Arc Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function
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Mid-Year Research Report 2015 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N
- Tuesday 18 August -
12:00 - 5:00pm – CIBF ECR Workshop Pullman Cairns International (17 Abbott St, Cairns) Attendees: CIBF Scholars & Fellows ECR Workshop Location: Boardroom 2 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 1:15 Introduction – Jason Mattingley 1:15 – 2:45 Facilitating Lab Exchanges – All ECR’s Introduction to ECR’s, their labs and their projects 2:45 – 3:15 Afternoon Tea 3:15 – 4:00 ECR Committee – All ECR’s Development of Terms of Reference Development of programs & outcomes Voting on committee roles 4:00 – 5:00 Roadmaps For A Successful Science Career – Marta Garrido, Ehsan Arabzadeh, Jason Mattingley, Gary Egan Round tables with CI’s to discuss career planning, research strategies, recognising opportunities, overcoming setbacks. 5:00 Close
5:30 - 10:00pm – CIBF Welcome Dinner Pullman Reef Hotel Casino (35-41 Wharf St, Cairns) Attendees: CIBF CI’s, AI’s, Coordinators, Scholars, Fellows, Node Administrators and Advisory Board Members Welcome Dinner The Coral Lounge & Pool Deck 5:30 – 6:30 Welcome drinks 6:30 – 10:00 Dinner A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N - Wednesday 19 August - 9:00 - 5:00pm – CIBF Science Meetings Pullman Reef Hotel Casino (35-41 Wharf St, Cairns) Attendees: CIBF CI’s, AI’s, Coordinators, Scholars, Fellows, Node Administrators and Advisory Board Members Main Science Meeting Location: Urchins 2 & 3 9:00 – 10:30 Introduction and Overview of CIBF Activities 9:00 – 9:20 Welcome and overview of recent CIBF activities, Gary Egan 9:20 – 9:40 Operations update, Lisa Hutton 9:40 – 9:50 Education and ECR programs, Elizabeth Paton 9:50 – 10:00 Gender equity, Elizabeth Paton 10:00 – 10:15 The Brain Dialogue, Rachel Nowak 10:15 – 10:30 Computation program, Wojtek Goscinski & Pulin Gong 10:30 – 11:00 Morning Tea 11:00 – 12:00 Science Session 1 – Systems (human) neuroscience, Chaired by Michael Breakspear 11:00 – 11:15 Rapid information processing in subcortical amygdala pathways, Marta Garrido 11:15 – 11:30 Stimulating connections: an effective connectivity brain map, Gary Egan 11:30 – 11:45 Understanding human attention, decision-making and prediction using psychophysics, brain imaging and neural stimulation, Jason Mattingley 11:45 – 12:00 Unified Neural Models for Attention, Prediction and Decision, Tahereh Babaie, Peter Robinson 12:00 – 12:30 Science Session 2 – Spatial Systems (atlases), Chaired by Gary Egan 12:00 – 12:15 DTI/MRI atlas of the rat brain, Emma Schofield, George Paxinos 12:15 – 12:30 A digital atlas of connections in the marmoset brain, Piotr Majka, Marcello Rosa 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch 1:30 – 2:45 Science Session 3 – Circuits & Cells (animal models), Chaired by Paul Martin 1:30 – 1:45 Predictive coding as a theory of integrative brain function, with application to the cortical microcircuit, Michael Ibbotson 1:45 – 2:00 The role of predictive coding in receptive field formation in visual cortex, Hamish Meffen, Michael Ibbotson 2:00 – 2:15 Sensory decision-making in rodents, Ehsan Abrabzadeh & Greg Stuart 2:15 – 2:30 Visual signal processing in thalamocortical loops; predictive coding in attentional circuit, Paul Martin 2:30 – 2:45 Neural circuits that mediate fear learning and extinction, Roger Marek, Pankaj Sah 2:45 – 3:30 Science session 4 – Models & Technology projects – Chaired by Peter Robinson 2:45 – 3:00 Computer Modelling of Human Visual System with Applications in Computer Vision, Gary Egan, Arthur Lowery 3:00 – 3:15 Nano Scale Interfaces to Neurons, Stan Skafidas 3:15 – 3:30 Real time analysis of network function using an all optical interface, Tim Karle, Steve Petrou 3:30 – 4:00 Afternoon Tea 4:00 – 5:00 Wrap up and future directions 4:00 – 4:30 Science program discussion, Gary Egan A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N
Main Science Meeting Location: Urchins 2 & 3 4:30 – 4:40 Industry engagement, Gary Egan 4:40 – 4:50 International collaborations, Lisa Hutton 4:50 – 5:00 Concluding comments Gary Egan 5:00 Close A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N 9:00 - 5:00pm – CIBF Node Administration Meeting Pullman Reef Hotel Casino (35-41 Wharf St, Cairns) Attendees: CIBF Management & Node Administrators Main Science Meeting Location: Urchins 2 & 3 9:00 – 10:30 Introduction and Overview of CIBF Activities 9:00 – 9:20 Welcome and overview of recent CIBF activities, Gary Egan 9:20 – 9:40 Operations update, Lisa Hutton 9:40 – 9:50 Education and ECR programs, Elizabeth Paton 9:50 – 10:00 Gender Equity, Elizabeth Paton 10:00 – 10:15 The Brain Dialogue, Rachel Nowak 10:15 – 10:30 Computation, Wojtek Goscinski & Pulin Gong 10:30 – 11:00 Morning Tea 11:00 – 3:30 Node Administration Meeting, Location: Chill out room 11:00 – 11:30 Administration Session 1 – Getting to know you, Lisa Hutton Informal round table - who we are, what brought us to this role and what we do in the role 11:30 – 12:30 Administration Session 2 – Database & Reporting, Lisa Hutton Overview of database model: input, instructions & expectations 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch 1:30 – 2:15 Administration Session 3 – Central & Node Staff Responsibilities, Vicki McAuliffe Review of roles and responsibilities of central theme and node administrators 2:15 – 3:15 Administration Session 4 – Information For Node Administrators, Vicki McAuliffe & Elizabeth Paton Communication to/ from central theme Policies & procedures 3:15 – 3:30 Wrap up & Meeting Close 3:30 – 4:00 Afternoon Tea 4:00 – 5:00 Main Meeting, Location: Urchins 2 & 3 4:00 – 5:00 Wrap up and future directions 4:00 – 4:30 Science program discussion, Gary Egan 4:30 – 4:40 Industry engagement, Gary Egan 4:40 – 4:50 International collaborations, Lisa Hutton 4:50 – 5:00 Concluding comments Gary Egan 5:00 Close
5:30 - 10:00pm – CIBF Advisory Board Meeting Pullman Reef Hotel Casino (35-41 Wharf St, Cairns) Attendees: CIBF Advisory Board Members Location: Wharf Street Boardroom 5:30 – 10:00 Advisory Board meeting & working dinner A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N TABLE OF CONTENTS
9 Notes...... 55 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N 1 Letter from the Director Welcome to the ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function (CIBF) 2015 Science Meeting! I am delighted to report that CIBF has continued to develop during the first half of 2015, in both research activities and the number of researchers associated with the Centre. In the 12 months since the establishment of CIBF in mid 2014, the Centre has become recognised as a nationally important brain research organisation. During 2015 CIBF has grown substantially with the appointment of 24 Centre (post-doctoral and early career research) Fellows and 10 Centre (post-graduate) Scholars who are supported (either wholly or in part) from the Centre, as well as 37 fellows and 36 scholars who are contributing to the Centre’s research programs and activities.
The CIBF 2015 Science Meeting is being held in Cairns in conjunction with the 2015 Australasian Neuroscience Society annual scientific meeting, and the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) 2015 annual congress. The Science Meeting will include a comprehensive overview of the Centre’s research output that has been achieved over the past year, together with updates on the experimental and theoretical neuroscience work currently underway, and discussions of the research plans for the next 12 months.
This year the Science Meeting includes an early career research (ECR) half day program of activities. The Centre’s ECRs, fellows and scholars are a critical part of the centre’s future as well as the future of brain research in Australia. I am personally committed to ensuring that CIBF is very active in supporting the next generation of researchers with additional events and activities throughout the life of the Centre.
The collective research productivity from CIBF in 2014 was substantial with over 49 peer reviewed articles, books and book chapters published, and over 20 peer reviewed papers have been published to date in 2015. This provides an excellent basis for discussions at this science meeting that focus on the integration of the research efforts of the four research themes investigating the three fundamental integrative brain function.
I would like to thank Lyn Beazley, Chair of the CIBF Advisory Board, for her continuing support of CIBF during 2015. I would also like to thank the advisory board members, and in particular the international members, for their governance and oversight of the research program and other activities of the Centre. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work of Lisa Hutton, CIBF Centre Manager, the Central Theme, and the CIBF node administrators who have worked tirelessly over the past few months in preparation for the science meeting. The success of the meeting will be in no small part due to their stellar efforts.
The CIBF Executive consists of the CIBF Deputy Director, Marcello Rosa, the CIBF Research Theme leaders, Jason Mattingley, Pankaj Shah, Greg Stuart and Peter Robinson, the Centre Manager, Lisa Hutton, and George Paxinos and Michael Ibbotson, who meet monthly to oversee the management and development of the Centre. The Executive’s work is ensuring the successful establishment of an outstanding brain research program across the CIBF multidisciplinary research environment. Their contributions are ensuring that the scientific goals and broader social outcomes of the Centre are being achieved, and I sincerely thank them for their invaluable work.
A key enabling strategy of the Centre has been the establishment of a computational neuroscience and modelling capability. This consists of access to high performance computing and data storage resources which is co-ordinated by Wojtek Goscinski, and a repository of computational modelling tools that is being developed by Pulin Gong.
7 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N
The Centre has developed a highly successful knowledge sharing program, The Brain Dialogue led by Rachel Nowak, and the Education and ECR program, lead by Ramesh Rajan and supported by Elizabeth Paton, that will be presented during the Science Meeting. I encourage all CIBF investigators, fellows and scholars to actively engage in these programs.
