Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council

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Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council

Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council

Agenda and Minutes of 22nd January 2014 at the Reading Rooms Beddingham

No: Time: Item : Action 1 (22/01/14) 19:00hrs Welcome and Apologies: In attendance: Cllr Andrew Small [AS] - Chairman Cllr Johnny Denis [JD] – Vice Chairman Cllr Jane Stevens [JS] Cllr Chris Whitmore [CW] Cllr Helen Wormald [HW]

Damian Mooncie – G&BPC Clerk & RFO

Apologies: Cllr Peter Charlton [PC]


Members of the Public: Nick Jones [NJ] Glynde Estates Liz Brice [LB] parish resident Dan Sadler [DS] parish resident from 19:45hrs Jacky Misson[JM] parish resident from 19:55hrs

G&BPC Resolution 001 (item 1 - 22/01/14) G&BPC agreement to accept the apologies of Cllr Peter Charlton for the meeting 22/01/2014 2 (22/01/14) 19:05hrs Open Address to the Council by Electorate: i. Glynde Station Car Park  Nick Jones raised the subject of a new Private Parking notice that has been position at the entrance to the Glynde Station ‘car park area’ and outlined that the notice was causing a lot of confusion to the community and users of Glynde Station  DM outlined that the area of land was the private property of Michelle Bryant the freeholder of some of Glynde Station buildings, and that after communications with her that her intention was to raise funds from parking fees to cover the maintenance costs associated with the upkeep of the area.  and that currently Michelle Bryant is in communication with various car park operators as to how the management of the area would be coordinated  but Michelle Bryant had also enquired whether G&BPC would consider renting the area , DM has asked what the terms and conditions of such an Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council | Agenda & Minutes 22/01/2014 1 arrangement would be  Michelle Bryant has informed G&BPC that she is bound by deed to provide access and parking for 4 parking bays for Glynde Station users.  it was recognised that other stakeholders and residents to the area would need to check with the terms of their freeholds and leases to ascertain what impact the proposed changes could have  NJ informed the meeting that Glynde Estates had copies of the Property Deeds and would make them available should G&BPC request them  NJ stated that planning permission is not required to operate a private car park but that if a parking barrier was used then permission would need to be sought  further concern was raised towards the knock on effects of Glynde Station users no longer using the ‘station car park’ but instead parking on the roadside or in Glynde Estates car park area near Glynde Cricket fields. G&BPC Resolution 002 (item 2i - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the Parish Clerk should continue to enquire what the Terms and Conditions associated with the rental of the ‘car park’ area of Glynde Station from the freeholder Michelle Bryant would be, and ascertain whether she would consider selling the area, and also if the private car parking notice could be modified to make it clearer who has ownership of the ‘car park’ area. 3 (22/01/14) 19:25hrs Minutes of Previous meeting | G&BPC 04/12/2013 Amendments: i. item 8.6 amended to include agreed Chairs Action to secure repair to recreation ground fencing ii. item 11.1 amended to require a licence to install a bus stop bench and that Cllr JD will liaise with the JD Clerk on processing the purchase and installation. G&BPC Resolution 003 (item 3 - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the Clerk amends the minutes of the meeting 04/12/2013 to included items 3i & 3ii(22/01/14). G&BPC Resolution 004 (item 3 - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the amended minutes of the meeting 04/12/2013 are a correct record. Cllr Andrew Small signs minutes accordingly and Clerk to file and display. G&BPC Resolution 005 (item 3 - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the agenda and minutes of all meetings will be displayed in the Parish Noticeboard, Glynde Stores and Trevor Arms, Clerk to action accordingly. 4 (22/01/14) 19:35hrs Matters Arising i. Playground Swing seat, Cllr HW enquired whether the item had been purchased G&BPC Resolution 006 (item 4i - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the Clerk will purchase playground replacement swing seats.

Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council | Agenda & Minutes 22/01/2014 2 5 (22/01/14) 19:40hrs Finance i. Summary Report Period 9 – see report to file a. Cheque list agreed as: G&BPC Resolution 007 (item 5ia - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement to ratify the cheque list and for Clerk [DM] to process accordingly:

[1] Electricity | DTS - surcharge cheque no: ***934 for £6.00 [2] HMRC | Paye cheque no: ***935 for £199.20 [3] Reading Room Hire cheque no: ***936 for £180.00 [4] Glynde Estates| swimming pool & light 2013/14, cheque no: ***937 for £10.10 [5] Paul Brockhurst Fencing cheque no: ***938 for £430.80 [6] Clerks Salary | D Mooncie | period 10, cheque no: ***939 for £193.70 [7] Clerks Office | Jan 14, cheque ***940 for £13.00 [8] Clerks Salary | D Mooncie | period 11, cheque no: ***941 for £193.70 [9] Clerks Office | Feb 14, cheque no: ***942 for £13.00.

and retrospective ratified payments as [10] Geoffrey Miller | noticeboard, cheque no: ***930 for £955.00 [11] External Audit | LittleJohn – admin fees, cheque no: ***932 for £36.00 [12] Clerks Salary | B Knight | final salary – period 9, cheque no: ***933 for £337.20 totalling £2,567.70

b. Clerk & RFO Contract of Employment G&BPC Resolution 008 (item 5ib - 22/01/14) AS & G&BPC agreement that Cllr Andrew Small and Cllr Johnny JD Denis will process and formalise the salary and contract of employment for Damian Mooncie new Clerk and RFO. c. Budget 2014/15 G&BPC Resolution 009 (item 5ic - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that Damian Mooncie as RFO will bring new financial account information towards a reassessment of the proposed budget for 2014/15 to the meeting 26/03/14 ii. G&BPC Meeting Dates 2014/15 a. provisional planning committee meetings not to be included in the G&BPC Meeting Cycle 2014/15 b. two dates per year will fall on the last Thursday of the month to allow local MP to attend meeting should representation to Parliament be required. G&BPC Resolution 010 (item 5ii a&b - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the Clerk will produce a list of Parish Council meeting dates for 2014/15 to include 2 Thursday meetings and no planning committee meetings, meetings being bimonthly and falling on the last Wednesday or Thursdays of the month iii. Bank Mandate a. two new signatories to account required due to Cllr resignations b. new address mandate required to reflect new Clerk and G&BPC office address

Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council | Agenda & Minutes 22/01/2014 3 G&BPC Resolution 011 (item 5iii a&b - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the Clerk will contact Lloyds bank to process new signatory to accounts and change of address details. 6 (22/01/14) 19:55hrs Recreation Ground i. Fence Repair – covered in item 5ia (22/01/14) 7 (22/01/14) 20:00hrs Business Items: i. Street Lighting a. DM confirmed that street lighting upgrade will be going ahead as scheduled and for agreed price of £1,610 + vat b. Cllr CW stated that lighting renewals were already in progress and should be completed by mid- February 2014 ii. Balcombe Pits a. Cllr CW enquired of Glynde Estates as to whether an improvement to the aesthetic of the area around the entrance to Balcombe Pits could be made in the light of the new easy access ramp to Glynde Station being built. b. NJ confirmed that Glynde Estates are intending to improve the look of the entrance way to Balcombe Pits on completion of the easy access ramp works to Glynde Station iii. Glynde Station ramp a. Cllr JS reported that works had commenced to develop the new easy access ramp to Glynde station with positive feedback from members of the community. 8 (22/01/14) 20:10hrs Planning i. SDNP/13/05647/FUL | Hillside, Home Farm G&BPC Resolution 012 (item 8i - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the response statement to planning application SDNP/13/05647/FUL | Hillside, Home Farm to Lewes District Council should read:

Glynde and Beddingham Parish Council are in ‘support’ of the planning application no: SDNP/13/05647/FUL | Hillside Home Farm in the opinion that the village requires new accommodation of this type and that the proposed development has been architected sympathetically to the local area.

