How to upload a video to

For the final element in this task, you need to be able to upload your video onto a service where other people can view and comment upon your work. You need to follow the instructions carefully. We are going to be using which is a secure area and will not allow inappropriate comments or videos to be posted unlike other services like YouTube.

1. Go to

2. The first thing that you will need to do is to sign up to join this service. Click on the Sign up link on the top right of the page and follow the instructions on the page

3. You have 10 characters for a name – use your first name and class eg Amy10KM. Do not use your surname in your user name. When asked for an email please use one that you can access using your computer now – if you are in school use your own school address eg rmanson478. The address should then be followed by . Make sure you put the code numbers in carefully and tick the conditions box at the bottom of the page.

Year 10 Geography/ICT How to upload a video to Page 1 4. Once you have filled in all of the details – you are going to have to wait for an activiation email. Click on this to go onto the next stage 5. Well done – you are now signed up. You can look at your page and edit your profile if you wish. However, the main thing we need you to do next is to upload your video.

 You can only upload videos smaller than 100MB so make sure that your video is small enough . . . . if it isn’t then youa re going to need to go back to moviemaker and make a smaller version of your movie (change the size preferences after you select to Save Movie as . . . .  An upload is when we send something from our computers to another server for storage . . . . a download is when we get something from another server . . . .  You must make sure that anything you upload to your area is your own work. 6. How can I upload?

 In your Profile area you need to find the button that allows you to upload  You will be reminded of some of the upload restrictions. Click on the link and you will then have to fill in some information about your video  See the next page for more information

Year 10 Geography/ICT How to upload a video to Page 2 Create a new Album and call it Yr10work

Give your video a title, description and tags. For tags use ClimateChange GlobalWarming Year10 Slemish (have a space between each)

Click on Geography

For sharing keep as on the left when done the click ‘Continue Uploading’

 Then you will see this page

 Select the file/ video you want to upload and then click ‘Upload’ the file will hopefully start to upload. Most will take between 5 – 10 minutes.

7. When you have successfully uploaded you video you will get the following message!

Year 10 Geography/ICT How to upload a video to Page 3 8. The final step . . . . your video is now online . . . . you will eventually be able to see your video as part of your profle on a page like this. You should then copy the URL (web address) for your film and you should email this address to your teacher. Your teacher will then collate a list of all of the videos in your class and you will be able to watch videos and leave comments on the other videos in your class. If you can do this you will be able to achieve a higher final level in ICT!

9. To comment – make sure you are signed in and click on Post comment. Please make sure that all comments are useful and not abusive to the person who has made the video. You should aim to pick out things that you liked about the video and maybe give a small suggestion of ways that the video could be further improved. Remember your comments are recorded. You can also selct a star rating for each video as well. 10. The email addresses for each of your teachers are listed below. Please use email responsibly in school. Remember that records are kept of all emails sent and received on the school system and if you abuse the system – you will not be allowed to continue to use school email

Mr T Manson [email protected] Mr M Bennett [email protected] Mrs G Johnston [email protected] Miss G Cullen [email protected]

Year 10 Geography/ICT How to upload a video to Page 4