Meeting Called to Order by President NBAFC Jody Price

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Meeting Called to Order by President NBAFC Jody Price

Meeting called to order by President NBAFC Jody Price.

Motion to approve agenda as submitted by Robert Simonds 2nd Dan McCoy, motion carried

Motion to approve minutes of January 2010 by Tim Nickerson 2nd C. Kavanaugh, motion carried.

Jody Price introduced and welcomed Local Government representative Thierry Arseneau, Director of Capacity Building and Local Services who will be replacing Colleen Mullin.

Financial Report - Nadine LeBlanc reported the reconciled bank statement to the end of February 2010 stands at $ 141,341.51. Nadine also informed the members that in this bank balance was a Government Grant which totaled $ 84,050.00. As reported to the Board of Directors via email amendment to this report as follows. Present back balance to the end of March 2010 $ 199,835.27 this amount includes the $ 46,000.00 received from Government.

Breakdown of the $ 46,000.00 is as follows: $30,000 for Live Fire Training to NB Fire Service, $ 6,000 for upgrades to the Training Facilities at NBCC, $ 6,000.00 from Local Government for Training Workshop expenses and $ 3,500.00 for simultaneous translation cost at convention and $ 500.00 towards the fire fighter games.

Funds remaining from the Government Grant of $ 50,000.00 afforded the Association in 2009 are $33,950.00.

Motion to adopt report Ray LeBlanc 2nd Fred Kennedy, motion carried

President Report:

Jody Price reported on the following meetings:

Service NB – update on FF License Plates to follow during Fire Fighter License Plate report.

Rescue Services – Wells Chapman will be updating the members

Ministers meeting – this meeting was held in March. 1st VP Raymond LeBlanc reported this meeting was an excellent meeting. Fire Chief Robert Simonds carried out the presentation of the power point items the Executive wanted to discuss with the Ministers. Chief Simonds reported the Minister of Education was unable to attend which was unfortunate as the topic of a financial support of $ 25,000.00 to upgrade the present Fire Training facility with NBCC, Miramichi was discussed. A Business case has been established for this request and has been forwarded to the Minister of Post 2nd Education and Training. Chief Simonds stated that the staff of Local Government have been very helpful to the NBAFC and have always supported our Association. Local Government representative Thierry Arseneau suggested the association take into consideration scheduling the meetings when the Legislation Assembly is not sitting.

1 President Price also reported on the CAFC meeting which was held in Ottawa. Chief Simonds and the Fire Marshal were also in attendance during Government Relations Week. Good discussions were held during this week and the number one issue is the tax credit for Volunteer Firefighter regardless of source. They are optimistic about this item and lobbyist will be working on this issue as well. MFCA representative Chief Simonds reported there is a meeting on Sunday after this weekend; however work seems to be at a standstill. Motion to accept report by Tim Nickerson, 2nd Dan McCoy, Motion carried

Committee Reports

Nominating committee – no report

Legislative & Resolution – no report

Constitution – no report

Fund Raising – Chairman Fred Kennedy reported there has been $ 72, 155.37 raised to date. Fred Kennedy moved adoption of report, 2nd Charles Kavanaugh, motion carried

Convention Committee – work is ongoing for planning the 33rd Annual Convention. Registrations are slow coming in. Don Moreau is in charge of the Fire Fighter Games. Moved adoption of report Gerald Martin 2nd Wells Chapman, motion carried

Health & Safety – Jeff Richardson reported a brief meeting was held however they are still waiting for a reply regarding the request to meet WSNB.

Education & Training – Don McCabe was unable to attend however did report that work is continuing regarding the upgrading the Fire Service training center. Reginald Savoie reported there has been correspondence developed and has been sent.

Awards Committee – Fred Kennedy reported on the nomination of Don Moreau to the Hall of Flame. Motion by Raymond LeBlanc to accept this nomination, 2nd Charles Kavanaugh, motion carried.

