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Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 1 Please cite this article as: Saenen, L., Van Dooren, W., Onghena, P. (2015). A randomized Monty Hall experiment: The positive effect of conditional frequency feedback. Thinking & Reasoning, 21 (2), 176-192. doi:10.1080/13546783.2014.918562

A Randomized Monty Hall Experiment:

The Positive Effect of Conditional Frequency Feedback

Lore Saenena, Wim Van Doorenb, & Patrick Onghenaa

a Methodology of Educational Sciences Research Group, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

b Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Correspondence concerning this article can be addressed to Lore Saenen, Methodology of Educational Sciences Research Group, Andreas Vesaliusstraat 2 - Box 3762, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. Phone +32 16 373041. Fax +32 16 326200. E-mail [email protected]

Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Concerted Research Action of the KU

Leuven under Grant GOA/12/010.

Total word count: 6425


The Monty Hall dilemma (MHD) is a notorious probability problem with a counterintuitive solution. There is a strong tendency to stay with the initial choice, despite the fact that switching doubles the probability of winning. The current randomized experiment investigates

1 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 2 whether feedback in a series of trials improves behavioural performance on the MHD and increases the level of understanding of the problem. Feedback was either conditional or non- conditional, and was given either in frequency format or in percentage format. Results show that people learn to switch most when receiving conditional feedback in frequency format.

However, problem understanding does not improve as a consequence of receiving feedback.

Our study confirms the dissociation between, on the one hand, behavioural performance on the MHD and, on the other hand, actual understanding of the MHD. We discuss how this dissociation can be understood.

Keywords: Monty Hall dilemma, probability, conditional feedback, frequencies, decision making

2 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 3 The Monty Hall dilemma (MHD) is a notoriously difficult conditional probability problem with a counterintuitive solution (e.g., Baratgin & Politzer, 2010; Howard, Lambdin,

& Datteri, 2007). The classic version of the MHD involves a contestant who is asked to pick one of three identical doors. Behind one of the doors, there is a valuable prize, usually a car.

The other two doors conceal goats. Once the contestant picks a door, the host, who knows the location of the prize, opens a door not selected by the contestant, always revealing a goat. The dilemma then offered to the contestant is whether he stays with his initial choice, or wants to switch to the other remaining door. The optimal solution to the MHD is to switch, as switching doors yields a probability to win the prize that is twice as large as the probability obtained by staying. Nevertheless, there is a strong (cross-cultural) tendency to stay with the initial decision (Granberg, 1999; Granberg & Brown, 1995; Granberg & Dorr, 1998).

Various studies have shown that this tendency is malleable. First, there is strong evidence that repeated experience with the MHD leads to increased switching rates across trials (Franco-Watkins, Derks, & Dougherty, 2003; Granberg & Brown, 1995; Granberg &

Dorr, 1998; Herbranson & Schroeder, 2010; Klein, Evans, Schultz, & Beran, 2013; Petrocelli

& Harris, 2011; Slembeck & Tyran, 2004; Tubau & Alonso, 2003). Second, also the numerical format in which the MHD is presented to participants seems to influence participants’ performances. Aaron and Spivey-Knowlton (1998) showed that a MHD presentation in terms of natural frequencies resulted in higher switching rates than the situation in which the MHD is presented in terms of probabilities. Although the difference in switching rates was not statistically significant, the difference in the answers on the mathematical questions did reach statistical significance: Participants who solved the MHD stated in natural frequencies, reported significantly more often the correct posterior winning probabilities compared to the participants who were asked to solve the MHD stated in probabilities (proportions or percentages). Research of Tubau (2008) confirmed these results:

3 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 4 Participants who completed the MHD in natural frequencies, showed both statistically significant higher switching rates and more correct posterior probability judgements than participants who completed the MHD presented in terms of relative frequencies. Also Krauss and Wang (2003) included a natural frequencies manipulation in their experiment.

Participants were asked in how many of the three possible MHD situations a participant would win the game when staying and when switching. When this manipulation was combined with the manipulation in which the participant was asked to imagine that (s)he was the host of the MHD, switching behaviour was facilitated.

