Department of Political Science Arizona State University Box 873902 Tempe, AZ 85287-3902 email: [email protected]


Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1996. Major Field: American Politics Minor Fields: Political Psychology, Research Methods/Statistics M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1993. Major Field: American Politics B.A., California State University at Long Beach, 1990.


Associate Professor, Arizona State University, 2006-present. Assistant Professor, Arizona State University, 2002-2006 Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, 1996-2002. Instructor, Washington University in St. Louis, 1995/1996. Doctoral Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis, 1994/1995.


Books Hoekstra, Valerie J. 2003. Public Reaction to Supreme Court Decisions. New York: Cambridge University Press.

[Portions adapted for Courts, Judges and Politics: An Introduction to the Judicial Process. 2005. Murphy, Walter F., C. Herman Pritchett and Lee Epstein, Editors. Sixth edition. McGraw Hill: New York, NY]

Refereed Articles

Hoekstra, Valerie J. 2009. “The Pendulum of Precedent: State Legislative Response to Supreme Court Decisions on Minimum Wage Legislation for Women.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly. 9 (3: 257-283)

1 Hoekstra, Valerie J. 2005. ACompeting Constraints: State Court Responses to Supreme Court Decision and Legislation on Wages and Hours.@ Political Research Quarterly. 58(June): 317-328.

Hoekstra, Valerie J. and Timothy Johnson. 2003. ADelaying Justice: The Supreme Court=s Decision to Hear Rearguments.@ Political Research Quarterly. 56 (September): 351- 360.

Hoekstra, Valerie J. 2000. AThe Supreme Court and Local Public Opinion." American Political Science Review.@ 94 (March): 89-100.

Epstein, Lee, Valerie Hoekstra, Jeffrey A. Segal, and Harold J. Spaeth. 1998. "Do Political Preferences Change? A Longitudinal Study of U.S. Supreme Court Justices." The Journal of Politics. 60 (August): 801-818.

Hoekstra, Valerie J. And Jeffrey A. Segal. 1996. "The Shepherding of Local Public Opinion: The Supreme Court and Lamb's Chapel." The Journal of Politics. 58 (November):1079-1102.

[Reprinted in Courts, Judges and Politics: An Introduction to the Judicial Process. 2002. Murphy, Walter F., C. Herman Pritchett and Lee Epstein, Editors. Fifth edition. McGraw Hill: New York, NY]

Hoekstra, Valerie J. 1995 "The Supreme Court and Opinion Change: An Experimental Study of the Court's Ability to Change Opinion." American Politics Quarterly. 23(January): 109-129.

Chapters, Book Reviews and Non-Refereed Articles

Hoekstra, Valerie J. 2002. Review of Crafting Law on the Supreme Court: The Collegial Game, by Maltzman, Forrest; Spriggs, James F. II and Wahlbeck, Paul J. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. The Journal of Politics. 64 (August): 924-926.

Hoekstra, Valerie J. 1995. "When the Court Strikes Close to Home: The Impact of Court Decisions on Local Public Opinion." Law and Courts. Winter 1995/96.

McGraw, Kathleen M. and Valerie Hoekstra. 1993. "Experimentation in Political Science: Historical Trends and Future Directions." In Research in Micropolitics. Michael X. Delli Carpini, Leonie Huddy, and Robert Y. Shapiro (eds.). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.


Hoekstra, Valerie J. and Nicholas Larowe, 2009. ARating the Qualifications of Supreme Court Nominees: An Experimental Test of the Components of "Judiciousness" Under Review.

2 Hoekstra, Valerie J. 2009. AIncreasing the Gender Diversity of High Courts: A Comparative View@ Under Review.

Hoekstra, Valerie J. and Elizabeth Andrews, AJudicial Selection in Western Europe: How the Selection of Judges affects the Gender Composition of Constitutional Courts@ Article length project in progress.

Hoekstra, Valerie J. ACreating In/Dependent Judges: The History of Judicial Selection and Retention Reforms in the States.@ Article Length Manuscript in Progress (this research is also being included in a book manuscript).