Director, CIBF
8 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Personnel 2 CIBF Personnel Chief Investigators (CIs)
Jason Marcello Rosa Gary Egan Mattingley Deputy CIBF Director, CI, Theme Leader Director, Monash - Brain Systems, Monash University University of University Queensland
Peter Robinson Pankaj Sah Greg Stuart CI, Theme CI, Theme CI, Theme Leader-Modelling Leader- Leader- Cells & & Neuronal Synapses, Neurotechnology, Circuits, Australian University of University of National Sydney Queensland University
Ehsan Arabzadeh Marta Garrido Ulrike Grünert CI, CI, CI, Australian University of University of National Queensland Sydney University
Michael Arthur Lowery Paul Martin Ibbotson CI, CI, CI, Monash University of University of University Sydney Melbourne
Steve Petrou Stan Skafidas George Paxinos CI, CI, CI, University of University of University of NSW Melbourne Melbourne
Michael Breakspear CI, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
9 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Personnel Partner Investigators (PIs)
Mathew Diamond – International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy Sean Hill – International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility; the Blue Brain Project; the Human Brain Project, Stockholm, Sweden Viktor Jirsa – Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France G. Allan Johnson – Duke University, North Carolina, USA David Leopold – National Institute of Mental Health; NIH Neurophysiology Imaging Facility, Maryland, USA Henry Markram – Brain Mind Institute; the Blue Brain Project; Swiss Federal Institute for Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland Troy Margrie – MRC National Research Institute of Medical Research, London, UK Partha Mitra – Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, New York, USA Tony Movshon – New York University, New York, USA Keiji Tanaka – RIKEN Brain Sciences Institute, Wako, Japan Jonathan Victor – Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA
Associate Investigators (AIs)
Derek Arnold – University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Sofia Bakola – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC John Bekkers – Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Anthony Burkitt – University of Melbourne; Bionic Vision Australia, Melbourne, VIC Vincent Daria – Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Paul Dux – University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Alex Fornito – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Geoff Goodhill – University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Ted Maddess – Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Farshad Mansouri – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Nicholas Price – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Fabio Ramos – University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Olaf Sporns – Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA Naotsugu Tsuchiya – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Trichur Vidyasagar – University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Charles Watson – University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW; Curtin University, Perth, WA
10 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Personnel Coordinators
Sarah Dunlop – Coordinator for Women in Neuroscience, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA Pulin Gong – Co-Coordinator for Neuroinformatics and Computer Resources, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Wojtek Goscinski – Co-Coordinator for Neuroinformatics and Computer Resources, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Jakob Hohwy – Coordinator for Society and Ethics, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Rachel Nowak – Director of the Brain Dialogue, Coordinator for Outreach, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC
Romesh Abeysuriya – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Mehdi Adibi – (Ehsan Arabzadeh) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Tahereh Babaie – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Gursh Chana – (Stan Skafidas) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Shaun Cloherty – (Michael Ibbotson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Calvin Eiber – (Paul Martin) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Yuhong Fu – (George Paxinos) University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW Leonardo Gollo – (Michael Breakspear), Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane, QLD Sharna Jamadar – (Gary Egan) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Tim Karle – (Steve Petrou) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Ehsan Kheradpezhouh – (Ehsan Arabzadeh) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Sammy Lee – (Ulrike Grünert) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Andy Liang – (George Paxinos) University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW Piotr Majka – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Roger Marek – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Hamish Meffin – (Michael Ibbotson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Anand Mohan – (Arthur Lowery) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Babak Nasr – (Stan Skafidas) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Bryan Paton – (Gary Egan) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Sander Pietersen – (Paul Martin) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Sivaraman Purushothuman – (Ulrike Grünert) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Emma Schofield – (George Paxinos) University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW Guilherme Silva – (Greg Stuart) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Dongping Yang – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW
11 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Personnel Scholars
Natasha Gabay – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Adam Keane – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Xiaochen Liu – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Jessica McFadyen – (Marta Garrido) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD John Palmer – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Mihn-Son To – (Greg Stuart) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Rory Townsend – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Gu Yifan – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Natalie Zeater – (Paul Martin) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Iris Zhu – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC
Management & Node Administrators
Lisa Hutton – Centre Manager, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Jessica Despard – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Cill Gross – University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Cindy Guy – University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Roxanne Jemison – University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Vicki McAuliffe – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Elizabeth Paton – Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Emma Schofield – University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW Danielle Ursino – Australian National University, Canberra, ACT
Advisory Board
Lyn Beazley AO – Chair, (Immediate past Chief Scientist of Western Australia) Amanda Caples – Government and bio-industry advisory member, (Deputy Secretary Innovation & Technology at Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, State Government Victoria) Ulf Eysel – International scientific advisory member, (Department of Neurophysiology, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany) Allan Jones – International neurotechnology and scientific advisory member, (CEO, Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, USA) John Funder – National scientific advisory member, (Honorary Fellow, Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne) David Van Essen – International scientific advisory member, (Director, The Human Connectome Project, Washington University, St Louis, USA)
12 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Personnel Centre Contributors - Fellows
Ben Allitt – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Duwage Alwis – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Kevin Aquino – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Eleonora Autuori – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Corinne Bareham – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Oliver Baumann – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Konstantinos Chatzidimitrakis – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Luca Cocchi – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Bill Connelly (Greg Stuart) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Christine Dixon – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Hannah Filmer – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Maureen Hagan – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Kaori Ikeda – (Greg Stuart) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Marc Kamke – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Cliff Kerr – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Delphine Levy-Bencheton – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD James MacLaurin – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Natasha Matthews – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Adam Morris – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC John Morris – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Christopher Nolan – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD David Painter – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Svetlana Postnova – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Parnesh Raniga – (Gary Egan) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Margreet Ridder – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Susmita Saha – (Michael Ibbostson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Martin Sale – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Paula Sanz-Leon – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Somwrita Sarkar – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Peter Stratton – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Cornelia Strobel – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Robert Sullivan – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Fabrice Turpin – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Ashika Veghese – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Francois Windels – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Hsin-Hao Yu – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Elizabeth Zavitz – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC
Centre Contributors - Scholars
Sahand Assadzadeh – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Maddu Bhagavathiperumal – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Simone Carron – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Tristan Chaplin – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Amanda Davies – (Marcello Rosa) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC Farah Deeba – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Daina Dickens – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Justine Fam – (Ehsan Arabzadeh) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Jay Fradkin – (Greg Stuart) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT
13 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Personnel Saba Gharaei – (Ehsan Arabzadeh) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Andrea Giorni – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Michelle Hall – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Anthony Harris – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Luke Hearne – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Sarah Hunt – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Gabriel Jones – (Steven Petrou) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Rebecca Kotsakidis – (Michael Ibbostson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Thomas Lacy – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Liliana Laskaris – (Stan Skafidas) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Conrad Lee – (Ehsan Arabzadeh) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Ting Ting Lee – (Stan Skafidas) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Matias Maturana – (Michael Ibbostson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Hannan Mazuir – (Greg Stuart) Australian National University, Canberra, ACT Eli Muller – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW James Pang – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Yang Qi – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Nipa Roy – (Peter Robinson) University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Chase Sherwell – (Marta Garrido) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Cooper Smout – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Artemio Soto-Breceda – (Michael Ibbostson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Morgan Spence – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Shi Sun – (Michael Ibbostson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Susan Travis – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Lisa Wittenhagen – (Jason Mattingley) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Shanzhi Yan – (Pankaj Sah) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Molis Yunzab – (Michael Ibbostson) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC
14 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects 3 CIBF Research projects
Project Lead CI
Stimulating connections: an Egan effective connectivity brain map Predictive coding as a theory of Ibbotson integrative brain function, with application to the cortical microcircuit The role of predictive coding in Ibbotson receptive field formation in visual cortex Brain Machine Interface Tiles Lowery Pedunculotegmental nucleus Martin DTI/MRI atlas of the rat brain Paxinos Real time analysis of network Petrou function using an all optical interface Unified Neural Models for Attention, Robinson Prediction, and Decision Neural signatures of decision Rosa making in the primate cortex Nano Scale Interfaces to Neurons Skafidas Sensory decision-making in rodents Stuart/ Arabzade h Understanding human attention, Mattingle decision-making and prediction y using psychophysics, brain imaging and neural stimulation Rapid information processing in Garrido subcortical amygdala pathways Computer Modelling of Human Lowery Visual System with Applications in Computer Vision A digital atlas of connections in the Rosa marmoset brain
15 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Visual signal processing in Martin thalamocortical loops; predictive coding in attentional circuits. Neural circuits that mediate fear Sah learning and extinction
Project 1:
Stimulating connections: an effective connectivity brain map
CIs – Gary Egan, Jason Mattingley, Marta Garrido, Arthur Lowery & Marcello Rosa Monash University & University of Queensland
Project overview This project will develop a unique map of the brain using a novel combination of technologies, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This map will be the basis of key research outputs and will shed new light on existing findings and theories of neural function and conscious perception. Spanning philosophy, psychology, economics, neuroscience and biological engineering, the project will depend on the research facilities and resources at Monash Biomedical Imaging (MBI) and the University of Queensland Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI).
TMS will be applied comprehensively across the brain with neural activity recorded using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG). The resulting connectome will allow principled, well-informed application of TMS rather than the relatively haphazard, piecemeal approach common in the field now. This technologically and scientifically ambitious, first-of-its-kind connectome will greatly facilitate answering deep questions on the nature of conscious states (perception), decision-making (economics and healthy living/aging) and general neural function (mental illness and biomedical engineering). The data and analysis from this project will follow Human Connectome Project acquisition and protocols and be stored in the INCF open data-share ensuring global impact and access.
This project will provide high-impact outcomes related to the impact of brain stimulation in neuroscience research and mental illness therapies. The project will deliver impact of multi-scale CIBF research in terms of delivering the first brain stimulation connectome. The proposed confluence of scientific and technological aspects, unique in Australia, will help to make CIBF a world leader in these areas of research.
Personnel CIs: Gary Egan, Jason Mattingley, Marta Garrido, Arthur Lowery & Marcello Rosa AIs: Jakob Hohwy & Alex Fornito CIBF Fellows: Bryan Paton & Sharna Jamadar
Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update
16 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects To develop a unique map of the The progress to date is (i) the coil was designed in early 2014 in brain using a novel combination conjunction with an Australian company (Magnetica) and built over of technologies including TMS. 12 months in 2014-15, (ii) the coil was installed at MBI in mid 2015, and (iii) the research program utilising the technology will now commence.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000) TMS compatible MR coil.
Outputs Funding: Awarded Interdisciplinary Research Support Program grant through Monash University ($120,000). Further external grant applications are in preparation for submission in late 2015 (ARC LP) and early 2016 (ARC, NHMRC), based on the TMS compatible magnetic resonance (MR) technology that has been developed.
Key issues Progress of this project has been somewhat limited due to delays experienced in receiving critical equipment.
17 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 2:
Predictive coding as a theory of integrative brain function, with application to the cortical microcircuit
CIs – Michael Ibbotson & Michael Breakspear University of Melbourne & QIMR Berghofer
Project overview The theory of predictive coding suggests that a central goal of the sensory brain is to discern the causes underlying the raw sensory input at the periphery. The notion of causes giving rise to sensory input is captured quantitatively by a generative model, which describes the probability that a set of causes, c, gives rise to the sensory data, s.
The neural instantiation of the theory of predictive coding maps the hierarchy of a generative model for sensory data onto the hierarchy of consecutive areas in a sensory pathway. In vision the hierarchy corresponds to the retina, lateral geniculate nucleus, and multiple cortical areas. The afferent pathway corresponds to inverting the generative model to find the causes underlying the sensory data. The efferent pathway corresponds to the implementation of the generative model in the forward direction, mimicking the generative process in nature.
At each stage in the hierarchy, models of predictive coding involve at least two main populations of neurons, which are often broken down into further subpopulations. One population uses descending projections to predict the hidden causes, at the previous level in the hierarchy. A second population conveys an error, in the ascending direction, between the local estimate of the cause, and a top-down estimate of the prediction. The network attempts to minimize the error conveyed by the afferent projections, which mathematically, leads to defined rules for both neural dynamics and the learning of network parameters. This learning is based on the statistics of sensory input, for example the presentation of natural scenes in the visual system.