The critical question that arises when behavioural performance on the MHD improves, is whether this performance reflects actual understanding of the problem. More specifically, a decision to switch is not necessarily the consequence of correct probabilistic reasoning. This proposition is confirmed in previous research: Franco-Watkins, Derks, and Dougherty (2003),

Stibel, Dror, and Ben-Zeev (2009), and Tubau and Alonso (2003) demonstrated that there is a clear dissociation between choice behaviour on the MHD and the actual understanding of the problem’s underlying probabilities. Thus, although research demonstrates ways to influence the use of the optimal strategy to solve the MHD, people still fail to grasp the reason why switching is beneficial.

The failure to detect the correct underlying probabilities of the MHD can be explained by the cognitive process of updating (Baratgin & Politzer, 2010) and by a distorted memory for decision/outcome frequencies when a series of trials is involved (Petrocelli & Harris,

2011). Baratgin and Politzer (2010) showed that when people solve the MHD, they often erroneously estimate the posterior probability for winning when staying (and switching) as being 1/2 because they engage in what the authors call ‘updating’, by which they mean that participants believe that the new situation, with only two remaining doors, is independent from the conditional information received about the opened non-winning door. As a

4 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 5 consequence, the posterior winning probabilities for staying and switching are incorrectly judged equally as 1/2 (Baratgin & Politzer, 2010). For a correct probability understanding, however, one should engage in what the authors call ‘focusing’, by which they mean that the situation in which the dilemma occurs is considered as not independent from the situation before the actual dilemma took place. Thus, when focusing, one takes into account the conditional information (Baratgin & Politzer, 2010).

Next, Petrocelli and Harris (2011) pointed to the distorted memory for decision/outcome frequencies that participants have after solving successive MHD trials. In their research, participants completed several trials of the MHD. Afterwards, they were asked to estimate how often they had won and lost, depending on the used strategy. Above all, participants estimated their switch losses being much higher as compared to the actual number of switch losses during the experiment. Of course, it is difficult to keep in mind the number of winning and losing trials depending on the used strategy without having any external help. It requires that the working memory of participants is constantly updating these frequencies while solving the MHD. The important role of working memory capacity on MHD performances has indeed been demonstrated, both correlationally and experimentally (De

Neys, 2005; De Neys & Verschueren, 2006).

In sum, when people would solve the MHD repeatedly, we assume that correct registration of the number of times a participant wins or loses in relation to the choice to switch or to stay may be extremely difficult because it demands too much from working memory. There exist several studies in which participants completed successive trials of the

MHD and received feedback about their performances: After each trial, the participant was informed about whether (s)he won or lost the trial. The results of these studies showed that participants indeed learned to switch across successive trials, but still did not respond optimally, which means that they still did not switch on all trials (Herbranson & Schroeder,

5 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 6 2010; Klein et al., 2013; Mazur & Kahlbaugh, 2012; Slembeck & Tyran, 2004). Although the influence of feedback was examined in these studies, according to our knowledge no study so far systematically investigated whether cumulative, constantly updated feedback provided to the participants during the game, influences performances on the MHD and more generally improves participants’ understanding of the underlying probabilities.

In the current paper, we will investigate the effect of cumulative, constantly updated, and available feedback during an experiment in which participants are asked to complete multiple trials of the MHD. The nature of feedback in the MHD is systematically manipulated in two different ways.

First, we will provide either conditional or non-conditional feedback that is constantly updated and shown to the participant. We expect that participants will perform better when receiving conditional feedback compared to non-conditional feedback, because conditional feedback will prevent that participants’ memory becomes distorted for decision-outcome frequencies while this distortion is still possible in the case of unconditional feedback. Thus, when conditional feedback is provided to the participants while solving multiple trials, their working memory will be less burdened in comparison with non-conditional feedback.

Second, the feedback will be provided in either a percentage or a frequency format.