Hoekstra, Valerie J. ALetting them Run Amok: Analyzing State Legislation to Increase Judicial Independence@ Article Length Manuscript in Progress (this research is also being included in a book manuscript).

Hoekstra, Valerie. Empowering Judges: The History of Judicial Independence in the American States. Book manuscript in progress.


National Science Foundation. 2008. Supplement to: AState Legislative Reforms to the Selection, Retention and Tenure of State High Court Judges: The Role of Larger Reform Efforts and Political Uncertainty, 1850-2000 (SES 0550434)@ Amount: $6,106.00

National Science Foundation. 2006. Project Title: AState Legislative Reforms to the Selection, Retention and Tenure of State High Court Judges: The Role of Larger Reform Efforts and Political Uncertainty, 1850-2000 (SES 0550434)@ Amount: $59,663.00

Fellow, Center in Political Economy, Washington University in St. Louis. 2001-2002.

National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. 1994. Project Title: "The Supreme Court and Grassroots Politics: The Effect of Supreme Court Decisions on Local Public Opinion." Principal Investigator/Dissertation Advisor: Jeffrey A. Segal. (SBR 9423032).


Invited Participant: Liberty Fund Seminar, ABureaucracy, Democracy, and Judicial Review@ Big Sky Montana. May 2007.

3 Chair/Discussant: State Judicial Politics: Judicial Selection . 2007 Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. New Orleans, LA.

Discussant: Public Opinion and the Courts. 2006 Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.

ALegislative Changes to the Selection of State High Court Judges@ Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.

APolitical Uncertainty, Reform Movements and Judicial Independence@ Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Chair/Discussant: Courts and the Polity. 2005 Annual meeting of the Law and Society Association, Las Vegas, Nevada.

AThe Politics of Judicial Selection: Switching from Partisan to Nonpartisan Judges.@ Paper presented at the 2005 annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.@

Chair/Discussant: The Supreme Court and Public Opinion. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il. April 2004.

Section Organizer (Judicial Politics and Public Law). Annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association. 2004.

Discussant: The U.S. Supreme Court: Choices and Decisions. Annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, Or. March 2004.

APrompting Action: State Court Responses to Supreme Court Decisions on Wages and Hours.@ Paper prepared for presentation at the 2003 annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. 2003.

Chair/Discussant: Supreme Court and Public Opinion. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. 2003.

Chair/Discussant. In the Court of Public Opinion. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA 2001.

AState Legislative Response to Supreme Court Decisions: The Case of Minimum Wage Legislation.@ Paper prepared for presentation at the 2000 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. and the Center in Political Economy=s Conference on Modeling U.S. Politics, Washington University, May 2001.

Discussant. Public Support and Courts: Comparative Analyses. Annual meeting of the American

4 Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. 2000.

Participant. The Harcourt Publisher=s Award Panel: Robert Dahl=s ADecision Making in a Democracy.@ Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. 2000.

Section Organizer (Judicial Politics). Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il. 2000.

AThe Public=s Agenda, The Court=s Agenda: 1946-1994" Paper presented at the 1998 Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.@ Chicago, Il.

ACourts and their Publics: The Supreme Court and Public Opinion.@ Paper presented at the Annual Conference on the Scientific Study of Judicial Politics.@ East Lansing, MI. 1998.

Discussant and Chair. Panel on Experimental and Other Tests of Formal Models. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. April, 1998.

Discussant. Panel on Judicial Decision-Making and Separation of Powers. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. April, 1998.

TEACHING AND MENTORING Courses taught at Arizona State University:

POS 270 The American Legal System: Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005 POS 301 Empirical Political Inquiry Spring 2007 POS 350 The Supreme Court: Spring 2006 POS 350 (Internet) The Supreme Court: Fall 2006 POS 471 Constitutional Law I: Fall (2002-2007) POS 472 Constitutional Law II: Spring (2003-2006, Spring 2008 online) POS 591 Comparative Courts and Legal Systems Fall 2007 POS 638 Law and Politics: Spring 2004

Courses taught at Washington University in St. Louis: Constitutional Law; Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Judicial Decision Making, Judicial Process, Research Design: Surveys and Experiments, Introduction to American Government and Politics, Probability and Statistics, Experimental Design and Analysis (graduate), American Political Behavior (graduate).


