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PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide
Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide
This system automatically shuts off nitrogen gas supply upon the detection of a low oxygen level or if this detector detects a fault.
The oxygen deficiency hazard is automatically addressed. No further action is necessary to insure safety. No emergency response is required.
Contact operator in NLCTA (B128, x5482) during working hours to inform them of the alarm.
This oxygen Monitor automatically shuts off gas supply if oxygen level drops below 19.5% in either the:
NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure
NLCTA Experimental Hall.
Nitrogen Gas is supplied to this building from an external tank. The nitrogen manifold is at the outside south-east corner of End Station B (B062).
This is the NLCTA Safety Document 02-03-40 “Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide”.
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 1 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide
1. Scope...... 1 2. Background...... 1 2.1 Details of the Nitrogen Distribution System:...... 2 3. Hazard Analysis and Controls...... 2 3.1 ODH Hazard Analysis for the Accelerator Enclosure...... 2 3.1.1 Hazard Management for the Accelerator Enclosure...... 3 3.2 ODH Hazard Analysis the Experimental Hall...... 3 3.3 ODH Hazard Analysis the Soft Sided Cleanroom...... 3 3.3.1 Hazard Management for the Soft Sided Cleanroom...... 4 4. ODH Alarms and Alarm Response...... 5 5. Engineering Controls Specifications, Testing and Service...... 5 5.1 Engineering controls for the End Station B ODM System...... 5 5.1.1 Detector Specifications for the End Station...... 5 5.1.2 Maintenance and calibration of the ODM Detector...... 5 5.1.3 Testing Requirements...... 5 5.1.4 Testing of the ODM System...... 5 5.2 Engineering controls for the soft sided cleanroom...... 6 5.2.1 Maintenance and calibration for the cleanroom system...... 6 5.2.2 Testing Requirements...... 6 5.2.3 Testing the Cleanroom Interlocks...... 6 6. Document Information...... 6 6.1 Background...... 6 6.2 Document Review...... 6 7. ODH Monitor Setup Parameters...... 7 8. Signs for ODH Areas...... 8 8.1 Signage for NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure and Experimental Hall...... 8 8.2 Signage for Soft Sided Cleanroom...... 9
1. Scope This Users Guide includes details of:
The Oxygen Deficiency Monitor (ODH) installed in End Station B for the protection of the NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure and the NLCTA Experimental Hall.
The HEPA Interlock system for the control of an ODH in the soft-sided cleanroom
2. Background Gas phase Nitrogen Gas is provided to then NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure, Experimental Hall, the tall soft-sided cleanroom, and as a general service throughout End Station B. As nitrogen is delivered into the Accelerator Enclosure, the Experimental Hall and the soft-sided cleanroom, the possibility of an ODH hazard exists. A reasonable model of an ODH hazard can have the oxygen levels dropping over times of as short as 10-30 minutes with oxygen levels observed being lowered throughout the hall or enclosure. To address the ODH hazard from an open nitrogen line valve or device failure, engineering controls have been put in place to address the hazards.
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 1 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide 2.1 Details of the Nitrogen Distribution System: Nitrogen is supplied to a gas pressure regulation panel just outside the East Entry Module for the NLCTA Accelerator. The gas is supplied from a nitrogen dewar in the Research Yard. The nitrogen source provides gas at approximately 75 psig. The gas panel further reduces the gas pressure to 45 psig with an over-pressure relief valve that vents at about 65 psig. Distribution valves are located throughout the facility. The nitrogen gas ports within the Accelerator Enclosure are ¼ inch tubing with all-metal valves. Within the Accelerator Enclosure, the maximum flow rate from any single port is 2 cubic feet per minute. From a ¼ inch line, this is gas velocity of about 200 feet per second (or 130 miles per hour). The valve has a characteristic “hiss” when opened to this extent and the gas flow generates a substantial breeze within the area which will mix the gas in the air volume to a significant degree.