This latter manipulation is based on research indicating that people perform better on conditional probability problems when the problem is stated in frequencies rather than in percentages or probabilities (e.g., Gigerenzer, 1991, 1994; Gigerenzer & Hoffrage, 1995;

Moro, Bodanza, & Freidin, 2011). As already mentioned above, this has also been demonstrated for the MHD by the research of Aaron and Spivey-Knowlton (1998), Krauss and Wang (2003), and Tubau (2008). However, in these studies the numerical format of the problem presentation of the MHD was manipulated, whereas in our study we will investigate whether the numerical presentation of the feedback makes a difference in how people solve

6 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 7 the MHD. We expect that participants perform better on the MHD when feedback is given in frequency format rather than in percentage format, because humans’ cognitive systems are considered to be more suitable for natural frequencies, but less suitable for proportions and/or percentages (see Cosmides & Tooby, 1996). The latter statement does not necessarily imply that the frequentist format is the causal explanation for the reported research results on the

MHD (Aaron & Spivey-Knowlton, 1998; Krauss & Wang, 2003; Tubau, 2008). An alternative plausible explanation is that natural frequencies favour the correct focusing interpretation of the MHD, instead of the misleading updating interpretation (for an overview, see Baratgin, 2009).

Notice that the previously mentioned expectations imply that we expect participants to perform best when they receive conditional feedback presented in frequencies, because they would benefit from both manipulations.

To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has systematically investigated the effect of cumulative, constantly updated, and available feedback, nor has it been investigated which format of such feedback (i.e., the numerical and conditional format in which the feedback is provided) is most effective. In our experiment, we will investigate the influence of cumulative, constantly updated, and available feedback on people’s performances on the

MHD. More specifically, we will investigate whether such feedback leads to both more optimal behavioural responses on the MHD and an increased understanding of the MHD.


Participants and Design

Seventy-seven (under)graduate students of the University of Leuven (Belgium) volunteered to participate in the experiment, in return for a small financial reward. Nine participants were eliminated due to prior familiarity with the MHD, leaving data of 68 participants (18 males, 50 females; Mage = 21.60, SDage = 4.36) used for further analyses.

7 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 8 The participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatments created by a 2 × 2 between-subjects design. Both independent variables considered the nature of the constantly updated feedback on the MHD. The first independent variable was the conditional format of the feedback (conditional vs. non-conditional). Conditional feedback was given by providing information about the number of wins and losses for staying and switching separately. When non-conditional feedback was given, only information about the number of times the participant won or lost was provided. The second independent variable was the numerical format of the feedback (in frequencies vs. in percentages). This led to the following four treatments: non-conditional feedback in frequencies (NCF), non-conditional feedback in percentages (NCP), conditional feedback in frequencies (CF), and conditional feedback in percentages (CP). Figure 1 shows the feedback as given to the participants in the different treatments.

(Figure 1 about here)

Two dependent variables were included in the study. The first dependent variable was the behavioural response on the MHD (staying vs. switching). The second dependent variable was the probability judgement of winning for the final decision that was made by the participant (staying vs. switching). This means that when the participant chose to stay with the initial choice, (s)he was asked to give the posterior winning probability of staying, while the choice to switch resulted in a question about the posterior winning probability of switching.

The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of


Materials and Procedure

8 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 9 The MHD was completed repeatedly (80 times) and feedback on the performance (see

Figure 1) was constantly updated on a computer screen that was placed in an angle of 45 degrees and at a distance of approximately 45 centimetres at the left front of the participant.

Participants came individually to the laboratory. Upon arrival, the participant took place in front of the experimenter. Three piles of 80 cards laid face down on the table. For each trial of the MHD, the three cards that laid on top of the piles were used. These three cards always included two black cards and one red (winning) card. The participant received the instructions for the MHD task on a sheet of paper (see the Appendix). After reading the instructions, the experimenter summarized the procedure to the participant. The participant was told that (s)he would participate in a game of chance that consisted of 80 trials and that for each trial, the aim was to locate the red winning card. For each trial, the participant made an initial choice by mentioning a number from one to three (number one being the card on the left, number three being the card on the right). Next, the experimenter turned face up another card than the initial choice of the participant. This card was always black, while the participant knew that the experimenter was aware of the location of the red winning card.

Next, the participant was asked to decide to either stay with the initial choice or to switch to the other remaining card. After this final choice, the other two remaining cards were turned faced up so that the participant could see whether (s)he had won or lost this trial (see Figure

2). Before starting the next trial, the information on the computer screen was updated.

