11Th Grade Into 21St Century Study Guide

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11Th Grade Into 21St Century Study Guide

11th Grade Into 21st Century Study Guide a. rhythm. c. dialect. b. rhyme scheme. d. flashback. Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 10. When an author presents material in a specific order, that organization ____ 1. In which of these lines do you find personification? is the story’s a. “Fish bones walked the c. “an uncurled cottonmouth” a. tone. c. structure. wave” b. mood. d. atmosphere. b. “And there were other signs” d. “reared in the polluted air” ____ 11. In which of the following lines does the speaker employ the literary ____ 2. If you reread a confusing passage in a poem, you are trying to device of alliteration? a. find specific information. c. paraphrase the poem’s content. a. “Nothing would sleep in that cellar” b. clarify their meaning. d. recall lines for recitation. b. “Shoots dangled and drooped” ____ 3. When a reader analyzes the exposition of a plot, the reader is studying c. “Roots ripe as old bait” the d. “Even the dirt kept breathing a small breath” a. important background details of the story. ____ 12. The line “the bulldozers, drunk with gasoline” is an example of b. the way in which the conflict is resolved. a. onomatopoeia. c. alliteration. c. the sensory details that describe characters. b. metaphor. d. personification. d. the dialects of the characters. ____ 13. The author’s attitude toward the topic of a work is called the ____ 4. In which of these lines from “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” do you a. atmosphere. c. voice. find an example of parallelism and juxtaposition of images? b. tone. d. setting. a. “Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?” ____ 14. When you are reading a type of writing that is intended to make fun of b. “I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it? people in society, you are reading a c. “Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters” a. tragedy. c. sonnet. d. “Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin’” b. satire. d. persuasive essay. ____ 5. Read this line from “Ambush.” “I remember the grenade seeming to freeze above me for an instant, as if a camera had clicked.” In this line, Recall and Interpret (A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall) the word “freeze” means to ____ 15. The highways, mountains, forests, and oceans represent a. ice over. c. stop. a. recreation sites in the American South. b. shiver. d. move slowly. b. places destroyed by atomic fallout. ____ 6. When an author describes the ideas, customs, values, and beliefs of a c. conservation areas Dylan wishes to highlight. particular time and place in a story, those details make up the work’s d. places seen on the average vacation trip. a. conflict. c. voice. ____ 16. Which of these phrases is an example of alliteration? b. plot. d. setting. a. “ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken” ____ 7. When those who lived through an event pass on their stories by word of b. “highways of diamonds with nobody on it” mouth, the material is considered c. “I’ve crawled on six crooked highways” a. oral history. c. a biography. d. “one hundred drummers whose hand were a-blazin’” b. a nonfiction essay. d. an extended metaphor. ____ 17. The repeated grammatical construction “I saw a…” is an example of ____ 8. A brief account of an interesting event, often used to support the a. allegory. c. juxtaposition. author’s opinion, is b. allusion. d. parallelism. a. an analogy. c. imagery.. ____ 18. What does the rain in “A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall” represent? b. an anecdote. d. atmosphere. a. nuclear fallout c. human tears ____ 9. The pattern of stressed and unstressed beats in a poem is called the b. acid rain d. global warming a. die. c. get married. b. travel. d. earn money.

Recall and Interpret (Ambush) ____ 19. The question the narrator’s daughter asks him is ____ 30. Pin Yathay says he can expect the Khmer Rouge will a. Were you in the army? c. Did you have to go to war? a. honor him with medals. c. take him to prison. b. Did you every kill anyone? d. Were you badly wounded? b. slaughter him like an animal. d. force him to give up his land. ____ 20. Where does the bulk of the story take place? ____ 31. The relationship between Pin Yathay and Any is that of a. near a village in Vietnam c. at an army camp a. father and daughter. c. brother and sister. b. at the narrator’s home d. along a highway b. mother and son. d. husband and wife. ____ 21. The character Kiowa was a. a platoon officer. c. O’Brien’s guard partner. Vocabulary (from Stay Alive, My Son) b. O’Brien’s best friend. d. a Vietnamese soldier. ____ 32. To take an irrevocable step is to take action that ____ 22. The phrase “in tiny slivers, dawn began to break through the fog…” is a. prevents further progress. c. provokes a reaction from an example of others. a. concrete language. c. figurative language. b. is not able to be taken back. b. literal language. d. abstract language. ____ 33. Pin Yathay recognized the enormity of their problems; he saw they ____ 23. A phrase that uses onomatopoeia is were a. “the grenade bounced.” c. “just evaporate.” a. complex in dimension. c. simple to solve. b. “seeing little wisps of fog d. “…as if a camera had b. massive in size. rise.” clicked…” ____ 34. When the teacher said the success of the spelling bee was inevitable, he meant that it was Vocabulary (Ambush) a. surprising. c. unavoidable. ____ 24. When a soldier gropes through the jungle for a path, he is b. impossible. a. searching blindly. c. crawling on hands and knees. b. walking proudly. Recall and Interpret (The Gift in Wartime) ____ 25. An elderly woman with stooped posture is ____ 35. The cultural tradition the speaker follows is a. standing straight and tall. c. leaning to the side. a. placing a picture of the man by the grave. b. bending over forward. b. tossing dirt onto the coffin. ____ 26. When the movie star appeared, and Luisa gaped with surprise, she c. carving her name in the gravestone. a. screamed to get attention. d. laying flowers on the grave. b. stared with her mouth wide open. ____ 36. A lasting memento the speaker has to remember the deceased is c. danced and wiggled with excitement. a. a picture. c. his uniform. ____ 27. I stopped to ponder the situation because I needed to b. medals. d. a commendation. a. rest. c. think. ____ 37. “I promise to meet you in our next life” means that the speaker b. yawn. a. believes in an afterlife. c. is making a false promise. ____ 28. If it makes Suzannah said to dwell on the past, she should not b. is dying herself. d. doesn’t understand what death a. think about the past so much. c. resent past events. is. b. live in the past. Recall and Interpret (from Stay Alive, My Son) ____ 29. The author Pin Yathay believed that in the near future he would a. sight. c. touch. b. smell. d. taste.

