Board of Finance s3

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Board of Finance s3

BOARD OF FINANCE Minutes of the February 11, 2014 REGULAR Meeting

Chairman Douglas Glazier called the regular meeting of February 11, 2014, to order at 6:30 P.M.

Board Members Present: Douglas Glazier, Chairman Cornelius O’Leary Sandra Ferrari Michelle Hill Michael Ciarcia Paul Harrington Stephan Brown, Jr. Norman Boucher

Board Members Absent: None

Also in Attendance: Catherine Cabral, Finance Director Steven Wawruck, First Selectman Patrick McMahon, EIDC Joseph Bonito, Historical Commission Richard Frawley, Conservation Commission Gloria Malec, Director, Library Judge Steven Zelman, Probate Court


There was none.


Chairman Glazier stated there are two items to be added to the agenda. He stated the first item is for a Board of Finance member replacement to OPEB Committee (Other Postemployment Benefits). He stated Michelle Hill is the Chairperson, and we need another Board of Finance member representative. He then stated the second item is regarding a bill for dividers for the Board budget books. Chairman Glazier asks for a motion to add these two items to the agenda.

Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to add the two above items to the agenda. Michelle Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved. Board of Finance Minutes of February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 2


C. Historical Commission

Joseph Bonito, Chairman, was present.

Mr. Bonito began by stating his budget is $550.00. He stated the only item which increased, was postage.

Chairman Glazier asked the Board for any questions. There were none.

Chairman Glazier thanked Mr. Bonito for attending this evening.

D. Conservation Commission

Richard Frawley, Chairman, was present.

Mr. Frawley began by stating there were no increases to their budget.

Chairman Glazier questioned the Salary & Wages Line for the Secretary. He stated it reflects a minus 2% increase. He then stated there is an error and Ms. Cabral will correct. He stated at this time the Board will keep all salaries and wages the same as the previous year and will review later. He stated the total budget amount approved the previous year was $2,924.00.

Chairman Glazier thanked Mr. Frawley for attending this evening.

F. Library

Gloria Malec, Director, was present.

Ms. Malec began by stating her letter to the Board states her concerns and explains many items within the budget. She stated that the Utilities line includes other utilities besides electric. She stated last year there was an incentive program with CL &P, which was a four-year interest free loan, to address the parking lot lighting. She stated the project has been done and started making payments this fiscal year. She stated they have increased revenue and decreased expenses except for wages. She also stated that fund raising is a year round venture. Board of Finance Minutes of February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 3

Ms. Malec stated that one of her concerns is Medical, and stated she has left that the same as the previous year. She then stated a Librarian will be leaving, who is a single individual on insurance, and a new hire may possibly go on family coverage.

Ms. Malec stated she performs much of the work herself and has not asked for additional staffing. She stated the Library does not employ an Assistant Director, Administrative Assistant, or Maintenance person, which is a significant cost savings. Ms. Malec stated she would like to give increases to her staff. Chairman Glazier stated that her hard work is very much appreciated.

Michael Ciarcia questioned the increase in Line # 205, which he stated is a 30% increase. Ms. Malec stated she would double-check this.

The Board questioned salaries and wages. Ms. Malec stated last year there were salary increases but not an increase in funding. She stated her employees are non- union.

Chairman Glazier asked the Board for further questions. There were none. Chairman Glazier thanked Ms. Malec for attending this evening.

I. Probate

Judge Steven Zelman was present.

Judge Zelman began by stating there is not much change in their budget. He stated the only increase was in postage, due to rate increases and additional work and mailings.

Chairman Glazier asked the Board for any questions. There were none. Chairman Glazier thanked Judge Zelman for attending.


A. Holiday Committee

Con O’Leary made a motion to approve the Holiday Committee budget at $3,000.00, which remains the same as the previous year. Michelle Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

Board of Finance Minutes of February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 4

B. Inland/Wetland Commission

Con O’Leary made a motion to approve the Inland/Wetland Commission. Michelle Hill seconded the motion.

Michael Ciarcia questioned the 40% increase, which is $1,000.00, over the 2013 actuals.

After a brief discussion Michelle Hill made a motion to approve the Inland/Wetland Commission budget at $3,539.00, which remains the same as the previous year. Con O’Leary seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

C. Historical Commission

Paul Harrington made a motion to approve the Historical Commission budget as presented at $550.00. Con O’Leary seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

D. Conservation Commission

Paul Harrington made a motion to approve the Conservation Commission budget as presented at $2,924.00. Sandra Ferrari seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

F. Library

The Board agreed to table a decision on the Library budget. The Board will review and discuss at a later date.


E. Economic and Industrial Development Commission

Patrick McMahon, Consultant, was present.

Mr. McMahon began by stating their budget remains the same as the previous year. Mr. McMahon gave a brief summary of the dues paid to various organizations and the benefits of being members.

Mr. McMahon then stated they are still working very aggressively to relocate the train platform to downtown, and for additional funding for double tracking from Board of Finance Minutes of February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 5

north of Windsor to the state line. He stated there is no prospect of receiving any federal funds.

After brief further discussion, Chairman Glazier asked the Board for any questions. There were none. Chairman Glazier thanked Mr. McMahon for attending this evening.


E. Economic and Industrial Development Commission

Con O’Leary made a motion to approve the EIDC budget as presented at $28,481.00. Sandra Ferrari seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

G. Town Treasurer

Paul Harrington made a motion to approve the Town Treasurer budget at $200.00, which remains the same as the previous year. Michelle Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

H. Zoning Board of Appeals

Michelle Hill made a motion to approve the Zoning Board of Appeals Budget at $5,010.00. Con O’Leary seconded the motion.

Paul Harrington questioned if the postage line should be increased since they went over the previous year. Michael Ciarcia stated they would transfer from another account if necessary. There was no further discussion.

All were in favor of the motion. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

I. Probate Court

Paul Harrington made a motion to approve the Probate Court budget at $21,500.00. Michelle Hill seconded the motion.

Michael Ciarcia questioned the equipment contract line. Chairman Glazier stated the contracts are not due until later in the year.

After a brief discussion, the vote was 5 in favor, and 1 opposed, and the motion was approved. Michael Ciarcia opposed the motion.

Board of Finance Minute of February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 6

J. Capital Improvement Advisory Committee

After a brief discussion, Paul Harrington made a motion to approve the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee budget at $606.00. Con O’Leary seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

ADDED AGENDA ITEMS: a. Chairman Glazier stated the OPEB Committee is in need of another representative from the Board of Finance. He stated he recently resigned from the Committee and Michelle Hill is the Chairperson. He then stated they meet quarterly.

Con O’Leary stated he will volunteer to sit on the OPEB Committee. The Board approved. b. Chairman Glazier stated that he has received a bill from W.B. Mason for binders, dividers and printed tabs for the Board Members budget books. He stated the bill was for $435.00, which he feels is over-priced. Paul Harrington stated he would contact W.B. Mason.


Chairman Glazier referred to the meeting minutes of January 14, 2014, asking for any changes or corrections. There were none.

Paul Harrington made a motion to approve the minutes of January 14, 2014 as written. Sandra Ferrari seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.


There was none.


There was none.

A motion was made by Con O’Leary, seconded by Michelle Hill, to adjourn. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Linda A. Kuchta, Recording Secretary

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