(Figure 2 about here)

Two practice trials of the MHD were included in order to make sure the participant understood the procedure of the game. These practice trials were analogous to the experimental trials. After these two practice trials, the MHD was completed 80 times. The

9 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 10 reason to include 80 trials was both practical and theoretical. From a practical point of view, a pilot study showed that 80 trials were easily completed in a one hour experimental session.

From a theoretical point of view, 80 trials is considered to be sufficient to investigate the influence of feedback as the majority of learning is known to happen in approximately the first 50 trials (Herbranson & Schroeder, 2010). After every 10 trials, the participant was explicitly encouraged by the experimenter to look at the feedback on the computer screen (see

Figure 1). The participant could look at the computer screen more often if (s)he wanted to, because the feedback on the computer screen was constantly updated and remained available during the entire experiment.

During trial 1, trial 40, and trial 80, after the experimenter revealed a non-winning card, the participant was also asked to make a probability judgement with respect to winning, given the final decision that (s)he had made. This was done in order to detect whether his/her understanding of the underlying probabilities of the MHD improved.

The participant was motivated to perform well by receiving the instruction that for every winning trial (s)he would gain 10 eurocents. At the end of the experiment, the participant received the actual amount of money (s)he had obtained during the experiment.


Choice Behaviour

Frequencies of switching were counted for every block of 20 trials. A repeated measures analysis of variance was performed with one within-subjects variable ‘block’ (four blocks of 20 trials) and two between-subjects variables ‘conditional format’ (conditional vs. non-conditional feedback) and ‘numerical format’ (feedback in frequencies vs. percentages) and with frequency of switching per block as the dependent variable. Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity was violated, ²(5) = 34.13, p < .01. Therefore, corrections

10 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 11 for the degrees of freedom using the Greenhouse-Geisser estimates of sphericity were used.

The significance level was determined at α = .05.

As expected, after having experienced more trials of the MHD, participants switched more often (first block: M = 7.57, SD = 5.08; second block: M = 9.31, SD = 5.73; third block:

M = 11.03, SD = 6.27; fourth block: M = 11.59, SD = 6.69), F(2.16, 138.04) = 26.90, p < .01,

Cohen’s f = .65, which indicated a main learning effect. In line with our expectations, an interaction effect between conditional format and numerical format was also observed, F(1,

64) = 5.69, p = .02, Cohen’s f = .30. Post-hoc pairwise contrasts between the four treatments were tested across blocks, using Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test. This test revealed only one statistically significant pairwise contrast: Participants in the conditional feedback in frequencies condition (CF) switched significantly more often than participants in the non-conditional feedback in frequencies condition (NCF), HSD = 23.24, p < .01. The other five pairwise contrasts did not reach statistical significance. See Table 1 for an overview of all post-hoc pairwise contrasts.

(Table 1 about here)

The above mentioned main effect of block and the two-way interaction effect between conditional format and numerical format were further qualified by a three-way (block by conditional format by numerical format) interaction effect, F(2.16, 138.04) = 8.92, p < .01,

Cohen’s f = .37. Figure 3 clarifies this three-way interaction effect by showing how the two- way interaction effect (conditional format by numerical format) differs from block to block.

(Figure 3 about here)

11 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 12 To interpret this three-way interaction effect, we examined how the two-way interaction between conditional format and numerical format differed for each block. A

Bonferroni-Holm correction was used to control the Familywise Error Rate at 5%. For blocks

1 and 2, the interaction between conditional format and numerical format was not statistically significant, F(1, 64) = 0.69, p = .41, Cohen’s f = .11, and F(1, 64) = 0.85, p = .36, Cohen’s f =

.11, respectively. This interaction, however, reached statistical significance in blocks 3 and 4,

F(1, 64) = 8.77, p < .01, Cohen’s f = .37, and F(1, 64) = 13.24, p < .01, Cohen’s f = .45, respectively. These two-way interactions reveal that participants in the last 40 trials switched more often when receiving conditional feedback in frequencies than when receiving non- conditional feedback in frequencies, while the switch rates for participants receiving either conditional or non-conditional feedback in percentages fell in between.

