Assessment of Living Learning (ALL Survey) s2

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Assessment of Living Learning (ALL Survey) s2

Assessment of Living Learning (ALL Survey) December 2008

Emerson Hall

Response rate The ALL survey was administered over e-mail and the web using Prezza Checkbox. The survey was sent to all 6654 on-campus students. 1225 residents completed the survey (18.4%). 64% of the respondents were first-year students. 38% were upper class students. 70% of the respondents were female. 30% were male. 88% of the respondents were white/Caucasian. 12% were American Indian/Native American, Black/African American, Asian American,/Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino/a, or other.

All Campus 6654 1225 18.4% Emerson Hall 321 82 25.5%

Questions about staff This information is useful to the department as a whole (implications for training and supervision) and for current staff members (implications on current perceptions and performance). Obviously, this data has implications for the staff as a group (unless there is only one academic adviser or head of hall in the building). It is not possible to break the RA data (or multiple adviser) data down to individuals. This data should be combined with the fall evaluations and other means of staff assessment to derive implications.

For the academic adviser questions, FY students were asked to respond regarding their in-hall academic adviser. Upper class students were asked to respond based on their academic adviser in their major department or division.

My academic adviser… Percentage who answered “strongly agree” or “agree” all FY UC EMR My academic adviser was available to schedule to meet with me about 69.8% 76.8% 58.0% 74.4% academic matters. My academic adviser asked me questions about my academic goals and 65.8% 77.9% 45.9% 78.1% major. My academic adviser helped me understand resources for academic 68.0% 79.0% 49.8% 69.5% decision making (DARS, Bulletin, Miami Plan, other administrative offices or advisers on campus, etc.) My academic adviser effectively answered my questions about academic 67.9% 75.9% 54.8% 68.3% matters. My academic adviser took a personal interest in my academic success. 58.7% 67.1% 44.8% 61.0%

My Current RA/CLA: Agree or Strongly Agree all FY UC EMR ...available to me and has a presence on my corridor. 79.0% 82.3% 73.5% 76.8% ...a good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami. 79.9% 84.5% 72.4% 79.3% ...a good listener and helps when I have a problem. 73.9% 79.1% 65.5% 69.5% ...a strong community builder on my corridor and in my residence hall. 68.4% 71.5% 63.1% 65.9% ...a positive role model. 68.7% 71.5% 64.1% 68.3% ...a good programmer and creates educational opportunities in the 72.8% 76.5% 66.8% 72.0% residence hall.

My First Year Adviser/Assistant First Year Adviser (first year halls) or Resident Director (upper class halls) is: Strongly agree or agree all FY UC EMR ...available to me and has a presence in my residence hall. 68.0% 70.9% 63.3% 61.0% ...a good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami. 68.4% 74.2% 59.0% 63.4% ...a good listener and helps when I have a problem. 59.2% 65.1% 49.7% 52.4% Frequency of meaningful discussions with other students about…

Meaningful discussions about all respondents all respondents all respondents All respondents EMR December race April 2006 December 2006 April 2008 December 2008 2008 not at all 33% 34.2% 30.8% 27.0% 18.3% very little 24% 25.1% 27.3% 30.0% 36.6% some 30% 27.8% 28.7% 31.0% 32.9% quite a lot 10% 8.6% 8.5% 8.9% 7.3% a great deal 4% 3.9% 4.8% 3.1% 4.9%

Meaningful discussions about all respondents all respondents all respondents All respondents EMR December gender April 2006 December 2006 April 2008 December 2008 2008 not at all 33% 31.0% 31.3% 25.9% 14.6% very little 23% 24.6% 26.5% 28.9% 34.2% Some 29% 27.9% 25.9% 31.0% 36.6% quite a lot 11% 11.3% 11.1% 10.7% 8.5% a great deal 5% 5.3% 5.2% 3.6% 6.1%

