and parole officers describing their legal responsibilities. Duties of the Project Manager included: (1) legal and survey research; (2) the writing and editing of portions of the monograph; and (3) the monitoring of day-to-day operations of the grant.
Sam Houston State University. January 1979 to March 1980. Doctoral fellowship. Duties involved academic advisement of undergraduate students, and research assignments for faculty in the Criminal Justice Institute.
Assistant Director, Linwood Youth Community, Quint-Cities Drug Abuse Council, Davenport, Iowa. September 1977 to August 1978. Management and supervision of treatment staff in a residential treatment program for adolescent substance abusers.
East Alabama Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center, Opelika, Alabama. June 1976 to June 1977. Counseling psychologist. Duties included psychological testing, counseling and crisis intervention. Half time was spent at the Mental Health Center, and the remaining time was spent at assignments at the Lee County Jail and at Lee County Youth Development Center (a residential group home for juvenile delinquents).
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. January 1975 to June 1976. Instructor in Psychology at the undergraduate level,
Honors Class Valedictorian, Illinois State Scholar, Notre Dame High School, 1970 Teaching Assistantship, Auburn University, 1975-1976 University Fellowship, Auburn University, 1975-1976 Doctoral Fellowship, Sam Houston State University, 1978-1980 W. Russell Smith Award for Excellence in College Teaching, Memphis State University, 1988 Outstanding Teacher, 1990, College of Health and Human Services, Southeast Missouri State University Outstanding Researcher, 1993 and 1997, College of Health and Human Services, Southeast Missouri State University
2 Outstanding Faculty/Professional Paper Award, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, 1996
Teaching Experience
Introductory Psychology Social Psychology
Criminal Justice
Introduction to Criminal Justice Concepts and Issues in Criminal Justice Research Methods & Statistics in Criminal Justice Corrections in America American Prison System (undergraduate/graduate) Prevention and Deterrence of Crime The Juvenile Justice System (undergraduate/graduate) Community-based Corrections (undergraduate/graduate) Crime and Human Behavior (web and ITV) Criminal Law Treatment Strategies: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Internships (undergraduate and graduate) Overview of the Criminal Justice System (graduate) Research Methods in Criminal Justice (graduate) Crime Analysis and Criminal Behavior (graduate) Thesis (graduate) Contemporary Juvenile Justice (graduate)
Professional Affiliations
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences American Society of Criminology American Correctional Association Midwestern Criminal Justice Association Manuscript reviewer and book reviewer, Corrections Today, Journal of the American Correctional Association, Reviewer, Criminal Justice Research Bulletin, Justice Quarterly, American Journal of Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Crime and Delinquency, and Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Publications delCarmen, R., Veneziano, C., Coates, S. and Henningsen, R. Legal
3 Responsibilities of Probation and Parole Officers, Washington, D.C., National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Revised and reprinted, 1985.
Veneziano, C. and Henningsen, R. (1982). Legal responsibilities of probation and parole officers: A survey of current concerns. Journal of Probation and Parole, 14, 36- 39. delCarmen, R. and Veneziano, C. (1983). Legal liabilities, representation and indemnification of probation and parole officers. University of San Francisco Law Review, 17, 227- 248.
Veneziano, C. (1984). Stress and the line correctional officer. Southern Journal of Criminal Justice, VIII, 214-231.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1986). Classification of adolescent offenders with the MMPI, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 30, 11-23.
Veneziano, C. (1986). Prison inmates and consent to treatment: Problems and issues. Law and Psychology Review, 10, 129-146.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1986). Treating institutionalized adolescent offenders: The need for a dualistic classificatory system, in (Rocco D'Angelo, ed.) Exploring the Adolescent Imagination: Fantasy and Reality. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press.
Veneziano, L., Veneziano, C. and Tribolet, C. (1987). The special needs of prison inmates with handicaps: An assessment. Journal of Offender Counseling, Services and Rehabilitation, 11, 61-72.
Veneziano, C. (1987). An assessment of anger and conflict among correctional officers. The Justice Professional, 2, 74- 88.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1987). MMPI Profiles of male juvenile delinquents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 18, 95-102.