Recall and Interpret (Filling Station) Vocabulary (Root Cellar) ____ 38. The speaker uses the word oil—oil-soaked, oil-permeated—repeatedly ____ 47. A congress of athletes is a because she a. list. c. meeting. a. is offended by so much oil. b. competition. b. wants to emphasize the filth of the station. ____ 48. To give off a rank smell means to exude a c. knows that oil is a major source of pollution. a. foul odor. c. long-lasting smell. d. thinks the station owners could work harder. b. pleasant scent. ____ 39. "Filling Station" is an example of a. free verse. c. a sonnet. Recall and Interpret (Snow) b. blank verse. d. a ballad. ____ 49. The author compares the nuns at school to ____ 40. What relief does the speaker offer from the dismal setting? a. blackbirds in the snow. c. dolls in mourning. a. a scenic view of a wooded c. a sprinkling of color—comic b. elderly female relatives. d. snowflakes against a gray sky. glen books ____ 50. Among Yolanda’s first English words were b. the positive attitude of the d. a spotless restroom a. cornflakes and subway. c. laundromat and missiles. family b. grandmother and school. d. Kennedy and Cuba. ____ 41. The family has added all these homey touches to the filling station ____ 51. The students prepared for a nuclear attack by EXCEPT a a. sliding under their desks and hiding. a. large hairy plant. c. stool with no arms. b. filing into the hallway and covering their heads. b. crocheted doily. d. rocking chair. c. crouching under the window behind bookshelves. d. running into the church and using pews for barriers. Vocabulary (Filling Station) ____ 52. Yolanda learns each of these new vocabulary word EXCEPT ____ 42. When an odor permeates a room, it a. nuclear bomb. c. acid rain. a. lingers for a very long time. c. disappears quickly. b. radioactive fallout. d. bomb shelter. b. spreads over everything. ____ 53. By the end of the story, the reader realizes that Yolanda ____ 43. When a student puts extraneous information in a report, she is adding a. has never seen snow before. c. was no afraid of a nuclear war. a. primary source information from diaries and journals. b. disliked living in the city. d. was extremely poor. b. important information vital to the report. ____ 54. Yolanda thinks that a c. material that does not belong in the report. a. fire is burning close to the school. b. storm is pelting the windows. Recall and Interpret (Root Cellar) c. blizzard comes to New York. ____ 44. The phrases “dank as a ditch” is an example of d. bomb has fallen on the United States. a. assonance. c. allusion. b. internal rhyme. d. alliteration. Vocabulary (Snow) ____ 45. What impression does the speaker wish the reader to take away from ____ 55. A speaker who enunciates is "Root Cellar"? a. shouting at his audience. c. speaking very clearly. a. the ceaseless activity of nature c. an affront to the senses b. slurring his vowels. b. mellow, easy peace d. the tedium of farming ____ 56. An ominous announcement is one that is ____ 46. The phrase “a congress of stinks” appeals to the sense of a. threatening. c. scolding. b. uplifting. administration. ____ 57. When the radio announced a massive wildfire, the citizens thought they b. favorite baseball team. might be caught in a holocaust, a ____ 67. When the class became hysterical over bees in the classroom, the a. large relief effort. c. state of complete destruction. students were b. strange weather situation. a. laughing and cheering. c. quiet and sleepy. ____ 58. When a wolf approaches its prey warily, it is b. panicky and uncontrolled. a. cautious. c. careless. ____ 68. Joshua has an uncanny ability to guess the contents of wrapped b. quick. presents; he has a. prior knowledge. c. excellent luck. Recall and Interpret (SQ) b. a peculiar skill. ____ 59. Dr. Speakie is trying to classify all people in to a. active or inactive. c. smart or stupid. Recall and Interpret (The Fish) b. kind or cruel. d. sane or insane. ____ 69. The speaker’s first impression of the fish is that it is ____ 60. Scores over 50% on the SQ Test indicate that a person is a. young and fighting. c. long and very thin. a. extremely intelligent. c. completely sane. b. extremely heavy and old. d. fat and feisty. b. absolutely insane. d. limited in ability. ____ 70. The image the speaker uses to describe the fish’s skin is ____ 61. The narrator of the story is a. wallpaper. c. sandpaper. a. Dr. Speakie. b. snakeskin. d. velveteen. b. the department secretary. ____ 71. The part of the first that reminds the speaker a flower may be the c. President of the World Government. a. reds and blacks of shiny c. white flesh packed in. d. an unidentified observer. entrails. ____ 62. As results of the test poured in, it was obvious that b. the pink swim-bladder. d. gills fresh and crisp with a. the sanity of Chinese and Australians was extremely high. blood. b. the text proved to be 99.6 percent accurate. ___ 72. An