Chapin High School
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This packet contains the information needed in order to try out for the Competition Cheerleading Squad at Chapin High School. This is for information purposes only, competition squad rules coincide with all other squad rules. Parents must sign and acknowledge that they understand all aspects of competition squad rules, policies, procedures, and costs. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED BEFORE TRYOUT. You can return this paperwork to Coach Coutino in A107 or before tryout. THERE WILL BE A MANDATORY PARENT MEETING FOR THOSE WHO MAKE THE SQUAD WHICH WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT A LATER DATE!!
The following is general information that you need to know to try out for Competition squad at Chapin High School. Must be an active member of the freshman, JV, varsity squad, male, or a senior. Squad will be composed of 16-25 members Cheerleaders must have a current physical on file to participate Cheerleaders should put their cheerleading duties above all other clubs/activities, with the exception of academics. Prior consent must be given to those who participate in more than one activity/sport. Work is not an excused absence. All cheer/yell leaders will be required to participate in fundraising, practices, competitions, and performances as deemed necessary by the coach. Cheer/yell leaders will be given a monthly calendar of events so that they will know their cheerleading/competition duties. School issued uniform will be official competition uniform. Standing back hand spring required (light spot can be used when trying out) Flyers must have full lib and heel stretch and will be asked to show trick variations Competition squad members are NOT eligible for Varsity letter
Cheer/yell leaders are expected to attend and/or participate in all games, practices, competitions, performances, meetings, and cheer activities (such as fundraisers, community service projects, student council activities, etc) Cheer/yell leaders will be required to bring official documentation explaining their absence (doctor's note, note from coach/teacher, note from religious director, etc.) Cheer/yell leaders are expected to not have any unexcused absences/tardies from school. Activities will be scheduled during summer and school breaks. Regular squad practices/events AND Competition squad practices/events are mandatory. You will not be excused from one practice/performance and not the other. Competition squad is an ADDITIONAL duty/activity that you must have time to commit to. More than 3 absences to practice will be an automatic removal from competition squad. Practice will be held at various times, dates and locations based on gym/building availability (not having a ride is not an excused absence).
Cheer/yell leaders are expected to maintain passing grades in all of their classes If a cheerleader is in danger of failing the 9 weeks tutoring will be made mandatory as to not interfere with practices. Cheer/yell leaders will turn in eligibility cards or copy of report cards every 9 weeks. NO PASS, NO COMPETING! COSTS:
Each cheerleader will pay ~$100.00-$200.00 for choreography Each competition fee, travel, meals, etc is the responsibility of the cheerleader. Totals will be given to cheerleaders and parents as soon as they become available. This can range anywhere between $350-$1500 depending on competition locations and travel costs. Group Tumbling will be made mandatory. If already attending classes, cheerleader must show proof of receipt and attendance record. Cost will be announced as it becomes available and we have a final number of participants Extra fees will incur such as bows, misc uniform pieces, gym use, etc. Fundraising will help alleviate some of these costs, please push your child to fundraise as much as possible! CONDUCT:
Cheer/yell leaders are expected to adhere to the Chapin High School Cheerleading contract and all of its policies and procedures. Cheer/yell leaders are expected to adhere to the Chapin High School Student Code of Conduct. Cheer/yell leaders are expected to display proper conduct at ALL TIMES!! Cheer/yell leaders will adhere to the Cheerleading Demerit Contract, which penalizes misconduct.
Should you have any further questions before the tryout please contact myself or Coach Veronica Almodovar via email [email protected] or [email protected]. Please acknowledge that you have read and understand the above-mentioned responsibilities, obligations, and guidelines by signing and returning the acknowledgement form on the following page. Thank you for your interest and cooperation! CHAPIN HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADERS COMPETITION SQUAD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
I have read and understand the Chapin High School cheer/yell leading Competition squad requirements. I understand that the members must adhere to the Chapin Cheer Demerit Contract and Cheerleading Contract. I am aware that I am responsible for all fees incurred while my son/daughter is on the squad. I agree to support this contract and help enforce its consequences when needed. I understand that my child is not allowed to miss more than 2 practices and that no money will be refundable.
______Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
I have read and understand the Chapin High School cheer/yell leading Competition squad requirements. I understand that I must adhere to the Chapin Cheer Demerit Contract and Cheerleading Contract. I am aware that I am responsible for all fees incurred while I am on the squad. I agree to be a part of this team as well as my assigned cheer squad. I will have to split time wisely and being on the competition squad is not an excused absence for missing my regular squad's practice or event. I understand that I am not allowed to miss more than 2 practices and that no money will be refundable.
______Signature of Cheer Candidate Date
______Printed Name of Cheer Candidate