Saint Fidelis Parish
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Saint Fidelis Parish 125 Buttercup Road, Butler, PA 16001
“A Community of Faithful Stewards” ` Office/Rectory: 724-482-2690 CCD/Hall: 724-482-2362 Fax: 724-482-2315 Email: [email protected] Website:
Pastor: Reverend James F. Murphy, D. Min. Parochial Vicar: Rev. George J. Palick (724-287-5531) Deacon: Deacon Toby Gaines, M. Ed. Pastoral Associate: Mrs. Ethel Galli Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Joan Pilat-724-482-2362 e-mail: [email protected] Youth Minister: Mrs. Chris Williams e-mail: [email protected] Music Director: Mrs. Cookie Salak Parish Social Minister: Mrs. Joannie Soldner e-mail: [email protected] Business Manager: Mrs. Barbara A. Rosenbaum
e-mail: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs. Ellen Wehr e-mail: [email protected] Liturgical Coordinator: Mrs. Terri Piroch Director of Evangelization & Planning Dr. Ginney K. Duffey, Ph.D. e-mail: [email protected] Butler Catholic School: Sr. John Ann-Principal-724-285-4276
class by dialing 724-482-2690, ext 223 by Thursday, May 6th at 2:00pm. Each session will take approximately ½ hour. This is not a certification class, and there is no charge to attend. 2010 MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS MINISTER’S SCHEDULE NOTE: If you intend to take up the gifts at Mass, please notify the SATURDAY, May 8, 2010 usher of this intention before Mass. 4:00PM Lyndora SATURDAY, May 1, Fifth Sunday of Easter Lector: Maryann Sheppeck 4:00pm-LYNDORA John Graham Euch Min: M. Schmidt, S. Rodack, J. Graham (Sisters & Brothers-in Law) Altar Server: Savannah McIntyre 6:30pm-MERIDIAN Julie Zima 6:30PM Meridian (Angie, Chris, Haley & Julia) Lector: Maria Worst SUNDAY, May 2, Fifth Sunday of Easter Euch Min: Deacon Toby, N. Martonik, K. Pappas 8:00am-MERIDIAN Living and Deceased 9:00am-LYNDORA Oliva Osche Altar Servers: J. Worst, Stocks (Daughter, Ada) SUNDAY, May 9, 2010 10:30am-MERIDIAN Larry J. Peth 8:00AM Meridian (Roseann Skal) Lector: Norman Henthorn 12:00N-MERIDIAN Jim Pappas Euch. Min: F. McConnell, J. Hinchberger, (John & Anne Lytle) M. Cavanaugh MONDAY, May 3, Sts. Philip and James, Apostles Altar Servers: K. Zoelle, Kletzlis 6:55am-MERIDIAN Dotty Salvati 9:00AM Lyndora (Rotunda Office Staff) Lector: Dave Savage Faithful Departed Remembrance Euch. Min: D. Law, R. Orlowsky, M. Yurkovich T UESDAY, May 4, Easter Weekday Altar Server: Matthew Weiland 8:00am-LYNDORA Stanley & Valeria Wojtyna – 10:30AM Meridian Wedding Anniv. Remb. Lector: Elena Noel (Family) Euch. Min: S. Ward, T. & V. Lang, P. Werner, Wanda Hollack P. Keelan (Daughter, Janet Hollack) Altar Servers: C. & B. Fiorina, M. Keelan WEDNESDAY, May 5, Easter Weekday 12:00Noon Meridian 6:55am-MERIDIANMichael & Mary Ann Vodzak Lector: Matthew Konieczny (Bernadette Jakicic) Euch. Min: J. & D. Cygan, R. Weleski Frank & Julia Zima (Family) Altar Servers: Stocks, R. Konieczny THURSDAY, May 6, Easter Weekday 8:00am-LYNDORA Kenneth Riddle ROSARY (Lydia Kersten) The rosary is recited at Lyndora 25 minutes before the Pat Youkers Masses. It is recited at the Meridian site Sunday mornings (Pauline Maillet) 20 minutes before each Mass (with the exception of the FRIDAY, May 7, Easter Weekday noon Mass) and following the morning Masses in Meridian. 6:55am-MERIDIAN John S. Pawlowicz, Sr. – Birth. Remb. (Wife & Family) SICK & HOMEBOUND Richard J. “Pete” McClaine The sacraments are available to those who are unable to (Mother & Dad) attend Mass due to sickness, age or incapacity. Please SATURDAY, May 8, Sixth Sunday of Easter call the rectory to make arrangements. If you are 4:00pm-LYNDORA Alma Rafferty scheduling elective surgery and would like to be (Fred & Rita) anointed prior to surgery, please call the rectory as soon 6:30pm-MERIDIAN Frieda Bauldoff as you have the date. (Debbie & Zach Vavro) SUNDAY, May 9, Sixth Sunday of Easter 8:00am-MERIDIAN John Zavacky – Birthday Remb. St. Fidelis Vision Statement: (Greg & Dolly Haughey) 9:00am-LYNDORA Living and Deceased St. Fidelis Parish is a 10:30am-MERIDIAN Edna Mahler (Family) 12:00N-MERIDIAN Anne DiBiccaro – 16 yr. Anniv. Remb. Catholic community, (Jim & Jeanie) Sign up soon! Classes are filling up: AED Classes will guided by the Holy be held on Sunday, May 16th at Noon, 12:30pm, 1:00pm and 1:30pm. Even if you are not certified in CPR, knowing Scriptures and Church where the AED is located and how to apply it to a person in an emergency is very important. If you are certified in tradition, working CPR/AED and want to come for a refresher course, you are welcome to do so. You must pre-register to attend this toward the Kingdom of God on earth. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER “STRUGGLE OF GOOD AND EVIL”