Meaningful discussions about all respondents all respondents all respondents All respondents EMR December sexual orientation April 2006 December 2006 April 2008 December 2008 2008 not at all 33% 32.5% 33.4% 27.6% 20.7% very little 23% 25.1% 26.2% 31.2% 41.5% Some 29% 27.3% 25.6% 28.1% 30.5% quite a lot 11% 9.5% 9.2% 9.6% 6.1% a great deal 5% 5.6% 5.6% 3.6% 1.2%

Meaningful discussions about all respondents all respondents all respondents All respondents EMR December politics April 2006 December 2006 April 2008 December 2008 2008 not at all 25% 23.4% 23.3% 12.2% 3.7% very little 20% 21.3% 20.2% 13.4% 8.5% Some 30% 31.9% 31.3% 37.9% 50.0% quite a lot 16% 15.1% 14.8% 25.9% 23.2% a great deal 8% 8.3% 10.5% 10.6% 14.6%

Meaningful discussions about all respondents all respondents all respondents All respondents EMR December class material April 2006 December 2006 April 2008 December 2008 2008 not at all 14% 9.1% 12.5% 9.1% 7.3% very little 8% 6.4% 7.1% 6.5% 3.7% Some 21% 25.0% 20.5% 24.4% 22.0% quite a lot 32% 34.5% 37.8% 36.5% 40.2% a great deal 24% 25.0% 22.2% 23.6% 26.8%

Meaningful discussions about all respondents all respondents all respondents All respondents EMR December career issues April 2006 December 2006 April 2008 December 2008 2008 not at all 19% 15.1% 17.1% 10.9% 7.3% very little 12% 13.1% 12.3% 13.2% 8.5% Some 27% 31.5% 27.3% 33.9% 31.7% quite a lot 28% 27.5% 28.2% 30.3% 37.8% a great deal 13% 12.7% 15.1% 11.6% 14.6%

Meaningful discussions about all respondents all respondents all respondents All respondents EMR December religion or spirituality April 2006 December 2006 April 2008 December 2008 2008 not at all 25% 20.0% 25.1% 20.7% 11.0% very little 20% 23.0% 19.7% 28.5% 23.2% Some 29% 31.9% 26.4% 31.7% 37.8% quite a lot 17% 16.6% 16.0% 13.1% 18.3% a great deal 9% 8.7% 12.8% 6.0% 9.8%

Community Standards/Agreements

When someone in my corridor is violating a policy All respondents All respondents EMR Dec 2008 (noise, trash, alcohol for example) to the degree that April 2008* December 2008 it bothers me, the first thing I do is… …go directly to the resident to express my concern 28% 30% 25.6% …talk with other residents on the corridor 25% 24% 35.4% …do nothing 29% 27% 22.0% …talk to my RA or adviser 12% 13% 7.3% …other 7% 6% 9.8% *prior to implementation of Community Standards/Agreements

Percentage who strongly agree or agree: All respondents All respondents EMR Dec 2008 April 2008* December 2008 I have a role in setting policies and standards on my 28.5% 53.8% 56.1% corridor and in my hall. I play a role in holding other residents of my corridor 32.2% 43.4% 45.1% and hall accountable to the policies and standards. I have a full say in setting the living conditions in my 65.7% 81.6% 91.4% room with my roommate(s). My roommate(s) and I completed and revised our --- 77.4% 92.5% Roommate Agreement Form. The roommate agreement process at the beginning of 38.2% 57.1% 73.8% the year was effective. *prior to implementation of Community Standards/Agreements

Community Council

The role of community council is… All respondents EMR (students were able to check more than one response – percentage of the respondents who checked that item are shown) …to plan and implement social events 76% 89.0% …to plan and implement educational events 50% 47.6% …to represent student opinions and voices in our community 68% 74.4% …to help set and help residents adhere to policies and standards in the 43% 51.2% community …to provide leadership opportunities for residents in the community 59% 63.4% …I didn’t even know we had a community council 15% 1.2% …other 5% 4.9% Programming

How important are the following types of programs and events to students:

Percentage who answered “high” importance All respondents EMR …recreational 37.6% 36.3% …social 50.4% 54.3% …educational 37.8% 28.4% …diversity related 16.1% 9.9%

