World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.)

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World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.)

World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.)

Teacher: Mr. Martin

Email: [email protected]

Classroom: 3-418

Office Hours:

Daily: During the A2 block (approximately 10:45-12:30)

Appointments may also be made for after school.

Class Description: This course will cover world history from the Paleolithic Era to the Italian Renaissance. Furthermore, this course will cover basic geography content and concepts, as well as explain how geographical features influenced the development of early civilizations.

Purpose of this Class: This course is designed to educate students on the development of human beings, the rise of civilizations, meaningful contributions and key events of world history up to the Renaissance. Students will be able to analyze and explain how civilizations have developed and evolved over time. Students will also analyze both primary and secondary source documents from ancient history. Finally, this course will allow students to make connections between the past and present. Students will have an understanding of how events that occurred thousands of years ago directly impact the culture and belief systems of contemporary societies.

Grading Scale: 90-100= A

80-89= B

70-79= C

60-69= D

59 and below= F Grading Chart:

Assignments Percentage of Grade Tests 35% (Each nine weeks a notebook check will be conducted. The notebook check grade will be added to the overall test average) Quizzes/Snapshots 25%

Class Assignments 15% (i.e. worksheets, group activities, etc.) Class Participation 15% (Based on “focus” activities, class discussions, student effort/involvement, and punctuality) Projects 10% (1-2 group and/or individual projects per nine weeks)

Grading Policy and Announcements:

 Grades will be posted on eSchool Plus (Parent Portal)

 Any Handouts used in class will be posted on my website

 All Quiz and Test dates will be posted on my website

Directions for Accessing My Website:

 Go to

 Click on the “Schools” tab; scroll and click on “Patrick Henry”

 On the PHHS homepage click on the “Teacher Pages” tab and then click on “Social Sciences”

 Under Social Sciences scroll down and click on “P.Martin”

 On Mr. Martin’s webpage you will find a series of folders that include Homework, Class Activities, PPT and Notes, as well as the Course Syllabus

 The webpage also includes a calendar with Quiz, Test, Benchmark and Exam dates

Items Needed: 1. Two-inch three ring binder

2. Loose Leaf Paper

3. Pens and/or Pencils


 Each nine weeks there will be 1-2 group and/or individual projects that constitutes 10% of your grade for that nine weeks

Classroom Procedures:


 You must be in your seat when the bell rings

 The teacher will take attendance as you work on your "Focus” activity

 If you are marked as “absent” the school will call and notify a parent/guardian


 If you’re late to class for a legitimate reason (I will determine the legitimacy) then provide the teacher with the appropriate documentation

 Immediately take your seat and begin working on the day’s activity. If you miss work it is your responsibility to meet with the teacher after class

 An unexcused tardy to class will result in a “10” point deduction from that day’s participation grade (10 points will be deducted for each unexcused tardy)

 Please refer to the tardy policies in your Student Handbook

Class Rules-

 Students will refer to their Student Handbook for school rules and policies

 Students must be RESPECTFUL to both their peers and the teacher; disrespect will not be tolerated

 Disrupting class will not be tolerated

 Students must ask for permission prior to leaving the room

 Cell phones must be put away and out of sight, unless authorized by the teacher  Repeated abuse of cell phone and/or inappropriate use of computers in class will result in a referral and participation grade reduction

Class Room Discussion-

 You must raise your hand when asking a question or giving a response

 Be respectful of your peers and teacher when they’re speaking; do not interrupt

 Respect the opinions of others and their right to hold particular philosophical or political beliefs that may differ from those of your own

Homework and Late Work Policy-

 Students need to bring their agenda to class every day to record their homework, as well as quiz and test dates

 Homework will be posted on my website, as well as quiz and test dates

 Homework is counted as “extra-credit.” Points accumulated through homework will be added to the student’s quiz average

 Students who are absent are responsible for getting work they missed from me personally, or through my website

 Missed assignments are due by the next class

 Students who are absent for extended periods of time will need to meet with me and discuss making up class work

When you are absent-

 Gathering missed assignments is the responsibility of the student. Students are to retrieve missed assignments before or after class

 Missed tests and quizzes must be scheduled with the teacher. The assessment must be taken either before or after school. If the assessment is not made up the resulting grade will be a “0.”

Class Dismissal-

 Wait until the teacher dismisses the class to start packing up

 You will not leave class until your desk and work area is clean Statement for Students with Disabilities

Any student with a documented disability will receive the accommodations in his/her IEP or 504 plan. If those accommodations are not sufficient for academic progress, the teacher, student, or parent may contact the case manager to arrange for a meeting to discuss additional options.

Statement on Academic Integrity

Patrick Henry seeks to maintain an optimal learning environment. General principles of academic honesty include respect for the intellectual property of others, the expectation that individual work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor, and the obligations both to protect one’s own academic work from misuse by others as well as to avoid using another’s work as one’s own. All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles. Students representing the work of another as their own will receive a grade of “F” on that assignment. Students will sign a pledge on every assessment indicating that they have neither given nor received help.

Student Name (Printed): ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

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