Guidelines for the Final Argument Piece (CP)-60 Points

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Guidelines for the Final Argument Piece (CP)-60 Points

Name ______

“The Final Argument” Packet #1

Guidelines for the Final Argument Piece (CP)-60 Points

 Like all argument pieces, this paper must argue in favor for (or against) a specific topic or issue.  Final piece must include an introduction that defines any important background information and includes a thesis (claim) that establishes your argument, 3-5 body paragraphs (each should explore one main point of support), and a conclusion, which should include a call to action where appropriate.

 Paper must use appeals to LOGOS and ETHOS. PATHOS may be included where appropriate, but avoid an overly emotional argument.

 Paper must include arguments for your side as well as acknowledgement and refutation of the other side’s arguments

 Final piece must include research from at least 3 credible sources (no Wikipedia, blogs, Yahoo answers, etc). You must cite these sources within your paper and include a Works Cited page with proper MLA formatting. Failure to correctly cite your sources is considered plagiarism and will be penalized according to the English department guidelines!

 Final piece must be printed BEFORE class.

 In class on the due date, you will be asked to identify and label your claim, qualifier, supports, warrants, rebuttal, and response.

 Final piece must be submitted to by 11:00 P.M. on the due date.

 Format: Times New Roman #12 font, 1” margins all around, double-spaced.

 Length requirement: 3 (FULL)-4 pages PLUS a Works Cited page.

 In a header at the top left of the first page, type your name, Final Argument Piece, and an original title for your piece.

Cornelius MacGuffin Final Argument Piece Berchick – 4th Period


Claim: Even though it will not stop all of the negative issues associated with smoking, raising cigarette taxes will be beneficial and should be considered.

Support Point #1: Taxing cigarettes may cause smokers to reduce their smoking or even quit due to higher prices. Warrant: Reducing smoking will be beneficial to the health of our society.

Research:  Estimates show that a 10% price increase reduces cigarette consumption in adults by 4%, with half of the impact resulting from reductions in the number of smokers (Dryden)  In states where cigarette taxes rose by at least 35 percent, heavy smokers lowered their daily smoking by 14 cigarettes, on average (Dryden)  A comparison shows that in the 1990s, one of every 20 high school students smoked 10 or more cigarettes a day. Today, with more tobacco taxes, one out of 71 students smoke that much (Cauchon)  Cutting down on smoking reduces the risk of getting serious smoking-related diseases such as heart disease, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and peripheral vascular disease (“Harms of Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting”)

Support Point #2: Increasing the cigarette tax may prevent possible young adult smokers from starting. Warrant: We want fewer young people to even start smoking so that they don’t develop a bad habit from an early age.

Research:  Evidence shows that raising tobacco taxes is more effective among young adults, a group with a limited budget (“Achieving a Tobacco Free Generation Means Stopping Them from Starting”)  Children and adolescents are about three times more sensitive to cigarette price changes than adults (Cauchon)  Since 90% of all smokers start as teens, higher taxes can sharply reduce smoking in the long run (Cauchon)

Support Point #3: Raising the tax rate on cigarettes introduces money that can be used for more revenues, public health benefits, and cost savings in other important areas. Warrant: We have a huge national debt, and anything that can help with funding is desirable and beneficial.

Research:  Where the tax money goes can be important. The president has proposed using the tax money to fund early childhood education, which helps by both expanding opportunity, and improving health and the lives of smokers (Marr)  Nearly $80 billion could be generated over the next 10 years by increasing the tobacco tax by 50 cents per pack (Dryden)  States can use the money on anything from roads, education and health care to prisons or other infrastructure projects (Marr)

Works Cited "Achieving a Tobacco Free Generation Means Stopping Them from Starting". The New York Times. 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. Cauchon, Dennis. "Tax Hike Cuts Tobacco Consumption." USATODAY. 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2014. Dryden, Jim. "As Cigarette Taxes Go Up, Heavy Smoking Goes Down”. Newsweek. Washington University in St. Louis. 29 Nov. 2012. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. "Harms of Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting." National Cancer Institute. 12 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. Marr, Chuck, and Chye-Ching Huang. “Higher Tobacco Taxes Can Improve Health and Raise Revenue.” CNN. 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.

