1. Welcome - Jenel Nels, President s1
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Cody Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes January 10, 2017
1. Welcome - Jenel Nels, president
Attending: Laurie Brasche, Lia O’Malley, Kari Beth Hamilton, Allison Berg, Ashley Dohrn, Wil Hanson, Caroline Everitt, Michelle Mahrt, Jenel Nels, Kim Radcliff, Jen Dumas, Jess Gisi, Misty Miller, Stacy Porter
2. Approval of November meeting minutes - Motion made to approve the De- cember min made by Wil Hanson, and seconded by Michelle Mahrt
3. Treasurer’s Report - Caroline Everitt, Treasurer • Little activity in December with 1 set of PTA dues incoming, paid $1000 to visiting author cost as agreed upon with PV School Board, Bingo made $765 with $50 expenses thus far with no bill from Happy Joes still received - we will f/u with Happy Joe’s to ensure this is paid. Donuts with dad occurred with cost exceeding total donations • Thank you notes sent from Fall Frolic for local business • Ending balance: $39,789.66
4. Committee reports 1. Box tops - Jess Gisi • In February will have kids add their name to box tops turned in and then drawing for making announcements or some fun thing. Box tops turned in March then one more fun option for end of the year- like popsicles 2. Cody Calypso - Stacy Porter - Sign- up genius sent in last week eNews, will resend to PTA members this week and via room parents - volunteers are needed! • Theme is grooving to the 70s - disco • DJ and set up and tear down are covered • Date is 1/27 6-8pm • New committee chair for 2018 is Ryan Stroup 3. Reflections - Amy Hartz made by Jenel Nels • Banquet is Thursday 1/12/17 • Entire Cody 2nd grade submitted a project and a few additional submis- sions from Cody students • PTA would like to recognize the participating students from Cody in the fu- ture 4. Room Parent Coordinator - Keri Walter made by Jenel Nels • Valentines parties will happen 2/14 2:30 and coordinated by room parents 1. Scholastic Book Fair - Michelle Mahrt • Relayed gratitude expressed from Mrs. Venhorst in 4th grade for the assis- tance in purchasing couches/books/etc
5. New business 1. Spring 2017 Cody JA volunteer opportunities - is in need of parent volun- teers for spring semester, if interested please contact Jenel for further information or Cassie the Education Manager with Junior Achievement at cassandra.druhl@- ja.org 2. PTA Coffee - Meet and Greet - January 20th 8:15am-9:00am, Cody Cafe- teria • This event is happening to try and talk about what PTA does in an informal and social way as a response to PTA survey • Information went out in eNews and flyer will be sent home with courier later this week or next • Also planning an evening event that showcases PTA • Committee description - would like completed prior to coffee social to have in an organized manner for people to browse and learn more, these will also be uploaded to the Cody PTA website 1. Teacher request reimbursement policy - would like to formalize procedure • Currently $150 is allotted per teacher per year • New proposal • $150 use or lose/school year • An additional $150 ($300 max per teacher) may be authorized per written teacher request by unanimous PTA board approval • Any request > $300 per year will require membership approval at the next PTA meeting • Discussion from members requesting teachers present their request in front of the membership • How will membership decide to negate a request? As non-teachers we do not know what is needed. Look at a a check and balance to ensure this money is not abused • Should there be a teacher limit on money or possible use Mrs. Brasche as the gatekeeper for requests.
• Proposal: $150 is allotted per teacher per school year, any additional monies will require signature and approval from Mrs. Brasche via the PTA fund- ing request form. After that PTA membership will vote on approval of expenditure via presentation at the next PTA meeting • Motion made by: Caroline Everitt, seconded by Kim Radcliffe • Motion approved - all in favor and none opposed 3. Playground options - have 0-$29,000 budget to replace “blue bubble” with 4 options at this time • this month will share with Mrs Brasche then the district for approval • Hoping in February will be able to narrow down to 2-4 options then post on a bulletin board at the school and allow students to vote on the design by classroom • Will need estimate on equipment then request assistance from school board • Next step would be vote by PTA membership for approval and installation this summer 4. Next PTA meeting is scheduled 2/14 and now moving to Wednesday 2/15 at 6:00-7:00
Motion to adjourn made by Wil Hanson
Upcoming dates 1/27/2017 Cody Calypso 2/15/17 PTA Meeting 6:00pm 2/21/17 Skate Party 6pm-8pm