The Gospel readings for the remainder of the Easter require us to respond as Jesus’ commmands: to love season are taken from Jesus’ farewell discourse in the (agape) one another. Gospel of John. Today we hear from the beginning of the discourse when Jesus gives the disciples a new commandment: to “love one another.” John uses the Greek word agape here for “love.” In the Gospel of John, agape is understood as divine, unconditional love. Jesus foresaw that this love would be necessary to meet all the challenges that would soon face the early church after his death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven. These challenges ranged from outreach to the Gentiles to persecutions from 2010 Mission Trip: The parish that houses us in WV is the Romans. Our Lady of the Hills, which is in a very rural and poor area The first reading from Acts is the conclusion of the first of West Virginia. They are very generous and gracious to missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas. As we heard last us while we are there. They have volunteers that run a Sunday, Paul and Barnabas were successful in their small organization called Gabriel’s Project. They provide evangelization of the Gentiles in the province of Asia Minor. clothing, toys, carseats, diapers and other baby supplies for But the successful outreach to the Gentiles was not without the new mothers in the parish. Last year we donated cost. As Paul told the Christians in the cities of Lystra, gently-used carseats and they were very thankful. This Iconium, and Antioch: “It is necessary for us to undergo year we have decided to provide gently-used or new many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” No doubt children’s books. If you would like to do some Spring Paul was referring (at least in part) to the stoning by the Cleaning and donate to a worthy cause, there will be boxes Jews he endured in the city of Lystra (see Acts 14:19-20). in the back of the churches for you to do so. Thanks for Yet, by the end of this first missionary trip, Paul was able to your generosity! rejoice with the Christians in Antioch how God “had opened St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Bank once again will be the door of faith to the Gentiles.” Luke, the author of Acts, accepting donations of fresh vegetables. Last year was presents Paul as the model for responding to adversity in very successful, and we thank everyone for your great passing on the faith. In this way, Paul also modeled Jesus’ efforts. Please consider planting an extra vegetable plant agape commandment. to donate its fruits to the food bank. Please be as generous as possible. Regular collections of fresh vegetables and The second reading from the Book of Revelation is John’s fruits will be on Saturdays at St. Michael’s School Hall final vision. It is the vision of “a new heaven and a new beginning in July or call Lew at 724-991-6094 or Jerry at earth.” This final vision is one of the reasons that the Book 724-285-1552. of Revelation is ultimately a story of hope. Many of the symbols and images and much of the coded language Protecting God's Children Seminar is scheduled for present in John’s visions point to a cosmic and earthly Tuesday May 18 from 6:30 - 9:30 pm at St. Fidelis. You struggle between good and evil. The message of hope can also attend Holy Sepulcher Parish Saturday, May 15 within the story lies in this final vision: good will defeat evil from 9 am - noon or Sunday, June 6 from Noon - 3 pm. and God will restore heaven and earth to its original, Joan Pilat will facilitate all of these seminars. You can call intended order. The “old order,” characterized (in part) by her at 724-482-2362 to register, or call Holy Sepulcher at persecutions from the Roman Empire, as well as Israel’s 724-586-7276 to register there. separation