Plan view of the NLCTA. The nitrogen distribution is shown in black. ODH sample lines are shown in green with sample locations 0 – 3 indicated.
3. Hazard Analysis and Controls
3.1 ODH Hazard Analysis for the Accelerator Enclosure The NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure has a cross section of 9 by 10 feet and is 170 feet long – a volume of about 15,000 cubic feet. There is no routine ventilation in the enclosure and thus no forced mixing or replenishment of the air volume while in No Access or in Controlled Access. Exhaust fans are available at the East Entrance and can be turned on when the tunnel is in Permitted Access. For ODH analysis, a more realistic model of the Accelerator Enclosure is to consider an interaction length approximately 2 times the height or width. This reduces the volume to an effective volume of 9 by 10 by 18 feet, or 1620 cubic feet. An Oxygen Deficient Atmosphere as one where the oxygen has been diluted with other process gasses (nitrogen) to reduce its concentration from 21% to 19.5%. Assuming perfect mixing within the modeled
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 2 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide area and no additional air replacement, this requires 7.1% of the room volume to be replaced by oxygen- displacing gas. For the effective volume of 1620 cubic feet, this requires about 115 cubic feet of nitrogen. Thus, an ODH situation within a well mixed 18 foot section of the tunnel will take 57 minutes to develop. In situations with poor ventilation, a safety factor of 2 to 5 is often applied, which reduces the time to 11- 30 minutes. An assumption in the above analysis is the TOTAL absence of ventilation. In fact, situated as it is with the east end within the end station and the west end in a parking area, a certain degree of airflow is expected. Any such airflow will tend to move air along the length of the tunnel – diluting the nitrogen and allowing the ODH detection ports at each end to be able to sense a hazard which has developed further from the sample point. Highly localized ODH hazards can be developed near vacuum systems under active purge – especially where airflow may be reduced through the use of protective foil caps or where the gas is used in ovens or other containers. Training of personnel who work with ODH gasses in hazard recognition and best work practices is required.
3.1.1 Hazard Management for the Accelerator Enclosure To address the ODH hazard from an open nitrogen line valve or device failure within the Accelerator Enclosure, an ODH monitor and remotely-controlled gas shut-off valve has been installed in End Station B. The monitor is a self-calibrating laser-based oxygen concentration monitor centrally mounted above the NLCTA accelerator enclosure with sample lines to the accelerator enclosure and the experimental hall. The monitor draws samples from four sample ports sequentially. The sample locations are: 0 Inside the Experimental Hall 1 Inside the Accelerator Enclosure near the injector (the west end) 2 Midway between sample location 1 and 3 inside the Accelerator Enclosure 3 Near the down-beam end of the accelerator test area (the east end) A fifth port is used to auto-calibrate the detector every two hours sampling the oxygen levels in the end station. The sample tubing is a rigid green polyurethane hose with an outside diameter of 1/4 inch and an inside diameter of 0.136 inches. The ODH monitor sample flow rate of 150 ml/min and a 25% per port duty cycle has a gas velocity of 13 feet per minute. The maximum sample line length of 75 feet has a delay of about 6 minutes. The monitor is not connected to the fire department and is not equipped with a battery backup. Power outages or detector failures will automatically close the nitrogen control valve and gas use in the facility is terminated. A sign informing personnel of the potential ODH hazard (see section 8) is posted at each door.
3.2 ODH Hazard Analysis the Experimental Hall Refer to the discussion of an ODH Hazard in the Accelerator Enclosure. The Experimental Hall has a shorter sample delay and larger effective volume than the Accelerator Enclosure. The hazard analysis and mitigation described for the Accelerator Enclosure is applicable to the experimental hall.
3.3 ODH Hazard Analysis the Soft Sided Cleanroom End Station B a cleanroom that are used for vacuum assembly and RF testing. Nitrogen is used to maintain the systems at positive pressure for contamination control. A system failure mode has been identified that may result in an Oxygen Deficiency Hazard (ODH). The cleanroom has a volume of around 2700 cubic feet, with normal HEPA air filtration system replacement volumes of 500-2000 cubic feet /minute. No credit is taken for the natural air exchange rate in the cleanroom (normal leakage through the walls and door is unknown and probably quite low).
