New Writing Rubric Argumentation

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New Writing Rubric Argumentation

Literacy by Design Collaborative - Argumentation Rubric

Not Yet Approaches Expectations Meets Expectations Advanced Scoring 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Elements Addresses prompt appropriately and Addresses prompt appropriately Addresses all aspects of prompt Focus Attempts to address prompt, but maintains a clear, steady focus. and establishes a position, but appropriately with a consistently strong lacks focus or is off-task. Provides a generally convincing focus is uneven. focus and convincing position. position. Attempts to reference reading Presents information from reading Accurately presents details from materials to develop response, Accurately and effectively presents Reading/ materials relevant to the purpose reading materials relevant to the but lacks connections or important details from reading materials of the prompt with minor lapses purpose of the prompt to develop Research relevance to the purpose of the to develop argument or claim. in accuracy or completeness. argument or claim. prompt.

Attempts to establish a claim, Establishes and maintains a substantive Establishes a claim. Establishes a credible claim. Controlling but lacks a clear purpose. and credible claim or proposal. (L2) Makes note of counter (L2) Develops claim and counter (L2) Makes no mention of (L2) Develops claims and counter Idea claims. claims fairly. counter claims. claims fairly and thoroughly.

Attempts to provide details in Presents appropriate details to Presents thorough and detailed response to the prompt, but lacks support and develop the focus, Presents appropriate and sufficient information to effectively support and sufficient development or controlling idea, or claim, with details to support and develop the develop the focus, controlling idea, or relevance to the purpose of the minor lapses in the reasoning, Development focus, controlling idea, or claim. claim. prompt. examples, or explanations. (L3) Makes a relevant connection to (L3) Makes a clarifying connection(s) (L3) Makes no connections or a (L3) Makes a connection with a clarify argument or claim. that illuminates argument and adds connection that is irrelevant to weak or unclear relationship to depth to reasoning. argument or claim. argument or claim. Maintains an organizational structure Uses an appropriate Maintains an appropriate that intentionally and effectively organizational structure for organizational structure to address Attempts to organize ideas, but enhances the presentation of information Organization development of reasoning and specific requirements of the prompt. lacks control of structure. as required by the specific prompt. logic, with minor lapses in Structure reveals the reasoning and Structure enhances development of the structure and/or coherence. logic of the argument. reasoning and logic of the argument. Demonstrates a command of Demonstrates and maintains a well- Attempts to demonstrate standard English conventions and developed command of standard English Demonstrates an uneven standard English conventions, cohesion, with few errors. Response conventions and cohesion, with few command of standard English but lacks cohesion and control of includes language and tone errors. Response includes language and conventions and cohesion. Conventions grammar, usage, and mechanics. appropriate to the audience, purpose, tone consistently appropriate to the Accuracy and/or appropriateness Sources are used without and specific requirements of the audience, purpose, and specific of language and tone is uneven. citation. prompt. Cites sources using requirements of the prompt. Inconsistently cites sources. appropriate format with only minor Consistently cites sources using errors. appropriate format. Attempts to include disciplinary Briefly notes disciplinary content Accurately presents disciplinary Integrates relevant and accurate Content content in argument, but relevant to the prompt; shows content relevant to the prompt with disciplinary content with thorough understanding of content is basic or uneven understanding of Understanding sufficient explanations that explanations that demonstrate in-depth weak; content is irrelevant, content; minor errors in demonstrate understanding. understanding. inappropriate, or inaccurate. explanation.

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