Present: Cllrs B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, C. Ferguson, T. Grimes, F. Lynch

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Present: Cllrs B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, C. Ferguson, T. Grimes, F. Lynch

Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

February Monthly Meeting held on Monday, 18th February 2013, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells

Presiding: Cllr S. Reilly

Present: Cllrs B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, C. Ferguson, T. Grimes, F. Lynch, B. Reilly, O. Sweeney.

Also Present: Mr. K. Stewart, Town Manager, Ms. A. Bird. Town Clerk, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer, Ms Siobhan McAleese, Staff Officer, Planning

Absent: Mr Shane Carroll, A/Town Engineer


The Minutes of the January monthly meeting, held on 21st January 2013, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr B. Collins.


. Letter from Meath Association of London requesting a representative to attend this St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

It was unanimously agreed that the Leas-Cathaoirleach, Cllr F. Lynch, would represent the Council.

. Letter from North Meath Photographic Society expressing an interest in obtaining a Lease on the Community House.

The Town Manager stated that following a visual inspection of the property it is estimated that the cost of bringing back to basic standard would be in the region of €50k.

The Town Manager informed members that Shane Carroll, Town Engineer, was being transferred to Water Services Section from 1st March. He expressed his appreciation to Mr. Carroll for his work while with Kells Town Council. Members thanked Mr. Carroll for all his help and assistance and wished him well in his new position. Members also thanked Lorraine Hennessy, Housing Officer, who has transferred to County Hall.

It was agreed that the March monthly meeting would be held on 11th March 2013.

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

Monthly Reports

Members raised the following:

Cllr S. Drew - Temporary traffic lights at Maudlin Bridge - Potholes at Headfort Park, Gardenrath Road - Access road Ard na Greine/Rochford Hall

Cllr C. Ferguson - Potholes in general - Public lighting at Cherryhill and Willie Black Crescent - Dangerous pole at the old Post Office, Farrell Street

Cllr F. Lynch - Round Tower, Canon Street

Cllr B. Curran - Manhole covers at Headfort Place - Road repairs to Pitcher Lane - Street lighting at Paddy Power Bookmakers, Castle Street

Members were informed that the Round Tower issue had been referred to the OPW. Contractor to re-seal manhole covers.

Manager’s Orders

The Manager’s Orders, as circulated, were noted.

Meath County Development Contribution Schemes 2010-2015

The Manager’s Report was submitted to members by Siobhan McAleese, Planning Section. - Nine submissions received - Further review will take place in 2014/2015 - Effective from 1st March 2013

Submission 1001 Cllr. Eugene Cassidy Issues Raised – Circular PL07/12 – Broadband waivers, issue full permissions

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

Manager’s Response – Accept Submission

Manager’s Recommendation MR1 to amend as follows Relates to all free standing telecommunications support structures including those in place for Telephone, Radio and TV relay or broadcasting only. The contribution is a once off non refundable payment in respect of each mast. Subsequent applications to extend the life of temporary permissions indefinitely shall not be liable for this contribution. Contributions shall not apply to any structure for the provision of Broadband capacity or any other structure, including telecommunications structures, capable of co-hosting telephone, radio or TV, as well as Broadband capacity.

Proposed by Cllr S. Reilly Seconded by Cllr B. Reilly

Submission 1002 Sherry Solicitors on behalf of Joseph & Patrick Wall Issues Raised – Relief from levies for hard standing areas – Waiver or reduced contributions for temporary permissions

Manager’s Response – Accepts disproportionate burden – Cites existing exemption for ancillary hard standing areas

Manager’s Recommendation MR2 to include the following exemption Temporary planning permissions for a maximum of 5 years shall be levied at a rate equivalent to 33% of the development contribution normally attributable to a permanent development of that class and scale. In the event that the temporary permission is extended for an additional period, the full rate shall be applicable. In such circumstances, credit will be applied for the development contribution paid in respect of the earlier temporary permission.

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by Cllr C. Ferguson

Submission 1003 MCC Environment Department Issues Raised – Use of Development Contribution to fund land acquisition for Burial Grounds

Manager’s Response – Cites Draft Burial Ground Survey

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

– Environment SPC – Identified need in various locations – DCS available for land acquisition and delivery of community facilities

Manager’s Recommendation MR3 to amend Appendix A To include “Site acquisition and provision for Burial Grounds” in Appendix A: Range of Projects which may be funded from Development Contributions under Class 3 Social Infrastructure of the Meath County Development Contribution Schemes 2010 – 2015.

Proposed by Cllr T. Grimes Seconded by Cllr B. Collins

Submission 1004 Carroll Estates Dublin Ltd. Issued Raised – Pro rata reduction in residential contributions – Refer to Tender Price Index

Manager’s Response – Current focus is on economic activity – Await Core strategy variations – Comparable rates & 10% discount – Apply indexation only where reduction applies

Manager’s Recommendation MR4 to amend section 11(b) Contributions under the Scheme shall be payable in accordance with the conditions of permission. Contributions shall be payable at the index adjusted rate (Wholesale Prices Indices – Building & Construction (Capital Goods)) pertaining to the year in which implementation of the Planning Permission is commenced, except where the application of the annual indexation would result in an increase in the quantum of contribution payable for the years 2013 to 2015 inclusive.