Probability Judgements

During trial 1, trial 40, and trial 80, after the experimenter revealed a non-winning card and the participant made a final choice to either stay with his/her initial decision or to switch, (s)he was asked to estimate the probability of winning. The probability judgements of the participants are summarized in Table 2. Answers were classified as correct when the participant answered “1/3” and had chosen to stay with the initial choice, or “2/3” when the participant switched to the other remaining card. All other answers were classified as incorrect and were further subdivided in the typical “1/2” answer category, or the category

“other incorrect answers”.

(Table 2 about here)

The results show that in all conditions and for all three investigated trials, the majority of participants judged the posterior probability associated with the winning card incorrectly as

12 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 13 1/2. Thus, most participants’ understanding of the probabilities underlying the MHD did not improve through the experiment. Only two participants – one participant in the non- conditional feedback in percentages condition (NCP) and one participant in the conditional feedback in frequencies condition (CF) – judged the posterior winning probabilities correctly for all three investigated trials.

When considering the category of “other” incorrect answers, the following answers were reported: Besides one nonsensical answer, three other students gave an answer that possibly also expressed some understanding that switching was advantageous, but the justifications could not unequivocally be considered correct.

Three Fisher-Freeman-Halton Tests were performed – one for each trial that involved the probability judgement (i.e., trial 1, trial 40, and trial 80) – to test for statistically significant differences in the number of times a particular probability judgement was given between the four treatments. A Bonferroni-Holm correction was used to keep the Familywise

Error Rate under control at 5%. The results of these tests revealed that the type of probability judgement (i.e., correct, “1/2”, or “other”) participants gave, was not systematically related to the treatment participants were assigned to (trial 1: p = .38; trial 40: p = .54; and trial 80: p = .



The present study focused on the notorious MHD. The MHD was solved repeatedly and the constantly updated feedback on the outcomes was manipulated in two different ways.

First, the feedback was either conditional or non-conditional. Second, the feedback was given either in percentages or in frequencies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that directly addressed the differential effect of these forms of feedback on the MHD performances of participants in a controlled and randomized experimental setting. We

13 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 14 investigated the effect of feedback on both the behavioural level and the level of understanding.

As in previous MHD studies, participants of our experiment learned to switch by solving the MHD repeatedly (Franco-Watkins et al., 2003; Granberg & Brown, 1995;

Granberg & Dorr, 1998; Herbranson & Schroeder, 2010; Klein et al., 2013; Petrocelli &

Harris, 2011; Slembeck & Tyran, 2004; Tubau & Alsono, 2003). Our results showed that behavioural performance on the MHD is related to the feedback that is provided to the participants. More specifically and in line with our expectations, at the behavioural level participants learned most when they received conditional feedback in frequencies. In order to keep the load on participants’ working memory capacity low, we provided the participants with constantly updated conditional feedback. The conditional format of the feedback most likely helped to avoid the distortion of participants’ memory for decision/outcome frequencies

(see Petrocelli & Harris, 2011). Furthermore, the results of the behavioural performances on the MHD show that when giving conditional feedback, the numerical representation of feedback is important. Previous research on the MHD (Aaron & Spivey-Knowlton, 1998;

Krauss & Wang, 2003; Tubau, 2008) and other conditional probability problems (e.g.,

Gigerenzer, 1991, 1994; Gigerenzer & Hoffrage, 1995; Moro et al., 2011) have shown that participants perform better when the problems are presented in frequencies rather than in percentages or proportions. In our study, we did not replicate this overall superiority of the frequency manipulation as such.

Although the results of participants’ choices on the MHD indicated that cumulative, constantly updated, and available feedback enhances participants’ behavioural performances on the MHD, especially when this feedback is provided in conditional frequency format, the results of the probability judgements clearly demonstrate that feedback does not help to improve participants’ level of understanding of the underlying probabilities of the MHD. The

14 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 15 majority of participants still judged their posterior winning probability as 1/2. In sum, our results provide further support for the earlier demonstrated dissociation between behavioural performance on the MHD and the level of actual problem understanding (Franco-Watkins et al., 2003; Stibel, Dror, & Ben-Zeev, 2009; Tubau & Alonso, 2003).

