Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Kidlington Parish Council

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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Kidlington Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Kidlington Parish Council held at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington on Thursday May 10th 2007.

Present: Councillor Chris Pack (Chair) Councillor T Atsoparthis Councillor D Betts Councillor S Bird Councillor J Garlick Councillor A Graham Councillor S Hepworth Councillor D Holloway Councillor P Horsley Councillor Carole Pack Councillor D Rae Councillor T Wyse

Declaration of Acceptance Immediately prior to the meeting all members present signed a declaration of acceptance of office in the presence of the clerk as proper officer. It was noted that Councillor A Hornsby-Smith who had sent apologies had signed a declaration of acceptance of office in the presence of the clerk on the previous Tuesday.

It was AGREED that Councillor D Atsoparthis who had sent apologies for the meeting be authorised to sign a declaration of acceptance of office at a later but imminent date.

Withdrawal The outgoing Chair reported on the receipt of a letter from Valerie Holton stating that due to her changed circumstances she was unable to take up her seat with the Council. The Clerk would report this to the electoral officer and it was assumed that a casual vacancy would be declared.

Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs D Atsoparthis, and Hornsby-Smith

Welcome As outgoing Chair Councillor Chris Pack welcomed the new members to the Council and asked for general introductions.

1. Appointment of Chair

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor Chris Pack be elected Chair for the year 2007/08.

2. Appointment of Vice Chair

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor D. Rae be elected Vice Chair for the year 2007/08.

1 3. Appointment of Standing Committees

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that standing committees for the year 2007/08 be as follows:

Finance and Policy Committee Cllr D Atsoparthis Cllr David Betts Cllr Stephen Bird Cllr A Graham Cllr Andrew Hornsby-Smith Cllr Chris Pack Cllr Devena Rae

Community Committee Cllr T Atsoparthis Cllr David Betts Cllr Jackie Garlick Cllr S Hepworth Cllr D Holloway Cllr P Horsley Cllr Carole Pack Cllr T Wyse I vacancy

Planning Committee Cllr Deborah Atsoparthis Cllr Tom Atsoparthis Cllr Stephen Bird Cllr Alan Graham Cllr S Hepworth Cllr P Horsley Cllr Andrew Hornsby-Smith Cllr Carole Pack Cllr Tracey Wyse

4. Appointment of Committee Chairs

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the following appointments be made as Chair and Vice Chair of each committee for the year 2007/08:-

Finance and Policy Committees Chair - Cllr D Rae Vice Chair – Cllr A Graham Community Committee Chair – Cllr D Betts Vice Chair - Cllr J Garlick Planning Committee Chair - Cllr D Atsoparthis Vice Chair – Cllr Carole Pack

5. Appointment of Sub Committees

It was RESOLVED that the following be appointed to Sub Committees as follows:-

Entertainment Cllr J Garlick, Cllr P Horsley, Cllr D Rae

2 Kidlington In Bloom Cllr S Hepworth, Cllr Carole Pack Personnel Chairs to the Council and all standing committees and Council Vice Chair

6. Appointment to Other Bodies

The following appointments were proposed and seconded and RESOLVED:

Kidlington Centre Management Board Cllrs D Atsoparthis, Betts, Horsley. Hornsby-Smith and Rae Roger Almont Charity Chair and Vice Chair Frank Wise Memorial Award Chair and Vice Chair Oxford Airport Consultative Committee Cllrs Atsoparthis (1 vacancy) Kidlington Traffic Advisory Committee Cllrs Hepworth and Hornsby-Smith Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils No nominations Kidlington Youth Centre Management Committee / Churches together youth Cllr Wyse Stratfield Brake Management Committee Cllrs T. Atsoparthis, Betts, and Graham Parish Transport Representative Cllr Bird Kidlington Recreational Trust Management Cllr Rae Kaleidoscope Centre Cllr Garlick St Mary’s Fields Cllrs T Atsoparthis and Carole Pack Emergency Liaison Cllrs Horsley and Chris Pack Kidlington Voice Cllrs Graham and Holloway Schools Liaison Cllr Rae Allotments Cllr Carole Pack Thornbury House Liaison Group Cllr Graham (sub Cllr Carole Pack)

7. Minutes

The minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 29th March 2007 were agreed and signed as a true record.

10. Minutes of Committees

Consideration was given to the minutes of the following committees which were confirmed and adopted:-

i) Policy Committee –12th April 2007

a/ Cricket Club Development Plan (Minute 55) The draft minute was incorrect and amendments would be made prior to the next Policy and Finance Committee meeting.

b/ Stratfield Brake Management Committee (Minute 60) Cllr Betts reported that the Service Level Agreement had not been signed due to a technicality. As Vice Chair of the committee he had been designated with the clerk to liaise with the Rugby Club to finalise the document for signature.

3 c/ Grundon Waste Management (Minute 61 (i)) The agent for Grundon Waste had accepted the invitation to make a presentation to the Council on Thursday 21st June, but had explained that it was likely that the application for a materials recovery facility on the site of the Gosford silo was likely to have been submitted prior to the presentation.