However Glynde and Beddingham Parish argue that a condition of granting permission of the development SDNP/13/05647/FUL should be that [1] flint walls are preserved, replaced and used rather than brick materials, and that [2] trees within the development area are preserved and or replaced.

Clerk to submitted accordingly 07/01/2014 ii. SDNP/13/05642/FUL | Spring Gardens, Station Road Parking Proposal a. Cllr CW expressed a concern for the development due to the proposed amount of designated purpose built off street parking which could create an urbanised feel to the area and that if the need for

Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council | Agenda & Minutes 22/01/2014 4 off street parking was due to the speed of traffic along Station Road that then the issue of traffic speed could be tackled in a different way. b. NJ gave a brief outline of the development and its intention and also stated that an archaeological watch would be in operation during the development to make sure no important historical works were disturbed – see planning Application to file c. Liz Brice suggested that a 20mph speed restriction for Glynde village should be investigated G&BPC Resolution 013 (item 8ii - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the response statement to planning application SDNP/13/05642/FUL | Spring Gardens, Station Road Parking Proposal to Lewes District Council should cite approval in principle with recommendations that traffic calming measures should be considered to ensure a reduction in speed and an increase to safety for all users. Clerk to draft formal response for circulation to Cllrs for agreement prior to submission to LDC by 29/01/14. iii. Teddy Street | Mill Lane traffic consultation a. Cllr HW enquired what the status was on the consultation project and proposal. b. NJ confirmed that he was scheduled to meet ESCC Highways officers week commencing 27/01/14 and would report back as nessersary. iv. SDNP/14/00129/LIS | Trevor Gardens a. G&BPC agreement to support the application G&BPC Resolution 014 (item 8iv - 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement that the response statement to planning application SDNP/14/00129/LIS | Trevor Gardens to Lewes District Council should state support for the application as its represents an improvement to accommodation in keeping with the surrounding area. Clerk to draft formal response for circulation to Cllrs for agreement prior to submission to LDC by 29/01/14. 9 (22/01/14) 20:20hrs Correspondence a. Crime Report [Dec & Jan] from PCSO Stefan Bialoszewski 10 (22/01/14) 20:22hrs Appointments i. Casual Vacancy a. Cllr Helen Wormald proposed Liz Brice to the role of Cllr, seconded by Cllr Johnny Denis and unanimously moved. G&BPC Resolution 015 (item 10i- 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement to co-opt Liz Brice to the role of Parish Councillor from 26/03/2014. Clerk to process all necessary paperwork for Cllr Liz Brice to take office. ii. Clerk & RFO G&BPC Resolution 016 (item 10ii- 22/01/14) G&BPC agreement that Damian Mooncie is appointed as the new Clerk and RFO from 01/01/2014. iii. Cllr Resignation a. Cllr Jane Stevens tendered her resignation effective Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council | Agenda & Minutes 22/01/2014 5 31/01/2014. G&BPC Resolution 017 (item 10iii- 22/01/14) DM G&BPC agreement to accept the resignation of Cllr Jane Stevens effective from 31/01/2014. Clerk to process all necessary paperwork to notify Lewes District of that resignation and commence proceedings for a Notice of Election for a new cllr. 2 (22/01/14) 20:40hrs Open Address to the Council by Electorate - continued i. Glynde Station Car Park  Dan Sadler asked what enquiries and reaction G&BPC had made to date and  what approach G&BPC was likely to pursue

ii. Jackie Glasson was interested to know what changes were being made to countryside access re: gates and dog walking around Glynde

11 (22/01/14) 20:55hrs Meeting Ends

Damian Mooncie Glynde & Beddingham Parish Clerk Little Talland The Street Firle East Sussex BN8 6NT e: [email protected] t: 01273 858 522

Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council | Agenda & Minutes 22/01/2014 6

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