from all other nations, will have “passed away.” Baptism Class at St. Fidelis will be held on Tuesday, June The persecution of Christians will end, and Jew and Gentile 8th at 7:30pm in the Religious Education Building. Baptism alike will share in God’s eternal kingdom, symbolized as a class is required if you have not attended one in the last new heaven and a new earth. three years and would like to have a child baptized. Please call the parish office to register. In the Gospel reading for today, we hear from Jesus’ th farewell discourse to his disciples. This new commandment The Men’s Club will meet on Thursday, May 6 at 7:00pm. from Jesus to his disciples to love one another comes after Jesus has washed the feet of the disciples. This action was BCS News: We are currently taking registrations for all necessary for the disciples to understand fully Jesus’ new grades at Butler Catholic. We offer 3-yr. old Preschool, 4- commandment. With Jesus having washed their feet, the yr. old Preschool (1/2 day and full day), and Kindergarten disciples could now see that divine, unconditional love for through Grade 8. 4-yr. old Preschool and Kindergarten are one another involves serving each other. In the Gospel of filling up fast. Call 724-285-4276. John, service to one another becomes one of the main defining characteristics of discipleship. “This is how all will BC Bucks: If you could help our parish school, Butler know that your are my disciples, if you have love [agape] for Catholic, without spending money you don’t already spend, one another.” would you? BC Bucks gift cards are available from over 500 retailers. Order online and stop in the School Office to Fortunately, most of us in the US Catholic Church do not pick them up! Go to or face the same challenges of persecution as did much of the call Diana Foehringer at 724-352-7663 to get started or for early church. But the challenges that we do face still more information. WEEKLY OFFERTORY R. E. News Bee Income 4/25/10 $13,056.51 Registration forms for next year’s Religious Education and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Classes will be Parish Share, 2010 $6,725.00 mailed out at the end of May. Parish Share, 2009 $40.00 Building Improvement th th $1,055.00 Youth Group Scoop – 6 – 12 Grade Campaign (BIC) Mark your calendar: Last Pancake Breakfast of the Season: Sunday, May Altar Society Schedule 16th from 8am to Noon. The Men’s Club needs our help Week of May 2 – Rayanne Welsch one last time with delivering drinks and clearing tables. Centering Prayer will be held for 20 minutes weekly following the May Hang Outs: 8 a.m. Tuesday Mass in Lyndora. All are invited. For information Wednesday, the 5th – Movie Night, “The Blind Side” (PG- call, Dolores Elli at 724-282-6001. 13) 6-9pm in the double classroom. th Marian Prayer group will meet the first and third Monday of each Wednesday, the 19 – Water Battle – Bring your favorite month at 7:30pm. Call Gary & Janet Salusky at 724-789-7777 for super soaker for a battle to stay dry. 6:30-8:00pm. information. Weather permitting. 2010 WV Mission Trip: June 20-25. The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy is prayed every Thursday after Vacation Bible School: June 28-July 2, 2010. the 8:00am Mass at Lyndora. Please come and pray with us! Check out the YG Bulletin Board outside the CCD Christian Women’s Guild Prayer Chain: office and the website for upcoming events and The Christian Women wish to share their love and weather cancellations. Check us out on Facebook – Fidelis Youth Group. concern for others by extending their ministry of the prayer chain to the entire parish. The names of the NFP – True Love, Naturally: Natural Family Planning sick and hospitalized will be published in the bulletin provides a scientific, reliable and morally acceptable for three weeks unless otherwise requested. Requests method of spacing and welcoming children. To learn how must be given to Mary Ellen Cupps, 724-482-2500 or NFP can enrich your marriage, plan to attend the series at Fran McConnell, 724-789-9433 by Noon on Mondays. St. Andrew RC Church, 1660 N. Main St. Ext. on Saturday Please remember: Doreen Albin, Joyce Aquaviva, Tootie mornings from 9-11am beginning May 8th. For registration Betres, Juanita Birckbichler, Alice