Hazardous Material Committee - no report

NBAFPO – Report submitted to NBAFC via email from Jeff Cross was read to the members. Motion by Tim Nickerson, 2nd Jeff Richardson, motion carried (report inserted in minutes)

The NBAFPO has been quite busy during the past few months, especially with planning and organizing for the upcoming Spring Seminar being held in Bathurst on April 23, 24 & 25. Many great speakers have been obtained, including motivational keynote speaker Michael Gaultois who will be speaking on behalf of his life experiences as a tragic burn victim. The Seminar proves to be another wonderful event and it is urged that you promote it throughout your departments and surrounding communities. For further information please visit our website.

2 Second Vice-President Randy McTavish has been working very hard with his committee (Inspections and Investigations) to get some things in line. Recently a workshop was held in Fredericton with Ken Harris in order to present and discuss all the Office of the Fire Marshal Bulletins that have been distributed over the past few years. This afforded the opportunity of those present to ask questions on any unclear issues with the said bulletins. As well, a certified fire inspector course through NFPA is being arranged. The Education Committee of the NBAFPO, which has been looking for a candidate to act as chair, welcomes Jody Pratt to the challenge. Jody will be an asset to this committee and expectations are high that good things will happen once the committee is organized.

Last month a revised proposal was forwarded to NBAFC President Jody Price asking for support on various issues such as translation services, granting for annual fire prevention week posters, funding of various training & education events, etc. As well, a new issue was brought up at the last meeting regarding the fee structure when registering an order under the Fire Prevention Act. Currently anyone registering such an order has to pay “out of pocket personally” and then redeem the monies back from their municipality. It was asked that NBAFC look at this issue to see if there is another way to channel these expenses – possibly it will have to be a change to the Act. (see attached request proposal).

The Fire Marshal and I will be travelling once again to Grand Manan on April 21st to make another presentation to this past year’s winner of Fire Chief for a Day Jaykell Cain. This presentation will consist of a photo collage made up by the OFM of the events of that very special day.

Raymond LeBlanc – EMS reported discussion of ambulance location for Saint Paul Fire Department. Ambulance NB has moved the garage for the ambulance to Fords Mills which is another 20 km away. Response time prior to this move was approximately 20 min and will only make response time for Saint Paul even longer.

Raymond stated he was informed that Minister Chris Collins wanted the Off the Road Rescue report announced within 30 days. Local Government representative Thierry Arseneau stated the Minister is committed. A committee has been developed to look at this issue and gather information i.e. equipment. He stated this will not happen within 30 days as it will have to go to legislation. Normand Thibodeau reported there was a meeting held this morning with the committee and Dick Isabelle. Norman informed the members on behalf of Dick Isabelle that this issue is a hot issue and is ongoing.

Moved adoption of Ray Leblanc 2nd John Magee, Raymond LeBlanc also reported on a meeting with Moncton Fire Department and the Dieppe Fire Department regarding an addition to MCMC. Calls received through MCMC are being transferred to 911 centers as a hot call and the ambulances are responding as a hot call when initially they are cold response. Ambulance NB staff informed the members that the only way this could be change add additional personnel and computers at a cost of 250K to 300K per year. Norman Thibodeau stated once the six regional 911 dispatching areas ae established dispatchers will be dispatching fire departments. Norman Thibodeau stated correspondence will be sent out regarding this issue to the the Fire Marshal with a copy to Dianne Pellitier, motion carried.

Medal of Valor – Susan Gamble gave a background of the development. After lengthy discussion it was agreed that a Letter of Commendations can also be part of the Medal Presentation on behalf of the

3 NBAFC. The discussion or who will be the patron of this medal. This is a prestigious award and it was suggested that the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick be the patron for presentation to the recipient. Susan asked if possible to vote on a medal this weekend and the picture of the Medal can be presented at the convention. The criteria can be developed after this is done.

Red Lights – John Magee asked for an update from S. Gamble on red lights. Susan reported there is no update on this issue.

Wells Chapman distributed a draft copy of the Executive Summary of the Rescue Service Requirements of LSD Fire Departments. This document will be presented to the Training Standards committee.