We will test the predictive coding hypothesis of the canonical microcircuit, for which there are several variations. Broadly, the approach we propose is to measure many of the above properties for a large ensemble of neurons and evaluate if the clusters obtained experimentally show a correspondence with properties hypothesized for various neural populations in the models. The focus of the study will be on recording from primary visual cortex because it is comparatively well characterized and due to our extensive previous experience in this area. Multiple animal models will be used, including marmoset, cat, tree shrew or mouse, as appropriate. Furthermore, optogenetic approaches are available that permit the manipulation and recording of neural activity of fine spatial and temporal scales specific to certain cell classes. In parallel, we will undertake computational modelling to bridge the gap between classic Bayesian-based models of predictive coding and biophysical models of neuronal activity.
Personnel CIs: Michael Ibbotson & Michael Breakspear CIBF Fellows: Hamish Meffin & Shaun Cloherty Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Cross-species experimental Model of predictive coding implemented. platform for testing hierarchical Developing multielectrode recording technique in visual cortex of 18 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects models of predictive coding in mice and cats. the visual stream. Computational models that link Ongoing. classic models of hierarchical Bayes to biophysical models of neuronal activity.
Outputs Publications: Cloherty SL, et al, (2015). Contrast-dependent phase sensitivity in V1 but not V2 of macaque visual cortex. J Neurophysiol. 113: 434-444. Apollo NV, et al, (2015). Soft, Flexible Freestanding Neural Stimulation Electrodes Fabricated from Reduced Graphene Oxide. Adv Funct Mater (accepted 9 April 2015). Meffin H, et al, (2015). Contrast dependence of spatial receptive field structure in primary visual cortex. J Neurophysiol (accepted with revisions, 1 June 2015). Lichter SG, et al, (2015). Hermetic diamond capsules for biomedical implants enabled by gold active braze alloys. Biomaterials. 53:464-74. Ahnood A, et al, (2015). Ultrananocrystalline diamond-CMOS device integration route for high acuity retinal prostheses. Biomed Microdevices. 17(3):9952. Kameneva T, et al, (2015). Spike history neural response model. J Comput Neurosci. 38(3):463- 81. Garrett DJ, et al, (2015). In vivo biocompatibility of boron doped and nitrogen included conductive-diamond for use in medical implants. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.33331. [Epub ahead of print]. Hadjinicolaou AE, et al, (2015). Optimal electrical stimulation of retinal ganglion cells. Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 23:169-178. Maturana MI, et al, (2015). The effects of temperature changes on retinal ganglion responses to electrical stimulation. IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. (accepted 1 June 2015). Apollo NV, et al, (2015). Neural stimulation and recording with liquid crystalline graphene oxide fibers. IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. (accepted 16 June 2015). Hadjinicolaou AE, et al, (2015). Prosthetic vision: devices, patient outcomes and retinal research. Clinical and Experimental Optometry (accepted with revisions, 13 May 2015). Spencer MJ, et al, (2015). Broadband onset inhibition can suppress spectral splatter in the auditory brainstem. PLoS One. 10(5):e0126500. Fox K., et al, (2015). Development of a magnetic attachment method for bionic eye applications. Artifi Organs, (accepted 9 June 2015). Fox K., et al, (2015). The bionic eye: review of multielectrode arrays, To appear in Handbook of Bioelectronics, Cambridge Uni. Press. (accepted 20 Feb 2015). Funding: Awarded a L.E.W Carty Charitable Fund Grant ($46,000).
Key issues Nil to date
19 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 3:
The role of predictive coding in receptive field formation in visual cortex
CIs – Michael Ibbotson, Michael Breakspear, Marta Garrido & Marcello Rosa University of Melbourne, QIMR Berghofer, University of Queensland, Monash University & New York University
Project overview Predictive Coding is a theory of brain function that has been hypothesized to explain a wide range of observations including the hierarchical organization of (sensory) cortex, the architecture of cortical microcircuits, the structure of cortical receptive fields, single cell integration properties and synaptic plasticity. Here we propose to directly test Predictive Coding theory by combining multi-electrode array recordings from several consecutive areas in the visual pathway, with a novel information- theoretic analysis of the space-time dynamics of neural populations. Specifically, our analysis will trace the flow of information through the visual pathway in space and time, allowing us to evaluate Predictive Coding theory's predictions of where and when information should flow. An advantage of the approach is that it can be performed without knowledge of the stimuli or the internal brain states that may be affecting the neural response, and thus may be a powerful tool for analysing the processing occurring in a variety of brain areas.
Personnel CIs: Michael Ibbotson, Michael Breakspear, Marta Garrido & Marcello Rosa PIs: Anthony Movshon. AIs: Nicholas Price & Trichur Vidyasagar CIBF Fellows: Hamish Meffin & Shaun Cloherty
Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Knowledge about neural Ongoing. computations performed in the visual geniculo-cortical pathways. Knowledge about anatomical Experiments commenced rearing mice in novel visual and physiological aspects of environment to test if cortical receptive fields of simple cells in neural processing in the visual primary visual cortex develop according to the theory of Efficient pathways. Coding. Efficient Coding is closely related to Predictive Coding. Experiments commenced to recover non-linear receptive fields of complex cells in cat and mouse visual cortex and compare them to predictions of a model of Efficient Coding of complex cells. Study demonstrating that receptive fields of complex cells exhibit greater sensitivity to spatial phase at low compared to high contrast. Manuscript provisionally accepted at J. Neurophys. Manuscript on changes in cortical feature map relationships cause by restricted visual experience submitted to Nature Neurosci. Development of techniques for In development in mouse and cat. massively parallel NHMRC grant submitted for the development of new electrophysiological recording in multielectrodes technologies for chronic cortical recording.
20 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects visual cortex. New techniques for data Developing improved methods for recovering receptive fields to analysis of complex neural visual stimuli. signals. Developed new methods for recovering receptive field to electrical stimuli. Development of the first Efficient coding model of primary visual cortex used to predict the comprehensive model of development of cortical receptive fields of simple cells following predictive coding in visual cortex rearing in novel visual environments. The predicted receptive based on experimental findings. fields are dramatically different to those developed normally, and this will be used to test theories of Efficient Coding in animal rearing experiment (above). Complex receptive fields predicted from an Efficient Coding model following rearing in natural environments.
Outputs Publications: As per project 2. Funding: ARC Discovery Grant Application: “Principles of development in the sensory brain”; Status: pending decision in November 2015. NHMRC Project Grant Application: “Next generation cybernetics: Long term carbon fibre dual stimulation / recording electrode arrays for closed loop neural implants”; Status: pending decision in November 2015. NHMRC Project Grant Application: “Neuro-feedback for improved efficacy of retinal prostheses”; Status pending decision in November 2015. New Collaborations: Professor Geoffry Goodhill, Queensland Brain Institute Dr. David Garrett, University of Melbourne
Key issues Nil to date
21 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 4:
Brain machine interface tiles
CIs – Arthur Lowery Monash University
Project description This project seeks to develop an enabling technology, providing an 'output' side of a bidirectional brain interface. The 'input side' will be based on Monash Vision Group’s (MCG) neurostimulation technologies. The eventual aim is to develop stimulation and recording within one tile, with the same electrodes able to stimulate and record. However, this first project is required to investigate the interaction of the wireless power transfer with the sensitive electronics required for detecting Na currents, to develop low-noise amplifiers in a mixed-signal chip, and to develop a method transmitting information from the tile to the external electronics.
Personnel CIs: Arthur Lowery CIBF Fellows: Damien Browne until Qtr 2, 2015
Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Design for an implantable An initial design for an ASIC was developed, including the building recording tile, application- blocks for amplifying, digitizing and wirelessly transmitting the specific integrated circuit (ASIC) data from tile to external receiver. This has been put on hold while and Distribution Board. funds are accumulating. Manufacture of four tiles. Considerable experience in manufacturing miniaturized hermetically-sealed stimulating tiles as part of MVG’s project. A batch of tiles suitable for First in Human has been manufactured and the design proven to be successful in bench and small animal tests. Thus we have the basis for a recording tile – the electrodes, the hermetic packaging and electronic blocks for powering the tile and transmitting data. A simpler electronic approach is being developed based on commercial chip dies. Prototype recording amplifiers have been built. Benchtop verification of their (Without CIBF funding) MVG has developed methods of testing operation using a custom test multi-electrode tiles that will be used to test the recording tiles. board. These include a saline baths with XY positioning for field mapping and sensitive amplifiers that can reject artifacts from the wireless system. We have discovered that the electronics, when unencapsulated, is extremely sensitive to saline and de-ionised water; therefore, unsealed electronic is unlikely to function in an animal. Delivery to preclinical testing. Not yet reached.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000)
22 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects A three year license for Synopsys IC design tools has been purchased (before the resignation of the designer) $39,405.
Outputs Nil to date
Key issues Because of project costings and the lack of substantial strategic funds to cover them, and also the resignation of one ASIC designer, the project has had to be delayed (to 2016) until sufficient funds have been accumulated to ensure its completion (i.e. to cover the costs of people and manufacturing). This delay has the advantage that the project can capitalize on the development of a proven manufacturing process for implantable times, courtesy of MVG, and can also use the expertise built up by its engineering and physiology teams. CI Lowery’s efforts have since be re-directed into an alternative project (Research project 14), as described on page 36.
23 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 5:
Pedunculotegmental nucleus
CIs – Paul Martin, Greg Stuart, Pankaj Sah, Ulrike Grünert & Ehsan Arabzadeh University of Sydney, Australian National University & University of Queensland
Project description Here I propose two interesting starting points, Acetylcholine and Noradrenaline. Acetylcholine The ‘reticular activating system’ or ‘ascending cholinergic reticular system’ is traditionally considered to mediate arousal. Shute & Lewis 19671, anatomically distinguished dorsal and ventral tegmental pathways. - Dorsal tegmental pathway from midbrain tegmentum Cuneiform nucleus to tectum and thalamus: “extensions” go to thalamic visual centres via medial striate bundle. - Ventral tegmental pathway from pars compacta of substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area of anterior mesencephalon and includes amygdala projection Additionally, there is significant physiological evidence showing that simulating the nucleus basalis and surrounding tegmental regions produces “activation” of cortex, EEG changes, behavioural activation and arousal noting: “While the NB likely plays an important role in cortical activation, several neural systems that ascend through the neuraxis in parallel may contribute to activation under different circumstances. Stimulation of mesopontine cholinergic nuclei in the brainstem results in cortical activation, an effect that persists even after excitotoxic lesions of the NB (Steriade et al., 1991). Since mesopontine cholinergic nuclei primarily innervate the thalamus, this suggests that thalamocortical projections, which may utilize glutamate as a neurotransmitter (Fox and Arm- strong-James, 1986; Tsumoto et al., 1986; Hicks et al., 1991) contribute to processes of activation. Non-cholinergic brainstem nuclei such as the locus coeruleus and raphe nuclei that project diffusely to neocortex have also been implicated in activation (Vanderwolf, 1988; Bet-ridge and Foote, 199 1). How and when these neural systems contribute to processes of activation are unclear; however, the putative neurotransmitters released by these systems may converge at the cortex onto common cellular mechanisms. That is, norepinephrine, serotonin, and metabotropic actions of glutamate all can exert some neuromodulatory effects similar to those mediated by ACh acting at muscarinic receptors (Nicoll, 1988; McCormick, 1989; Baskys, 1992). Thus, final control over cortical excitability and rhythms may depend on the interplay of several neural systems, of which NB neurons form the primary source of direct ACh- mediated cortical actions.”