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 3 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide A gas line for nitrogen purge is supplied at around 40 psig through a ¼ inch copper line (the distribution system has a pressure relief valve set at about 65 psig). Typical gas flows in the cleanroom with a full- open valve is less than 1 cubic feet / minute, and is incapable of generating an ODH hazard if any one of the HEPA air filters are operating normally. An ODH hazard can develop if all of the HEPA air filters have failed and the nitrogen is turned on for an extended period of time. This failure condition is believed to be creditable, and may during a local or site-wide power outage. A person entering the room the day following a power outage may be exposed to an ODH hazard.
3.3.1 Hazard Management for the Soft Sided Cleanroom A pressure interlock is attached to the air blower manifold of a HEPA unit. This interlock system is fully redundant1 with two independent a pressure switch / electrical solenoid interlocks. The switches monitor the air supply pressure and the valves, interlocked to the pressure switches, stop the Nitrogen flow upon failure of the monitored HEPA air filter unit. By terminating the supply of the oxygen-displacing gas (nitrogen) when the monitored air-handling unit has failed, an ODH hazard can never develop. The cleanroom is equipped with the following (see the following isometric cartoon):
A HEPA air filter unit which filters and supplies fresh air. An air pressure switch attached to a HEPA filtration air unit. A nitrogen source external to the room. A solenoid valve located outside the cleanroom. A sign informing personnel of the potential ODH hazard (see section 8).
Picture of the cleanroom. This cleanroom is used for RF measurements and vacuum assembly. Cartoon of a plastic cleanroom with air handling units and interlocked nitrogen supply.
4. ODH Alarms and Alarm Response An ODH Alarm is indicated by an audible alarm and a solid red light above the ODH analyzer. The ODH monitor display usually looks like: O2 20.8 20.8 (%) 20.8 20.8 where the oxygen readings for each sample location is simultaneously displayed.
1 The cleanroom system was engineered as a fully redundant unit in response to a request from a HEEC citizens’ committee member. Future systems might not require redundancy.
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 4 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide While in alarm mode, the display automatically cycles between the 4 channels. A good channel (number 0 in this example) will look like: O2 A0 20.8% Flow: 148 ml/m while the display for the channel which generated the latched alarm (#3 in this example) will look like: O2 L A3! 20.8% Flow: 148 ml/m The display is read as: O2 oxygen, L low alarm, A3 channel 3, ! “Notice me”, 20.8 % current value. The minimum oxygen level detected prior to an alarm is not recorded or displayed. The alarm is cleared by pressing ENTER.
5. Engineering Controls Specifications, Testing and Service
5.1 Engineering controls for the End Station B ODM System
5.1.1 Detector Specifications for the End Station The ODM detector is an OxiGraf model O2iM with:
5-Relay Terminal board Four channel sequential multipoint gas sampler The vendor website for this model is
5.1.2 Maintenance and calibration of the ODM Detector The O2iM has no regular maintenance requirements and is self-calibrating.
5.1.3 Testing Requirements The ODM System should be tested annually. Testing should be recorded in the NLCTA electronic logbook with the following information:
Entry name: ESB ODM Testing Logbook: NLCTA Information: Your name, date, and any problems or issues identified.
