Application for Assessment Under the EPBC Act for an Existing Stocks Wildlife Trade Operation

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Application for Assessment Under the EPBC Act for an Existing Stocks Wildlife Trade Operation

Application for assessment under the EPBC Act for an existing stocks wildlife trade operation for ABROLHOS CORAL AND LIVE ROCK

Nature of the Commercial mariculture of coral, live rock and zooanthus operation

Location of harvest Broodstock collection authorised under ministerial exemption in Western Australia at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands in the Southern Group.

List of species  Acanthastrea  Echinophyllia  Montipora echinata aspera efflorescens  Acanthastrea hillae  Echinophyllia  Montipora  Acropora orpheensis foliosa abrolhosensis  Euphyllia  Montipora  Acropora aculeus cristata grisea  Acropora acuminata  Euphyllia divisa  Montipora hispida  Acropora  Euphyllia anthocercis glabrescens  Montipora hoffmeisteri  Acropora aspera  Favia favus  Favia laxa  Montipora  Acropora cerealis incrassata  Favia lizardensis  Acropora dendrum  Montipora  Acropora digitifera  Favia matthaii informis  Acropora donei  Favia maxima  Montipora mollis  Acropora florida  Favia pallida  Montipora  Acropora formosa  Favia rotundata nodosa  Acropora glauca  Favia verona  Montipora  Favites abdita  Acropora grandis peltiformis  Favites  Acropora granulosa  Montipora chinensis  Acropora horrida spongodes  Favites  Montipora  Acropora hyacinthus complanata spumosa  Acropora latistella  Favites flexuosa  Montipora  Acropora lovelli  Favites halicora stellata  Acropora  Favites  Montipora microphthalma pentagona turgescens  Acropora millepora  Favites russelli  Montipora  Acropora nasuta  Acropora nobilis  Fungea repanda turtlensis  Acropora pulchra  Galaxea  Moselaya  Acropora robusta fascicularis latistellata  Acropora  Goniastrea  Mycedium sarmentosa aspera elephantotus  Acropora selago  Goniastrea  Oxypora glabra australensis  Acropora  Oxypora lacera solitaryensis  Goniastrea  Pachyseris edwardsi  Acropora spicifera speciosa  Goniastrea  Acropora stoddarti  Palauastrea favulus ramosa  Acropora subulata  Goniastrea  Platygyra  Acropora tenuis palauensis daedalea  Acropora tortuosa  Goniastrea  Platygyra pectinata  Acropora lamellina valenciennesi  Goniopora  Pocillopora columna  Acropora valida damicornis  Goniopora  Acropora vaughani  Pocillopora djiboutiensis meandrina  Acropora verweyi  Goniopora  Pocillopora  Acropora willisae pendulus verrucosa  Acropora yongei  Goniopora  Porites  Alveopora allingi stokesi heronensis  Alveopora fenestrata  Goniopora  Porites lichen stutchburyi  Alveopora gigas  Porites lobata  Goniopora  Alveopora spongiosa tenuidens  Porites lutea  Alveopora tizardi  Hydnophora  Porites solida  Alveopora exesa  Protopalythoa verrilliana  Hydnophora spp.  Astreopora gracilis pilosa  Psammocora  Astreopora  Leptastrea contigua myriophthalma pruinosa  Psammocora  Astreopora ocellata  Leptastrea digitata  Barabattoia purpurea  Psammocora amicorum  Leptoseris explanulata  Blastomussa merleti explanata  Psammocora haimeana  Blastomussa wellsi  Leptoseris foliosa  Psammocora  Coscinaraea profundacella columna  Leptoseris hawaiiensis  Psammocora  Coscinaraea exesa  Leptoseris superficialis  Coscinaraea marshae  Cycloseris mycetoseroides  Ricordea spp. patelliformis  Leptoseris  Scapophyllia  Cyphastrea scabra cylindrica microphthalma  Live Rock  Symphyllia  Cyphastrea serailia  Lobophyllia wilsoni corymbosa  Turbinaria  Lobophyllia bifrons hataii  Turbinaria  Lobophyllia conspicua hemprichii  Turbinaria  Merulina frondens ampliata  Turbinaria  Montastrea curta mesenterina  Montastrea  Turbinaria magnistellata peltata  Montastrea  Turbinaria valenciennesi radiculis  Montipora  Turbinaria aequituberculata reniformis  Montipora  Turbinaria angulata stellulata  Montipora australiensis  Montipora caliculata  Montipora capricornis  Montipora crassituberculata  Montipora danae  Montipora digitata

Fishery status Harvested sustainably in accordance with WA Fisheries Marine Aquarium Harvest Strategy.

Byproduct Species No species are taken as byproduct as broodstock collection is selected by hand only.

Gear Hand collection of broodstock only in accordance with WA Fisheries Marine Aquarium Harvest Strategy. Period of harvest Harvest between 2010 to 2016.

Management As prescribed in licence conditions, collection is managed through arrangements limited entry, gear restrictions (hand collection only), spatial and temporal restrictions, and a total allowable harvest limit of 100kg annually.

Monitoring and As prescribed in the licence conditions, all fishing activity was reported Assessment to the WA Dept of Fisheries (DoF) prior to harvesting. Details of harvest, including the date and weight of each species taken, were recorded in daily logbooks provided to WA DoF.

Export Our product is designed for the Marine Aquarium trade. We have strong interest from South Africa, Israel, Singapore, UK, Germany, Portugal, Hong Kong and America.

Bycatch We have no bycatch in the collection of our broodstock as this is done selectively by hand.

Interaction with We have no interaction with protected species while our broodstock is Protected Species1 collected.

Ecosystem Impacts We have very minimal if any impacts on the ecosystem due to our highly selective fishing method (hand collection only). Further, our collection has been strictly limited to very low levels (100 kg total annual take), with our harvest closely monitored and regulated by Fisheries WA.


1 ‘Protected species’ means all species listed under Part 13 of the EPBC Act, including whales and other cetaceans and listed threatened, listed marine and listed migratory species.

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