Name: ______Number: ______Date: ______Parables of Jesus P OWER P OINT

7th Bible: New Testament

The Soils – Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8 Laborers – Matthew 20, Mark 10 Wheat and Tares – Matthew 13 Unjust Servant – Luke 16 Mustard Seed – Matthew 13, Mark 4 Rich Man and Lazarus – Luke 16 Leaven – Matthew 13, Luke 13 Woman and the Judge – Luke 18 Hidden Treasure – Matthew 13 Pharisee and Publican/Tax Collector – Luke 18 Pearl of Great Price – Matthew 13 Ten Pounds/Minas – Luke 19 Fishing Net – Matthew 13 Vineyard Owner – Mark 12, Matthew 21, Luke 20 Good Samaritan – Luke 10 Two Sons – Matthew 21 The Rich Fool – Luke 12 Marriage Feast – Matthew 22 Great Supper – Luke 14 Fig Tree – Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 Lost Sheep – Luke 15, Matthew 18 Ten Virgins – Matthew 25 Lost Coin – Luke 15 Talents – Matthew 25 Lost Son / Prodigal Son – Luke 15

INTERPRETING PARABLES (5 rules) [See also chapter 34 in The Ministry of Christ] 1. Find out if Christ interpreted the parable Himself. If YES, follow His interpretation! 2. Look for a verse that gives a clue for why Jesus spoke the parable. 3. Always view the parable in its context. (what happened before and after it was spoken) 4. Do not interpret the parable in any way that does not agree with the rest of Scripture. 5. Each parable has one lesson or center point. Do NOT try to find “spiritual” meaning in all the various details.

PowerPoint Project 1. Choose one of the parables above. You may choose any parable listed, even though another person may have chosen the same one. 2. Use a minimum of 5 slides to describe the parable and explain what the parable means. 3. Be sure to look for and explain the one central meaning of the parable. Follow the five rules for interpreting parables that are listed above. ASK YOURSELF: Why did Christ tell this parable? What was the one central lesson that Jesus was teaching by using this parable?

REQUIREMENTS DESCRIPTION POINTS Length: 5 slides Use PowerPoint to develop a minimum of Student used at least 5 slides = 15 points (You may have more than 5 slides.) 5 slides. Points earned: ______/ 15 points Description of Parable Briefly describe what the parable is about. Student briefly described the important details of the parable = 5 points Points earned: ______/ 5 points Meaning/Interpretation Comment on the meaning of the parable. Student attempted to explain the meaning of the Parable Look for the one central lesson. [Follow of the parable = 5 points the 5 rules listed above.] Points earned: ______/ 5 points

TOTAL: ______/ 25 points