Jainism Summary Sheet

Founder or Key Figure:

 Vardhamana Mahavira was known as one of the 24 holy teachers who taught about self mastery

 He accepted the Hindu ways, but he had the urge to modify the religion

 After the age of 30 he decided to leave Hinduism and devote his life to ahimsa, the art of nonviolence.

 Mahavira became a conqueror which means Jina, thus Jainism was formed.

Place of Origin / Timeframe:

 Hinduism was the dominant religion (before and after) in India

 Jainism is based on Hinduism with some changes to ‘the way of life’ as dictated by Mahavira 563 BCE.

 Gave people who believed in Hinduism to an extent, alternative means and ways of living

Key Beliefs:

 Jains believe in adhering to ahisma (noble art of non violence)

 They try to cause no harm to anything possessing a soul (Jiva).

 They believe in atomism (the belief that everything, including atoms, possess a soul)

 Believe in reincarnation and that a soul accumulates karmic debt which can be eliminated to achieve moshka (salvation), if they adhere to their practices

 Jains believe that there are no absolutes; all perspectives on an issue or topic are equally valid

Key Practices /Rituals or Ceremonies:

 Meditation is very important to ascetics  They do not eat when it’s dark

 They begin their days by praying

 Their prayers are similar to poetry, often sung.

 During Paryusana Parva, monks do not walk from town to town, but settle in one place. People repent during this time and are involved with karma.

Religious Text:

 The sacred scriptures of Jainism are known as Agama.

 Rewritten in the 3rd century BC.

 Hold the stories, scriptures, and documents of which Jainism was started or based on; holds the morals, lessons, and information that are necessary for a religion to have.

 Different denominations/clads use different scriptures. These include the Satkdagma and Kasay-aprabhrta collections

Symbols / Images:

 The Jain Emblem is a symbol summarizing the entire philosophy of Jainism. (Contains swastika & Jain Hand)

 The Swastika is symbol of rebirth representing the four types of beings you can be born into (heavenly, human, animal or hellish)

 The Jain Hand represents blessing and protection

Sacred Faith Days:

 Mahavira Jayanti. Occurs around March/April. Celebrates the birth of Mahavira.

 Paryushana. Occurs in August/September. All Jains are required to fast and the spiritual leaders read out and explain in detail the Kalpasutra (sacred scripture). The first seven days are days of attainment. The eighth and final day is one of fulfilment and achievement.  Diwali: Occurs in October/November. The whole night of Diwali should be spent in the recitation of holy hymns and mediation. The day after Diwali marks the beginning of the New Year in the Jain calendar.

 Kartak Purnima. Occurs in October/November. Thousands of Jains go on pilgrimages on this day to sacred Jain sites.

 Mauna Agyaras. Occurs around November/December. This is the day on which Jains fast and observes total silence. It is a day for meditation.

Overall Impact / Influence on World / Religions:

 Many important figures in history, such as Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. have adopted the belief of Ahisma (non-violence).

 Throughout the world, people have also adopted their belief that it is wrong to kill anything with a soul and many have become vegetarian.