The question that this dissociation raises is what exactly is going on in terms of participants’ underlying reasoning processes that can explain why understanding does not improve.

A first possibility that can explain why the posterior probability judgements were rarely correct in our research is participants’ probability understanding in general: Previous

MHD research showed that participants sometimes even have difficulties with understanding the initial probabilities (Tubau, 2008), thus, before a door is eliminated and the actual dilemma takes place. Of course, in that case it is very unlikely that a participant would give a correct winning posterior probability judgement. Note that we did not manipulate the way in which the posterior probability judgement questions were posed: We always formulated these questions in terms of probabilities (i.e., “What is your chance of winning?”). However, formulating the posterior probability judgement questions in terms of frequencies could have positively influenced participants’ correct answer rates. Therefore, future research should investigate whether this is the case.

A second explanation for the lack of problem understanding in our research refers to the structure of the MHD itself, because previous research already showed that people do not take into account the fact that the behaviour of the host is dependent on the initial choice of the participant. Thus, participants fail to take into account the structure of the MHD (Burns &

Wieth, 2003, 2004; Idson et al., 2004; Krauss & Wang, 2003; Tubau & Alonso, 2003).

Feedback does not influence the structure of the problem, and does not make the underlying

15 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 16 structure of the MHD more explicit,. This again explains why feedback may not have helped to improve participants’ understanding of the MHD and its underlying probabilities.

Third, the finding that the majority of our participants overwhelmingly estimated the posterior winning probabilities as 1/2 can be explained by two related cognitive processes, being partitioning-editing-counting (Fox & Levav, 2004) and updating (Baratgin, 2009;

Baratgin & Politzer, 2010). When the actual dilemma of the MHD occurs, one door has been eliminated by the host and only two doors remain. At this point, a participant may involve in the cognitive strategy of partitioning-editing-counting to deal with the probabilities, as described by Fox and Levav (2004). Partitioning-editing-counting in the MHD means that in order to calculate the posterior winning probabilities, the number of prizes (i.e., one) is divided by the number of remaining options (i.e., two). As a consequence, the posterior winning probability for both staying and switching are considered to be equal (i.e., 1/2). The partition-edit-count strategy (Fox & Levav, 2004) is a specific example of the cognitive strategy of updating (Baratgin, 2009; Baratgin & Politzer, 2010) which we already described earlier. Thus, updating is a valid alternative explanation for the majority of 1/2 answers which were obtained on the posterior probability judgement questions of our experiment.

Besides the fact that after our study, there remain questions about the reasons for the dissociation between behavioural performance on the MHD and the level of understanding of the problem, our study has some other limitations. One limitation of the current study concerns the physical implementation of the experiment. First, the posterior winning probabilities for both staying and switching could differ from the theoretical 1/3 and 2/3 probabilities. Although the completion of 80 trials resulted in posterior winning probabilities of approximately 1/3 and 2/3, the posterior winning probabilities could deviate substantially for smaller subsets of the 80 trials, for example for the first 10 trials. Furthermore, the physical implementation led to (rather small) differences in posterior winning probabilities

16 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 17 between participants. Second, because of the physical implementation of the experiment, it was not possible to use eye tracking methodology in order to control for participants’ number of fixations and fixation lengths on the screen that provided the feedback. Despite these methodological issues, we were convinced of the strength of a physical implementation of the experiment because computerized versions may lead participants to believe that the computer has been manipulated to change the winning card after the initial choice has been made, whereas manipulating the outcomes of an MHD experiment is not possible in the case of a physical implementation. Although an effect of the physical versus computerized implementation on participants’ MHD performances is speculative because no prior research has been done on this topic, we decided to rule out the degree of participants’ suspiciousness about the experiment by choosing for a physical implementation.

Another limitation of the current research is that posterior probability judgements of participants were included as a dependent variable, but these mathematical answers do not provide further insight in the reasoning process that led to the (in)correct answers.

