Yta Pd Planner
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Application for YTA PD Funding to support an In-service.
When to send: At least EIGHT WEEKS in advance of the In- service. Send to: Yukon Teachers’ Association, PD Chair 2064 – 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1A9 phone: 668-6777 or toll free 866-668-2097 fax: (867) 667-4324
In-service Information:
Date(s): Tuesday, February 28 / 2012 - Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Location: Del Van Gorder School, Faro
Title/Topic: Problem-Based Tasks in K-12 Mathematics and the Three- Part Lesson Plan Format For Problem-Based Lessons
Audience: Whole School
Grade K Teacher – Kathleen Evans and her students Grades 1-3 Teacher – Kirsten Ryan and her students Grades 4-6 Teacher – Jennifer Jang and her stdudents Grades 7-9 Teacher – Brenda Mitchell and her students High School Teacher – Kim Arkensteny-Volgar and her students
The Principal, EA and LAT, Wes Malo, Colleen Slonski and Barb Kaminecki, will take part either within the time with the classroom teachers and/or in evening session.
Note: In order to make this trip even more cost effective, our colleagues in Ross River will also be submitting a planner for Monday, February 27, 2012.
Objectives of In-service: Examine problem-based learning including: Problem-based tasks The value of teaching with problems A Three-Part Format for Problem-Based Lessons Address any of the educators questions about problem- based teaching/learning
In-service Agenda: Start Time: 8:15 AM
Morning Sessions for Tuesday, February 28, 2012:
8:15 AM The morning will begin with all of the educators that are involved on Tuesday before classes start @ 8:15 AM for a briefing meeting with the speaker Carole Fullerton with respect to problem-based learning and what is going to be happening in the classrooms that day.
9:45 AM – 10:40 AM A three-part problem based lesson with the grades 1-3 students and their teacher.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM A three-part problem based lesson with the grades 4-6 students and their teacher.
Afternoon Session(s) for Tuesday, February 28, 2012
12:00 PM The morning participants will gather in the staff room (or another location) at lunch for a debriefing of the morning classes with Carole Fullerton.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM A three-part problem based lesson with the grades 7-9 students and their teacher.
2:00 PM (or as soon as Carole can make the transition from the 7-9 class) – 3:30 PM A three-part problem based lesson with the grades 10- 12 students and their teacher.
3:45 PM – 4:30 PM An after school debriefing of the problem-based learning that happened in the classrooms that day with time for questions and answers.
Evening Session – All of the teachers will try to apply what they have learned via the sessions in an evening “Math Extravaganza Night.” The teachers will each plan an activity for the evening and the event will be open to parents, community members, students and other home- schooled children from the community. Carole will circulate that evening and/or host an activity too.
Anticipated End Time: 8 PM
Morning Sessions for Wednesday, February 29, 2012
8:15 AM The morning will begin with all of the educators that are involved on Tuesday before classes start @ 8:15 AM for a briefing meeting with the speaker Carole Fullerton with respect to problem-based learning and what is going to be happening in the classroom that day. 9:15 AM – Recess Time A three-part problem based lesson with the Kindergarten students and their teacher.
After Recess - An after recess debriefing of the problem-based learning that happened in the classroom that morning with time for questions and answers.
Carole would be leaving for 6 PM Air North flight out of Whitehorse. Resource Person Information:
Name: Carole Fullerton
Contact phone number: 604-614-4595
Email: [email protected]
Biography and Rationale for choosing this resource person:
Mrs. Carole Fullerton will be asked to be the speaker at this in-service because she has extensive experience in a classroom setting.
She has presented nationally and internationally and has worked at the consultant level at a distict in BC. Carole has published original materials that are in use in Yukon schools.
In addition to this Carole stys on top of the researcy in the field of teaching and learning mathematics. I have seen her present at inservices before and she is a confident, knowledgeable, organized, cutting-edge, and a dynamic and humorous presenter. In her work, she engages classroom teachers in collaborative planning, teaching and assessing student work to promote mathematical thinking and reasoning. Supporting student diversity through rich questions and teaching through problem solving underlie her practice.
Because of all of the reasons outlined above, I have requested that Carole Fullerton lead this in-service.
Resource Person Expenses:
Return Airfare: Departure Location: Vancouver, British Columbia Travel dates: Sun., February 26, 2012 – Wed., February 29, 2012 Actual Airfare: If the booking is done soon the Go Yukon Rate can be obtained for $509.86
Mileage: We will arrange transportation for Carole to and from Whitehorse.
Taxi/Airport Parking: In Vancouver (receipts required) about $100
Accommodation: (receipts required) Monday night & Tuesday night at about $300
Meals: (receipts required) about $200 for Tuesday and Wednesday Honorarium/gift: We will provide the gift to Carole.
Other (specify): Professional Fee $2400
Total This Page = $ 3509.86 Miscellaneous Expenses (receipt or invoice required) Meeting Room Rental Charge: = $Provided by the School
Rental of Material/Equipment (Specify e.g. TV/VCR): = $0 -Provided by the School
Vehicle Rental: (specify rental agency) = about $310 – Transportation for Carole will be arranged by the school and covered by Yukon Education.
Food provided on–site:
Lunch: No. of people ______@ $ ______= Not provided - $0 Coffee: No. of people ______@ $ ______= Not provided - $0 Name of Caterer (if applicable): n/a
Other Miscellaneous Expenses (specify e.g. photocopying, program materials, etc.): Photocopying will be provided by the school. Program materials will be provided by Yukon Education. = $Provided by the school and Yukon Education Total This Page = $ 310
TOTAL $ 3819.86 (3509.86+310) Participant Expenses Page 4 of 5
YTA Members: Teacher-On-Call costs: 0.5 day for Kathleen Evans to allow time for AM debriefing on Wednesday morning as Carole will have to leave before lunch in order to catch the Wednesday PM flight = about $ 80
Rural YTA Members: n/a as the rural member in attendance would not have to travel in to Whitehorse.
Total This Page = $ 80 Cost Sharing Information
Total cost of this In-service: $3899.86
Department of Education Contribution: List the expenses that will be covered by Department of Education: Program Materials Transportation to Faro Proposed contribution of Department of Education to this In- service: $310
Host School Contribution: List the expenses that will be covered by the host school: All meeting rooms and photocopying will be provided by the school. Proposed contribution of host School to this In-service $n/a
Other Contributions (Please attach additional sheets if necessary): n/a
Requested contribution of YTA PD Fund to this In-service: $3899.86-310=$3589.86
Contact Information Planner submitted by: Kirsten Ryan School/employer: Del Van Gorder School Work phone number: 867-994-2760 Date planner submitted: Tuesday, November 29, 2012