Noradrenaline The locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system was the first defined neuromodulatory pathway. Whilst we see similar effects of ACH and NAD, there are to my mind, some very interesting open questions: • What are the cellular bases of neuromodulation effects? • Why are there distinct systems for what appear to be similar “activation” properties? • Do the distinct cholinergic projections have distinct or mutual functions? • Can we use thalamocortical models to get insight into the distinct properties? • Has anyone tried optogenetics on these brainstem areas?
We propose that CI Martin & Fellow investigate the effects in thalamus and cortex in
24 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects marmosets, with the addition of CI Stuart’s brainstem activation and pharmacology. CI Stuart will also look at the cellular basis of activation in thalamus amygdala and cortex. CI Arabzadeh will study how noradrenergic inputs can modify sensory coding. CI’s Sah & Martin will establish in vivo recordings from brainstem together with EEG in behaving rats. CI Grünert will establish receptor localization and distribution in targets of in response to CI Stuart’s findings.
Personnel CIs: Paul Martin, Greg Stuart, Pankaj Sah, Ulrike Grünert & Ehsan Arabzadeh CIBF Fellows: Sander Pietersen
Project duration 2014-2015
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Improved understanding of role No outcomes as yet. of neuromodulators in attention. Improved understanding of role No outcomes as yet. of neuromodulators in decision- making.
Outputs Nil to date
Key issues This project has been placed on hold, with the efforts of lead CI Martin currently re-directed into an alternative project (Research project 16), as described on page 39.
25 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 6:
DTI/ MRI Atlas of the rat brain
CIs – George Paxinos University of New South Wales, Duke University & Curtin University
Project overview This project seeks to construct an MRI/ diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) atlas of the rat brain, utilizing the best resolution and contrast data from partner investigators. This project has used multiple MRI contrasts as though they were different stains of tissue. Using these methods we were able to detect on the MR images approximately 90% of the structures we identified in our histological atlas The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates. For our work we are identifying the “signature” of each structure of the brain (when there is one) in the different contrasts we use. This is direct observation and not superimposition of our histological atlas on the MRI data. Our approach is far more demanding but far more accurate. Many laboratories have attempted to construct MRI atlases of the rat, but none has produced any detailed atlas as we intend to produce. The proposed atlas will be of assistance of any project in the consortium that uses MRI/DTI in the rat, and can be viewed as infrastructure support for the international neuroscience community.
Personnel CIs: George Paxinos PIs: G. Allan Johnson AIs: Charles Watson CIBF Fellows: Emma Schofield
Project duration 2014-2015
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update The first comprehensive MRI/DTI The book is completed and will be released in July 2015, and will atlas of the rat brain. It will be be available online at: published as a book and it ebook/dp/B00YXFP01W. should be of assistance to the field of imaging as our histological atlas was of assistance to histologists. Individual articles can describe Ongoing. the "signatures" of structures in the different contrasts. A comprehensive brain ontology Ongoing. (the logical relations of all structures of the brain).
Outputs Publications: Paxinos, G, Watson, C, Calabrese, E, Badea, A and Johnson, GA, An MRI/DTI Atlas of the Rat Brain, Academic Press/Elsevier, 2015. Funding: APP1086083 A 3D Cross-Modality Atlas of the Human Brainstem for Scientists and Clinicians 26 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects 2015-2017 – Funded $352,077.00. APP1086643 High Resolution MRI Atlas of the Rat Brain 2015-2016. Funded $185,932.00. APP1107308 A High Resolution 3D-MRI Atlas of the Human Forebrain and Cerebellum for Research and Clinical Practice 2016-2019– Application submitted 2015. Media Engagement: Conversation article: brain-37516 SMH article: 20150213-13c526.html
Key issues Nil to date
27 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 7:
Real time analysis of network function using an all optical interface
CIs – Steve Petrou, Ehsan Arabzadeh & Peter Robinson University of Melbourne, Australian National University & University of Sydney
Project overview This project seeks to develop approaches to combine multiscale imaging methods, from MRI tractography, CLARITY imaging and serial electron microscopy (EM) 3D reconstructions to long and short range circuits in the rodent brain that underlie decision making and combine with fundamental behavioral analysis using the well studied lemniscal pathway. We have developed workflows for using high field (16.4T) MRI super-resolution methods and constrained spherical deconvolution tractography in fixed rodent brains to build mesoscopic level connectomics maps. In the same brains we will process for CLARITY labelling of genetically defined subsets of neurons and use light sheet microscopy to create higher resolution network maps of the same circuits imaged with MRI. Finally we will make detailed studies of synapes in the brain regions implicated in these networks: S1/2 cortical areas are the main target of thalamic projections but recent evidence indicates that some thalamic projections target other cortical areas potentially to enable isolation of the dominant single sensory input (in this case whisking). The project seeks to understand structural and then functional basis of signaling. For instance some synapses in this network are "strong" (PoM) and give massive post synaptic responses, yet the structural correlates and geometries of the boutons and spines are largely unknown. Serial EM studies will be done initially at Max Planck in Florida and maybe transferred to Melbourne if a current initiative is successful to acquire this capability.
Personnel CIs: Steve Petrou, Ehsan Arabzadeh & Peter Robinson Collaborator: Bert Sakmann
Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update "Brain in a dish” All optical We have developed a prototype for narrow field imaging and have interface to interrogate single purchased around 80% of the equipment needed for complete neuron and network function in development. Control software has been written in LabView and real time. Python and the system is working but no yet validated. We have additional optics design to complete for the wide field imaging mode including design of a safe method to deliver 6W of red light to excite the Quasar fluorophore. To this end we are exploring high power LED solution that provides non-collimated light that is inherently safer than laser light for this purpose. We are having some setbacks with the viral delivery of the optopatch construct and are working towards new approaches.
28 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Funding: Awarded: DHB Foundation - "Brain in a dish” $250K Aug 2014- Aug 2015 Requested: Colonial Foundation $3.14M New Collaborations: Dr Tim Karle, PhD, University of Melbourne (Laser Physicist working on developing the instrument) Dr Snezana Maljevic, Hertie-Institute for clinical Brain Research, Germany (visiting scientist, Mar-Oct 2015, doing the biology for this experiment).
Key issues Nil to date
29 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 8:
Unified neural models for attention prediction and decision
CIs – Peter Robinson, Michael Ibbotson, Ehsan Arabzadeh, Jason Mattingley, Pankaj Sah, Paul Martin, Stan Skafidas, Arthur Lowery, Greg Stuart, Marta Garrido, Marcello Rosa, Gary Egan & Michael Breakspear University of Sydney, QIMR Berghofer, University of Queensland, Aix-Marseillies University, Monash University, University of Melbourne & Australian National University
Project overview This project will first gather information and insights from Alertness, Prediction, and Decision (APD) leaders and the literature on current front-running models of these functions (3-6 months). Commonalities of mathematical structure and neural underpinnings. The above stages will enable a unified model of APD to be formulated that has its foundations in realizable neural dynamics. It is likely that this model will embody features that are in common with engineering data fusion algorithms, given the known Bayes-like signal integration that occurs in multimodal sensory tasks, but will be based on neural dynamics and will reflect actual neural states. A Mark I version of the model will be implemented analytically and numerically using neural-field, neural-mass, circuit, and other approaches, as appropriate. The first target predictions will be for visual APD with continuous decision making (as opposed to binary decisions, although these will be investigated later). Tests of analytic and numerical models will be tested against data from behavioral-imaging data from CIs’ and PIs’ labs and from the literature. A potential experimental test via visual tracking of an object with a predictable trajectory amid distractors has been outlined and has received support across APD and for potential human and other animal implementation. This concept lends itself to wider testing in the area of multimodal sensory integration, other eye-tracking tasks, and in-vivo monitoring of V1 activity. It will be refined in collaboration with experimentalists with the aims of carrying out direct tests in later years to link predictions to imaging/recording of brain systems and cellular circuits that are involved. Where possible, we will aim to use outputs from experiments that are being carried out for other purposes in CIBF. This project will deliver the core modelling and experimental results to enable testing and further model development to occur in tandem in subsequent years. Initial results from the model will enable new testable predictions and hypotheses to be formulated.
Personnel CIs: Peter Robinson, Michael Ibbotson, Ehsan Arabzadeh, Jason Mattingley, Pankaj Sah, Paul Martin, Stan Skafidas, Arthur Lowery, Greg Stuart, Marta Garrido, Marcello Rosa, Gary Egan & Michael Breakspear PIs: Viktor Jirsa AIs: Fabio Ramos, Pulin Gong, Alex Fornito, Derek Arnold, Tony Burkitt, Geoff Goodhill, Olaf Sporns & Charles Watson CIBF Fellows: Dong-Ping Yang, Romesh Abeysuriya & Tahereh Babaie
Project duration 2015-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Examination and consolidation of key models in Attention, Well advanced. Prediction and Decision (APD) to determine the state of the art, and which are compatible across these three functions. Determination of the likely general neural substrates of Underway. these models. 30 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Determination of unified model that can cover APD, likely Underway. based on data fusion ideas. This model will also need to be able to incorporate aspects of learning and memory, although these will not be targeted in detail until subsequent years. Formulation of predictions and suitable experiment(s) for Preliminary versions formulated. testing them. Initial numerical implementations will be tested against the literature. Several publications should be forthcoming on the unified Pending. modelling, neural theory developments, and initial comparisons with data from CIs’ and PIs’ labs and from the literature.
Outputs Publications: Abeysuriya, R. G., C. J. Rennie and P. A. Robinson (2015). "Physiologically based arousal state estimation and dynamics." J Neurosci Methods 253: 55-69. Zhao, X., J. W. Kim and P. A. Robinson (2015). "Slow-wave oscillations in a corticothalamic model of sleep and wake." J Theor Biol 370: 93-102. Townsend, R. G., S. S. Solomon, S. C. Chen, A. N. Pietersen, P. R. Martin, S. G. Solomon and P. Gong (2015). "Emergence of complex wave patterns in primate cerebral cortex." J Neurosci 35(11): 4657-4662. Keane, A. and P. Gong (2015). "Propagating waves can explain irregular neural dynamics." J Neurosci 35(4): 1591-1605.
Key issues This project has experienced delays in personnel appointments. Much pre-work has been done, and foundations and software have been developed, but an in-earnest start on the core has only just been made.
