Unapproved Minutes Of
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The Moody County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 in the County Commissioners' Room in the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Chairman Rick Veldkamp, Jerry Doyle, Tom Ehrichs, Dan Miles, and Tom Peper, with Lori Schaefers, Auditor as Clerk of the Board. Also present was Janelle Weatherly, County resident.
Chairman Veldkamp called the meeting to order. Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to approve the agenda. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the minutes of April 1, 2014. All voted “aye”.
Marc Blum, Highway Superintendent met with the Board. Also present was Sean Doremus of Bowes Construction. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Peper to accept the Brookings County Highway Department bid awarded to Flint Hills Resources, LP of Marshall, MN for the following items listed for Road Oil in the minutes of Brookings County dated February 18, 2014: Asphalt Cutback (MC 3000), $631.11/ton and Asphalt Cutback (MC 800), $695.11/ton. All voted “aye”. The Board received and opened bids for screened/crushed gravel, pea rock/crushed quartzite, and asphalt mix (hot & cold) at 9:05 AM. The following bids were received for crushed/screened gravel:
3/4” CRUSHED GRAVEL (CR) / 1” SCREENED GRAVEL (SC) Delivered FOB Picked Up Pit Location
Bowes Construction – Brookings, SD $4.90/ton (CR) Egan Pit
Johnson Brothers – Madison, SD $4.25/ton (SC) Rutland
Sterzinger Construction – Elkton, SD $6.95/ton (CR) $3.60/ton (CR) Skyview
B&H Construction – Elkton, SD $6.77/ton (CR) $3.65/ton (CR) Knotty Pine
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Peper to accept all bids for the ¾” crushed or 1” screened gravel, with use depending on location. All voted “aye”. The following bids were received for pea rock and crushed quartzite:
3/8” PEA ROCK (PR) / 3/8” CRUSHED QUARZITE (CQ) Picked Up Location
L.G. Everist – Sioux Falls, SD $7.05/ton (CQ) Dell Rapids, SD $4.75/ton (PR) Brookings, SD
Johnson Brothers – Madison, SD $5.50/ton (PR) Rutland, SD
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to accept all bids on the 3/8” pea rock or crushed quartzite, with use depending on location. All voted “aye”. The following bids were received for asphalt mix (hot and cold):
Bowes Construction – Brookings, SD $55.00/ton
Myrl & Roy’s – Sioux Falls, SD $50.00/ton
Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to accept all bids for the asphalt mix, with use depending on location. All voted “aye”. Doremus left the meeting. At 9:25 AM the Board received and opened bids for a new reversible plow and hitch for the 2015 Freightliner. The following bid was received:
Sanitation Products, Inc. – Sioux Falls, SD Plow Make & Model: FALLS PR-1243 $14,010.00
Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to approve the bid from Sanitation Products, Inc. of Sioux Falls for the FALLS PR-1243 Plow in the amount of $14,010.00. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Peper to amend the original motion made on March 18, 2014 to authorize the purchase of a 2015 Freightliner 114SD (in place of the 2014 model) from I-State Truck Center off the South Dakota State DOT bid awarded November 6, 2013 for the amended amount of $108,066.00 including the following options: extended engine warranty, extended Virtual Tec, optional bumper, and optional driver controlled differential both axles. The amendment is necessary as I-State Truck Center is no longer producing the 2014 model. All voted “aye”.
Paul Lewis, State’s Attorney met with the Board to discuss holding informational meetings for the Referendum Petition for Ordinance 2013-02, An Ordinance Amending Moody County Ordinance 2002-1, An Ordinance establishing zoning regulations for Moody County, and amendments thereto; and for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict herewith. Also present was Brenda Duncan, DOE. Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to hold a special meeting on May 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM to present information regarding Ordinance 2013-02. All voted “aye”.
Janelle Weatherly left the meeting. Motion by Peper, seconded by Ehrichs to enter into executive session at 9:55 AM, pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2. Reason: personnel. All voted “aye”. Motion by Peper, seconded by Doyle to resume regular session at 10:30 AM. All voted “aye”.
Mark Bonrud, Ambulance Supervisor met with the Board to present the March 2014 ambulance report. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to approve the Ambulance Service License Application with the SD Department of Public Safety. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to authorize Bonrud to attend the Annual Avera Trauma Symposium in Sioux Falls on April 16, 2014. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to reimburse the 3 full-time Ambulance Employees $30.00 a month for the use of their personal cell phones to conduct County business effective May 1, 2014. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to purchase a used Stryker cot for the backup ambulance from Arrow Manufacturing of Rock Rapids, IA for the amount of $2200.00. All voted “aye”. Motion by Peper, seconded by Doyle to revert back to paying the part-time EMT Basics and part-time EMT Paramedics $3.00/hour for on-call hours worked carrying the pager plus $25.00 per call out, and revert back to paying the full-time EMTs their salary amount only, effective April 21, 2014. All voted “aye”.