Veneziano, C. and Williams, M. (1987). Toward an understanding of individual deterrence. Journal of Crime and Justice, X, 105-122.
4 Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1987). An analysis of legal trends in the disposition of sex crimes: Implications for theory, research and policy, Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 205-227.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1988). Knowledge of social skills among institutionalized juvenile delinquents: An assessment. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 15, 152-171.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1988). Correlates of moral development among juvenile delinquents. American Journal of Criminal Justice, XI, 97-116.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1989). Applying the skill deficit concept of deviance to juvenile delinquents. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 40, 45-51.
Fox, P., Pittman, R. and Veneziano, C. (1991). Using capstone courses and activities for assessment. In (In R. McCormick, ed.), Confronting campus realities and outcomes: Making it work. Montclair, N.J.: Montclair State University Press.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1992). Psychosocial characteristics of DWI offenders, Psychological Reports, 70, 1123-1130.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1992). The relationship between deterrence and moral reasoning, Criminal Justice Review, 17, 209- 218.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1992). A typology of family social environments for institutionalized juvenile delinquents, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 21, 593-607.
Leoni, E., Veneziano, C., McGaha, J., and Redman, P. (1992). Project REACH: A multimodal substance abuse prevention program through an innovative therapeutic recreation club concept, (in B. Riley & J. Shank, eds.), Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 3, 10- 17.
Brown, M. and Veneziano, C. (1993). Evaluating investigator job performance: An analysis of practitioner opinions. The Justice Professional, 7, 93-104.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1993). Psychosocial and socio- demographic characteristics of DWI offenders, Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 14, 14-24.
5 Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. (1993). Are victimless crimes actually harmful? Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 9, 1-14.
Leoni, E., Hooper, J., Toy, B., and Veneziano, C. (1994). Project REACH: A therapeutic club model. New Designs for Youth Development, 11, 3-5.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1994). Stress-related factors associated with driving While intoxicated, Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 39, 87-98.
Veneziano, C. and Brown, M. (1994). The development of an exit exam in Criminal Justice for Graduating Seniors: A case study, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 5, 49-57.
Veneziano, C., and Fichter, M. (1995). Attitudes toward Community based Corrections as an Alternative to Incarceration, Corrections Today, 152-156.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. (1995). A survey of inmates with disabilities, in Encyclopedia of American Prisons, (eds, M. McShane & F. Williams), N.Y., Garland Press, 158-161.
Kinder, K., Veneziano, C., Fichter, M., and Azuma, H. (1995). A comparison of the dispositions of juvenile offenders certified as adults with juvenile offenders not certified, Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 46,37-42.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1996). Reasons for refraining from criminal activity, American Journal of Criminal Justice, 19, 201-212.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. (1996). Factors accounting for not engaging in illegal acts in relationship to type of crime, Journal of Crime and Justice, XIX, 167-178.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. (1997). Correlates of assertiveness among institutionalized juvenile delinquents. Journal of Crime and Justice, 20, 1-18.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (1998). The academic achievement of juvenile delinquents relative to intellectual ability: Implications for research and educational program development. In Practical Applications for Criminal Justice Statistics, A.Lurigio, M. Dantzker, M. Seng, & D. Sinacore (eds), Butterworth- Heinemann, 49-69.
6 Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L. and LeGrand, S. (2000). The relationship between adolescent sex offender's behaviors and victim characteristics with prior victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15, 363-374.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. (2000). Should there be a duty to report crime? Psychological Reports, 87, 423-430.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L. and Gill, A. (2000). Perceptions of the juvenile justice system among adult prison inmates. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 32, 53-61.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L., Bourns, W., Fichter, M. & Summers, K. (2000). Differences in Expectations and Perceptions among Criminal Justice Officials Concerning Boot Camps. The Justice Professional, 13, 377-389.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano L. (2002). Adolescent Sex Offenders. Journal of Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 3, 247-260.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. (2002) The development and validation of the Dormitory Observation Report: A behavioral rating instrument for juvenile delinquents in residential care. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58, 1103-1117.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. (2003). Adolescent Sex Offenders, in Encyclopedia of Juvenile Justice, (M. McShane and F. Williams (eds), Sage Publications,346-349.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L. and LeGrand, S. (2004) Neuropsychological Executive Functions of Adolescent Sex Offenders and Non-Sex Offenders, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 98, 661-674.