31 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 9:
Neural signatures of decision making in the primate cortex
CIs – Marcello Rosa, Michael Ibbotson & Arthur Lowery Monash University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, RIKEN Brain Science Institute & Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory
Project overview This project will investigate the electrophysiological activity of groups of neurones in the prefrontal, parietal and insular cortices of non-human primates trained to perform complex tasks that involve paying attention to changes in the environment, and adjusting behavioural choices accordingly. We will use multielectrode techniques to monitor how the information encoded by trains of action potentials relate to the animal’s behaviours, and how this information can change when certain parts of the relevant neural circuit are inactivated by lesions or reversible methods (cooling, optogenetics). Isolating the relevant aspects of neural activity in such changing conditions will require the development of new computational analysis techniques. We will also address the changes in the neural circuits that underlie the performance of the cognitive tasks, by conducting diffusion tensor imaging and functional connectivity studies prior to, and after extensive training.
Personnel CIs: Marcello Rosa, Michael Ibbotson & Arthur Lowery PIs: Keiji Tanaka & Partha Mitra AIs: Farshad Mansouri, Nicholas Price, Sofia Bakola, Alex Fornito & Fabio Ramos
Project duration 2014 –2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Knowledge about neural computations No outcomes as yet. performed by the association cortex in the context of complex tasks. Knowledge about anatomical and physiological No outcomes as yet. aspects of neural plasticity, ranging in time scales from seconds to years. New techniques for massively parallel No outcomes as yet. electrophysiological recording in behaving animals. New techniques for data analysis of complex No outcomes as yet. neural signals. Better understanding of the inter-relationship No outcomes as yet. between different types of neural signals.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000) $25K custom developed touch screens.
Outputs Nil to date
Key issues
32 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects This project is still in its infancy with minimal progress to date due to delays in personnel appointments. Due to the delay in this project, CI Rosa’s efforts will now be re-directed into an alternative project (Research project 15), as described on page 38.
33 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 10:
Nano scale interfaces to neurons
CIs – Stan Skafidas, Steve Petrou & Peter Robinson University of Melbourne & University of Sydney
Project overview This project aims to design functionalised nanoscale nanowire devices for real time characterisation of electrical and biochemical signals from neurons. This technology will enable the centre’s researchers to interrogate single neurons at the molecular level in real time providing researchers with measurements at unprecedented spatial scale and temporal resolution. This will be a valuable tool that will provide new insights into neuronal function for both in vitro and in-vivo applications.
Personnel CIs: Stan Skafidas, Steve Petrou & Peter Robinson Collaborator: Mirella Dotorri CIBF Fellows: Babak Nasr
Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Design of functionalised nanoscale nanowire Successful demonstration that the surface potential devices for real time characterisation of of functionalized vertical nanowires can be electrical and biochemical signals from accurately monitored using a current clamp neurons. amplifier in a capacitive regime. (Small, early View). Prototype System. No outcomes as yet. Benchtop Verification. No outcomes as yet. Delivery of prototype system to enable other No outcomes as yet. CIBF researchers to undertake new science opening up the possibilities for new discoveries on how neurons function at a molecular level. Contemporaneous Electrical and molecular biochemical signals will be measured.
Outputs Publications: B Nasr, G Chana, TT Lee, T Nguyen, C Abeyrathne, GM D’Abaco, M Dottori, E Skafidas (2105); Vertical Nanowire Electrode Arrays as Novel Electrochemical Label-Free Immunosensors; Small; Early View; DOI: 10.1002/smll.201403540; 11 February 2015. S Harrer, SC Kim, C Schieber, S Kannam, N Gunn, S Moore, D Scott, R Bathgate, E Skafidas, JM Wagner;(2015); Label-free Screening of Single Biomolecules Through Resistive Pulse Sensing Technology for Precision Medicine Applications; Nanotechnology Vol 26 p 182505. D Zantomio, G Chana, L Laskaris, R Testa, IP Everall, E Skafidas (2015); Convergent Evidence for MGluR5 in Synaptic and Neuroinflammatory Pathways Implicated in ASD; Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Review; vol 52; pp 172 – 177; DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2015.02.006; 7
34 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects February 2015.
Key issues Nil to date
35 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 11:
Sensory decision-making in rodents
CIs – Greg Stuart & Ehsan Arabzadeh Australian National University, University of Queensland & SISSA
Project overview Over the last decade, new methods have emerged for the characterisation of neuronal activity at the level of single cells and neuronal populations. Our strategy is to use these new methods to relate a detailed and quantitative characterisation of animal behaviour to the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms at work in the brain. Sensory processing provides a good setting for such investigation. This project will combine two-photon calcium imaging of single cells and neuronal populations in vivo with whole-cell and juxta-cellular recording to link neuronal activity with sensory perception in two sensory modalities - whisker touch and vision. Both sensory systems comprise well- studied pathways and have elegant structural organisation. Visual cortex contains a modular representation of the environment with a topographic map of the visual field and the whisker area of somatosensory cortex is arranged in a map of cell aggregates (“barrels”) with a one-to-one correspondence with whiskers. This means that sensory signals are channelled through a restricted population of neurons and can be efficiently sampled via recording electrodes or imaging, and can be targeted for modulation using optogenetics. The functional circuitry underlying cortical activity has been extensively studied, but the connection between neuronal activity and sensation and perception is far from resolved. This project will record sensory-evoked activity in anesthetised and awake (head- fixed) rodents engaged in a sensory discrimination task. It combines three levels of investigation. At the cellular level we will study synaptic and dendritic integration of sensory input in single neurons. At the population level we will investigate synergy and redundancy in coding across the neuronal population, and correlate this with behaviour. Finally, modelling and computational analysis will be used to provide a framework for interpretation of the data recorded at the cellular and network levels and how this may be used in decision making.
Personnel CIs: Greg Stuart & Ehsan Arabzadeh PIs: Mathew Diamond CIBF Fellows: Guiherme Silva, Ehsan Kheradpezhouh & Mehdi Adibi
Project duration 2014-2018
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Development of the rodent head-fixed set Animal ethics obtained for anaesthetised preparations up that allows precise control of sensory and is in process for awake head-fixed. stimuli and behaviour and simultaneous imaging/recording of neuronal data. Correlating neuronal activity (single cell and PhD student Conrad Lee’s project involves population) and behaviour. collaborations with PI Diamond. Manuscript is under
36 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects preparation. Conrad Lee is scheduled to present the data at the ANS meeting in Cairns and the SFN meeting in Chicago, 2015. Use juxta-cellular recording/labelling to Collaboration with AI Linda Richards from QBI. characterise the role of specific cell types in Manuscript in preparation. Findings are scheduled to be generating sensory representations. presented at the Japan Neuroscience Society Meeting (August 2015); ANS meeting in Cairns and the SfN meeting in Chicago (2015). Characterise synaptic and dendritic Not yet started. integration of sensory inputs. Integration of data across multiple levels of Not yet started. investigation using modelling.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000) $28,000 (Tissue Slicer, Camera, Stereomicroscope, Illuminator fiber optic LED microscope); $27,700 (Computer equipment amplifier).
Outputs Nil to date
Key issues Nil to date
37 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 12:
Understanding human attention, decision-making and prediction using psychophysics, brain imaging and neural stimulation
CIs – Jason Mattingley, Marta Garrido, Gary Egan, Michael Breakspear, Michael Ibbotson & Ehsan Arabzadeh University of Queensland, Monash University, University of Melbourne, QIMR Berghofer & Australian National University
Project overview This project will combine novel behavioural experiments with functional brain imaging (fMRI and EEG) and neural stimulation (TMS and transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS)) to determine the neural circuits responsible for attention, decision-making and prediction in healthy human participants. The focus will be on characterising how stimulus information from the external environment (visual, auditory, somatosensory) is filtered on the basis of high level cognitive sets in the service of flexible and adaptive goal-directed behaviour. Across a series of experiments we will focus in particular on how regions of the prefrontal and parietal cortices coordinate bottom-up and top-down signals during simple selective attention tasks (e.g., spatial cueing, visual search), decision- making tasks (e.g., probability judgments) and prediction tasks (e.g., oddball detection, statistical learning). We will apply Bayesian approaches to modelling the functions of these networks, and will endeavor to understand the underlying neural mechanisms at the level of individual neurons through single-cell recordings carried out in rodents (collaboration with CI Arabzadeh) and non-human primates (Ibbotson).
Personnel CIs: Jason Mattingley, Marta Garrido, Gary Egan, Michael Breakspear, Michael Ibbotson & Ehsan Arabzadeh AIs: Paul Dux, Derek Arnold & Farshad Mansouri
Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update A better understanding of the neural circuits Several ongoing projects and publications already involved in human attention, prediction and produced, as listed below. decision-making. Provide fundamental data for the development Not yet addressed – expected to be addressed in of more effective behavioural interventions for later stages of project. human cognitive deficits in a range of neurological and psychiatric conditions. Provide information to guide the development Not yet addressed – expected to be addressed in of human brain computer interfaces. later stages of project.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000) TMS-compatible MR headcoil.
Outputs Publications: Painter DR, et al. (2015) Casual involvement of visual area MT in global feature-based enhancement but not contingent attentional capture. Neuroimage 118:90-102.
38 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Cocchi L, et al. (2015) Dissociable effects of local inhibitory and excitatory theta-burst stimulation on large-scale brain dynamics. J Neurophysiol 113: 3375-3385. Filmer HL, et al. (2015) Dissociable effects of anodal and cathodal tDCS reveal distinct functional roles for right parietal cortex in the detection of single and competing stimuli. Neuropsychologia [Epub ahead of print]. Filmer HL, et al. (2015) Object substitution masking for an attended and foveated target. J Exp Psychol: Hum Percept Perform 41: 6-10. Hall MG, et al. (2015) Distinct contributions of attention and working memory to visual statistical learning and ensemble processing. J Exp Psychol: Hum Percept Perform [Epub ahead of print]. Hearne L, et al. (2015) Interactions between default mode and control networks as a function of increasing cognitive reasoning complexity. Hum Brain Mapp [Epub ahead of print]. Painter DR, et al. (2015) Distinct roles of the intraparietal sulcus and temporoparietal junction in attentional capture from distractor features: an individual differences approach. Neuropsychologia [In press]. Robinson AK, et al. (2015) Olfaction modulates early neural responses to matching visual objects. J Cogn Neurosci 27: 832-841. Baumann O, et al. (2015) Consensus paper: the role of the cerebellum in perceptual processes. Cerebellum 14: 197-220. Dietz MJ, et al. (2014) Effective connectivity reveals right-hemisphere dominance in audiospatial perception: implications for models of spatial neglect. J Neurosci 34: 5003-5011. Filmer HL, et al. (2014) Applications of transcranial direct current stimulation for understanding brain function. Trends Neurosci 37: 742-753. Naughtin CK, et al. (2014) Distributed and overlapping neural substrates for object individuation and identification in visual short-term memory. Cereb Cortex [Epub ahead of print]. Funding: Cocchi, L., et al. “Selective modulation of neural network activity using focal brain stimulation” NHMRC Project Grant 2016. (APP1099082; Duration - 3 years; Requested - $564,990.00). Bellgrove, M.A., et al. “An international, multi-site assessment and treatment study of attention deficits in unilateral spatial neglect” NHMRC Project Grant 2016. (APP1100705; Duration – 5 years; Requested - $1,055,977.00). Dux, P., et al. Can combined cognitive training and brain stimulation enhance executive function in older adults? NHMRC Project Grant 2016. (APP1098219; Duration – 5 years; Requested - $1,104,965.00). Kamke, M., et al. Is it the thought that counts? Investigating the influence of cognitive state on the beneficial effects of transcranial electrical brain stimulation. NHMRC Project Grant 2016. (APP1107249; Duration – 3 years; Requested - $621,995.00). Molenberghs, P., et al. The causes and consequences of social cognitive impairment following stroke: A neuroimaging investigation. NHMRC Project Grant 2016. (APP1100948; Duration – 4 years; Requested - $836,032.00). Media Engagement: “ Research lays foundations for brain damage study” “ Lopsided Brains” in Discovery, The Brain Dialogue website brains
Key issues Nil to date
39 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 13:
Rapid information processing in subcortical amygdala pathways
CIs – Marta Garrido, Jason Mattingley, Pankaj Sah, Gary Egan & Michael Breakspear University of Queensland, Monash University & QIMR Berghofer
Project overview This project will combine imaging (fMRI and DTI) and electrophysiological recordings in both humans (EEG and magenetoencephalography (MEG)) and rats (local field potentials (LFP)). The goal is to investigate the role of a putative subcortical pathway that links thalamus and amygdala directly, the so-called “low-road”, in rapid information processing of salient, attention-grabbing stimuli, as opposed to a slow cortical route, the “high-road”, which conveys detailed information about stimuli features onto to higher order regions of the brain. We will test these ideas in a series of experiments using human neuroimaging data (CI Egan) and modelling approaches (CI Breakspear). We will then validate our findings in an animal model (CI Sah) to further investigate the circuitry underlying these processes.