Bradley, Brian, John or more information, please call 724-282-8280. Burlett, Steve C., John Chuba, Kate Connors, Karen Conrad, Sandy Davidson, Carmen DeRose, Vivian Magnificat Pittsburgh: Ladies, join Magnificat Pittsburgh nd DeSantis, John Dottle, Frank Druda, Jim & Diane Ellis, Kim for a joy filled prayer breakfast on Saturday, May 22 from Fogle, Jeanine Furman, Michael Gargalis, George, John 9am to Noon at the Radisson Green Tree. The breakfast Gibson, Sheila Gibson, Paul Graham, Florence Grinnik, will feature speaker Kathy MacInnis, Assistant Coordinator Mary Harris, Anita Hartzel, Vern Hinchberger, Ruth Holben, of the Magnificat Central Service Team. Hear how God has Sharon Ietto, James, Jenna, Joanne, Frank K., Adam molded Kathy through the joys and challenges of her life, Kaufman, Kelly & Erin, Stanley Klara, Ashley Kline, Evelyn and brought her to a place of abandonment to the Will of Kochanowski, Jay Dale Kolander, Mike Konieczny, Rose God. Kathy has spoken nation-wide and has appeared on Ann Konieczny, Lillian Kostecky, Marsha Kowal, Nancy EWTN Live. The cost of the breakfast is $18.00. th Kriley, Dorothy Lazar, Lisa, Barb Lucas, Gerald Lytle, Alan Registration deadline is May 14 . For more M., Carol M., Mark, Mary Elizabeth, Ed Matula, Scott information, call Pam at 412-461-8906 or McCue, S. McElroy, Sandra McNees, Amy Montelone, download a registration form Renell & Jim Mortimer, Trevor & Rachel Mueller, Tommy at Neely, Matthew Noto, Tim O’Farrell, Lisa Aquaviva- Christian Women’s Guild: Pansaniti, Mark Panichelle, Ed Pawlowicz, Ronna Pindel, You are invited to our May Crowning on May 9th at the Richard & Madeline Polscak, Mary Beth Regan, John 10:30 Mass. Please refer to your Christian Women’s Ragan, Joe Ritson, Kristofer Robinson, Pamela Salopek, booklet for the May Crowning directions. We would like to Marge Sherman, Michael Simms, Barney Slupe, Phyllis encourage all members to attend our beautiful May Slupe, Carolyn Smolen, George Straynick, Ryan T., Russ Crowning honoring the Blessed Mother. Questions? Thomas, Tina’s Family, Tom, Adam Troutman, Arlene Please call Mary Pribis at 724-482-4200. Anyone who Vecchio, Florence Werner, those in the military and for all would like to bake cookies, please drop them off in the special intentions in your prayers. kitchen on Saturday, May 8th by 11am. Christian Women’s Mother/Daughter Closing Butler Area Marriage Preparation is seeking couples to Banquet/Luau: Thursday, May 13th. Rosary is at 5:30pm, be a part of their team. The following are just some of the Mass at 6:00pm with the banquet following Mass. Christian areas of need: prayer support, speaker couples, small Women’s will supply Kalua roast pork, chicken, rolls and group facilitators and hospitality couples. Please consider beverages. Members and guests with last names, please sharing your gift of marriage with those beginning the bring: journey. An informational meeting will be held at St. A-G – Veggies or veggie casserole Christopher of the Lake Parish, Prospect on Tuesday, May H-N – Potato salad, pasta salad, rice or potato dish th 4 at 7:00pm. To RSVP or for more information, call John O-S – Fruit salad, veggie salad, jello salad, or green salad and Becky Cascino at 724-282-8280 or Gary and Pam T-Z – Dessert Baker at 724-776-5085. A sign-up sheet is at the back of the church. Please contact Sharon Smolen at 724-486-2126 or 724-355-7510 if you have any questions.
First Communion
Shayna DeFoggi May 1, 2010 Megan Denny Milena McCandless Caroline Ejzak Zofia Minke Ethan Fallecker Remy Pardo Dylan Fediaczko Garrett Paule Morgan Frishkorn Vincent Pellegrino Ashley Gilliland Julia Romett Justin Gilliland Samuel Schirra Peter Armstrong III Kaitlyn Gilliland Lucas Shook Matthew Barber Rebecca Henry Zachary Slomers Anna Baxter Blaine Hooks Logan Smith Nickolas Brackett Todd Hovis Mia Snyder Spencer Brackett Christopher Huff Connor Strobel Aleksandr Bilanich Harper Jack Riley Sunderlin Joshua Bonetti Jordan Kauffman Tyler Tappe Aubrie Cavaliero Nathan Keep Abbie Thompson Jaden Cehelsky Alexandra Kreinbucher Julia Varano Angela Cirillo Isabella Lindey Haley Varano Victoria Clawson Chole Lineman Isabella Villani Nathaniel Cornibe Anthony Malloy Katherine White Samantha Cox Anna Michalek Robert Wolfe III
Julia Zoelle