Read the text below and decide which word best fits each space.

Accidentally on purpose

Stamp collecting! What a wonderful hobby! I began when I was only five. I used to (21) ______for the postman’s arrival , always (22) ______to seize unwanted envelopes and tear off the corner with the stamp stuck on it.

Once – I remember all too clearly – my mother and father were sunning themselves in the garden when the post (23) ______on the doormat. I heard the clatter of the letter flap and hurriedly went to (24) ______. There were four or five envelopes, all with very enticing stamps.

Even at the (25) ______age of five I knew one doesn’t open mail addressed to other people. However, tearing just the corners off the envelopes (26) ______me as perfectly fair and allowable, and that’s what I did. I carefully tore as (27) ______to the stamps as (28) ______, feeling that even the envelopes, which were addressed to my parents and not to me, should be treated with (29) ______.

There was nothing furtive in what I did. I knew my parents would see what I’d done, and I didn’t think there was any (30) ______in it. They always let me (31) ______the corners after they’d opened them. Why should I think there was any harm in doing it first, (32) ______in mind that they weren’t on hand to be (33) ______. Wouldn’t they rather be left to doze in their summer deckchairs?

(34) ______, though, my father solemnly showed me his letters. They looked distinctly moth-eaten, with bites taken out of the corners and sides. I began to (35) ______what I’d done.

21. A. stare B. watch C. look D. don’t know

22. A. glad B. pleased C. eager D. don’t know

23. A. arrived B. was C. lay D. don’t know

24. A. investigate B. observe C. notice D. don’t know

25. A. junior B. tender C. little D. don’t know

26. A. struck B. seemed C. appeared D. don’t know

27. A. nearby B. close C. next D. don’t know 28. A. able B. possibly C. possible D. don’t know

29. A. gentleness B. caution C. respect D. don’t know

30. A. harm B. wrong C. trouble D. don’t know

31. A. take B. cut C. remove D. don’t know

32. A. having B. holding C. bearing D. don’t know

33. A. consulted B. advised C. requested D. don’t know

34. A. After B. Then C. Later D. don’t know

35. A. accept B. realize C. admit D. don’t know

Grammar and Vocabulary:

1. Last week we .... to Warsaw. a. went b. go c. goes d. don’t know 2. I .... the film we saw at the cinema on Wednesday. a. didn’t like b. haven’t liked c. doesn’t like d. don’t know 3. My mother .... never been to a cricket match. a. hadn’t b. has c. haven’t d. don’t know 4. If I were rich, I a house in Somerset. a. will b. shall c. would d. don’t know 5. My boots are dirty. I'd better take them ……… before I come in. a. away b. off c. on d. don’t know 6. We discussed the house plans ……… our way to the shops. a. by b. on c. to d. don’t know 7. Hubert is an uncle of ……… . a. Kim b. Kims c. Kim’s d. don’t know 8. She ……… at me and then turned away. a. glanced b. viewed c. regarded d. don’t know 9. They ……… him of scratching the car. a. blamed b. accused c. punished c. don’t know 10. Do you know where ……… ? a. did I put the keys? b. put I the keys? c. I put the keys d. don’t know 11. When Gregory arrived to the disco, Hania... a. already left b. has already left c. had already left d. don’t know 18. She wasn't ...... to reach the ceiling. a. as tall b. tall enough b. so tall d. don’t know 19. The offer was too good for David to turn .... a. off b. down c. away d. don’t know 20. Karla was offered the job .... having poor qualifications. a. although b. even though c. despite d. don’t know 21. A: What are you doing tonight? B: I'm not sure, I .... to the cinema. a. will go b. would go c. might go d. don’t know 22. On Sundays there’s free…to all museums and galleries. a. prices b. admission c. entires d. don’t know 23. I wonder if you could give me a …to get these cases down. a. hand b. shoulder c. arm d. don’t know 24. I’m sorry I’m late. I was…in traffic. a. held back b. held over c. held up d. don’t know 25. That song…of my youth. a. recalls b. remembers d. reminds d. don’t know