Furthermore, it should be mentioned that correct probability judgements do not necessarily reflect a real understanding of the MHD problem. For example, a participant might accidentally give a correct probability judgement on the MHD when involving in the cognitive process of updating (see Baratgin, 2009). In order to get a better grip on the reasoning processes participants involve in when confronted with the MHD, further research should consider to include open questions. Mixed methods research in which both quantitative and qualitative dependent variables are included may lead us to a deeper understanding of how people reason when confronted with the MHD (see Heyvaert, Maes, & Onghena, 2013).

More specifically, open questions (i.e., qualitative component) may show the reasoning process a participant is involved in to give a particular probability judgement (i.e., quantitative component).

17 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 18 In sum, this paper investigated how and which kind of cumulative, constantly updated, and available feedback influenced people’s performance on the MHD, both on the behavioural and level of understanding. First, the results showed that participants’ switch rates increased most when they received conditional feedback in frequency format, which was in line with our hypotheses. Second, the findings in this paper provided additional evidence for the dissociation between behavioural performances on the MHD and actual understanding of the problem (Franco-Watkins et al., 2003; Stibel et al., 2009; Tubau & Alonso, 2003).

Although cumulative, constantly updated, and available feedback, especially in conditional frequency format, helped the participants to detect that switching was the optimal response on the MHD, the feedback did not help the participants to improve their actual understanding of why this is the case.

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22 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 23 Appendix1


As you can see, three piles of cards lie on the table. We will always play with the three cards that lie on top of the piles. Out of these three cards, one card is red and is the “winning card”.

The other two cards are black and are “losing cards”. Your aim is to collect as many winning cards as possible. For each “winning card” you indicate correctly, you will be rewarded with €


Each trial will take place in an identical way, as described below.

For each trial, you will be asked to pick one of the three cards. Make your choice for a card explicit by mentioning the number of the card to the experimenter (imagine: you choose card

1). The experimenter is aware of the location of the red winning card. After you have mentioned your choice to the experimenter, the experimenter will reveal one of the black non- winning cards. This will never be the card that you have initially chosen. When the experimenter has the choice between two black cards, he will randomly pick one of both black cards (imagine: card 2 is one of the losing cards and will be turned face up). Next, the experimenter will give you the opportunity to either stay with your initial choice (card 1), or to switch to the other remaining card (card 3). Make your final choice explicit by again mentioning the number of the card to the experimenter. After you have communicated your final choice for a card, the experimenter will turn face up the two remaining cards in order to reveal whether you have won or lost the trial.

Each trial you win will be rewarded with € 0.10. Losing a trial will result in nothing (you will never lose money).

1 Original instructions were in Dutch.

23 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 24 You will play this game 80 times. After each trial, you will receive feedback about your previous performances on the computer screen. Have a look at this screen on a regular basis.

Before starting the game, you will be playing two practice trials.

If you still have any questions about the game after reading the above instructions, please do not hesitate to communicate your questions to the experimenter.


Table 1 Post-hoc pairwise contrasts between the four treatments using Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Condition 1 Condition 2 Mean p difference (1 - 2) CF CP 13.29 .23 CF NCF 23.24 < .01 CF NCP 13.24 .23 CP NCF 9.94 .48 CP NCP -0.06 1.00 NCF NCP -10.00 .47 Note. CF = conditional feedback in frequencies condition; CP = conditional feedback in percentages condition; NCF = non-conditional feedback in frequencies condition; NCP = non- conditional feedback in percentages condition.

25 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 26 Table 2 Frequencies of participants per MHD probability judgement category Probability judgement Correc “1/2 “oth t ” er” Trial 1 NC 0 16 1 F NC 2 15 0 P CF 2 15 0 CP 0 17 0 Trial NC 0 16 1 40 F NC 1 16 0 P CF 1 16 0 CP 0 15 2 Trial NC 0 16 1 80 F NC 1 16 0 P CF 2 14 1 CP 1 14 2 Note. NCF = non-conditional feedback in frequencies condition; NCP = non-conditional feedback in percentages condition; CF = conditional feedback in frequencies condition; CP = conditional feedback in percentages condition.

26 Running Head: MONTY HALL EXPERIMENT 27 Figure 2. Example of a participant who has just completed one trial of the MHD card game.


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