Fire Fighter License Plate – Draft policy presented to the members with changes. Motion Dan McCoy, Fire Fighters who are on the Work Safe NB and or Firefighter Compensation list submitted by the Fire Chief will be eligible to receive fire fighters license plate, 2nd Raymond LeBlanc Motion carried.

911 PSAP – Gerald Martin reported this is continuing within his region and is 50% completed. Wells Chapman reported on a power point presentation which was given to the Campbellton area and Dianne Pelletier will be attending their association meeting of Chaleur for presentation of this power point information. Charles Kavanagh reported on a meeting with EMA (USA); counterparts of EMO requested a meeting with border chiefs to discuss communications through radio contact as well as assistance to area departments. This meeting was very information and he is hoping this type of communications can continue.

Permanent Chiefs – Dan McCoy reported there has been no meeting since his last report.

Volunteer Chiefs – John Magee reported on the meeting in Miramichi. There were 27 different departments present. AFM Leon Ross was present for discussion on items from the Office of the Fire Marshal. Raymond LeBlanc reported on the Executive meeting with Government. Various items were discussed one being Off Road Rescue. John noted that the Chiefs are also asking that the registration fee be waived for Fire Fighter plates. It was suggested that this be tabled for a meeting with the Ministers and the Executive.

John reported that a motion was on the floor at this meeting for a member of each association to be appointed to the Volunteer Chiefs Committee; John reported that if no members are interested then he will be making a motion to dissolve this committee. Moved adoption John Magee 2nd Wells Chapman Motion carried.

Charles Kavanaugh suggested that if a Board member is unavailable to attend the Board meeting then a representative from the association should be sent to replace this member.

LSD – Harry Farrell reported on a meeting held February 24 for discussion on truck specifications for tendering; they are 99% complete. He is hoping that by the end of May they will start building the storage compartments as the chaises are ready. The new emission system could change the body style of the vehicle. There will be the standard specification for these vehicles; however there will be an option package available to them. Harry asked for additional members to sit on this committee.

4 Norman Thibodeau stated there is a standard specification so no items will be missing upon arrival to the department. Wells Chapman reported on various issues that have occurred with his vehicle and Harry Farrell asked him to send these issues to him so he can bring this to the committee level for attention.

Local Government representative Thierry Arseneau noted the discussion regarding fire vehicles. He noted that there should be an ownership of this committee and they are looking at how they can improve communication within this committee, i.e. hold back of payments when required. He spoke with Jeff (in LG Office) prior to this meeting and the proposals for vehicles should be out next week with delivery of trucks by October 2010. There are 17 vehicles ordered for this year. Motion adoption of report Harry Farrell, 2nd Raymond LeBlanc, motion carried.

Industrial Chiefs - Stan Mullins reported the constitution is being revamped and will be finalized at AGM in May. A request to OFM for training of Fire Reporting program will be held at AGM. Motion to adopt report by Stan Mullin, 2nd Rob Simonds. Motion carried

Aboriginal Association - Allan Peters reported they are near completion of Level 1 FF course. Aboriginal FF Competition Atlantic Regional Games is being planned and he has close to seven teams. Moved adoption of Allan Peters, 2nd Dan McCoy motion carried.

NBCC – Reg Savoie reported the courses are nearing completion. Thirty three firefighter courses were carried out with fifteen. There were 515 firefighters trained. This does not include courses of FF 2 courses. The Fire Fighter School was visited by himself and Chairman of Training Don McCabe. The visist went well and gave them ideas for NB Fire Service School. The list of NB Training Coordinators is presently on the web site of the NBAFC with book availability. A Letter from the Minister states that NBCC will keep their status as a bilingual college. Reginald Savoie informed Tim Nickerson that the SIN Number for Firefighters are not required however a Medicare number could be used. Reg noted that the IFSAC accreditation for Fire Fighter Level 1 and Level 2 will be made available in this province so members will not have to travel to Nova Scotia for this accreditation. He will be attending a meeting this week and will have further information, motion to adopt report by Reginald Savoie, 2nd Tim Nickerson, motion carried.

