6Th Grade Spanish Syllabus
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6th Grade Spanish Syllabus
Señorita Lopez
Timely, diligent and focused completion of all assignments and consistent daily review of vocabulary and grammar are the foundations for understanding and success in every World Language course. Students are responsible for all information in assignments and should be aware that not all information in the homework assignments is covered during class time. Valuable class time is used to expand upon and deepen student understanding beyond the simple foundation provided for in the homework assignments. Use of on-line digital translation programs is not a substitute for the daily application of required effort.
Course Outline:
a. Language Objectives: Students will be able to apply the following vocabulary in all modes of communication: interpersonal/intrapersonal/presentational. b. Culture Objectives: Students will be able to investigate further into the Francophone world and make cross cultural connections. c. Grammar Objectives: Students will be able to apply the following grammar concepts within the thematic unit.
Unit Language Culture Grammar 1 Countries Explore various Prepositions Geography/Countries/ Capitals heritages and cultures Heritage Topography of countries where Cardinal Directions French is spoken. 2 Basic greetings Formal vs. informal Interjections Greetings and Courtesy expressions Traditional greetings Pronouns Salutations Basic introductions Gestures 3 Alphabet Conjunctions Alphabet Phonetics Accents and Spelling 4 Numbers 1-100 Currency of France Number placement Numbers Ordinal and Cardinal with nouns Expressing age 5 Months History of the naming Adjectives Months/Days/Seasons Days of days/months Seasons 6 Weather related Weather reports Adverbs Weather vocabulary Regional climates 7 Basica family Family Nouns Family vocabulary relationships/dynamics Materials Needed: 1. THE BEST OF YOU AT ALL TIMES! 2. A three-ring binder with 5 tabs and loose leaf paper. The tabs should be labeled as such: Homework Writing Grammar Vocabulary 3. Pens/pencils/ highlighters (NO RED PENS PLEASE!) 4. iPads: Please bring your iPad charged to class each day.
Grading System:
● Students will be given a grade only at the end of the second and fourth marking periods.
Students in 6th grade will be graded on a total points system. Assignments will be given a point value based on their length and difficulty. For example, a project may be worth 100 points, where a single homework assignment may be worth 5.
Homework Policy:
● Students are responsible for completing several homework assignments each week. All assignments are due at the beginning of each class. Students are 100 percent responsible for submitting their work on time. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to see me for the missed work, or they should check the Google Classroom page. They should not wait until the following week to see me for their missed work. LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
● If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for scheduling a time and date to meet with me for makeup work. If they do not make up their work in the appropriate amount of time, the student will receive zero credit. If it is a big assignment such as a project they will lose ten points for each school day it is late. Upon the student’s return to school, they should check the absence folder for missed worksheets/assignments. Any missed homework assignments can be found on my teacher website. Please see the Student Handbook for more information on absences. ● PLEASE NOTE: because 6th grade Spanish occurs only one of every four rotation days, it is vital that students see me upon their return to school if they are absent. Please do not wait until the next French class meets to retrieve missed work. This missed work could become a zero.
Assessments Methods: ● NOTE- All projects, assignments and homework are due at the beginning of class on their assigned due date. ● In class assignments o Communication activities i.e. dialogues, mini skits, presentations o Interpretive listening and reading comprehension activities o Writing activities o Other ● Weekly homework assignments ● Unit projects ● Quizzes ● Participation
Srta. Lopez’s Rules and Class expectations
Classroom Rules and Expectations: 1. Come to class prepared and on your best behavior. 2. Stay in your seat and working at all times. 3. Be respectful and courteous to everyone in the class. 4. DO NOT disrupt your peers learning process.
Leaving the classroom:
● Each week students will be allowed to leave the classroom a total of two times. This includes: bathroom, water fountain, and locker. If a student has a medical condition with a written note from home or the nurse, this policy does not apply. If it is an emergency, this policy will not apply. Students are encouraged to remain in class so they will not miss important instructional time. Students may not use the restroom the period after lunch or the first period of the morning.
Respect Statement: ● Students in this class are expected to respect each other and the teacher. Students need to be sensitive to the abilities of others. Therefore, no mocking or bullying will be tolerated. Students are expected to follow policy found in the Code of Conduct. If a student violates this respect statement, appropriate consequences will be given.
Extra Help:
● Students may arrange to see me for extra help on an appointment basis only. I am available in the mornings or after school some days and also during lunch. If a student would like extra help, they should first see me to arrange a day and time. I will then provide that student with a pass if necessary. Academic Integrity:
● Cheating, copying, plagiarism (using someone else’s words or ideas without citation including copying a classmates notes or copying on-line notes and submitting as your own), falsifying data, on-line translators, and other unauthorized use of materials is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Most universities will expel a student who is caught cheating. In this class we will use an honor code similar to that found in many universities. Any major assignments, (not submitted through Turnitin.com), quizzes, or tests you turn in must contain the following statement handwritten and signed by you at the top of the first page before it will be accepted or graded. ● “ On my honor I certify that this assignment is my own work and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this (test, exam, paper)”
Technology: ● Google Classroom: Students will be required to join Google Classroom this school year. On this online platform, students will find homework, study guides, worksheets and other helpful resources. Students are encouraged to communicate with their peers via Google Classroom. Please note, this platform will be used for SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. Any misuse of this platform will result in disciplinary action. ● Google Docs/Gmail: Students will work with Google Docs and other Google Applications this year. Students are encouraged to use Gmail to contact teachers.
Students: Please read, sign and return this page to Miss. Lopez by tomorrow. It is your first homework assignment . By signing this, you acknowledge you have read the syllabus and are aware of classroom policies and expectations.
______Print Student Name Sign Student Name Date
Please check all that apply: _____Computer access____Internet Access ____Printing Access
Parents/Guardians: Please read, sign and have student return this contract to me immediately. By signing, you are acknowledging that you have read this document with your child and that he or she understands what is expected of him or her. Thank you.
______Print Parent/Guardian Name Sign Parent/Guardian Name Date
______Parent/Guardian Email Cell Phone or Best Number to be reached