Personnel CIs: Marta Garrido, Jason Mattingley, Pankaj Sah, Gary Egan & Michael Breakspear AIs: Nao Tsuchiya
Project duration 2014-2017
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update A better understanding of the Several ongoing projects and publications already produced as human neural circuits involved listed below. in attention mechanisms that lead to adaptive decisions. Animal validation of the circuits Not yet addressed – expected to be addressed in later stages of involved in attention to the project. behavioural salient stimuli. An understanding of the relation Data Collection completed for study. between brain structure and function in enabling attention deployment and rapid decision- making.
Outputs Publications: C. Poch, M.I. Garrido, J.M. Igoa, M. Belichon, I. Garcia-Morales, P.Campo (2015). Time-varying effective connectivity during visual object naming as a function of semantic demands. J Neurosci 35:8768-76. W. He, M.I. Garrido, P.F. Sowman, J. Brock, B.W. Johnson (2015). Development of effective connectivity in the core network for face perception. Human Brain Mapping. 36:2161-73. S. Dürschmid, T. Zaehle, H. Hinrichs, H.-J. Heinze, J., M.I. Garrido, R. Dolan, R. Knight (2015).
40 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Sensory deviancy detection measure directly within Human Nucleous Accumbens. Cerebral Cortex. Jan 5th : 1-8. M.J. Rosa, L. Portugal, T. Hahn, A.J. Fallgatter, M.I. Garrido, J. Shawe-Taylor, J. Mourao-Miranda (2015). Sparse network-based models for patient classification using fMRI. Neuroimage 105:493-506. M.M. Garvert, K.J. Friston, R.J. Dolan, M.I. Garrido (2014). Subcortical amygdala pathway enables rapid visual information processing. NeuroImage 102 Pt 2:309-316. M. Dietz, K.J. Friston, J.B. Mattingley, A. Roepstorff, M.I. Garrido (2014). Effective connectivity reveals right-hemisphere dominance in audiospatial perception: implications for models of spatial neglect. Journal of Neuroscience 34:5003-5011. Selected by Australian Life Scientist as some of the best Australian research published in May/June 2014. *G.K. Cooray, M.I. Garrido, L. Hyllienmark, T. Brismar (2014). A mechanistic model of mismatch negativity in the aging brain. Clinical Neurophysiology 125:1774-1782. New Collaborations: Wei He, Department of Cognitive Science and ARC, Centre of Excellence in Cognition and Its Disorders, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia.S. Dürschmid and R Knight, University of California, Berkeley University, CA, USA. Media Engagement: “ Research lays foundations for brain damage study” “ Lopsided Brains” in Discovery, The Brain Dialogue website brains
Key issues Nil to date
41 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 14:
Computer modelling of human visual system with applications in computer vision
CIs – Arthur Lowery Monash University
Project overview It is hoped that the combined expertise and knowledge of neuroscience within CIBF will guide the direction of the project and supply sufficient background to enable the work to progress to a publishable standard – i.e. be of great interest to the neuroscience community.
Also, the extensive background in computer vision and numerical modelling of Profs, Drummond and Lowery will provide new approaches to understanding existing data and developing efficient software replicas of portions of the human brain. An initial approach has been to work with Prof. Peter Robinson’s NeuroField code. This models the interactions of populations of cell types and can predict the spectral and time characteristics for ECG recordings. We are considering modifying this approach to localise it to a particular section of the brain (e.g. V1), but at the same time, provide more, differentiated, populations corresponding to the layers of V1 and its striated structure.
Interestingly, the NeuroField approach has similarities to Prof Lowery’s early experience in transmission-line modelling (TLM) of lasers and electromagnetic fields. TLM was pioneered at Nottingham University by Raymond Beurle, where Lowery did his early research. Significantly, TLM is extremely computationally efficient, and allowed Lowery to commercialise super-fast laser simulation tools.
In computer vision (and artificial intelligence), deep convolutional networks (DCN) are capable of self- learning simpler computer games (like PacMan) with impressive results. One aim is to inform the initial connectivity of DCNs from the human visual system in order to test whether we can improve them. A related outcome is whether the human visual pathway is in itself optimum.
Thus, there appears to be a strong synergy between the aims and experience of the members of CIBF and electrical engineers at Monash. This should create new approaches to understanding the brain, backed by new computational models, and with outcomes of improved computer vision algorithms and more effective bionic visions systems.
Personnel CIs: Arthur Lowery Collaborator: Tom Drummond
Project duration 2015-2018
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update To develop a greater understanding of the N/A – new project commenced 2015. human visual system, expressed in electrical engineering language (Signal Processing, Circuit Theory and Software Algorithms).
42 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects To develop software to enable ‘in-silico’ experimentation to optimise stimulation of the human visual system for bionic vision, for example by optimising the location of the stimulation sites on a probabilistic basis. To advance the field of computer vision by providing grounding for bio-inspired computer- vision algorithms, with an aim of improving algorithmic efficiency by mimicking the signal processing paths in the human visual system.
Outputs Nil to date
43 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 15:
A digital atlas of connections in the marmoset brain
CIs – Marcello Rosa Monash University, Cold Springs Harbour Laboratory, University of Sydney & Nencki Institute
Project overview This project will produce the first comprehensive digital map of the connections in a primate brain, and will use advanced statistical 'data mining' techniques to explore the network characteristics of this system. This will allow new insights on how the brain works as an integrated system, and will help us to understand how information processing in the brain changes as result of diseases and normal ageing.
Personnel CIs: Marcello Rosa PIs: Partha Mitra AIs: Pulin Gong, Fabio Ramos & Wojtek Goscinski CIBF Fellows: Piotr Majka
Project duration 2015-2018
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update An integrated web site showing images of sections, N/A – new project commenced 2015. 3-dimensional reconstructions of the brain, and unfolded maps of the cortex from a large number of experiments involving tracer injections. Free public access will require registration and use of the material will be governed by a material transfer agreement, which requires acknowledgement of the CoE as source of materials. Publications in neuroanatomy and neuroinformatic journals. Modelling studies attempting to decipher the network properties of the primate cortex.
Outputs Nil to date
44 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 16:
Visual signal processing in thalamocortical loops; predictive coding in attentional circuits.
CIs – Paul Martin & Ulrike Grünert University of Sydney
Project overview The project uses array recordings of thalamic reticular and LGN to look at long timescale effect. We apply turbulence physics method to lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and cross correlate with cortex (V1 and MT). We analyse differential connections of LGN to V1 and MT.
Personnel CIs: Paul Martin & Ulrike Grünert AIs: Pulin Gong
Project duration 2015-2018
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Our ultimate goal is three- and four-dimensional Array recordings of thalamic reticular and LGN analysis of timing across these subcortical and have begun, looking at long timescale effects. cortical areas. AI Gong’s turbulence physics method has been applied to LGN and cross correlation with cortex (V1 and MT). Analyses of differential connections of LGN to V1 and MT have begun.
Outputs Publications: Townsend RG, et al. (2015). Emergence of complex wave patterns in primate cerebral cortex. J Neurosci, 35 (11), 4657-662.
45 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Research Projects Project 17:
Neural circuits that mediate fear learning and extinction
CIs – Pankaj Sah University of Queensland
Project overview The key project is using optogenetics coupled with in vitro slice recordings and in vivo behavioural analysis to understand the neural circuits between the hippocampus, mPFC and amygdala. We are using rats for most behavioural studies as we have found that behavioural work in mice is much more difficult. For the circuit tracing studies we are using wild type C57Bl6 mice and three transgenic lines to identify interneurons. First there is a GAD67-EGFP line that marks all interneurons with EGFP. To identify particular interneuron types we are using PARV-CRE and SOM-CRE lines where cre- recombinase is expressed under the parvalbumin and somatostatin promoter. To understand connections between the hippocampus and mPFC and BLA we are using adenoassociated virus to express channelrhodopsin in the ventral hippocampus using the synapsin promoter to label neurons. For connections between the mPFC and BLA we are using a lentivirus injected into the IL or PL. To identify particular interneurons we are using AAV to express td-tomato in specific interneurons. Moreover, we have crossed both CRE lines with the GAD67-EGFP line so that both labelled interneurons and other non-labelled cohorts can be tested simultaneously. Finally to understand interneuron connections within the BLA and mPFC we are using a doubly floxed channelrhodopsin injected into the IL, PL or BLA. Virus is injected into the relevant areas and six week allowed for expression and transport of channelrhodopsin to the terminals. Brain slices are then prepared and recordings made from pyramidal neurons and interneurons and 470 nm light used to stimulate afferents. We are defining hippocampal inputs to specific neurons in the IL and PL, where specific interneuron populations are marked. Similarly we are studying mPFC inputs to the BLA again with interneurons marked.
Personnel CIs: Pankaj Sah
Project duration 2015-2018 Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update To identify interneurons and ultimately No outcomes as yet. understand connections between the hippocampus, mPFC and BLA.