OFM – Norman Thibodeau reported there were no new issues since the Fire Marshal’s last report. They department has been busy working on issues with the Fire Reporting system. Code issue and speed of program is being looked at. They are working on the backup and security system with the present server, however if this does not solve the problem, the possibility of a single Server for this system may have to be looked at. Norman asked if this item was brought to the Minister meeting and Raymond confirmed this topic was discussed. Motion to adopt, Norman Thibodeau 2nd Dan McCoy motion carried

DNR – Tim Greer reported Fire Season will officially start by April 19th. They are looking at getting control of the burning early. Wild Fire reporting system has been in place for the past year. It can notify you of a fire in the province however does not give you the specific location in the province to date. If a department is interested in having this program please send an email and he will take care of this request. Motion to adopt report Tim Greer, 2nd Charles Kavanaugh, motion carried.

5 Web Master – Mario Durette requested sponsorship to attend the NBAFPO seminar as the NBAFPO does not feel they should pay for his expenses. This request was denied by the Board of Directors. Mario reported there is presently Bulletin board format for discussion among fire departments on the web site. Mario reported he has created 3 bulletin Boards. Jody suggested a bulletin board be created for the Board of Directors. Mario asked that the cost of advertising banners on the web site be increased to the $ 500.00 dollar level, Motion Rob Simonds to adopt the $ 500.00 level of advertising on our web site, 2nd Wells Chapman, motion carried. ID Cards Mario Durette asked where this issue was. Norman Thibodeau will see where this issue is with the OFM. Jody commented on the job that our Web Master is doing and thanked Mario for his time and commitment to the Association.

Regional Directors

Capital District Harry Farrell – meeting was held in January. The Association is busy with training courses which are ongoing. He reported on the March 27 Fire Investigation introduction which had a very good turnout. In March there was another Level 1 course and Level 11 which is presently going on. ICS 100 course was also carried out and in April there will be a Defensive driving and air brack course. Wildland fire will also be carried out this spring. Public Relations staff through the airport will in for speaking on aircraft fire.

Mike Walton – Central Valley will complete Level 1 in May. There Association is carrying out the same training as Capital District. In March there was upgrades done to their reporting system.

Wells Chapman – Chaleur District have had nine Level 1 courses going on nearing completion. Live Burn training has been closed down for winter in their area however this may happen in Fredericton. Association is also hosting and assisting the NBAFPO. Next meeting will be held two days prior to the convention.

Fred Kennedy Miramichi Valley reported twenty three members have completed the Level 1 Fire Figher course. Hazardous Material operations course was made available with 43 members in attendance. Fire Chiefs in the association have a meeting once a month to discuss issues. Shipping container has been purchased by Miramichi Valley and given to the Fire Service training center at NBCC.

Tim Nickerson Royal District reported two meetings since last have been held since with last Board of Directors meeting in January. Their association continues to work on mutual accountability system within the association. Final stages are being worked on and will be implemented in the Mutual Aid contracts. Fire Fighter Level 1 is being held in two areas; one in Sussex region is complete and ongoing in the Valley. Wild land Fire Fighter course has been completed and they will be hosting another in May. Practical aspect needs to be completed. Safety Officer course to be held in May. Royal, Fundy and Capital Districts will combine for a Live fire training to be held in May. Hazardous Material demo will be scheduled prior to summer for presentation from Saint John Fire. Annual dinner and dance in May. Another Level 1 Fire Fighter course will be held in Grand Bay during the fall.

Greg Patridge – Southeast last meeting was consisted of training. Spring training workshop will be held in Riverview with the Live Burn trailer will be extended for the 2nd day. Majority of relations was with

6 NBCC and our coordinator. Southeast is demanding a meeting with staff of NBCC, OFM and NBAFC to sit down and settle the issue of concern. Jody asked if the NBAFC has the right to sit with OFM and NBCC to discuss this problem. The NBAFC has agreed to sit in on this meeting to resolve the issue of concern.