Jackson, A., Veneziano, C. & Ice, W. (2004). Violence and trauma: The past 20 and next 10 years. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 9, 1-9.
Bourns, W., Veneziano, C., & Veneziano, L. (2005). A study of Criminal justice policymakers' perspectives: The forgotten Component in boot camp programs and goals, Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 113-118.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. (2006) The treatment of adolescent sex offenders (B. Sims & P. Preston, Eds.), in Handbook of Juvenile Justice: Theory and Practice, N.Y.: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 375-389.
7 Attitudes toward sentencing in Missouri, Grants and Research Funding Committee, Southeast Missouri State University, with Dr. M. Fichter, Fall, 1989. ($2000)
Cognitive psychology and criminology: Studies of the prototypical criminal, Grants and Research Funding Committee, Southeast Missouri State University, with Dr. L. Veneziano, Spring, 1993. ($1500)
Evaluation of community oriented policing, with Dr. M. Brown, Missouri Department of Public Safety, 1993-1994. ($45,000)
A planning grant for the development of boot camp programs in Missouri, Missouri Department of Corrections and Southeast Missouri State University, National Institute of Justice, 1995- 1996. ($12,000)
An evaluation of a Boy's Town program for adolescent sex offenders, Missouri Department of Public Safety, 1995-1998. ($50,000)
An evaluation of State of Missouri SPNS project "Integrated Care for individuals with HIV/AIDS, Mental Illness and/or Substance Abuse Problems", Missouri Department of Health, 1996- 1997 ($80,000).
An evaluation of QUEST and EDUCARE programs in Missouri, Missouri Department of Family Services, 1997-1998. ($44,000)
Neuropsychological assessments of adolescent sexual offenders, with Boystown Girlstown of Missouri, 1999-2000. ($10,000)
An evaluation of Weed and Seed programs in Southeast Missouri ($750,000 awarded regionally)
An evaluation of "Reach for the Stars" an after school program for Charleston and East Prairie, MO. ($5000)
Research coordinator for the Bootheel Initiative.
Book Reviews
Veneziano, C. Prison Homosexuality, by Alice Propper. In Criminal Justice Review, 8, 1982.
Veneziano, C. Criminal Justice Research Sources, by Robert O'Block. In Corrections Today, 1986, 114-116.
8 Unpublished Papers
Murphy, C. Assertive Behavior: The interactions of situations, attitudinal components and personality traits in the prediction of assertiveness, A thesis submitted to Auburn University, June, 1977.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. The implications of the State of Maine v. Thiboutot Case on the Texas Department of Corrections, (Working paper no. 61-07-80).
Veneziano, C. Stress and the line correctional officer: An empirical examination, A Dissertation submitted to Sam Houston State University, December, 1981.
Papers Presented
Veneziano, C. Legal responsibilities of probation and parole officers: Some issues and trends, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Texas Corrections Association, 1980.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. A factor analysis of the Model Penal Code: Implications for research and policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Antonio, TX, March, 1983.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Classification of adolescent offenders with the MMPI: An extension and cross-validation of the Megargee typology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, Colorado, November, 1983.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. The derivation of differences between adolescent code types with the MMPI: An extension and cross-validation of the Megargee typology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois, March, 1984.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Applying the skill deficit theory of deviance to the academic achievement of juvenile delinquents: Testing the theory and developing a treatment program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1984.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Treating institutionalized adolescent offenders: The need for a dualistic classificatory system. Paper presented at Ohio State University, School of Social Work, Columbus, Ohio, November,
9 1984.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Actuarial correlates for MMPI code types for male juvenile delinquents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, April, 1985.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Beyond security: The need for a dualistic classification scheme. Paper presented to the Conference on Corrections of the Tennessee Volunteer Advisory Board, Nashville, Tennessee, November, 1985.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. An examination of the social skills of male juvenile delinquents as viewed from the skill deficit conception of deviance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, Florida, March, 1986.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Correlates of moral judgment among institutionalized juvenile delinquents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1986.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. An analysis of legal and policy trends in the disposition of sex crimes: Implications for theory, research and policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1986.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. A typology of family social environments for institutionalized juvenile delinquents: Implications for research and treatment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, St. Louis, Missouri, March, 1987.