I am satisfied with the quantity and quality of the following types of programs and events in my residence hall:

Strongly agree or agree All Dec All Apr All Dec FY Dec UC Dec EMR Dec 2006 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 …recreational 49.4% 42.5% 53.6% 57.7% 46.8% 56.1% …social 62.7% 52.2% 59.4% 62.7% 53.9% 70.7% …educational 47.4% 37.9% 52.5% 56.0% 46.8% 58.5% …diversity related 33.1% 30.7% 37.0% 38.8% 34.1% 30.5%

Percentage of those who responded Strongly Agree or Agree: All April 2008 All Dec 2008 EMR Dec 2008 I hang out with students in my community on the weekends. --- 65.4% 79.5% I know almost everybody who lives in my corridor. 49.2% 53.1% 68.4% If I am studying and someone is being loud, I feel comfortable 45.9% 51.5% 57.0% asking him/her to be quiet. Other students on my corridor care about my well-being. 54.8% 56.4% 70.9% I feel comfortable “being myself” around other people on my 73.8% 70.0% 79.7% corridor. I am able to study and sleep where I live. --- 70.3% (16% neutral) 81.8%

One-on-one conversations with RA

Did you have a one on one conversation All Respondents FY UC EMR with your RA? Yes 78.8% 86.7% 65.9% 92.7% No 21.2% 13.3% 34.1% 7.3%

Of those who DID have a one-on-one discussion with an RA: All Respondents EMR My one-on-one meeting with my RA was… (percentage who responded Strongly Agree or Agree) …a good opportunity for my RA to get to know me 84.1% 82.9% …a good opportunity for me to get to know my RA 81.4% 73.7% …a good use of my time 61.1% 44.7% …a time when my RA asked me interesting questions about my experiences at Miami 72.5% 69.7% …helpful to me 58.3% 46.1%

Of those who DID NOT have a one-on-one discussion with an RA: All Respondents EMR Why didn’t you have a one-on-one meeting with your RA? I did not want to meet with my RA. 17% 50.0% We tried but could not get a meeting scheduled. 26% 16.7% My RA did not attempt to meet with me. 28% 0.0% Other 29% 33.3% Other proficiencies from the Residential Curriculum

As a result of living in my community I… All FY UC EMR (percentage who responded “Strongly Agree” or “Agree”) respondents …have developed a sense of belonging in the community and at 60.3% 64.7% 53.0% 70.1% Miami. …have a better understanding of how my actions and decisions affect 53.8% 57.3% 47.9% 50.6% the community. …have developed a sense of responsibility for my community. 62.0% 66.5% 54.6% 59.7% ...actively engage with people different from me in the community. 61.4% 65.7% 54.2% 66.2% …have had an opportunity to resolve an interpersonal conflict, solve 53.9% 57.7% 47.7% 56.0% some problem or resolve an issue. …have engaged in service activities in the Oxford or surrounding 44.6% 45.7% 42.7% 46.8% communities. …have identified academic planning components (e.g. DARS, Miami 66.2% 77.9% 46.6% 80.5% Plan, other adviser and resources on campus) and how to use them. …understand and uphold standards of academic integrity. 70.8% 79.1% 57.0% 84.4% …have developed meaningful connections with faculty both inside 55.0% 58.4% 49.4% 59.7% and outside the classroom. …have explored post-graduation experiences and opportunities. 42.3% 43.0% 41.3% 44.2% …have made more socially responsible and safe decisions. 61.8% 67.2% 52.9% 70.1% …have explored my personal values and social identity. 67.2% 72.7% 58.2% 76.6% …have identified my own strengths and areas for improvement. 69.6% 74.9% 60.8% 80.5% …have engaged in positive interactions with people of backgrounds 65.3% 69.5% 58.4% 72.7% different than my own. …have participated in various cultural events and activities. 44.7% 46.2% 42.1% 54.5% …have explored other cultures. 44.8% 45.4% 43.9% 41.6% …have contributed to creating a climate within my community where 66.9% 71.6% 59.2% 72.7% everyone feels welcome.