Jeff Richardson – Fundy District reported there are three Fire Fighter 1 course on going. One field day was held with another to come. Grass fires are an issue, fires started in January and this is a big issue within their department. They are seeing five grass fires at once. There is an issue with DNR regarding theory and practical training. Jeff was informed practical training is not being done the same day. Tim Greer of DNR will look into this issue and report back. Next meeting of the association is next month with election of officers. Norman Thibodeau asked Jeff if there has been any indication for fire department to go into the schools regarding grass fires. Chief Richardson does have this issue on his calendar. Norman will communicate with Chief Richardson for future discussion.

7 Unfinished Business

Resolution Capital District

Whereas recent fires starting in garage area of single family dwellings have resulted in near miss loss of life and major loss of structures.

And whereas there is presently no requirement for builders to install heat detectors in garages of homes.

Be it resolved that the NBAFC lobby the provincial fire marshal to issue an order to have 135 degree fixed temperate heat detectors installed in all new and renovated homes in the province of New Brunswick.

Motion by Jody Price to accept resolution as submitted by Capital District 2nd Harry Farrell, motion carried.

Helmet & Hose Program – Jody reported this is an initiative by CAFC and is designed for composite and volunteer fire departments. There are various aspects to this program and not all areas have to be covered by members who wish to take this program. Approval of pilot program was afforded to New Brunswick. Jody is recommending a course in the spring and fall. Motion by Rob Simonds to support in principle the concept of hosting a hoses & helmets within the fiscal year and recognizing at the annual conference will brief the B of D to finalize approval at that time, 2nd Charles Kavanaugh, motion carried

Medal of Valor – Rob Simonds recommended the ribbon submitted by Deputy Chief Don McCabe and proposed the star burst metal with the maltase from the violet medal. It was also suggested that the rounded maltase be used. This will be brought to art designer to change for vote. A mock up will be prepared for the AGM.

Letter Campaign – Tax credit Volunteer Fire Fighters -It is recommended that letters be sent from NB Fire Departments to government regarding tax credit. There will be a letter drawn up for use of the Fire Departments. Further information will be forwarded upon more receipt of said information.

2010 Training Workshop will be held in Miramichi September 10, 11 & 12, 2010. Reg Savoie reported a Fire Investigation Course Level 1 will be held during the week of September 20 – 24, 2010. All information is on the NBCC website, location will be announced. Reg was informed of the dates of the CAFC conference and due to this information he will look if the dates can be changed. Dan McCoy asked if a training calendar be sent out from NBCC regarding courses so budgets can be considered. Reg agreed he would have something sent. Reg also informed the members A Live Burn Trailer has been purchased by Waverly College in Nova Scotia and can be made available for use in our province.

Convention 2011 – Jody asked the Board members to speak with their members for announcement at the May convention.

Request from NBAFPO – recommended that these requests be tabled until the next meeting so the representative of the Board can speak to the group. Meeting Adjourned

8 Items Recently Lost:

A) Annual grant for Fire Prevention Posters (distributed to all Fire Departments in NB) The past couple of years, we have applied for a grant from Public Safety to go towards the purchase of posters for Fire Prevention Week, which are distributed to all the NB Fire Departments to use in their communities. The past two years, the grant has been denied, until Minister Foran was approached directly. This year posters (2009) were also made for the Industrial Chiefs Association. (Amount requested this year: $2500.00)

B) Translation services for the following: Losing translation services is a huge blow to the growth of the NBAFPO. We made our site bilingual for the first time this past year, with the assistance of Michel Daigle in Public Safety/Communications. With the change to Communications NB, we are losing all translation services.

Quarterly Newsletters: This is a new means of communication with our members, and not having translation services means we cannot keep it bilingual.

>Website additions: Without translation services, we will have to leave the site as it is, not adding new items, or not have it bilingual.

>Annual Seminar Information: Again, this was the first year we had a Seminar site, and having it bilingual made a big impact on attendance. This year, the Seminar is being hosted in Bathurst, and not having the Seminar site bilingual will have a negative impact.

Important: The worse thing about this situation is that we are taking away the translation, rather than not providing for it. It is one thing not to have something in the first place, but to finally achieve being truly bilingual and then having that taken away may come across as insulting to our French membership.


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