26. Did you ……… anywhere interesting last weekend?

a) go b) went

c) going d) don’t know

27. I think ……… taxi driver

a) her job is b) she’s

c) she’s a d) don’t know

28. Would you like ……… help?

a) some b) a

c) me d) don’t know

29. He hasn’t played since he ……… the accident.

a) has had b) had

c) had had d) don’t know

30. This is the best tea I’ve ……… tasted.

a) already b) never

c) ever d) don’t know

31. My girlfriend ……… born on the 2nd of September 1974.

a) was b) is c) had d) don’t know

32. In life ……… can make a mistake, we’re all human.

a) anyone b) someone

c) not anybody d) don’t know

33. Mum gave ……… her job when I was born.

a) in b) up

c) away d) don’t know

34. It's all right, we ……… hurry. We have plenty of time.

a) mustn’t b) can’t

c) needn’t d) don’t know

35. Mr Haines wants ……… to his office.

a) that you come b) you to come

c) you come d) don’t know

36. These bottles ……… of plastic.

a) are making b) made are

c) are made d) don’t know

37. Do you know where ……… ?

a) I put the keys b) did I put the keys

c) put I the keys d) don’t know

38. We wash the curtains ……… year.

a) every couple b) once

c) three times a d) don’t know

39. The loudspeakers won't work unless you ……… those cables.

a) connected b) connect

c) don’t connect d) don’t know

40. Marian has ……… old books.

a) lots b) very much

c) a lot of d) don’t know

41. Hania has got two children, ...... ?

a) hasn’t she b) has she

c) haven’t she d) don’t know Let's think ……… something nice.

a) after b) for

c) about d) don’t know

A Jaguar is ……… than a Fiat.

a) expensive b) expensiver

c) more expensive d) don’t know

42. It's a pity you ……… here last night.

a) weren’t b) aren’t

c) wasn’t d) don’t know

43. What about ……… for a walk?

a) to go b) going

c) go d) I going

44. I made one or two mistakes, but ……… of my answers were correct.

a) much b) more

c) few d) don’t know

45. I have a problem. ……… help me please?

a) Could you b) Will you able

c) Should you d) don’t know

46. Do penguins fly? No, they ……… .

a) aren’t b) haven’t

c) don’t d) don’t know

47. ……… train are you taking, the express to Poznan or to Skwierzyna?

a) Which b) How

c) Whose d) don’t know

48. This is ……… story.

a) a very interesting b) very interesting

c) very interested d) don’t know

49. Marta takes the dog for a walk ……… the evening.

a) at b) on c) in d) don’t know

50. We haven't got ……… Polish friends.

a) no b) any

c) none d) don’t know

51. Have they finished working yet? I don't think ……… .

a) it b) this

c) so c) don’t know

52. We must go now. Call the waitress and ask for the ……… .

a) bill b) invoice

c) price d) don’t know

53. I ……… my boyfriend since Christmas.

a) didn’t see b) haven’t seen

c) don’t see d) don’t know

54. Is ……… than his father?

a) Matt taller b) taller Matt

c) Matt as tall as d) don’t know

55. Good ……… ! I hope you get the job.

a) chance b) fortune

c) luck d) don’t know

II. 1. I .... the film we saw at the cinema on Wednesday. a. didn’t like b. haven’t liked c. doesn’t like d. don’t know 2. My mother .... never been to a cricket match. a. hadn’t b. has c. haven’t d. don’t know 3. If I were rich, I a house in Somerset. a. will b. shall c. would d. don’t know 4. We discussed the house plans ……… our way to the shops.

a. by b. on

c. to d. don’t know

5. I wonder if you could give me a …to get these cases down. a. hand b. shoulder c. arm d. don’t know 6. She ……… at me and then turned away.

a. glanced b. viewed c. regarded d. don’t know 7. They ……… him of scratching the car. a. blamed b. accused c. punished c. don’t know

8. Do you know where ……… ? a. the toilets are b. are the toilets c. the toilets is d.don’t know 9. When Gregory arrived to the disco, Hania... a. already left b. has left c. had already left d. don’t know 10. She wasn't ...... to reach the ceiling. a. as tall b. tall enough b. so tall d. don’t know 11. The offer was too good for Ed to turn... a. off b. down c. away d. don’t know 12. Karla was offered the job .... having poor qualifications. a. although b. even though c. despite d. don’t know 13. A: What are you doing tonight? B: I'm not sure, I .... to the cinema. a. will go b. would go c. might go d. don’t know 14. I’m sorry I’m late. I was…in traffic. a. held back b. held over c. held up d. don’t know 15. That song…me of my youth. a. reminds b. remembers c. recalls d. don’t know