example of a simile is c. far more people were insane that originally expected. a. “rags of green weed hung down.” d. Dr. Speakie would need another secretary. b. “irises backed and packed with tarnished tinfoil.” ____ 63. The predictable outcome of this story is that c. “grim, wet, and weapon-like.” a. Dr. Speakie is insane. d. “like medals with their ribbons.” b. the World Government is overthrown. ____ 73. The conflict discussed in this selection concerns c. everyone is found to be sane. a. human versus self. c. human versus human. d. the secretary quits her job. b. human versus nature. d. human versus society. Vocabulary (“SQ”) ____ 64. The implementation of a plan means that plan has been Recall and Interpret (I Chop Some Parsley while Listening to Art a. discarded. c. revised. Blakey's Version of "Three Blind Mice") b. put into action. ____ 74. As the poem begins, the speaker is ____ 65. If a person carries the stigma of a failed business, the person carries a. relaxing c. shopping a. a mark of disgrace. c. plans for reviving her b. cooking d. driving company. ____ 75. As the speaker continues to think about “Three Blind Mice,” he b. the burden of past debts. wonders ____ 66. The collapse of the city’s infrastructure meant the failure of the city’s a. when children feared mice. c. why anyone wrote this rhyme. a. taxation collection. c. support services and b. who would be interested in d. how they became blind. mice. a. the dream is fulfilled. c. the child doesn’t like figs. ____ 76. The speaker questions b. any fig would be all right. d. not just any “fig” fulfills the a. whether blind mice have a role in society. dream. b. the logic behind nursery rhymes. Vocabulary (My Father and the Figtree) c. why a farmer’s wife would be so mean. ____ 85. To be indifferent to the needs of others is to d. his memory of nursery rhymes. a. want desperately to help others. ____ b. have no feelings about another’s situation at all. 77. “The next cut” refers to the c. become enraged with others who have needs. a. next vegetables that needs c. wounds inflicted on the mice. ____ 86. The emblem of a judge’s office is a gavel; it is a cutting. a. sign on a wall. c. form of payment. b. actions of the farmer’s wife. d. music selection that comes b. symbol of the job. next. Vocabulary (I Chop Some Parsley while Listening to Art Blakey's ____ 87. When Joe gave Ruthie a token of his esteem for her, he gave her Version of "Three Blind Mice") a. a piece of his mind. c. something cheap and worthless. ____ 78. When the teacher did not support the school teams because she was a b. something that proved his cynic, and she feelings. a. honestly thought sports were not important. Short Answer b. believed the team would never win. 88. Explain what narrative poetry is. c. spent her time being artistic. 89. Read this passage from “My Father and the Figtree.” What does the ____ 79. To have a congenital heart problem is to figtree symbolize in this passage? a. be born with the condition. “The last time he moved, I got a phone call. b. catch the condition from another child. My father, in Arabic, chanting a song I’d never heard. c. acquire a condition through exercise. ‘What’s that?’ ____ 80. When the lava poured down the hill and seared the tree trunks, it ‘Wait till you see!’ a. charred the plant life. c. encouraged new growth. He took me out to the new yard. b. cut right through them. There, in the middle of Dallas, Texas, a tree with the largest, fattest, sweetest figs in the world. Recall and Interpret (My Father and the Figtree) ‘It’s a figtree song!’ he said, ____ 81. The figtree in "My Father and the Figtree" is a symbol of plucking his fruits like ripe tokens, a. the future. c. all that is good in life. emblems, assurance b. everything bad in life. d. one man’s misery. of a world that was always his own.” ____ 82. The speaker compares her father’s making up stories to a. weeping over a lost life. c. painting beautiful pictures. Analyze and Evaluate (The Gift in Wartime) b. singing a soft lullaby. d. weaving vivid little scarves. 90. Read these lines: ____ 83. The main idea of this poem is You give me your lips with no smile a. a dream the goes unfulfilled is truly sad. You give me your arms without tenderness b. achieving success is everything in life. You give me your eyes with no sight c. fulfilling one’s dreams means more than money. What is the author’s purpose in writing these lines? d. money can buy happiness. Analyze and Evaluate (Root Cellar) ____ 84. Eating the dried fig important to the speaker because it shows that 91. Why is the speaker’s interpretation of a root cellar unusual? Analyze and Interpret (“SQ”) 92. What is ironic about “SQ”?ssay Evaluate and Connect (The Gift in Wartime) 93. How does Tran use imagery to voice her opinion of the war? Use specific details from the poem to support your thoughts.

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