Giacopassi, D., Dorsey, R., Winn, R. and Veneziano, C. An item-specific analysis of Neiderhoffer's Cynicism Scale. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, St. Louis, Missouri, March, 1987.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Applying the skill deficit conception of deviance to juvenile delinquents: Preliminary results. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Birmingham, Alabama, October, 1987.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Public and official perceptions of the causes of criminal behavior. Paper
10 presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Montreal, Canada, November, 1987.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Correlates of anger among institutionalized juvenile delinquents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1988.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Towards an understanding of individual deterrence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1988.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Factors accounting for not engaging in illegal acts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, D.C., March, 1989.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Should there be a duty to report crime? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1989.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. The relationship between deterrence and moral reasoning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Reno, Nevada, November, 1989.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. The relationship between the duty to report crime and moral reasoning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, Colorado, March, 1990.
Fox, P., Pittman, R. and Veneziano, C. Using Capstone courses and activities for assessment. Paper presented at the Second Annual Assessment Conference, Montclair State College Montclair, New Jersey, March, 1990.
Fichter, M. and Veneziano, C. Attitudes toward the criminal justice system in Missouri. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1990.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Factors accounting for a duty to report crime. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, Maryland, November, 1990.
11 Veneziano, C., Fichter, M. and Veneziano, L. Stress-related factors associated with driving while intoxicated. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Nashville, Tennessee, March, 1991.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L. and Fichter, M. Factors associated with driving while intoxicated. Paper presented to the Missouri Psychological Association, March, 1991.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Correlates of impulsivity among institutionalized juvenile delinquents. Paper presented to the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1991.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Factors accounting for the failure to report crime. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, California, November, 1991.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. The development and validation of the Dormitory Observation Report. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March, 1992.
Veneziano, L., and Veneziano, C. Are victimless crimes actually victimless? Paper presented at the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1992.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Cognitive psychology and criminology: Studies of the prototypical criminal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA, November, 1992.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Cognitive psychology and Criminology: The effects of altering individual components of the prototypical criminal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City Missouri, 1993.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Cognitive psychology and criminology: The effects of altering age on perceptions of the prototypical criminal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, Illinois, September, 1993.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Cognitive psychology and criminology: The effects of altering multiple components of the prototypical criminal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
12 the American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, Arizona, October, 1993.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Cognitive psychology and criminology: The effect of altering psychosocial characteristics of offenders on public perceptions, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois, March, 1994.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Cognitive Psychology and criminology: Prototypical reasons for committing burglary. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, Illinois, September, 1994.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Prototypical reasons for committing robbery. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Memphis, Tennessee, October, 1994.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. The American Disabilities Act and Correctional Institutions: A survey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November, 1994.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Prototypical reasons for committing embezzlement, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, Massachusetts, March, 1995.
Brown, M. and Veneziano, C. Community policing in the "projects." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, Massachusetts, March, 1995.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. Correlates of assertiveness among institutionalized juvenile delinquents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1995. Awarded the Outstanding Faculty Paper Award, presented September, 1996.
Brown, M. and Veneziano, C. "Weed and Seed in Small Communities." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, March, 1996.
Veneziano, L. and Veneziano, C. "Determination of guilt in domestic violence cases." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, March, 1996.