Proposed by Cllr T. Grimes Seconded by Cllr B. Reilly

Submission 1005 Michael Healy Issues Raised – Exempt from levies the completion of an unfinished development under a new PP

Manager’s Response – Existing facility to extend the life of Planning Permission under the same terms as the

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

parent permission

Manager’s Recommendation MR5 No change necessary

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by Cllr F. Lynch

Submission 1006 J Murphy Developments Ltd. Issues Raised – Existing residential contribution rates are too high, suggest €8,000 per unit

Manager’s Response (as per sub 1004) – Current focus is on economic activity – Await Core Strategy Variations – Comparable rates & 10% discount – Apply indexation only where reduction applies

Manager’s Recommendation MR6 No change necessary

Proposed by Cllr B. Collins Seconded by Cllr B. Reilly

Submission 1007 Construction Industry Federation Issues Raised – Reduction in contributions – Flexible payment terms – Review terms of existing permissions – Ministerial Guidelines – Property Tax – Report on infrastructure delivery

Manager’s Response – Cite response to subs 1004 & 1006 – Flexible payment terms in place and 10% discount for up front payment – Cannot review existing conditions – Review undertaken in 2012

Manager’s Recommendation MR7 add the following text to Proposed Amendment No. 6

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

f) A 10% reduction shall apply where Development Contributions are paid in full within 28 days of receipt of the Commencement Notice by the Planning Authority, day one being the date of receipt of the Commencement Notice. The discount shall apply to the quantum of development defined in the commencement notice and is available to multi phase developments”. *

*Added to provide further clarity to multi phase developments.

Propose by Cllr B. Collins Seconded by Cllr B. Reilly

Submission 1008 Relative Developments Ltd. Issues Raised – Existing levies too high in falling market – Amend amount payable under existing conditions – Site rates payable in adjacent counties

Manager’s Response – Response as per submissions 1004, 1006,& 1007

Manager’s Recommendation MR8 No change necessary

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by Cllr B. Collins

Submission 1009 Cunnane Stratton Reynolds on behalf of Tesco Ireland Ltd. Issues Raised – Reduction in levies, especially in Town Centres – Flexible payment terms – Link levies to employment generated – S.49 Schemes secured by way of Bonds – Encourage Green Energy – Relief from levies for infrastructure benefitting other developments (special contributions) – Link Commercial Rates and Development Contributions

Manager’s Response – Refer to response to subs 1004, 1006,1007 & 1008 – Off sets available in certain circumstances – Levies payable on net retail floor area – Cite existing exemptions in Scheme: RPS, ACA etc.

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

– Rates & levies are separate statutory requisites – Levies based on floor area qualified by use – Amendments to General Schemes only – Green Energy proposals welcome and will be included in next review

Manager’s Recommendation MR9 No change necessary

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by Cllr B. Collins

Summary of Proposed Amendments & Recommendations Refer to Section 7 of Manager’s Report

Amendment No 1 include “any”

Proposed by Cllr C. Ferguson Seconded by Cllr B. Reilly

Amendment No 2 as published

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by T. Grimes

Amendment No 3 add “except where the Planning Authority deems that the development shall have an exceptional impact on public infrastructure. In this instance, a 50% reduction of the standard rate of contributions shall continue to apply.”

Proposed by Cllr C. Ferguson Seconded by Cllr B. Reilly

Amendment No 4 add “Structures for the storage of slurry, yard water or farmyard manure” (MCC & NTC only)

Not applicable to Kells Town Council

Amendment No 5 as published

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by Cllr F. Lynch

Amendment No 6 add “The discount shall apply to the quantum of development defined in the commencement notice and is available to multi phase developments”

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

Not applicable to Kells Town Council

Amendment No 7 as published

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by Cllr C. Ferguson

Amendment No 8 as published

Proposed by Cllr B. Reilly Seconded by Cllr C. Ferguson

Amendment No 9 as published

Proposed by Cllr O. Sweeney Seconded by Cllr B. Collins

Amendment No 10 as published

Proposed by Cllr O. Sweeney Seconded by Cllr S. Reilly

Receive a representative from Bus Eireann

Bus Eireann Services Manager Adrian O’Loughlin discussed issues regarding the bus service to Kells, which were raised by members, namely:

 Blanchardstown timetable Timetable change licensed by NTA. Two stops on this route – slip road and shopping centre. Off peak goes to the shopping centre.

 Shelter for Cavan Road stop Private company maintain shelter, if there is no commercial need they will not take on.

 Park and Ride facilities. But Eireann do not get involved.

 Access for wheelchair users. All new buses are wheelchair accessible. Stops need to be safe for wheelchair access. Most buses can only accommodate one wheelchair. It is hoped to roll our pre booking service.

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

Real Time Passenger Information will be rolled out over the coming months. One point will be provided in Kells. NTA provide funding. The Leap Card will be included by Bus Eireann this year. In relation to stop for Navan hospital, the Gardai have an issue with safety.

It was requested that Bus Eireann promote the ability for employers to purchase tickets for employees and avail of tax incentive. Any Other Business

Members agreed to lend their support to the former employees of the Old Darnley Hotel, Athboy.

Cllr S. Drew raised the following: - Proposed school walkway from Gardenrath. - Opening of Spire of Loyd.

The Town Manager stated that he understands the Council do not own all the land necessary for the proposed walkway and a Part 8 would be required.

Kells & District Archaeological Society and Kells Tourism Forum open the Spire to the public.

Cllr B. Curran raised the matter of an illegal extension at Magdalene Court. The Town Clerk stated that an Enforcement Notice has expired the previous week.

Cllr S. Drew, on his own behalf and on behalf of the Drew family, thanked members and staff for support following recent family bereavement.

A vote of sympathy was passed with family of the late: Larry Smith, O’Growney Terrace. Patricia Bennett, Maudlin Street.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______Cathaoirleach

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected] Comhairle Baile na Ceannanas Mór Kells Town Council Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web:, Email: [email protected]

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