NOTE: Works Cited must be in MLA format, in alphabetical order, and use a hanging indent. Also, all sources cited on Works Cited page must appear as a cited source in the outline. Argument Outline Worksheet

Example Outline:

Claim: Although there are some rules in place regarding concussions in the NFL, these injuries should be taken more seriously with updated regulations for the safety of its players and their loved ones. (Note: The first half of this claim is called a qualifier, which acknowledges the other side and shows that you are not seeing things as only “black and white”. You should try to include a qualifier in your claim.)

SUPPORT #1: Research has shown that the NFL is a direct cause of numerous concussions every year. These concussions lead to issues such as depression, dementia, and cognitive issues.

WARRANT #1: No one wants to acquire these issues from such a preventable cause, so the NFL’s regulations regarding concussions need to be updated.

SUPPORT #2: The current return-to-play policy allows players to return to the game too soon, which can lead to the development of post-concussion syndrome.

WARRANT #2: To avoid having more players develop post-concussion syndrome and other associate issues, the NFL needs to update their regulations.

SUPPORT #3: Concussions, especially the severe ones suffered in the NFL, often negatively impact not only the players themselves, but also the players’ loved ones.

WARRANT#3: It is unfair for the family and friends to be punished due to lack of effort from the NFL, so the NFL needs to update their regulations regarding concussions.

[OPTIONAL] SUPPORT #4: The NFL’s lack of regulations encourages young players in peewee leagues and on school teams to play the same dangerous way.

WARRANT #4: Parents do not want their children to grow up with the traumatic brain injuries that are experienced by NFL players, so the NFL needs to update their regulations in order to set a better example for young players and leagues. Name:______

Claim (statement of position-include a qualifier if possible/applicable):



Check: Is your claim a statement that can be supported by fact? Is it truly arguable?

SUPPORT #1: ______


SUPPORT #2: ______


SUPPORT #3: ______


[OPTIONAL] SUPPORT # 4: ______WARRANT#4:______

Argument Outline Worksheet-Side #2

Now that you have successfully outlined your argument, it is time to explore the other side. The more you understand the arguments and support points of the other side, the better you will be able to refute them in your paper. It is important that you research the other side and do not over-simplify their arguments. Also, do not simply write the exact opposite of your side’s support points; the opposition probably has its own separate support points.

Example Outline for Side #2:

Claim: Although concussions should be taken seriously, there are already enough regulations in the NFL to help prevent and treat these injuries when they occur. (Note: The first half of this claim is called a qualifier, which acknowledges the other side and shows that you are not seeing things as only “black and white”. You should try to include a qualifier in your claim.)

SUPPORT #1: The helmets and padding used in the NFL have been proven to be effective in helping to keep players safe and to prevent concussions, and each year, this equipment is improved.

WARRANT #1: It is important to protect the players from concussions, and because the helmets and padding are effective enough at doing so, we do not need to change NFL regulations.

SUPPORT #2: The current return-to-play policy follows strict guidelines about how long a player has to recover after a concussion prior to returning to the game; this includes an exam by a neuropsychologist and a concussion expert.

WARRANT #2: We do not want players to re-injure themselves after a concussion, and the policies in place ensure that this does not occur.

[OPTIONAL] SUPPORT #3: In 2010 and 2013, the NFL thoroughly reviewed and revised their regulations to protect players from helmet-first hits to their heads and necks.

WARRANT#3: We want the players to be as safe as possible, and since the regulations have already been recently changed, the leagues have already done their part in helping to prevent injuries. Name:______

Claim (statement of position-include a qualifier if possible/applicable):



Check: Is your claim a statement that can be supported by fact? Is it truly arguable?

SUPPORT #1: ______


SUPPORT #2: ______



WARRANT#3:______Name: ______Argument Research Sheet

Source #1 1) Title:

2) Author:

3) Where you got it from/ address: 4) Brief Summary

5) Why it is useful for you (key info):

Source #2 1) Title:

2) Author:

3) Where you got it from/ address: 4) Brief Summary 5) Why it is useful for you (key info):

Source #3 1) Title:

2) Author:

3) Where you got it from/ address: 4) Brief Summary

5) Why it is useful for you (key info):

Source #4 1) Title:

2) Author:

3) Where you got it from/ address: 4) Brief Summary 5) Why it is useful for you (key info):

Source #5 1) Title:

2) Author:

3) Where you got it from/ address: 4) Brief Summary

5) Why it is useful for you (key info):

Source #6 1) Title:

2) Author:

3) Where you got it from/ address: 4) Brief Summary 5) Why it is useful for you (key info):

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