Chapter 26 Practice Test

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Chapter 26 Practice Test

D. direct military confrontation. CHAPTER 26 PRACTICE TEST 7. George Kennan's long telegram from Moscow said that

1. “ But this secret, swift, and extraordinary buildup of A. conflict with the U.S.S.R. was inevitable, so the U.S. Communist missiles—in an area well known to have a had to pursue a firm policy of containing Soviet special and historical relationship to the U.S. and the nations expansion. of the Western Hemisphere, in violation of Soviet B. the focus of world communism was shifting to China, assurances, and in defiance of American and hemispheric and the U.S. should abandon its preoccupation with policy— this sudden, clandestine [secret] decision to station affairs in Eastern Europe. strategic weapons for the first time outside of Soviet soil—is C. American war aims in Europe had been achieved, so a deliberately provocative and unjustified change in the the U.S. should withdraw and focus on domestic status quo which cannot be accepted by this country, if our challenges. courage and our commitments are ever to be trusted again by D. the U.S.S.R. was interested mainly in securing its either friend or foe. . . . — President John F. Kennedy, borders, so the U.S. should encourage its domination October 22, 1962” This statement is most closely associated of Eastern Europe. with the A. Bay of Pigs invasion 8. When Winston Churchill spoke in Missouri about an "iron B. Cuban missile crisis curtain," he was referring to C. U.S.-Soviet space race D. nuclear test ban controversy A. the division that had developed between President Truman's loyal supporters in his home state and his 2. What is a valid conclusion based on this statement? opponents in the rest of the country. A. Strategic weapons of the U.S. should be stationed on B. adivision between Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe foreign soil. and the rest of the continent. B. An isolationist foreign policy is the most effective way C. the barrier that had to be established in order to to preserve peace. contain communism within its existing boundaries. C. Presidential attempts were made to end military D. the cultural and intellectual barrier that prevented alliances. Westerners from understanding Asia. D. Geographic location plays an important role in determining foreign policy. 9. According to the Truman Doctrine,

3. During the Korean War, President Harry Truman removed A. the U.S. had to support free people everywhere who General Douglas MacArthur from command because were resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by MacArthur outside pressures. A. called for an immediate end to the war B. the U.S. had the right to intervene in any Latin B. refused to serve under the United Nations American nation that was threatened by communism. C. lacked the experience to provide wartime leadership C. members of labor unions that went on strike in vital D. threatened the constitutional principle of civilian control industries would be subject to arrest or military draft. of the military D. any threat made to an ally of the U.S. was tantamount to an threat to the U.S. itself. 4. All of the following were real or potential problems facing returning servicemen after World War II except 10. The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to A. a blood lust for killing developed during the war. B. inability to pay for a college education. A. help the hungry and homeless of Europe. C. marital difficulties. B. help stop the spread of communism in Europe. D. the need for occupational guidance. C. help expand sales of American goods in Europe. D. help to build the economies of both the U.S. and 5. In Poland during 1945 and 1946, Europe. A. free elections were held, in accordance with the Yalta agreements, but the U.S.S.R. nullified the results. 11. The purpose of the Berlin airlift of 1948-1949 was to B. Americans of Polish ancestry who had formed a Thaddeus Kosciusko Brigade fought a guerrilla war A. demonstrate to Stalin that American B-29s could fly against the pro-Soviet Polish government. great distances while carrying atomic bombs. C. the U.S.S.R. barred free elections and suppressed the B. provide thousands of tons of food and fuel that were democratic parties. necessary for Berliners to survive the Soviet blockade. D. the U.S. organized an airlift to provide food and C. help nearly 100,000 Berlin residents escape to West supplies to the people of Warsaw. Germany. D. land nearly 50,000 American troops in Germany to prevent Soviet aggression. 6. All the following were the ways in which the American- Soviet conflict after World War II was waged except 12. The Korean War was an example of all the following except A. economic pressure. B. propaganda. A. limited war. C. subversion. B. the triumph of military over political leadership. C. the containment policy. D. war without congressional approval. 13. What was Republican John Foster Dulles referring to when 18. Which of the following was not one of the reasons that many he spoke of "the worst defeat the U.S. has suffered in its Americans became concerned about the nation's security history"? during the late 1940s? A. the establishment of the communist People's Republic A. The communists were victorious in China. of China B. The U.S.S.R. beat the U.S. in the race to develop a B. the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor hydrogen bomb. C. the outcome of the Korean War C. A major spy network was discovered to have given D. the loss of Eastern Europe to communism American military information and atomic secrets to the Soviets during World War II. 14. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, what did Marvel Comics, D. FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover’s claim that colleges were the House Un-American Activities Committee, Hollywood, centers of “red propaganda.” and some thirty-nine state legislatures have in common? A. They were all revealed to be riddled with communist 19. The House Un-American Activities Committee was spies and other subversives. A. responsible for a series of highly publicized hearings B. They all took vigorous stands against the witch designed to expose communist influence in American hunting of Senator Joseph McCarthy. life. C. They all participated in the crusade to clear Alger Hiss B. the name that Senator Joseph McCarthy gave to the and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg of charges that they House Armed Services Committee. passed secrets to the Soviets. C. declared by the Supreme Court to be in violation of D. They all contributed to the anticommunist hysteria of basic civil liberties and therefore unconstitutional. the period and tried to root out subversives in D. shut down by President Truman as a signal to the American society. nation that the crusade against communist subversion would be directed from the White House. 15. The Taft-Hartley Act A. outlawed the closed shop and permitted the president 20. Who were the “Hollywood Ten”? to call an eighty-day cooling-off period to delay a A. a group of prominent film directors and screenwriters strike. who refused to say whether they had been members of B. became known as the Magna Carta of the labor the Communist Party movement because of the rights that it ensured for B. the ten most popular film stars of the early 1950s unions. C. the ten most powerful movie producers in Hollywood, C. constituted a slave-labor bill that crippled the labor who signed on to make anticommunist movies for the movement in the U.S.. federal government D. was the cornerstone of President Truman's Fair Deal.

16. The relationship between President Harry Truman and the Short Answer Eightieth Congress can be described as 21. Why did the Soviet Union impose the Berlin blockade, and A. cordial, because Truman knew that he was unpopular how did President Truman respond to it? and needed to court Republican votes in order to win reelection in 1948. 22. Why were the communists able to take over China in 1949? B. antagonistic, because Congress was controlled by the How did some Republicans explain communist success in Republicans and Truman was a Democrat. C. cool but cooperative, as Congress tried to push China? Truman toward support of further New Deal-type legislation. 23. What were the causes of the Korean War? How did it affect D. a two-year honeymoon, because the Democrats had American foreign policy? regained control of Congress, and Truman was able to capitalize on Roosevelt's aura.

17. Which of the following was not one of the signs in 1946- 1948 of changing national attitudes toward civil-rights issues? A. The Supreme Court declared segregation in interstate bus transportation unconstitutional. B. Many states and cities passed fair-employment- practices and public-accommodations laws. C. The Brooklyn Dodgers hired the first African- American player in major-league baseball. D. Southern segregationists bolted the Democratic party over the presidential nomination.

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