Information Handbook Under Right to Information Act, 2009 with Respect of Cooperative
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There are 106 different types of Cooperative Societies in the District having participation of more than twelve thousand families related with the subject. The Marketing Cooperative Society, Fruit Growers Cooperative Marketing & Processing Society Ltd; Kargil, Consumer Cooperative Stores and Primary Agriculture Societies are playing a vital role in the marketing of Consumer / processing of fruit products / furnishing items and arrangement of fertilizer for the purpose.
The objective of this Handbook is to provide information to the intended users regarding different functions being delivered by the Cooperative Department.
I. MARKETING COOPERATIVES: a. Marketing of Fertilizer.
The Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd; Kargil after arranging the fertilizer stocking at Block Headquarters and also arranges the distribution of fertilizer to the farmers through Consumer Cooperative Stores / Primary Agriculture Societies in every villages of the District. Till 1993-94, the Fertilizer Companies used to supply of Fertilizer on credit basis and the sale proceeds being remitted after conducting the sale of the stock. At present the Fertilizer companies declined to supply Fertilizer on credit and demanded advance payment for supply/procurement of Fertilizer. Since the Societies of this District are not in a position to arrange funds for advance payment, they are availing cash credit loan from the Bank to the tune of Rs, 70 to 80 lacs and the likely interest of the Bank till liquidation of loan comes to Rs, 8 to 10 lacs annually, which is provided from the District Plan Fund.
Out of the total Nine (9) consumer Cooperative Stores Seven (7) Consumer Stores are functional in the District. The Consumer Stores arrange essential Commodities, furnishing items at reasonable rates made available to the public and plays a vital role in checking the market rates and ensure availability of essential Commodities especially during winter months.
The Meat Dealer Cooperative Society Ltd; Kargil is playing a vital role in making availability of meat particularly during the winter months. IV. FRUIT GROWERS COOPERATIVE MARKETING & PROCESSING SOCIEY LTD; Kargil.
The fruit Growers Cooperative Marketing & Processing Society Ltd; Kargil is providing / processing local fruit products like Dry Apricot, Apricot Cornel, Apricot Oil, Apricot Pulp, Apricot Jam / Juice and beverages, as year about 4000 Tonnes of biter Apricots are wastage every. The Society has also introduced Sea-buck thorn pulp and processed Sea- buck thorn Juice in the District.
V. Procurement & Supply of Fresh Vegetable/Fruits.
During the scarcity of fresh vegetable / fruits in winter season when all means of communication remains cut-off from rest of the country except Air. Cooperative department has played a vital role in the supply of fresh vegetable / fruits to facilitate the general public in the Town via Chandigarh, Leh in winter season.
Out of 81 Pry. Agriculture Cooperative Societies 53 are functional in the District and the Societies arrange essential Commodities and fertilizer in every villages of the District and during the winter season supply of fresh vegetable/fruits from Chandigarh by Air via Leh to facilitate the general public in the Town.
The Milk Cooperative Society Ltd; Tambis procured fresh milk from the farmers and its sale in the market at reasonable rate. Sale of milk conduct 9740 Ltrs upto ending March, 2014. VII. TRANSPORT COOPERATIVES :
The Transport Cooperative Society Ltd; Kargil is functioning in the District deals with Civil / Army supplies and in freight transaction of Rs, 282.44 crores during the year 2013-14 and Rs, 278.00 crores upto ending 09/2013.
During the current year 2014-15 and upto ending Feb. 2015, the Cooperative societies of this District conduct the following activities:-
S. Particulars Unit Target Ach. Upto ending No. 2014-15 02/2015
I CONSUMER COOPERATIVES. Purchase of Consumer goods. ( Rs, in lacs ) 60.00 44.08 a. Sale of Consumer goods. “ 60.00 35.16 b.
III MARKETING COOPERATIVES: Stocking of fertilizer ( In Qtls ) 8100 7441 a. Sale of fertilizer ( In Qtls ) 8100 7555 b.
IV MEAT DEALER COOPERATIVES: Purchase of meat (Rs, in lacs) 50.00 45.33 a. Sale of meat. (Rs, in lacs) 50.00 43.88 b.
V FRUIT GROWERS COOPERATIVES: Purchase of fruit ( Rs, in lacs ) 5.00 3.13 a. Sale of fruit ( Rs, in lacs ) 5.00 2.80 b.