Word Formation- Complete each sentence with the opposite of the word in brackets. Choose from one of the following words. Use each word once only and make sure you use the correct form. abandon deteriorate lower reward defend

fall refuse set demolish forbid

reject simplify deny loosen retreat I was sure they would…his proposal.(ACCEPT) She …that she has stolen the money.(ADMIT) When the bugle sounded, the enemy…(ADVANCE). He …to help the last time I asked him.(AGREE) The crowd got excited as United desperately …the goal.(ATTACK) He’s going to…ten houses on the site.(BUILD) These new regulations will of course …the situation.(COMPLICATE) Will they …the search if they haven’t found her by this evening?(CONTINUE) As time passed, his condition slowly…(IMPROVE) Smoking is…in this part of the cinema.(PERMIT) He expected to be …for what he’d done.(PUNISH) They’ve …the ticket price for 3 pounds.(RAISE) At what time will the sun …tomorrow. (RISE)? The temperature should…by five degrees.(RISE) You need to …the straps a little. (TIGHTEN)

Look at the following text and choose the correct answers:

Revenge is sweet

When Lady Sally Moon found (31) ______that her husband was having an affair, she didn’t leave him. She (32) ______it was better to be (33) ______married than not married at all. But her husband didn’t hide his affair, and this made her (34) ______really bad.

One day she was driving (35) ______when she saw his car parked outside his lover’s house. She was angry and she decided to get (36) ______revenge. She quickly drove home, put a pot of paint into her car and drove to the lover’s house.

(37) ______she poured thick white paint all over her husband’s beautiful new black car. Next, she carefully took his collection of fine wines from the cellar. That night she went round the village where she lived, and (38)______placed a bottle of wine on each doorstep. She left the (39) ______bottles on the war memorial in the centre of the village.

Finally, she took (40) ______and cut off the arms and legs of all his suits - 38 of them in all.

31. A. up B. in C. out D. don’t know

32. A. thinked B. thought C. thinking D. don’t know

33. A. unhappily B. unhappy C. unhappyly D. don’t know

34. A. believe B. feel C. think D. don’t know

35. A. at home B. to home C. home D. don’t know

36. A. she’s B. her C. hers D. don’t know

37. A. After B. Following C. Then D. don’t know

38. A. quietly B. quitely C. quiet D. don’t know

39. A. another B. others C. other D. don’t know

40. A. a scissorsB. a pair of scissors C. a scissor D. don’t know


IV. 1. Use the word at the end of each line to form a word which fits the gap: 41. I have absolutely no ______of helping you. INTEND

42. His ______at the party was scandalous – we won’t invite him again. BEHAVE

43. I ______go to the cinema at the weekend. NORMAL

44. She has an excellent ______with her children. RELATION

45. I find her boyfriend extremely ______. ANNOY

IV. 2. Write about your typical day (what do you usually do every day). Write between 50-100 words.

You may include activities you do:

 in the morning  at work/school  in the afternoon  with your family/friends  in your free time  in the evening

Example: My alarm usually rings at 7.30, but I get up at 8.00...



 x  x 1 A B C D 24 G 2 A B C D 25 I 3 A B C D 26 T F 4 A B C D 27 T F 5 A B C D 28 T F 6 A B C D 29 T F 7 A B C D 30 T F 8 A B C D 31 A B C D 9 A B C D 32 A B C D 10 A B C D 33 A B C D 11 A B C D 34 A B C D 12 A B C D 35 A B C D 13 A B C D 36 A B C D 14 A B C D 37 A B C D 15 A B C D 38 A B C D 16 D 39 A B C D 17 F 40 A B C D 18 A 41 INTENTION 19 B 42 BEHAVIOUR 20 J 43 NORMALLY 21 E 44 RELATIONSHIP 22 H 45 ANNOYING 23 C TOTAL WRITING TOTAL SCORE BASIC 1 BASIC 2 BASIC 3



 x  x 1 A B C D 24 A B C D 2 A B C D 25 A B C D 3 A B C D 26 A B C D 4 A B C D 27 A B C D 5 A B C D 28 A B C D 6 A B C D 29 A B C D 7 A B C D 30 A B C D 8 A B C D 31 A B C D 9 A B C D 32 A B C D 10 A B C D 33 A B C D 11 A B C D 34 A B C D 12 A B C D 35 A B C D 13 A B C D 36 CONFIDENCE 14 A B C D 37 EASIER 15 A B C D 38 PREPARATION 16 A B C D 39 TRYING 17 A B C D 40 SECURITY 18 A B C D 41 UNNATURAL 19 A B C D 42 ATTENTION 20 A B C D 43 INTERESTING 21 A B C D 44 NERVOUSNESS 22 A B C D 45 COMEDIAN 23 A B C D TOTAL WRITING TOTAL SCORE