5.1.4 Testing of the ODM System The ODM system is tested as follows:
Gain entry into the NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure Take a nitrogen purge line near the mid-tunnel sample port. Turn the nitrogen on and to a high flow rate aiming the gas flow toward the sample point. Record the time In 3-8 minutes (depending on the aim of the purge line and the amount of air being mixed with the nitrogen) the ODH monitor will alarm and turn off the supply of gas. Within a few minutes, the gas flow should diminish to a small fraction of the original flow rate as the nitrogen stored in the distribution system is discharged. Turn off nitrogen Wait 5 minutes for the sample line to clear Reset ODH monitor by pressing ENTER
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 5 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide 5.2 Engineering controls for the soft sided cleanroom The monitors for the cleanroom consist of a pair of low-pressure air switches. They are connected to the HEPA through a sample line and each have a test switch which isolates the individual pressure switch and discharges the switch. Each switch is individually connected to a 120 VAC gas solenoid which closes upon loss of power. The system automatically resets upon restoration of HEPA fan system pressure.
5.2.1 Maintenance and calibration for the cleanroom system There are no maintenance or calibration requirements for this system.
5.2.2 Testing Requirements The cleanroom system should be tested annually. Testing should be recorded in the NLCTA electronic logbook with the following information:
Entry name: Cleanroom System ODM Testing Logbook: NLCTA Information: Your name, date, and any problems or issues identified.
5.2.3 Testing the Cleanroom Interlocks
Press each switch in sequence. Within 30 seconds, the indicator light will extinguish and the solenoid will be heard to snap closed. Release the test switch The light should go on and the solenoid will re-energize Repeat for the other channel
6. Document Information
6.1 Background This document is owned and authorized by the PPA/ARD/Test Facilities.
6.2 Document Review This document has been reviewed by:
______PPA/ARD/TF Representative Signature Date
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 6 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide Flow: 145 ml/m Relay Flash Pump State: On Off (note: “145” is the current flow, not a 7. ODH Monitor Setup Relay Failsafe setpoint) Parameters On Purge Pulse Relay Exclusive not specified The following is a list of the setup options for the Off OxiGraf Oxygen Monitor. Purge Period Relay Allocation Off Channels 0 – 3 Lo O2 Alarm A0 Horn/Strobe: 9 Press SETUP to scroll through screens 19.50% Oxygen FlashWarning+A Scan Mask: 15 Ch0 Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Verify all channels (A0, A1, A2 and A3) are all at Alarm Delay A 19.50%. Press UP to scroll between channels. 20 sec Scan Sample Time Press SETUP to continue to next setpoint (note: Delay must be >= (Scan Sample 4 sec/channel parameter. Time) * (
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 7 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide
8. Signs for ODH Areas
8.1 Signage for NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure and Experimental Hall
NLCTA Safety Document 02-03-40. Signage for the Accelerator Enclosure and the Experimental Hall Oxygen Deficiency Hazard 0 Nitrogen Gas is supplied to this area from an external tank. Oxygen Monitor shuts off gas supply if oxygen level drops below 19.5%. Localized ODH hazards may exist when nitrogen is in use. Users of nitrogen must have ODH hazard training. Liquid Nitrogen is NOT ALLOWED in this area without explicit authorization from NLCTA Operations. Refer to NLCTA Safety Document 02-03-40 “Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide” for additional information.
Access Requirements: Users of Nitrogen Gas must have Oxygen Deficiency Hazard training. No training required for other personnel. Personal Oxygen Deficiency Monitors are not required.
November 21, 2008 02-03-40-Rdraft Page 8 of 11 PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide 8.2 Signage for Soft Sided Cleanroom
NLCTA Safety Document 02-03-40. Signage for the Soft Sided Cleanroom Oxygen Deficiency Hazard 0 Nitrogen Gas is supplied to this area from an external tank. Nitrogen gas is interlocked to HEPA Ventilation system. Failure of monitored HEPA automatically shuts off nitrogen. Localized ODH hazards may exist when nitrogen is in use. Users of nitrogen must have ODH hazard training. Liquid Nitrogen is NOT ALLOWED in this area without explicit authorization from NLCTA Operations. Refer to NLCTA Safety Document 02-03-40 “Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Users Guide” for additional information..
Access Requirements: Users of Nitrogen Gas must have Oxygen Deficiency Hazard training. No training required for other personnel. Personal Oxygen Deficiency Monitors are not required.
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