Outputs Nil to date
46 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects
4 CIBF Strategic initiative projects
Strategic Initiative Project Lead CI Direct assessment of predictive coding as a theory of integrative brain Ibbotson function Nexpo system for experimental interface and data visualisation Martin Predictive coding: Clarity imaging of thalamocortical circuits Petrou Computing Facility for Modelling Robinson A custom-designed TMS-compatible headcoil for human brain imaging Mattingley experiments on attention, prediction and decision-making CLARITY and Viral Vectors to Trace Connections in Attention Pathways Paxinos Endocannabinoid modulation of neuronal excitability Stuart
SIP 1:
Direct assessment of predictive coding as a theory of Integrative brain function
CIs – Michael Ibbotson, Marcello Rosa, Paul Martin, Peter Robinson & Michael Breakspear University of Melbourne, Monash University, University of Sydney & QIMR Berghofer
Project overview Predictive Coding is a theory of brain function that has been hypothesized to explain a wide range of observations including the hierarchical organization of (sensory) cortex, the architecture of cortical microcircuits, the structure of cortical receptive fields, single cell integration properties and synaptic plasticity. It proposes that cortical microcircuits perform computations that can be applied universally to different types of input, regardless of cortical area or modality. Consequently the theory has the potential to provide a unified view of integrative brain function. A key aspect of the theory describes how bottom-up (afferent) and top-down (efferent) information interact in local cortical microcircuits, in such a way that only information that was unpredictable, based on top-down input, is passed up the cortical hierarchy for further processing. In this project we will directly assess this central hypothesis of predictive coding by recording from three consecutive areas of the visual pathway (LGN, V1 and V2), measuring the interaction of bottom-up and top-down information at the level of V1 and seeing if it accords with the description provided by predictive coding. To this end, we are seeking funding to allow the purchase of equipment for high-channel count electrophysiological recordings from local cortical and thalamic microcircuits across multiple areas of the visual pathway simultaneously.
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update The primary outcome is that we will perform the Simulation of predictive coding model established. first direct assessment of the central hypothesis Methods for multi-electrode recording under of predictive coding theory: that only development information that is unpredicted, based on top- down input, is passed up the cortical hierarchy for further processing. A secondary outcome is that we will have Theoretical framework for tracking information flow developed a novel methodology tracking identified. information flow between and within brain areas
47 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects over time.
Outputs Funding: Successful bid for Melbourne Neurosciences Institute Interdisciplinary Seed Funding $20K New Collaborations: Dr Joseph Lizier (U Syd); Prof Michael Wibral (Goethe University Frankf) Key issues Delay in receiving funds
48 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects SIP 2:
Nexpo system for experimental interface and data visualisation
CIs – Paul Martin, Greg Stuart & Jason Mattingley University of Sydney, Australian National University & University of Queensland
Project overview We are developing a license-free stand alone system for high accuracy visual and auditory stimulus generation and massive data visualization using generic PC / MAC components. Our long-term (strategic) proposal is to badge the system with CIBF and release it as a freely available public resource.
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update To develop a licence-free, stand-alone system for high accuracy visual and auditory Stimulus generation and massive data visualization using generic PC / MAC components.
Outputs Nil to date
49 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects SIP 4:
Predictive coding: Clarity imaging of thalamocortical circuits
CIs – Steve Petrou University of Melbourne
Project overview Experimental validation of the predictions of the predictive coding model requires knowledge of anatomical structures analogous to the computation elements used within the model. In this aspect of the project we aim to generate short and long range neural connectivity maps in somatosensory and visual cortices using light sheet imaging of clarity/Scale cleared whole brains of mice. We have already built a light sheet microscope but require a specialized Clarity objective that is refraction index matched to Clarity and Scale to eliminate spherical aberrations and provide 8 mm of working distance. This objective costs around $40K and we are requesting to use our 2014 and 2015 allotment of SI funds to purchase this item in early 2015.
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update To generate neuronal Glass Brain A prototype light sheet scope has been built. A small HPC scale connectivity maps cluster with 1.5TB of RAM has been deployed at engineering IT and is of somatosensory and running our fusion and multi view deconvolution software system. We are visual thalamocortical currently exploring software options for automated neuronal tracing and circuits using glass brain looking. Once this workflow has been tested we are planning to reach out imaging, to provide to MASSIVE to explore deploying workflow on this super computer cluster. connectivity data sets to Modifications to the system to include new refraction index matched other CIs as well as for objective as well as improvements to the light sheet design are our own studies. underway. We have chosen to produce an in toto map of the rodent olfactory bulb as our first proof of concept project. Marmoset Atlas In addition to this project we have been working on generating a Marmoset MRI based atlas. A fixed marmoset brain was prepared for 16.4T imaging at the UQ facility and we will undertake super resolution tractograhpy and GRE imaging to generate high contrast and resolution images as the first aim of this study. Scanning has been complete and we are currently running analysis on the images we have obtained to ascertain whether a second round of scanning
Outputs Publications Richards K et al, (2014). Mapping somatosensory connectivity in adult mice using diffusion MRI tractography and super-resolution track density imaging. Neuroimage. 102 (2):381-92.
Key issues Nil to date
50 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects SIP 5:
Computing facility for modelling
CIs – Peter Robinson & Michael Breakspear University of Sydney & QIMR Berghofer
Project overview A 96-core high-performance computing facility will be purchased to underpin high-level modelling and data analysis in the CoE.
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Provision of adequate on-site computer facilities Equipment has been purchased and is currently for the development, testing and runs of new operational. models & codes.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000) • 3 x Dell PowerEdge R360 Servers (Total cost $47,778 - $17,778 USyd contribution)
Outputs Abeysuriya, R. G., C. J. Rennie and P. A. Robinson (2015). "Physiologically based arousal state estimation and dynamics." J Neurosci Methods 253: 55-69. Zhao, X., J. W. Kim and P. A. Robinson (2015). "Slow-wave oscillations in a corticothalamic model of sleep and wake." J Theor Biol 370: 93-102. Townsend, R. G., S. S. Solomon, S. C. Chen, A. N. Pietersen, P. R. Martin, S. G. Solomon and P. Gong (2015). "Emergence of complex wave patterns in primate cerebral cortex." J Neurosci 35(11): 4657-4662. Keane, A. and P. Gong (2015). "Propagating waves can explain irregular neural dynamics." J Neurosci 35(4): 1591-1605.
Key issues Nil to date
51 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects SIP 6:
A custom-designed TMS-compatible headcoil for human brain imaging experiments on attention, prediction and decision-making
CIs – Jason Mattingley, Gary Egan, Marta Garrido & Michael Breakspear University of Queensland, Monash University & QIMR
Project overview This request is for a TMS-compatible headcoil for use in the University of Queensland’s 3 Tesla Siemens magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. We will use this piece of equipment across a range of studies aimed at assessing patterns of functional connectivity within the brain while participants engage in tasks designed to probe specific aspects of attention, prediction and decision- making.
We will combine both fMRI and TMS to examine the effects of local inhibition or excitation on patterns of activity throughout the brain. Once in place, we will conduct a number of studies focused on understanding how activity changes throughout the brain during simple perceptual and cognitive tasks designed to probe specific aspects of attention, prediction and decision-making. The general approach will be to stimulate higher cortical areas, such as the prefrontal and parietal cortices, and to measure the influence on activity within sensory processing areas during task performance.
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update Across separate experiments, to examine the Equipment is still under construction – expect contributions of the left and right dorsolateral delivery in late July 2015. prefrontal cortex and inferior parietal cortex to information processing within the primary visual cortex during voluntary focusing of spatial attention.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000) • TMS compatible MR headcoil – Ordered but not yet received
Outputs Nil to date
Key issues Nil to date
52 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects SIP 9:
CLARITY and Viral Vectors to Trace Connections in Attention Pathways
CIs – George Paxinos, Ulrike Grünert, Paul Martin & Pankaj Sah University of New South Wales, University of Sydney & University of Queensland
Project overview This is a collaboration between George Paxinos, Paul Martin, Ulrike Grunert and Pankaj Sah. We propose to establish the CLARITY and Viral Vectors techniques in connectional work in the mouse, marmoset and human. The visual system from the retina through the thalamus to the cortex will be investigated. The somatosensory system will be studied through the spinal cord, brainstem, thalamus and cortex. The visual and auditory pathways linking sensory thalamus to limbic centres will be investigated in mice, rats and marmosets using CLARITY and Viral Vectors. The anatomy expertise of Paxinos, Grunert and Martin will be combined with Sah laboratory expertise to target limbic structures for tracer injections. We will consult with Steve Petrou who has set up the technique. Postdoctoral researchers Huazheng Liang of the Paxinos Laboratory and Sammy Lee of the Grunert Laboratory will spend approximately 20% of their time working on the project in order to establish the techniques that will be used by other postdoctoral fellows employed on the core CIBF funds.
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update To Set up the CLARITY and viral vectors CLARITY has been successfully implemented in the techniques for three species at three CIBF Paxinos laboratory by Andy Liang. Along with Sammy universities Lee, he is using the retina to test out the method for immunohistochemical staining’s. They are also using CLARITY to image the visual cortex for which the first data will be collected next week. The next step will be to visualize tracer injections in the brain.
Outputs Publications: Liang H, Schofield E, Paxinos G. Imaging serotonergic fibers in the mouse spinal cord using the CLARITY/CUBIC technique 2015 Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), Accepted for publication Jun 26 2015 JoVE53673R2. Funding: ARC DECRA application submitted by CIBF Fellow Huazheng Liang in March Media Engagement: “Flop when you drop” article on the brain dialogue website Key issues It has been technically difficult to get CLARITY to work on retinal tissue as well as it does in other brain tissue. Researchers are currently trying an improved method (CUBIC) in an attempt to resolve this. Staining of the visual cortex is expected to be successful, based on previous experiments on the whole brain, and a result will be available in the middle of July.
53 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Strategic initiative projects SIP 10:
Endocannabinoid modulation of neuronal excitability
CIs – Greg Stuart & Ehsan Arabzadeh Australian National University
Project overview This proposal will investigate the capacity of endocannabinoids to influence neuronal excitability. “Cannabinoids” are the active substance found in marijuana, and exert their effect on mood by binding to specific receptors in the brain. Recently, it has been shown that the same receptors also bind molecules made in the brain itself. We wish to investigate how this “endocannabinoid system” influences brain activity at the single cell level, as well as during sensory perception and decision- making.
Goals and outcomes Original goals Mid 2015 update To determine the impact of cannabinoid Preliminary experiments have started receptor activation and inhibition on neuronal excitability, with a specific focus on dendritic integration. To determine the impact of cannabinoid Preliminary experiments have started receptor activation and inhibition on sensory processing in the whisker barrel system. To determine the impact of cannabinoid Not yet begun receptor activation and inhibition on a decision- making task involving texture discrimination using the whisker barrel system.
Key infrastructure purchased (>$5,000) • Remote X, Y & Z control of BX51 microscope by Luigs & Neumann (EUR17,660) – Ordered but not yet received
Outputs Nil to date
Key issues Nil to date
54 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Education 5 Education Elizabeth Paton, Ramesh Rajan & Lisa Hutton Monash University
At the heart of CIBF’s education portfolio is our belief that people, be they scientists, students or the public at large, have an inherent desire to understand the human brain. Our goal is to channel that desire into a life-long interest in the brain, including encouraging adoption of neuroscience as a profession, especially among people who traditionally haven’t been involved. Whilst we are developing strategies for communicating brain research to school aged children, the current focus of the CIBF Education program is on our early career researchers (ECRs).