Written Comments

Academic advising

Hall Year Sex One way I would improve academic advising at Miami would be… Emerson First Year Female advising after course list is released Emerson First Year Female Assign departmental advisors to Freshmen initially. Current freshmen advisors can only offer general help. Emerson First Year Female Be more educated on all aspects, such as honors and scholars chriteria and requirments of majors Emerson First Year Female for the advisor to take interest in all of the students, try to interact with them and really attempt to help them Emerson First Year Male get emerson a new that cares about all students around him, not just a lucky few. Emerson First Year Male have more meetings Emerson First Year Female Have more meetings, and make them earlier in the year. I think if first years were more informed they would be much more likely to get involved with campus activities. I know that if I knew more about the simple workings of things on campus my first year would have been even better. Emerson First Year Female Having more than one meeting Emerson First Year Male Hire people that are kind and actually care. Emerson First Year Female I feel that my academic adviser doesn't know us individually or make the effort ... I don't know if that would make a difference for me considering I have no desire to go talk to him. Emerson First Year Female if they knew more about classes Emerson First Year Female Increased availability of the academic advisers. Emerson First Year Female Meetings should not be so limited. Emerson First Year Female more advisers so they can have less people each and focus more individually on each student Emerson First Year Female More meetings with advisers. Emerson First Year Female More meetings with the adviors.Have one advisor for all for years. Emerson First Year Male Multiple required meetings, 'check-ups' on study habits etc. Emerson First Year Male My academic advisor takes a personal interest with every student. She is excellent! Emerson First Year Female to allow the advisors to give more direct answers to scheduling problems. Emerson First Year Female to also allow the students to meet with an advisor from their academic department. Sometimes we need someone from our department/major who knows exactly what needs to be done, etc. to talk to. Emerson First Year Female to be more knowledgeable about the International Baccalaureate Program. Emerson First Year Female to have all first year advisers work in the same dorm as the students. My adviser is on Western campus, while I live in Emerson Hall. It's not as easy to access my adviser when I think of questions, and I think it would've been better if I lived in the same dorm that she works in. Emerson First Year Female to have my advisor more knowledgeable about where to find information when I have specific questions instead of just a general overview. Emerson First Year Female to let the students lead the meeting more because they have specific questions, and if they don't need tutoring, they probably don't need to be told about tutoring for ten minutes of the meeting. Emerson First Year Female to make the service more well-known.

“Other” responses for policy violations, community council and one-on-one

Hall Year Sex When someone in my corridor is The role of community council Why didn't you have a violating a policy (noise, trash, is..._other one-on-one meeting alcohol for example) to the with your RA? degree that it bothers me, the first thing I do is... Emerson First Male Beat on the wall/write angry don't care. Year comments on their white board Emerson First Female complain to everyone around Year me. Loudly. Emerson First Female hasn't happened that bad Year Emerson First Male laugh have silly meetings Year Emerson First Male Leave a message on their A few emails were Year whiteboard on their door. sent, but I was unaware of a specific sign-up sheet for meeting with my RA. Emerson First Female talk to them myself Year Emerson First Female I have no clue...the activities Year they plan seem pointless so I never go! Emerson First Male Hasn't Happened Yet... Year Has been discussed and brought up