Amanda Stade, 4-H Advisor met with the Board. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to authorize the following travel for Stade: the SDAE4-HP Spring Conference in Mitchell May 14-15, 4-H Camp at Lake Poinsett in Arlington June 11-13, State Horse Show in Huron July 22-25, South Dakota State Fair in Huron August 26-September 1. All voted “aye”.
Troy Wellman, Sheriff met with the Board. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to amend the motion made on February 4, 2014 to approve the bill of $1685.15 (instead of $1390.81) from Steve’s Tire and Service of Chester to install the equipment on the new 2014 Ram. All voted “aye”. Discussion was held on personnel.
Scott Lewis, Custodian met with the Board. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to approve Change Order Number 1 from Ekern Home Equipment of Flandreau, dated April 4, 2014 in the amount of $1590.00, for the courthouse AC/Boiler project. All voted “aye”.
Erica Rorvik, Librarian met with the Board to discuss her upcoming schedule.
Auditor Schaefers reviewed the 2014 expenditure and revenue budgets.
Schaefers presented surplus property. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to declare the following equipment surplus and dispose of it as it has no value: ROD-Hewlett Packard Laserjet 4100, AUD-HP Laser Printer. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to move the first Commission meeting in June to Thursday, June 5, 2014 in order to hold the County Canvass for the Primary Election. All voted “aye”.
Gordon Leraas, County resident joined the meeting.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to conduct business as Board of Equalization at 1:00 PM. All voted “aye”. Also present was Director of Equalization Brenda Duncan and Treasurer Linette Christensen. The Commissioners signed oaths as equalization members.
Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to approve the DOE to make any changes for those applications approved by the County Treasurer for the elderly/disabled tax freeze. All voted “aye”. Treasurer Christensen left the meeting.
Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to approve the DOE to make any changes due to discretionary reduction, veteran exemption, renewable resource credit, local industrial development per SDCL 10-4-8.1, Local Board changes, and continuing tax exempt status. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to approve all qualifying Owner Occupied Dwelling Applications received by the County DOE by March 15, 2014. All voted “aye”.
Gordon Leraas met with the Board. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to reduce the value of the NAC property on parcel, owned by Gordon Leraas, to 14,517. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to raise the value of parcel, owned by Mark & Ruth Rave, to 111,701. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Peper to allow a 3 month assessment on parcel owned by Jeri Sabie, due to the home being destroyed by fire at the end of March. All voted “aye”.
The Board reviewed countywide assessed values and the Moody County averages.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to conduct business as Joint Board of Commission & Planning & Zoning at 1:50 PM. All voted “aye”. Also present was Brenda Duncan, Director of Equalization and Gordon Leraas, County resident. One plat was reviewed. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to approve the following plat, with all members voting “aye”: COUNTY COMMISSION
“BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commission of Moody County, South Dakota, that the plat of TRACT 1 OF LEBRUN’S ADDITION IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 106 NORTH, RANGE 50 WEST OF THE 5 TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MOODY COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, be and the same is hereby approved.
I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the County Commission, at a meeting held on the date adopted.
Adopted this 15th Day of April, 2014.
Lori Schaefers County Auditor - Moody County, South Dakota
Motion by Peper, seconded by Ehrichs to adjourn to conduct business as Drainage Board at 1:55 PM. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to resume regular session at 2:15 PM. All voted “aye”.
Jerry Doyle, County Commissioner reviewed information from the Commissioner Workshop and JDAI Meetings he recently attended.
Gail Meyer, Register of Deeds met with the Board. Motion by Peper, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the Software License Agreement between Tyler Technologies and Moody County. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve new hire Kristy Stapher for the part-time (30 hours/week) Deputy Register of Deeds position, Grade 9 Step A at $12.58/hour, effective April 28, 2014. All voted “aye”.
Kay Peterson, Deputy Auditor met with the Board to present poor relief cases. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Peper to deny case #20140406 as the patient did not respond to the request for information. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to deny case #20140407 as the patient did not respond to the request for information. All voted “aye”. Motion by Peper, seconded by Ehrichs to deny case #20140408 as the patient did not respond to the request for information. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to deny case #20140429 as the patient did not respond to the request for information. All voted “aye”. Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to deny case #20140436 as prior approval is required for non- emergency admissions. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to approve case #20140435 in the amount of $3275.00. All voted “aye”.