Early Career Researchers program We propose to develop a series of programs directed at all ECRs in CIBF-associated laboratories, those funded directly by the Centre and others working in Chief Investigator labs on related projects. To achieve this we have created a database of all ECRs in CIBF-associated laboratories, and have subsequently developed a mailing list that will be used as we roll out a series of initiatives under the CIBF ECR program. Potential initiatives are outlined below, but the ultimate activities undertaken will be decided and driven by a CIBF ECR committee. The committee will be formed during the ECR forum at Cairns in August, 2015. ECR website: We have the capacity to create a password-protected website for ECRs in CIBF- associated labs. We envisage this could be a mechanism for ECRs to identify other ECRs in CIBF-associated labs for future collaborations and updated regularly with all ECR-related activities, e.g., summaries of ECR video conferences; details of buddy system; group discussion fora; etc. Regular video conferences: The aim of these video conferences would be two-fold: (a) to help ECRs get familiar with each other for future potential collaborations (see above on ECR website service), and (b) to create and foster discussion on matters identified by ECRs as being of concern for them in developing a career in science or elsewhere. These may include both general discussion (e.g., surveying ECRs to develop programs for workshops) and specific themes (e.g., a grant-writing roundtable in mid-Dec/early Jan from 2016 onwards). ECR workshops: These can include talks, roundtables, small group activities and social occasions, with the aim to provide useful information on building and sustaining research careers as well as to form connections across nodes and build stronger support networks. Mentoring program, buddy systems and lab exchange: Based on the networks developed at the ECR workshops, we could look to facilitating both formal and informal relationships between CIs and ECRs across labs and nodes. These could take the form of mentoring programs, buddy systems or laboratory exchanges, exposing ECRs to different ideas and techniques, building on their existing skill base and creating further potential for more integrative collaboration within the centre.
The Australian Brain Bee Challenge sponsorship
55 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Education The Australian Brain Bee Challenge is a competition for high school students in year 10 (Australia) to learn about the brain and its functions, learn about neuroscience research, find out about careers in neuroscience and to dispel misconceptions about neurological and mental illnesses. CIBF provides sponsorship to allow the National competition winner to represent Australia at the International competition.
56 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N The Brain Dialogue 6 The Brain Dialogue Rachel Nowak & Elizabeth Paton Monash University
The Brain Dialogue’s mission is “knowledge sharing with impact”. As a corollary to research impact, knowledge sharing and engagement with impact should lead to a sustained outcome, such as beneficial changes in policy, industry partnerships, citizen involvement in science, or cultural enrichment equivalent to engagement with the arts.
The Brain Dialogue’s goals are: a. Dissemination and exploitation of CIBF results – for industry linkage, cultural enrichment, convergence, collaboration, and responsible research and innovation b. Foster discussion of emerging issues – for responsible research and innovation c. Encourage participation in brain research – for cultural impact, and responsible research and innovation d. Listen to end-users – for responsible research and innovation
“Responsible innovation and research” is research that aligns with society’s needs and aspirations. The Brain Dialogue facilitates this through plain-English summaries to help all stakeholders — including researchers — monitor and use CIBF results as they appear. It also raises awareness about emerging issues in brain research, and involves researchers, policy makers, and other end-users in discussion of their social and philosophical implications.
Achievements past 6 months: Plain-English summaries for all CIBF research papers; building reputation around this approach to knowledge dissemination, including organisations seeking to copy approach; and external support, including from ARC National Library of Australia requested permission to archive The Brain Dialogue website, stating "The National Library has selected your publication for archiving because we have judged it to be an important component of the national documentary heritage. We want it to be available to researchers now and in the future.” Building an online community of interest through ‘Who’s Dialoguing’. Twitter followers have more than doubled, and include PLOSNeuro, journalists, neuroscientists from around the world; diverse stakeholders contribute to the Twitter Wall, which hosts online discussions during and following events Zap My Brain – event discussing use and development of brain stimulation devices for research, clinical, and recreational purposes (which is not condoned by CIBF and most neuroscientists). We tested three concepts: That having a home-user on the panel would improve understanding of the issues. It did. That the audience would value a live demo of TMS. They did. That the press will cover “discovery” research. They did.
Challenges To more effectively hit goal a) Dissemination and exploitation of CIBF results, we need to disseminate plain-English summaries faster and wider (which should increase citation rates), increase website traffic, and become a recognised and trusted authority to a wider range of stakeholders, such as industry, government.
57 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N The Brain Dialogue With the Zap my Brain event, we have developed a partial blueprint for meeting goal b) Foster Discussion of Emerging Issues. One challenge is to increase the impact of these events – potentially through follow-on articles in the lay press and journals. A second challenge is capacity: brain research is unique among the sciences in the range of issues it raises, and their potential impact on society. We will need many events, on a range of issues, to have made a meaningful contribution to responsible research and innovation. Sharing the love around. Discovery is the quintessential human endeavour but few people get to do it. To meet goal c) Encourage participation in brain research we want to involve non- scientists in research. One option is a citizen science project — typically researchers use these to access large sample populations; deal with data deluge; and for pattern recognition and data collection that machines can’t do. (Citizen scientists helped crack the Enigma Code.) Other options include public data sharing, and engaging with “biohack”/participatory biology communities. Zap my Brain was our first activity towards goal d) Listen to end-users. It highlighted the challenge of what to do with end-user knowledge — how do we collect it? Evaluate it? Use it? Gender diversity on panels/events — The Brain Dialogue is committed to fair gender representation, which introduces another level of complexity to event design.
58 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Neuroinformatics 7 Neuroinformatics Wojtek Goscinski & Pulin Gong Monash University & University of Sydney
The CIBF neuroinformatics program will focus on a number of proposed projects to coordinate and underpin modeling and data analysis at CIBF. The key projects to be undertaken are: (1) To develop an online repository of CIBF models, tools and data, and to support sharing of these resources within the Centre; (2) To build a data sharing capability between CIBF and Human Brain Project in the European Union; And, in collaboration with MASSIVE, as part of the CIBF Affiliate Partnership in MASSIVE: (3) To provide the CIBF community with dedicated share of the MASSIVE facility; and (4) To provide CIBF researchers with an Australian mirror of Human Connectome Project data that will be hosted alongside and accessible from the MASSIVE HPC facility.
CIBF Tools and Data Repository Experimental data and computational models are a major output of the CIBF. The aim is to make these important resources accessible to relevant researchers of CIBF and thus to facilitate collaborations between different groups, and to publish models and data more widely where it is possible. Status: ● Dr Pulin Gong commenced as the Coordinator for Computational Modelling and Data on 1st of July 2015; ● A dedicated file system storage allocation (through RDSI ReDS3) has been allocated to CIBF, providing approximately 100TB of space. ● GitLab instance has been created to publication of models and source code where it’s desirable; Next steps: ● Undertake a review of data and models across the nodes to establish what can be shared, or made public, and under what conditions. July-August 2015. ● Commence uploading data and models. August / September onward. ● Link with CIBF website. September / October onward or when relevant.
Data sharing between CIBF and Human Brain Project HBP has expressed interest in CIBF datasets being exposed to the HBP community - in particular marmoset data being generated at Monash University and University of Sydney - and potentially other data sets. The proposal is to use the HBP Image Service to expose data from data storage at MASSIVE / Monash. Status: ● First meeting held to discuss this proposal between CIBF and HBP on 29th June; ● HBP has a prototype Image Service but development has not yet completed;
Next steps: ● HCP to provide information re the Image Service [suggested September onward]; ● CIBF will need to understand [September onward]: ○ how a data set integrates with this service, and what data manipulation will need to be undertaken to support this; ○ technical requirements of running this service, likely at VicNode.
CIBF Access to MASSIVE Through funding made available by Monash University, CIBF is now an Affiliate Partner of MASSIVE. This provides dedicated funding to a share of the facility, proportional to the CIBF contribution. From 1st of July 2015, CIBF researchers have access to 5.2% of the M1 and M2 computers, which accounts for approximately 1,090,000 CPU-core hours per year. From July 2015 MASSIVE will be procuring additional compute to accommodate this increased allocation and in the meantime the CIBF share will be allocated from the Monash University share.
59 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Neuroinformatics Status: ● The facility is available for users from 1st of July and early CIBF adopters have been accessing MASSIVE since the start of 2015. ● To access, request a project on the MASSIVE website ( from the Monash University share and explicitly state this is a CIBF request. Next steps: ● A communication to CIBF partners to alert them to the open availability of MASSIVE - to be sent out in July 2015.
Australian Human Connectome Project Mirror This proposal is to create an Australian mirror of HCP data that will be hosted on data storage associated with the MASSIVE HPC facility and managed by the Victorian Node (VicNode) of the Australian research data infrastructure. The purpose of this project is: ● Provide access to HCP data to Australian researchers in a coordinated and accessible manner – stored centrally and alongside tools and services such that researchers do not need to download the data locally; ● Provide researchers access to compute capability for analysis; ● Provide access to recommended HCP tools using the MASSIVE Desktop, so that viewing HCP data can be done remotely at MASSIVE without the need to copy data locally; ● Ensure access to the latest data made available by the project; and ● Avoid duplication of HCP data on MASSIVE and other Australian HPC systems. Timeframe: start June and available in August / September 2015. Status and next steps: ● Monash has meet with Dan Marcus to discuss first steps; ● Monash has allocated required file system space; ● HCP will investigate the best way for MASSIVE to check if scientists have registered with HCP; ● Monash to download HCP packages. ● Make available to researchers (before end of Q3 2015).
Australian National University
60 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Education 8 Gender Equity Elizabeth Paton & Sarah Dunlop Monash University
CIBF aims to improve gender diversity in its ranks, and in the wider neuroscience community. We are acutely aware of a current imbalance in gender distribution within the CIBF and are working to prepare a Gender Equity policy to address this. A snapshot of the 2014 CIBF statistics on gender balance mirrors the situation at many other research institutes worldwide, and indeed, across many professional workplaces. These reveal that women are generally under represented and are not progressing to senior research levels.
The NHMRC announced a new gender equity policy in early 2015 to support the recruitment, retention and progression of women in health and medical research. Under this new policy all administering institutions are required to update their gender equity policies to include strategies that: a) Address the underrepresentation of women in senior positions, b) Seek to promote and increase women’s participation, c) Ensure pay equity, d) Provide flexible and appropriate work arrangements for those with caring responsibilities. Compliance with these new gender equity standards will be required to ensure continued institutional eligibility for grant funding. ARC CEO Aidan Byrne “fully backed the principle and was planning a similar announcement”.
Accordingly, Australian academic and research institutions need to implement changes to address the attrition of women at the early and mid career stage, particularly from science research, and the scarcity of women in senior research leadership positions.
CIBF initiatives to redress gender inequity include: Quantifying CIBF’s gender distribution and setting goals to improve gender diversity, Addressing (unintentional) gender bias in decision-making, Addressing gender-specific obstacles to career progression, Pursuing equitable representation of women and men in scientific activities, Providing a supportive and collegial environment for female and male researchers, Seeking gender parity for outreach and education programs, and Developing a grant to support CIBF carers.
61 A R C C E N T R E O F E X C E L L E N C E F O R I N T E G R A T I V E B R A I N F U N C T I O N Notes