VI PRY. CREDIT COOPERATIVES: Purchase of Vegetable ( Rs, in lacs ) -- 3.06 a. Sale of Vegetable ( Rs, in lacs ) -- 2.87 b.
VII MILK COOPERATIVES: Sale of milk ( In Ltrs ) 15000 9740 a.
IX TRANSPORT COOPERATIVES: Freight of transportation. ( Rs, in lacs ) -- 409.83 a.
M/S : Marketing Society PACS : Primary Agriculture Cooperative Society FGCS : Fruit Growers Cooperative Society Cons. : Consumer cooperative Society
Budget allotment and Expenditure.
S.No. Name of the Scheme Released Expdt. Estimate Outlay 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 UNDER NON-PLAN SCHEME: 01. Salaries & contingents. 190.34 189.33 173.60 UNDER PLAN SCHEME: 01. SUBSIDY / INCENTIVES: I PRY. AGRI. COOPERATIVES: a. Subsidy to meet interest charges on Bank loan. 3.00 3.00 3.00 b. Freight-cum-Incidental charges 0.52 0.52 0.60 c. Assistance for weak Societies 0.75 0.75 1.00 TOTAL (I) :- 4.27 4.27 4.60 II. CONSUMER COOPERATIVES: a. Subsidy for Managerial charges. 0.37 0.37 0.50 b. Subsidy to meet interest charges 7.12 7.12 10.00 c. Freight-cum-Incidental charges 2.25 2.25 3.00 d. Assistance to meet losses/Management 0.75 0.75 -- TOTAL (II) :- 10.49 10.49 13.50 III MARKETING COOPERATIVES: a. Subsidy for Managerial charges. 0.07 0.07 0.10 b. Subsidy to meet interest charges 1.50 1.50 5.00 c. Freight-cum-Incidental charges 7.12 7.12 9.00 TOTAL (III) :- 8.69 8.69 14.10 IV MEAT DEALER COOPERATIVES: a. Subsidy to meet interest charges 0.75 0.32 0.30 V MILK COOPERATIVES: a. Subsidy for Managerial charges. 0.08 0.12 0.12 TOTAL (SUBSIDY) :- 24.28 23.89 32.62 02. MACH. / EQUIPMENTS. a. Purchase of pulper machine for FGCS Kgl. 3.75 3.75 3.00 b. Purchase of Computer for Block Offices. 0.75 0.75 -- GRAND TOTAL :- 28.78 28.39 35.62 Chapter-4
The Name / Designation and other particulars of the Public Information Officer :-
S. Name Designation Phone No. Fax Address No. Office House Deputy 01. Sh. Ghulam Mehdi Deputy Registrar 01985-232204 01985-233971 01985-232204 Registrar Cooperatives Cooperative Societies Office Baroo Kargil
Chapter- 5.
Address of the main Office and Other Officers at Block levels.
Main Office : Office of the Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies Kargil.
Block Level Offices : Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies (Sup) Kargil, Sankoo, Drass, Shargole, Shakar Chiktan, Tai-Suru & Zanskar
Morning hours of the Office : 10.00 am Closing hours of the Office : 4.00 pm Chapter-6.
The monthly Remuneration received by each of its Officers and employees including the system of compensation as provided in regulations.
Cooperative Department.