Schaefers presented the General Fund Surplus Analysis as of March 31, 2014, as required by the Department of Legislative Audit. The total unreserved, undesignated fund balance of the General Fund as of March 31, 2014 was $1,798,233.91. This represents 43.12% of the total appropriations for the 2014 Annual Budget. Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to approve and file the General Fund Cash Surplus Analysis with the Department of Legislative Audit. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to approve the following resolution, with all members voting “aye”:
WHEREAS, Moody County funds the Highway budget through tax dollars and revenue from car licenses, and
WHEREAS, the board of commissioners designated operating transfers out of the General Fund to the Highway Fund for 2014.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Operating Transfer Out of the General Fund to the Highway Fund in the amount of $847,000 be approved as outlined in the 2014 Annual Budget.
Dated at Flandreau, SD this 15th day of April 2014.
Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Lori Schaefers Moody County Commissioners Moody County Auditor
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following resolution, with all members voting “aye”:
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners designated operating transfers out of the General Fund to the Emergency Management Fund for 2014.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Operating Transfer out of the General Fund to the Emergency Management Fund in the amount of $7,000 be approved as outlined in the 2014 Annual Budget.
Dated at Flandreau, SD this 15th day of April 2014.
Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Lori Schaefers Moody County Commissioners Moody County Auditor Discussion was held on annual employee reviews and the 2014 County Government brochure.
Jerome Olson and John Steinhauer, Egan City Council members met with the Board to discuss the Egan City patrol hours and express their concerns with the lack of communication from the Sheriff’s Office.
Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Peper to approve the following claims and issue warrants, with all members voting “aye”: General: A&B Business, supplies/copier maintenance/copies 189.82, Access Elevator, platform lift 15500.00, Alco, supplies 18.35, Avera Medical Group University, psych evaluation 74.17, Avera/Flandreau Medical, supplies 1208.58, Bob’s Electric, service/supplies/repairs 1609.71, Bound Tree Medical, supplies 26.04, Bruning & Lewis, office expense 2307.69, Center Point, publications 41.94, CenturyLink, telephone 338.27, Ciavarella Design, services 777.05, Dakotabilities, 2nd qtr. distribution 540.00, Davis Typewriter, supplies 51.99, Dept. of Revenue, blood alcohols 100.00, Doubleday Book Club, books 106.93, Jerry Doyle, travel/lodging 305.36, Brenda Duncan, reimbursement 748.15, Dust-Tex Service, supplies 65.66, Ekerns, AC/heat replacement/service/repairs 163000.59, Enterprise, publications 601.89, Fox & Youngberg, ct appt atrny 181.24, Gale, publications 19.46, Graham Tire, tire 106.92, ICAP, service 541.67, J & K, supplies 14.37, Knology, telephone/internet 304.15, Lutheran Social Services, services 98.60, Martin’s Flag Co., flags 105.60, Matheson Tri-Gas, supplies 108.25, Maynard’s, supplies 20.38, McLeods, supplies 337.50, Midwest Glass, install lift door 457.29, Dan Miles, travel 15.54, Minnehaha County Treasurer, jail-housing/debt svc payment 10742.10, Humana Health Care Plans, ambulance refund 328.02, Nancy Nelson, abuse/neglect 830.91, Neve’s Uniforms, supplies 103.55, Northern Hills Collection, service 1162.03, Penworthy, publications 151.77, Bob Pesall, crt appt atrny 4226.67, PCC service 1848.92, Ramkota, lodging 272.97, Reader Service, books 108.32, Reserve Account, postage 500.00, Rhapsody Book Club, books 50.45, River’s Edge, gasoline/diesel 1722.68, Santel Communications, supplies /monthly maintenance 1778.25, Schuneman Equipment, supplies 137.42, SD Achieve, service 60.00, SDACO, registration 525.00, Skroch Funeral Chapel, burial assistance 3275.00. Highway: 3D Specialties, signs 577.08, City of Colman, utilities 80.15, Clark Engineering Co., services 3750.00, Detco, supplies 830.00, Dust-Tex, service 82.50, Enterprise, advertising 75.52, Graham Tire, tires 760.00, Light & Siren, repairs 57.95, Malloy, repairs 64.26, Titan Machinery, repairs 4386.80. 911: 3D Specialties, supplies 791.32, CenturyLink, telephone 60.61, Knology, telephone 20.00. Emergency Management: Knology, telephone 20.01, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio, service 300.00. Domestic Abuse: Wholeness Center, 1st Qtr Distribution 290.00. Water Conservation: EDWDD, monthly remittance 1259.90. State Remittance: State Treasurer, monthly remittance 109187.86. 24/7 State Fund: SD Attorney General’s Office, 1st qtr distribution 255.00. Modern & Pres: SDACO, monthly remittance 200.00
Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to adjourn the meeting at 3:50 PM. All voted “aye”.
ATTEST: Lori Schaefers Rick Veldkamp, Chairman Moody County Auditor Moody County Board of Commissioners