13 Veneziano, L., Veneziano, C., Bourns, W., Fichter, M. and Summers, K. "The development and validation of a boot camp survey questionnaire" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, September, 1996.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L., Bourns, W., Fichter, M. and Summers K. A survey of expectations and perceptions among criminal justice officials concerning boot camps, a paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1996.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L., Bourns, W., Fichter, M. and Summers K. Measuring the short-term effectiveness of a boot camp program: Preliminary results, a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, Kentucky, March, 1997.
Brown, M. and Veneziano, C. Weed and Seed in Small Communities: Year 2, a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, Kentucky, March, 1997.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Short-term measures of the program effectiveness of a regimented discipline program, a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Richmond, VA, October, 1997.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Psychosocial characteristics of boot camp participants, a paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA, November, 1997.
Veneziano, C., and Veneziano, L. The relationship between adolescent sexual offenders' prior victimization and their current offense, a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March, 1998.
McKee, D., Lancaster, K., Veneziano, C., Kieffer, C., and Wooldridge, D. Internet research applications in Health and Human Services Programs, Mid-south Instructional Technology Conference, Murfreesboro, TN, April, 1998.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L. and Gill, A. Prison inmate perceptions of the juvenile justice system, presented to American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November, 1998.
Veneziano, C., Veneziano, L., and Watts, C. Distinguishing successful from non-successful boot camp participants, a paper
14 presented to the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, Florida, March, 1999.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Executive functions of adolescent sex offenders, a paper presented to the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, March, 2000.
Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. Frontal executive neuropsychological dysfunctions among adolescent sex offenders, a paper presented to the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, D.C., April, 2001.
Veneziano, L., Miller, M., Veneziano, C., and Meredith, B. The impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act on inmate lawsuits filed at the district court level, a paper presented to the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL, October 2002.
Veneziano, L., Miller, M., Veneziano, C. and Meredith, B. The Prison Litigation Reform Act's effect on civil rights lawsuits filed by inmates, a paper presented to the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November, 2002.
Idris, S., Veneziano, C. and Veneziano, L. A comparison of the criminal justice systems of Malaysia and the United States, a paper presented to American Society of Criminology, Denver, CO, November 2003.
Veneziano, C. Legal liability and electronic monitoring, a paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, NV, March, 2004.
Veneziano, C. A rural drug court evaluation, a paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Science, Chicago, IL, March, 2005.
Veneziano, C. Attitudes toward poverty in a sample of Criminal Justice majors, a paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD, March 2006.
Special Research Skills
Programming in BASIC Familiarity with WordPerfect, SPSS-X and SPSS for Windows, and Microsoft Office applications, including WORD, Excel, Access and Frontpage. Attendance at the 1995 and 1996 Computers on Campus Conferences.
15 University Service
Memphis State University
College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee Pre-Law Advisory Committee Academic Senate College of Arts and Sciences Tenure & Promotion Committee Coordinator of the Honors Program in Criminal Justice
Southeast Missouri State University
Department Assessment Coordinator, 1988-present Governors' Scholarship Committee, 1988-1992 Academic Computing Needs Assessment Committee, 1989 College of Health & Human Services Computing Needs Assessment Committee (chair), 1990 Graduate Coordinator, 1989-present Advisor, Criminal Justice Association (student organization) 1990-1992 Academic Council, 1991-1993 Department Chairperson, 1992-1995 Faculty Development Committee, 1992-1996 (chair, 1995- 1996) College Council, 1992-1995, 1997-2001 Advisory Committee Member, Institute for Children & Families 1994-2001 Grants and Research Funding Committee, 1994-1997 (chair, 1995-1996) College Promotion Committee, 1995-1998 Computer Technology Information Committee 1994-present (chair 1996-2001) University Technology Committee, 1996-2001 Director of the Institute for Children and Families 1996-2001 Faculty Associate, Spring, 2001 Traffic/Textbook Appeals, 2002-2003 International Council, 2002-2006 Commencement Committee 2004-2007 Faculty Senate 2007-present
16 References
Dr. John Wade Chair, Department of Criminal Justice Southeast Missouri State University 573-651-2685
Dr. Jerry Sparger Chair, Department of Criminal Justice University of Memphis 901-678-2737