Congressional Quarterly's best paper presented by a graduate student in the area of Law and Courts at the 1995 annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association,

5 Chicago, Il. Title of Paper: "When the Court Hits Close to Home: The Impact of Supreme Court Decisions on Public Opinion."

Lily Teaching Fellowship at Washington University. Spring Semester 1998.

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Book Review Editor, Journal of Politics Book Reviews, 2007- Editorial Board, Journal of Politics, 2007- Editorial Board, Law and Courts. 2004. Section Organizer, Judicial Politics. 2007 Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Section Organizer, Judicial Politics and Public Law. 2004 Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. Section Organizer, Judicial Politics. 2000 annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Member, McGraw Hill Award Committee. Award for the best journal article on Law and Courts by a political scientist published in 2005. Chair, McGraw Hill Award Committee. Award for the best journal article on Law and Courts by a political scientist published in 2002. Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession, Midwest Political Science Association. 1997. Nominating Committee for the Law and Courts section of the American Political Science Association. 1997/1998. Committee for the American Judicature Award for best paper on Law and Courts at the 1996 meeting of the American Political Science Association. Journal Article Reviews: American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, American Politics Research (formerly American Politics Quarterly), Law and Society Review, Political Psychology, Political Behavior, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Social Science Quarterly, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Journal of Public Administration, Research, and Theory, Public Opinion Quarterly, State and Local Government Review. Grant Proposal Reviews: The National Science Foundation, Time Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS).


Arizona State University: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Fall 2006-present Member, Chair=s Advisory Committee, Fall 2006-present Developed AConstitution Day@ Questions for University=s web page: Fall 2005. Graduate Committee: Fall 2003- Spring 2006 Search Committee (Civic Engagement): 2003/2004 Undergraduate Committee: Fall 2002- Spring 2003. Search Committee (Information Technology): Spring 2003.

6 Pre Law Advisor Department of Political Science: Fall 2002-present. Participated in Junior Fellows Seminar: Fall 2002, Fall 2006

Washington University: Political Science Internship Coordinator and Supervisor, 1995-2002. Washington Center Seminar Departmental Coordinator,1995-2002. Convener, Social Science Affirmative Action Monitoring Committee, 1996-2000. Member, Social Science Affirmative Action Monitoring Committee 1995-2000. I-CUE Committee (Committee on Intellectual Community in the Undergraduate Experience), Spring 2000-2002. Member, Graduate Committee, 1996-2000. Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, 1996-1999. Member, American Politics Comprehensive Exams Grading Committee, 1996-2002. Participant, Seminar for Students Attending Washington Center Semester, February 1999. Member, Political Methodology Search Committee, Washington University, 1997-98 Participant, ACareers in Academia@ seminar for undergraduates considering graduate school (representing Social sciences), February 1999. Participant, Parents Weekend Internship Panel, October 2000. Participant, Career Center=s Internship Panel, Spring 2000. Participant, Law School Forum, October 2000. Instructor, University College non-credit course, Fall 2000 and Fall 2001, ACurrent Controversies on the Supreme Court@ with Lee Epstein and Rachel Roth.

INVITED PRESENTATIONS Binghamton University, Political Science Discussion Group. May 2006.: AState Legislative Reforms to the Selection, Retention and Tenure of State High Court Judges: The Role of Larger Reform Efforts and Political Uncertainty, 1850-2000

University of Arizona Political Science Colloquium Series, October 2004. ACompeting Constraints: State Court Reactions to Supreme Court Decisions.@

American Judicature Society. Midwest Regional Conference on State-Federal Relationships, Oak Brook Hills Hotel and Resort, October 1997.

Political Cognition Research Colloquium, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Spring. 1994.
