1. Is There a Difference in the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Passover? Verses 1-2

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1. Is There a Difference in the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Passover? Verses 1-2

Questions on Luke chapter 22

1. Is there a difference in the feast of unleavened bread and the Passover? Verses 1-2.

2. Was Judas a devil from the beginning, as some have taught? Verses 3-4. (See John 6:70)

3. If Judas covenanted with the chief priests and scribes on Tuesday evening, as McGarvey says, when did he fulfill his contract? Verses 5-6.

4. What preparations for the feast were necessary? Verses 7-8.

5. What was the purpose of the pitcher of water? Verses 9-10.

6. Do you think it likely that Jesus made these arrangements to keep knowledge of the place form Judas? Verses 11-12. 7. Was Judas present at the Passover feast? Verses 13-14.

8. What real sacrifice was typified by the Passover lamb? Verses 15-16.

9. How many cups did Jesus take and how did the disciples divide it among themselves? Verses 17-18.

10. What kind of bread was used at the institution of the Lord’s Supper and why? Verse 19.

11. Can you think of any reason that the cup is mentioned twice? Verse 20.

12. What features of the enormity of Judas’ crime are pointed out by Jesus, perhaps to induce repentance? Verses 21-22. 13. What question, not revealed by Luke, was asked by the disciples in response to Jesus’ statement? Verse 23. (See Matthew 26:22)

14. Why do you think this question about greatness would come up at the Passover? Verses 24-25.

15. How is greatness measured by Jesus in his kingdom? Verse 26.

16. If we follow Jesus’ example, how will we measure greatness? Verse 27.

17. How does Jesus plan to bestow honor on those who have continued with him? Verses 18-30.

18. Is eating and drinking at the Lord’s Table a “kingdom privilege”? In other words, is it reserved for citizens of his kingdom? Verses 18-30.

19. How is Peter’s experience like Job’s? Verse 31. 20. Does Jesus’ statement suggest that afterwards Peter would need to repent? Verse 32.

21. Although Peter is convinced he can stand the test, does Jesus agree with him? Verses 33-34.

22. Why does Jesus now change his directions from what he originally commanded? Verses 35-36.

23. Who predicted that Jesus would be numbered with the transgressors? Verse 37.

24. The disciples took Jesus’ words about swords literally. What would make you think from his statement, “It is enough,” that he did not mean it to be literal? Verse 38.

25. Do you think Jesus knew that Judas would now know where to find him? Verse 39. (See John 18:2) 26. Was Jesus’ exhortation to the disciples to pray empty words or did he set an example? Verses 40-41.

27. What was “the cup” that Jesus ask his Father to remove? Verse 42.

28. Since God did not remove the cup, how do we know he heard Jesus’ prayer? Verse 43.

29. What would cause someone to sweat “great drops of blood”? Verse 44.

30. What was Jesus’ solution to avoid temptation? Verses 45-46.

31. Who led the mob to Jesus and pointed him out with a kiss? Verses 47-48.

32. What disciple cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant with a sword? Verses 49-50. 33. How did Jesus mitigate the harm done to the high priest’s servant? Verse 51.

34. How was the large crowd sent to arrest Jesus evidence of his divine power? Verse 52.

35. How does the arrest in darkness of night show Jesus’ innocence? Verse 53.

36. What two mistakes did Peter make? Verses 54-55.

37. How is Peter’s denial a contrast to Jesus’ bold affirmation? Verses 56-58. (See Mark 14:62)

38. How did someone know Peter was a Galilean? Verse 59. 39. Why is it pointed out that the cock crew before Peter finished denying the Lord? Verse 60.

40. What kind of a look do you think Jesus gave to Peter? Verse 61.

41. What caused Peter to weep so bitterly? Verse 62.

42. These verses are thought to refer to Jesus’ treatment by the soldiers. What did they do to Jesus? Verses 63-65.

43. What is “the council” referred to here? Verse 66.

44. What is the purpose of their asking Jesus “Art thou the Christ”? Verse 67.

45. What had Jesus found by experience about his dealings with the elders, chief priests, and scribes? Verse 68. 46. To what time does Jesus refer by the term “hereafter”? Verse 69.

47. Was Jesus’ answer to their question an acknowledgement of his divinity? Verse 70.

48. Is their conclusion an unconscious admission of a lack of evidence? Verse 71.

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