Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 4

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Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 4

UNICEF Regional Office (RO) for Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS)




UNICEF places a high priority on the availability of recent and reliable information for monitoring the situation of children, young people and families, for developing evidence-based policies and programmes. In this context, the TransMonEE (Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity) database captures a vast range of data on social and economic issues relevant to the situation and wellbeing of children, young people and women in the countries of Eastern Europe and CIS. The data represent a particularly useful tool for governments, civil society organization, funding institutions and academia in considering their decisions, policies, programmes and agendas. The database is updated every year in collaboration with the National Statistical Offices (NSOs). The database was initiated by the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre in 1992 as part of the project on ‘Public Policies and Social Conditions: Monitoring the Transition in CEE/CIS’, better known as the MONEE Project. In 2009, the database migrated to the UNICEF Regional Office for CEE/CIS countries. Each year country-specific templates are shared with the NSOs of participating countries, filled in and submitted by countries by the end of September with the data for the previous year. The UNICEF regional office for CEE/CIS then follows up with the countries for clarifications and additional information. The data are brought together, indicators calculated and checked again for consistency before being disseminated in June of the following year. Since 2011, the CEE/CIS region has been engaged in a continued process to improve child rights monitoring in the region and in particular, rights of the most disadvantaged children. This requires further strengthening the TransMonEE database content and structure, including going beyond national averages, collecting, and analysing data on population sub-groups, such as children with disabilities. Most of the countries are still struggling with availability of disaggregated data although there have been considerable improvements in recent years in terms of availability of data by age groups, sex and other potential markers of disparity. In addition to continuous improvement and update of the content, the validation of the TransMonEE data has recently been made automatic although the process is still in the pilot phase. The website of the TransMonEE is being re-designed to ease access to data and increase its use. UNICEF CEE/CIS RO will be hiring one or two TransMonEE database management consultants to ensure the continuity of data collection as well as to support the aforementioned planned improvements to the database.


The database management consultant will be responsible for timely and quality management of the TransMonEE database. S/he will contribute to maintenance, annual update, validation and analysis

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Main tasks

Prepare updated versions of country-specific databases and full 2016 TransMonEE database, including:  checking and adjusting population age groups and respective formulas according the age distribution presented by country and checking changes over the period,  updating final notes for all years on the basis of the new or updated comments from countries,  Retrieving/updating data from other sources,  updating the full TransMonEE Database.

Prepare the publicly disseminated version of the TransMonEE 2016 database, including:  validating the newly generated tables following changes over the period, comparing data with those presented in the 2015 database and highlighting considerable or implausible changes,  creating a summary table with regional totals and averages for selected key indicators,  checking and updating notes and comparing with those presented in the TransMonEE 2015 database.

Support TransMonEE 2016 data collection, including  preparing country data collection templates with an integrated validation module,  updating guidelines and definition documents for the 2016 data collection,  updating the validation module for automatic checks of consistency and plausibility,  checking received country templates for quality, following up with NSOs as needed, making necessary corrections and preparing final versions of country templates.  Prepare short country reports about data quality.

Contribute to use of the TransMonEE database, including  providing advice, as needed, to users of the database, respond to inquiries related to data,  reviewing TransMonEE graphs and other analysis on the basis of the TransMonEE database and provide inputs and suggestions,  contributing to organization and facilitation of the TransMonEE network meeting.

Main deliverables

 Updated versions of country-specific databases and full 2015 TransMonEE database – 30 Mar 2016  Publicly disseminated version of the TransMonEE 2015 database – 30 April 2016  TransMonEE country templates to be used for the 2015 TransMonEE data collection with an integrated validation module and updated guidelines – 30 May 2016  Finalised versions of country templates after all the checks and corrections have been conducted and country data quality reports – 31 Dec 2016

Qualifications and Competencies

Education Minimum Master’s degree in statistics, information systems, demography or a related field 2 Skills and Experience  Minimum of 10 years of work experience in development and/or coordination of social statistics databases, the knowledge of TransMonEE being an asset,  Familiarity with the data collection systems in Europe and CIS,  Familiarity with the data collected by other international organizations such as EuroStat, UNECE, WHO, ILO, UIS and the World Bank,  Advanced knowledge of MS Excel and familiarity with different types of software used for database management, analysis and presentation,  Ability to analyse diverse and complex quantitative data from a wide range of sources,  Fluency in English and preferably at least one of the major languages used in the region  Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective relationships with national partners,  Ability to communicate effective to varied audiences.

Estimated Duration of the Contract

76 days from 1 March 2016 until 31 December 2016.

Consultant’s Work Place and Official Travel

The consultant will work from home using own equipment and stationary. The consultant will be expected to travel to the TransMonEE network meeting, which is expected to take place in April or May of 2016. The location is yet to be confirmed. Travel expenses and accommodation will be covered by the consultant and will be reimbursed by UNICEF upon submission of receipts. The travel costs reimbursed shall be based on economy class travel and the costs for accommodation, meals and incidentals shall not exceed applicable DSA rates as per UNICEF rules and regulations.

How to apply

Qualified candidates are requested to email a cover letter, curriculum vitae and this P11 formi to [email protected] by 31 Jan 2016 with the subject line ‘TransMonEE database management consultant’. Please indicate your relevant experience, availability and daily rate (in USD) to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily rate will not be considered.

Please note that only candidates who are under serious consideration will be contacted. In the selection of its staff and consultants, UNICEF is committed to gender balance and diversity without distinction as to race, sex or religion, and without discrimination of persons with disabilities. Well qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

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