Living learning community questions

Hall Year Sex Current living The thing I appreciate most about One thing that could be done to learning my living learning community is... make my living learning community community better is... Emerson First Female Honors & A lot of people living in my hall My RA could be more open and Year Scholars are also taking the same classes bring the corridor together. This as me. So, I can ask them when I could be accomlished through need help with my studies. organizing more social events and inviting us to hang out with the RA, either on the weekends or watch movies in her room. Emerson First Male Honors & air conditioning food. Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & Almost everyone around me has More learning community Year Scholars something to say. bonding activities. Emerson First Male Honors & Being around smart people which Year Scholars help each other out with questions on work. Emerson First Female Honors & common importance of Year Scholars academics Emerson First Male Honors & Comrad-ship Less rules and less community Year Scholars council Emerson First Female Honors & Everyone is respectful for the Nothing Year Scholars most part. Emerson First Female Honors & Has people that understand how I'm not sure Year Scholars important classes are to me. Emerson First Female Honors & how it's social and study create some unity between the Year Scholars orientated at the same time. different corridors and the different halls. Emerson First Female Honors & I am living close to some very The basement, where I live, is Year Scholars smart students who are great rather isolated from the rest of friends and tutors when needed. Emerson Hall. Emerson First Male Honors & I appreciate that people are I really like my living learning Year Scholars willing and able to have community and I am satisfied. conversations on a wide variety of topics. Emerson First Female Honors & I feel as though it pushes me to More community activities Year Scholars work hard in school. Emerson First Female Honors & I like that fact that we all care I guess the programs but on by Year Scholars about classes enough to stay the RAs aren't that advertised so i focused and understand when never really take the time to go someone needs to study. yet and meet other people from other there are still fun moments and corridors. everyone is honest about not being strictly a book worm! Emerson First Female Honors & I like that others value their More community involvement. Year Scholars education and are not just here Keeping the door open while you to party. are just hanging out in your room is a simple things to do that makes the atmosphere more open and inviting, but other things could be done to make the same improvement. Having better activities planned would help get attract people to hang out together. Having the upcoming activities posted would also be a great help. I get so many e-mails each day, I don't really take in everything that is sent to me so e- mailing me about a corridor dinner or movie not is NOT EFFECTIVE! Emerson First Female Honors & It is easy to find someone to Year Scholars study with or to get help on homework, and we all get along really well. Emerson First Female Honors & Its focus on academics and its More events to get to know the Year Scholars ability to make me feel at home. rest of the learning community, outside just my corridor and hall. Emerson First Female Honors & its not as loud all the time as have more things for the whole Year Scholars others hall Emerson First Female Honors & living with students that are nice, maybe some more social events. Year Scholars smart, caring, and usually i relate easily to. Emerson First Female Honors & lots of educational leadership its good Year Scholars opportunities Emerson First Female Honors & many of the people living in it are Year Scholars taking the same courses as me. I can always ask them for help if I need it. Emerson First Male Honors & My RA More active Community Council Year Scholars Emerson First Male Honors & n/a don't care Year Scholars Emerson First Male Honors & Nothing Add Personality and Sports Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & People are pretty respectable I believe that we need to have Year Scholars about others in the hall. The more programs to meet others in programs that are put on are our hall. always a hit. Emerson First Female Honors & People are understanding that More activities to do as a dorm Year Scholars school is important, so it is easy to get work done. Emerson First Female Honors & People around who are willing to Enforce quiet hours more Year Scholars help me with my studies. Emerson First Female Honors & quiet most of the time more social events Year Scholars Emerson First Male Honors & quiet, get work done ..... Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & Since I live in the "smart people" More social and relaxed...not so Year Scholars dorm. Everyone is at my level work and study oriented. and there are lot of people in my classes in my dorm. Emerson First Male Honors & Students are understanding of Choice between Tappan or Year Scholars the need for studying, and also Emerson halls, more events are engage in meaningful geared toward academic causes. discussion in group meetings. Emerson First Male Honors & Students with a similar outlook Allow more students to enroll in Year Scholars on their schooling as me living in community courses the same place. Emerson First Female Honors & surrounded by great people social events Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & that everyone, at least in my Year Scholars corridor, is serious about their