SBDM Sample Agenda
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RDES SBDM Agenda March 17, 2014 4:00 pm Opening Business a. Call Roll (make sure member attendance is recorded in minutes) SBDM Members present: Lee Ann Morvai, Tara Bennett, Nick Sevastakis, Mary Rainwater, Meg Heister, Janet Brown, Beth Carpenter SBDM Members absent: no SBDM members were absent for the meeting b. Agenda Approval Motion for approval Lee Ann Morvai, second by Meg Heister, and all were in favor of the motion. c. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting Motion for approval Meg Heister, second by Nick Sevastakis, and all were in favor of the motion. Student Achievement a. Achievement Data Report-The MAP window will be April 21st-May 23rd b. Writing Program Review-Melissa Beers Currently there have been over 130 pieces of evidence uploaded to meet the proficiency standards. Last year areas for improvement were in cultural experiences and providing 21st century skills. Currently RDES teachers are working to improve in these areas by uploading evidence that intentionally targets these areas. RDES scored well in the areas of rigorous and aligned curriculum as well as formative and summative assessments. On the snow days staff were required to report to work, teachers uploaded evidence to support standards. The program review process at RDES includes all teachers to support learning school-wide. Ms. Beers shared the writing policy and the writing plan that was updated January 2014 to reflect current writing instruction and practice. Ms. Beers wanted to thank SBDM members for supporting the literacy coach role by voting increase the funding of her position from .4 FTE to .5 FTE. Ms. Beers has been able to model ACE lessons in grades 3rd-5th, monitor writing folders in each classroom and provide ongoing curriculum support with Lucy Calkins planning and implementation. RDES DATA: Attendance Report Monthly Reports Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Attendance All 97.52 96.48 95.50 94.49 94.91 94.82 95.46 1st 97 95.85 96.64 93.47 94.53 93.28 95.55 2nd 97.21 96.55 95.39 95.17 95.33 95.68 95.43 3rd 98.11 96.22 96.23 95.27 94.57 95.63 95.66 4th 97.52 97.12 95.61 94.88 94.74 95.55 95.21 5th 97.90 96.66 94.62 93.68 95.36 94.00 95.46 RDES was close to the district attendance goal of 96%. Budget Report a. Instructional Budget b. Allocations from the district The 2014-2015 district allocations grant RDES .3 additional staffing above the readjusted budget in September. The instructional budget is up as well. RDES SBDM will vote on staffing at the April meeting. Kathy Fields indicated top box funding items (RtI interventionist, gifted, literacy coach) would be discussed the second week of April at the principals meeting. In addition to district top box funded items we will also receive word regarding Read to Achieve (RTA). c. Activity Accounts a. Rainbow Loom Crew A student-initiated project from Mrs. Rose’s classroom was designed to support art at RDES. Students from Mrs. Rose’s classroom worked closely with Mrs. Goggins to select a project to fund. These students are learning about supply and demand, business marketing, and bookkeeping. I have enjoyed watching the spirits and enthusiasm of these students blossom as they raise money to support a cause. Committee Reports a. Technology committee report Mrs. Heister shared the technology meeting minutes with SBDM. Seven Interactive whiteboards were ordered to support classroom teachers that currently do not have a Smartboard in their classrooms for instructional support. The adapters for the Mac computers were ordered as well. Once the adapters arrive the deployment of the computers will continue. A teacher highlighted concerns with the first generation iPad: 1. They do not have a camera. 2. These older devices do not support newer apps. 3. Apple is not upgrading for these devices any longer. There is trade in credit for used/good 1st generation devices. This concern will remain as a discussion item for the technology committee since current technology funding has been depleted with the order of adapters and interactive whiteboard devices. b. Discussion on development of a “Health Committee” Mrs. Carpenter shared the need for a health committee as required by the practical living program review standards. SBDM agreed there would be a purpose for maintaining a committee of staff and parents in order to work on the health and wellness policy while promoting health and fitness in the school throughout the year. Council Operations a. Policies and Procedures a. Policy revision i. Behavior Policy (7.01) first reading Motion for approval Tara Bennett, second by Meg Heister, and all were in favor of the motion. ii. Student Placement Policy and looping Mrs. Carpenter reminded SBDM the decision at hand was to vote on revising the current student placement policy 3.01 eliminating the term “looping”, or to maintain the current policy without revision. SBDM does not have the jurisdiction to decide the teachers or grades that will loop. Discussion regarding policy and looping continued. Below are the highlights from our continued debate on the current looping structure of RDES. Looping is unique to RDES and more data is needed to either eliminate or continue the support of this structure. Once looping is eliminated from the policy it would be harder to go back to the structure. Is there a way to “baby step” looping? How can we creatively redesign the structure without eliminating what is best for kids because of the structure? There were ideas offered of team teaching and teachers focus on select competencies to instruct. This develops expertise in a specific area but students remain with the same teachers and in the same classroom for 2 years, maintaining continuous progress. There is a high amount of attrition of staff in the primary grades. This attrition does not support a looping structure. Due to the high volume of students in primary at RDES in 2012-2013 and redistricting, a high majority of students did not “loop” with a 2nd grade teacher. 3rd grade teachers maintain concerns with looping. Transitioning from 2nd to 3rd is harder on the students due to the familiarity of primary. Teachers struggle to plan for one grade level. Planning a new grade each year is extremely challenging and very time consuming. JELV to 1st grade is a huge transition first to second grade in the same school does not pose the transition challenges of K to first. Regardless of the outcome, RDES will not settle for a “bad” structure. The straight grade model is the current model supported by our high stakes accountability system. (Training for teachers and rigorous standards of instruction). The goal of our educational institution is to provide the best education possible and either one of the structures are not “anti-student.” RDES can include PD for primary teachers to discuss students at length so continuous progress is not lost. In addition to the additional PD, opportunity may be offered to 2nd grade teachers to visit 1st grade classrooms and read to the 1st grade students. There are different structures that support straight grade level transition while ensuring continuous progress for each child. Primary teachers wanted to continue looping as a whole or not loop at all. Teachers were concerned with dividing the structure among staff, this could be divisive rather than collaborative. Decision: Tara Bennett motioned to maintain the current policy and continue the looping structure at RDES. Meg Heister motioned to revise the current policy eliminating the verbiage “looping”. SBDM was unable to reach consensus. Mrs. Carpenter followed the guidelines of the RDES By Laws and a ballot vote was used to reach a decision. With a vote of four to two, RDES SBDM chose to maintain current policy instead of revise current policy.
Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm Next Meeting: April 21st 4:00 pm (Library)