The Council were advised that there had been a request that the Gosford & Water Eaton Parish Council be invited to attend the presentation. The item would be discussed further with a recommendation that the presentation commence at 7.00pm, when the agenda item to finalise the calendar of meetings was discussed.

ii) Environmental and Amenities Committee – 19th April 2007

a/ Broadway redesign (Minute 44 (ii)) It was reported that the Traffic Advisory Committee had been informed that due to no accident statistics for the road around the Broadway both the County and District Councils would be unable to contribute towards a scheme to provide a one way system. The cost – which was a proposal to facilitate improved echelon parking – was expected to be in the region of £7,000.

If the Parish Council was able to find the funds itself the scheme could be considered. This would have to be discussed at budget time.

b/ Football Development Plan (Minute 45) Cllr Rae reported that tenders had been received and had been analysed earlier that day. References were being obtained and the final figures would be presented to the next Council meeting. The council was advised that the tenders had come in under budget but that there was an indication that the Football foundation would not fund the works to Ron Groves’ Park, Park Hill or Exeter Close as they were considered to be remedial works only. However, these were the smallest elements of the plan and there was a possibility that the major works to Orchard Recreation ground and Stratfield Brake could receive 70% funding which was higher than had been thought.

c/ Bus Lane (Minute 49) The Council was advised that the bus lane was to be coloured in red as a warning for those exiting Sainsburys that they were crossing a bus lane. There would be a further safety audit following the changes and the clerk was requested to ask that a parish council representative be invited so that there was awareness of what was happening.

iii) Planning Committee – 26th April 2007

11. Financial Matters

The Council ratified authorisation of all cheques between 28th March and 26th April 2007

Co-operative Bank PLC (Current Account) - £72,131.90

4 National Westminster Bank - £299.95 Payroll Payment Report - £16,414.25

12. Questions to Chair

i) Committee remits

Cllr Betts asked if there could be a meeting of the Personnel committee to agree the exact remit of the new committees to avoid any duplication.

It was suggested that this could be considered during the item to discuss the calendar of meetings.

13. Reports to Council

i) Village Centre Management Board

Cllr Chris Pack reported that the workshop to be undertaken by the Roger Evans Partnership to produce a brief for an urban design consultant study was to take place at Exeter Hall on September12th starting at approximately 4.00pm. He reported that this was to be done at no charge.

Invitations to key stakeholders were to be sent and this would include some parish councillors.

If a design framework was to be produced this would be dependent on funding by Cherwell District Council and h was attempting to secure this.

Cllr Pack also reminded members that there as to be a Continental Market in High Street on the forthcoming Saturday (12th May).

ii) County Councillor Report Cllr Graham was concerned that the Parish Council was not getting up to date reports on matters of concern to Kidlington from the county council representatives.

It was recommended that future council agendas should have an item for County and District Council reports and the relevant councillors would be invited to attend to give a report.

The Chair would write to the county councillors and advise them of this.

iii) Youth Community Group

Cllr Wyse had attended (as Parish Council representative) a meeting of the Youth Community Group that was an initiative of the Churches Together group with the aim of providing a detached youth worker by the Autumn 2008. It was suggested that there was a gap in the provision of youth services within the village.

She reported that there were concerns as to how much religious ethos there should be behind the project and it was stated that there had previously been an Anglican church funded youth worker who had been very successful and had not promote religion in his work with the young people of the community.

5 Cllr Wyse explained that the group was hoping to receive Parish Council support but there was no request for financial support. Cllr Wyse was advised that the Parish Council was happy to offer moral support to this initiative.

14. Calendar of Meetings

The Council considered a previously circulated draft calendar of meetings for 2007/2008.

The Council was advised that the District Council had requested that parishes adopt the new code of conduct before the 1st July necessitating a change to the draft as the next Council meeting was not scheduled until the 5th July.

It was AGREED that the Council meeting be re scheduled for the 21st June and that the meeting must include the signing of the year end accounts that had to be done by the end of June.

The Council was reminded that an invitation had been extended and accepted for a presentation on the 21st June on the planning application for a new materials waste recovery facility on the site of the Gosford silo.

Because of the additional business required on the night it was recommended and RESOLVED that the presentation commence at 7.00pm. Gosford & Water Eaton Parish Council would be invited to attend the presentation.

The Clerk was also requested to establish the date of the submission of the planning application. There was a possibility that the Planning Committee would have already considered the application prior to the presentation.

The Council was also advised that there was a lack of business for the recommended Policy Committee schedule for the forthcoming week. There was an urgent need to establish terms of reference for the new committees prior to a meeting taking place and it was therefore RESOLVED to hold a Personnel committee on the forthcoming Thursday (17th may) to discuss both the remit of the new committees and to agree the recommended salary structure for the new posts now that they had been evaluated.

RESOLVED to approve the draft as submitted with the abandonment of i/ the Policy and Finance Committee scheduled for 17th May, and ii/ the Council meeting scheduled for 5th July. The Policy and Finance Committee meeting scheduled for 21st June would be replaced by a Council meeting.



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