school work. Emerson First Female Honors & that i get priority in scheduling for it to be a truely open and Year Scholars classes and can take honors welcome community, where classes. also i feel like there have everyone really knows everyone been less issues with alcohol and and reaches out to make sure people being super loud or drunk everyone is included. There than i have heard from others in should be more events and things non honors or scholars housing set up for people in similar classes to come together to do stuff for their classes. Also it really would have been nice for there to be more activities and events in the beginning of the year for people to meet each other from all over the dorm. and it would be nice in the RA was actually around and tried to have a relationship and be helpful to those in her hall. Also the academic advisors should try to get to know and help their students. For example i feel like this should be known, but i live literally next door to a first year assistant advisor for the whole hall and not once for the entire first semester has she talked to me, introduced herself or been available at all. I mean, im her neighbor and her job is to help first year students, i would think that at least in the beginning of the year she would have introduced herself to some of us in the hall and been like if you have any problems or questions you can ask me. also i live two doors down from my assigned academic advisor and the only time he has talked to me was during my one scheduled advising appointment adn one other time when i tried because i had a schedule conflict he told me to go talk to his assistant person upstairs. it was rude! Emerson First Female Honors & That people in my corridor have better enforcement of living Year Scholars similar schedules, classes and policies (quiet hours etc) study habits as myself and roommate Emerson First Male Honors & that there are no stupid people More girls. Year Scholars that I would have to put up with if I lived in a regular dorm. Emerson First Female Honors & the "common goal" to do well, the food offered, the study areas Year Scholars study Emerson First Female Honors & The cleaning staff. They are Better study facilities. The Year Scholars fantastic. basement is really loud. Emerson First Female Honors & the fact that I can have Year Scholars intellectual and interesting discussions pertaining to intellectual topics outside of the classroom with other residents. Emerson First Female Honors & the focus on academics. having someone available at more Year Scholars convenient time that could explain the way the programs work. Emerson First Female Honors & the good friends that i have met, i wish there were more Year Scholars how nice and friendly everyone community service projects is, the events put on by through our dorm community council Emerson First Male Honors & The laid-back atmosphere. Better furniture and TV in Year Scholars basement lounge area. Emerson First Female Honors & the new friends I have made and n/a Year Scholars the respectable, quiet atmosphere. Emerson First Female Honors & the nice dorms and everyone is to have more community Year Scholars friendly. activities. Emerson First Male Honors & The openness and acceptance. Limit noise a little more late at Year Scholars night. Emerson First Female Honors & the other, smart students Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & The people Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & The people Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & the people and air conditioning more fun activities Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & the people get along well smaller hall Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & The people have similar goals Year Scholars and we can relate really well. Emerson First Male Honors & The people here are normal, More whole hall activities Year Scholars smart. They are willing to set good standards of respect towards the others in the hall, and keep those standards. Emerson First Female Honors & The people I live with care about More activities Year Scholars their studies and are generally quiet and considerate. Emerson First Female Honors & the people value studying and it have activities that aren't always Year Scholars is never hard to complete on weekends homework Emerson First Female Honors & The people within it and the More areas for studying. Year Scholars studious atmosphere of our basement. I also love the respectfulness that the residents show for each other. Emerson First Female Honors & the people. Year Scholars Emerson First Female Honors & The quality of the friendships I Give the students more of a voice; Year Scholars have developed within it. treat them like their 18 or 19 years old..let them make the list for rules, like quiet hours, not just choose from it. Emerson First Female Honors & there are more motivated more organized events where we Year Scholars people; there is a balance have the opportunity to earn between work and play Scholars points Emerson First Female Honors & There are people care about their make a distinction between the Year Scholars grades and that makes a positive residents that are in the honors influence on me, plus it is easy to and scholars program and those find a place to study. who are not. Emerson First Female Honors & there is not too much trouble. (At to have more events that bring us Year Scholars least not any that I know about). together. Emerson First Female Honors & We all have the same priorities Finding a way to control all of the Year Scholars for the most part when it comes noise on weekend nights to gaining a great educational experience