S.No. Name of the Officer/ Designation Monthly remuneration Officials 01. Ghulam Mehdi Dy. Registrar Coops. PB-2 9300-34800+4300 02. Ghulam Hussain Asstt; Registrar Coops. PB-2 9300-34800+4200 03. Mohd Yassin Asstt; Registrar Coops. PB-2 9300-34800+4200 04. Punchok Namgial Inspector Coops. PB-2 9300-34800+4200 05. Mohd Amin Inspector Coops. PB-2 9300-34800+2800 06. Tsering Stanzin Supervisor Coops. PB-2 5200-20200+2800 07. Mohd Sadiq Supervisor Coops. PB-2 5200-20200+2800 08. Ghulam Sipten Supervisor Coops. PB-2 5200-20200+2800 09. Saif-ud-din Sheikh Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 10. Mustafa Sheikh Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 11. Marzia Banoo Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 12. Mukhtar Hussain Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 13. Ruksana Parveen Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 14. Mohd Iqbal Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 15. Ali Raza Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 16. Zakir Hussain Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 17. Nawaz Ali Supervisor Coops. PB-1 5200-20200+2400 18. Murtaza Ali Head Asstt; PB-2 9300-34800+4200 19. Abdul Rehman Sr. Asstt. PB-1 5200-20200 +2800 20. Manzoor Hussain Typist PB-1 5200-20200 + 2800 21. Mohd Ali Sr. Asstt. PB-1 5200-20200 + 2800 22. Ghulam Jaffer Typist PB-1 5200-20200 + 2800 23. Habibullah Sr. Asstt. PB-1 5200-20200 + 2800 24. Fida Hussain Jr. Asstt. PB-1 5200-20200 + 2800 25. Nissar Ali Jr. Asstt. PB-1 5200-20200 + 2800 26. Stanzin Tantar Jr. Asstt. PB-1 5200-20200 + 2800 27. Mohd Abass Jr. Asstt; PB-1 5200-20200 +1900 28. Mohd Ishaq Orderly PB-1 4440-7440 +1900 29. Bashir Ahmed Orderly PB-1 4440-7440 +1900 30. Mohd Ali Orderly PB-1 4440-7440 +1900 31. Mohd Baqir. Orderly PB-1 4440-7440+1900 32. Abdul Hussain Orderly PB-1 4440-7440 +1900 33. Mohd Hadi. Orderly PB-1 4440-7440+1900 34. Mohd Jaffer Orderly PB-1 4440-7440 +1900 35. Fatima Banoo Orderly PB-1 4440-7440+1300 35. Ghulam Mohd Driver PB-2 5200-2-200+4210
A. Check list for Registration in J&K Cooperative Societies Act. Of 1989.
While applying for a registration under J&K Cooperative Societies Act. Of 1989 (Section 5 of the Act) the applicant Cooperative Societies to fulfill the following requirements:-
Registration cases should be submitted to RCS Office through proper chain i,e,
Assistant Registrar to Deputy Registrar, Deputy Registrar to Addl. Registrar Addl. Registrar to Registrar.
1. Number of members (individuals) should not be less than 50 for allied agriculture ( Poultry / Dairy ) Cooperative Society. The Husband and Wife shall be treated as one member.
2. The object of the Cooperative Society should be related to Poultry, Hatchery and Dairy. 3. The applicants should be above the age of 18 years.
4. Photocopy of the receipt in support of the collected share capital and its subsequent deposit with the Bank to be appended with the draft paper.
5. Original of the Resolution passed by the promoters stating therein that Draft Bye-Laws have been read understood and subsequently adopted.
6. No service fee is required to be remitted under 1989 Act.
7. The original copy of the Bye-Laws o the proposed Cooperative Society as accepted by the applicants, duly attested by Assistant Registrar / Deputy Registrar concerned.
8. Promoters Resolution specifying the place and date where the draft Bye-Laws stood adopted.
9. Promoters should be permanent resident of the State.
10. Member list with their exact address and dully countersigned by Assistant Registrar concerned. 11. A certificate from Assistant Registrar concerned with the affect that no two Cooperative Societies of identical name and identical discipline in the same area of operation are registered.
12. Four copies of Bye-Laws, one for RCS Office, One for promoters, one for Deputy Registrar and one for District Audit Officer concerned, to be furnished.
13. Signature of promoters (only two) on behalf of the rest on draft Bye-Laws in token of adoption of Bye-Laws.
14. Gainful core services to be explicitly mentioned in the objective clause of the Bye-Laws.
B. Check list for registration of Cooperatives under the Self Reliant cooperative Act. 1999.
1. Permanent residential certificate of basic promoters / members duly attested by any Gazetted Officer to be appended.
2. Declaration in Schedule ‘A’ signed by the all members regarding commitment to the “Principles of Cooperatives”
3. The original copy of the Articles of Association of the proposed Cooperative as accepted by the applicants, duly attested by Assistant Registrar / Deputy Registrar concerned. 4. Promoters resolution specifying the place and date where the draft Articles of Association stood adopted.
5. Member list with their exact address to be attached with the draft papers signed by all members and duly countersigned by Assistant Registrar concerned.
6. A certificate from Assistant Registrar concerned with the affect that no two Cooperatives of identical name and identical discipline in the same area of operation are registered.
7. Subject matter of draft Articles of Association should be as per Schedule ‘B’ appended to the Act.
8. Service fee corresponding to 1% of authorized equity capital, in case of such Cooperatives as do not want to have equity clause, service fee is Rs, 200/-
9. Registrar cases should be submitted to RCS Office through proper chain i,e,
Assistant Registrar to Deputy Registrar, Deputy Registrar to Addl. Registrar Addl. Registrar to Registrar.