General questions

Hall Year Sex The most significant learning experience I had One suggestion I have for improving the in my residential community this semester so residence halls or apartments at Miami far has been... (program, conversation with an is... RA, adviser or other resident, class, event, situation, etc.) Emerson First Male a conversation with my RA i do not know Year Emerson First Female Being a member of community council. Making sure that there is more cohesion Year between the different corridors in the residence halls. Emerson First Male Building a relationship with my RA NA Year Emerson First Male can't pick one...all great BETTER INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!! Year Emerson First Male Class Better toilet paper Year Emerson First Female classes, other residents, advisor Year Emerson First Female conversations with another resident.. Having a wider variety of living learning Year communities for freshmen. Emerson First Male Conversations with other students in the Allowing more access between halls, Year lounge. perhaps specific hours that let students enter different dorms with their ID card, but then after hours they must have someone open the door for them. Emerson First Female Conversations with residents in my corridor To have more education related Year about race, religion, gender, and ethics. These programs provided within the conversations have made me re-examine my community. views on the world. Emerson First Female Discussing which courses to take next plan more activities: community service, Year semester with the academic advisor fundraising, social, etc. Emerson First Female During my honors mentoring class. My mentor Turn off the lights in the hall at night. Year (Terry Perlin) is amazing. We had a lot fo very interesting discussions. Emerson First Female English class discussions regarding Less isolation among floors. Year environmental issues-the diverse views and backgrounds of everyone. Emerson First Male Experience with residents. Decoration makes things feel more Year welcoming, homely, and warm. Emerson First Female From conversations with other residence More unity between residence halls. Year about a class I was struggling with. Emerson First Female Getting on the bus with my RA to go to Kroger none Year for Halloween stuff. Emerson First Female Going to the Tunnel of Oppression with my Year corridor. It was a great experience in that it was eye opening and it made me think about what others in the world are going through. Emerson First Female going to the wilds none Year Emerson First Female Greek Life Guide Meetings Heating/Air Conditioning in dorm room Year should be left up to the students. Room gets too hot sometimes and we cannot switch to Air Conditioning. Emerson First Female helping friends through problems Year Emerson First Female I cannot answer this question because I do not Advertise things more often, and not just Year feel that my residence hall has a community or in e-mail or in the bathroom. I HATE any experiences to offer me. when there are signs all over the bathroom mirror so I can't see my reflection to get ready in the morning. If the only way I hear about an even is on a mirror I don't care how cool it sounds, I am not going to go because those signs really piss me off. Set up a bulletin board to advertise events, and get your friends to go to them! Emerson First Male I like all of my conversations with my RA None, but I would suggest telling survey Year because he is just an overall good guy. participants that this survey takes more like 15 minutes instead of 5-7 minutes. Had I known it was this long, I would not have participated. Emerson First Female I'm not sure; freshman year is full of significant regulate when the dump truck can Year learning experiences empty the dumpster outside--it is extremely loud and obnoxious at 6:00 in the morning Emerson First Female Interaction with the people in my hall. I have no experience with residence halls Year aside from mine and am thus unable to make a generalised statement to answer this item. Emerson First Female learning to live with a stranger. Year Emerson First Male meeting so many new people on the first day Year of school Emerson First Female Meeting with my adviser when I was struggling Year in one of my classes. Emerson First Female My ra is also a math education major, and I n/a Year always can go to her with questions. She is great! Emerson First Male n/a let us live off campus Year Emerson First Male Nothing Add Personality and Sports Year Emerson First Female one time a bunch of us just started talking Year about controversial topics and it was really nice to have a civil discussion and hear multiple views without feeling like my head was going to get ripped off for expressing my opinion. Emerson First Female planning the events for community council NA Year have helped me to become more relaxed and responsible, while cooperating with others to get the job done Emerson First Female political debates its fine Year Emerson First Female Talking to others with different beliefs than More ways for people to bond with Year me other Emerson First Female The most significant learning experience I had The only suggestion I have is to try to Year was talking with my Honors and Scholars fight the mold problem in the bathroom. Advisor about the scholars program and how to earn points/how they're going to change it. Emerson First Female The Toga party program where a police officer Year came in and talked to us about drinking and risks that go along with such activities. Emerson First Female the Tunnel of Depression. to keep vacuums accessible!! Year Emerson First Female to meet with my advisor to talk about what Year classes I was taking and how things were going with them, and even what I wanted to do in the future. Emerson First Female Tunnel of Diversity thing Year Emerson First Female with other residents of my community none so far Year especially my roomate. I have learned a lot about another culture that I had never before been familiar with. Emerson First Female working at Brill library. I've learned a lot and I more gatherings of the whole Year look forward to continue working on campus. community. Emerson First Female see previous Year

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