Planning for Quality Assessment

“It is about learning to learn, about becoming independent thinkers and learners. It is about problem solving, team-work, knowledge of the world, adaptability, and comfort in a global system of technologies, conflict and complexity. It is about the joy of learning and the pleasure of productivity of using one’s learning in all facets of work and life pursuits” 2006, Fullan, Hill and Crevola, Breakthro

Karen Yager – [email protected]

1 Designing for Deep understanding through Assessment

“The aim of assessment is primarily to educate and improve student performance, not merely to audit it” (Wiggins, 1998).

The design of assessment is an integral aspect of this process as it provides teachers with essential information for planning and adjusting each subsequent unit of work, evaluates the quality and extent of student achievement or performance in learning and provides students with the information they need about their learning and what they need to do to develop and grow as learners. It must be valid and reliable. Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and All students must participate fully in learning interpreting information about experiences and assessment tasks - including students’ learning. The central those accessing life skills outcomes and purpose of assessment is to content. Therefore, assessment tasks should provide information on student be adjusted to reflect any adjustments to achievement and progress and set teaching and learning for students with special direction for ongoing teaching and needs. learning.

The four types of assessment that need Principles of Assessment and to be considered and should be addressed in a Reporting in NSW Government balanced way in units of work and programs Schools DET NSW, 1996) are:

. Pre-assessment: This can be informal but it is important as it informs teachers what the students know so that a unit of work or program can be differentiated to suit the learning needs of the students. The assessment from the previous unit of work provides rich information to inform the design process.

. Summative assessment: Assessment of learning is used to provide a snapshot of what the students know at a key point in time such as half way through or at the end of a unit of work. It enables teachers to monitor and evaluate student progress.

. Formative assessment: Assessment for learning is ongoing and builds the depth of students’ learning and provides valuable information to students about what they can do and what they need to do to improve their learning outcomes.

. Self assessment: Assessment through learning occurs when students are critically evaluating and assessing their own learning. The skills and understanding needed for self assessment must be explicitly taught.

Effective assessment practice is:

2 . embedded in the syllabus having clear, direct links with outcomes . planned deliberately and integral to teaching . balanced, comprehensive and varied . fair, inclusive, valid and reliable . ongoing and sequential . engaging and student-centred . time efficient and manageable . supported by models, scaffolds or annotated exemplars that demonstrate what is expected and what can be achieved . reflects any adjustments made to teaching and learning.

In this step of the design process teachers begin by designing the assessment for learning and then plot sequentially the other types of assessment in the unit of work or program when they are planning what will happen during the course of the unit.

Assessment for learning

Where are my students now? Focus tasks on relating central How do I know when my students get there? concepts and ideas with other The assessment task or tasks must assess concepts, or to particular the targeted outcomes and the skills, knowledge contexts. Linking the task to and understanding that are being taught. It has to previously addressed ideas be explicit in what students are required to do or (from either prior class work or produce. A clear and precise rubric and marking other tasks) or to new, as yet guidelines that reflect the outcomes being unexplored, concepts or assessed and enable teachers to make consistent contexts are two ways to valid and reliable judgements are essential. strengthen the deep knowledge of a task. Ensure that the task The task expressed in the language connects and supports the key students can comprehend should include: concepts being addressed. -QT . The outcomes being assessed: Include the Framework full wording of the outcome. Only choose those outcomes that are to be the main drivers of the learning. Even if you will ‘hitting’ on other outcomes, do not use them as you want deep knowledge not wide, shallow knowledge. . The nature of the task: Set the task in a context and inform students what they are expected to do and why it matters.

. Expectations: Derived from the outcomes and shaping the marking guidelines, and informing students how well they are expected to do the task.

. Exemplars or models

. Marking guidelines or scheme

3 As much as possible plan for authentic assessment that is connected to the real world and requires students to be creators and producers! When appropriate have students present or design their work for real audiences. Northern Beaches Manly Fairy Penguin Project is a perfect example of authentic assessment!


. Include pre-assessment tools and if possible use the relevant data to determine what the students know and need to learn. . Build the field beginning with background knowledge and moving towards challenging and extending the students. Use a range of tasks to build the knowledge and understanding, and enable all students to access and demonstrate learning. Unless new knowledge becomes integrated with the learner's prior knowledge and understanding, this new knowledge remains isolated, cannot be used effectively in new tasks, and does not transfer readily to new situations. . Value the conceptual thinking behind work and the process, as much as the finished product. . Ensure that the task requires Substantive communication, such as research tasks – inquiry or project based, investigative tasks, critical reflections that focus on the key ideas or concepts. . Differentiate through Student direction. Encourage students to choose their own tasks based on the rubric and marking guidelines. Gifted and talented students will need to be provided with alternative activities, not more activities. . Consider the verbs in the task! Students reveal their understanding most effectively when they are provided with opportunities to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, justify, and self-assess. . Provide clear and explicit instructions – Explicit quality criteria - regarding the nature of the task, expectations and what the students will be assessed on. When you state “You will be assessed on how well you…” the expectations must reflect the intention and language of the outcomes. . Try to include Problematic knowledge in some tasks so that students are using Higher-order thinking skills to consider others’ perspectives or how knowledge is constructed. . Feedback should be precise, directed, timely and constructive. ‘The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement is feedback’ (Hattie, 2003).

Key questions

1. Are the assessment tasks inclusive of all learners? 2. Do the tasks relate to what is being taught and what the students need to learn? 3. Are the tasks integrated and connected to what is being taught? 4. Are the tasks linked to syllabus outcomes? 5. Do the tasks have clear and explicit instructions? 6. Are the tasks challenging and rich, inviting risk-taking and higher-order thinking skills? 7. Do the tasks invite student direction?

4 Authentic Assessment Tasks F.M Newmann, W.G Secada, & G. Whelage

Definition: The extent to which an assessment task represents construction of knowledge through the use of disciplined enquiry that has some value or meaning beyond success in ‘The point is not to abandon all school. forms of “inauthentic” work in school, but to keep authentic Criteria for Authentic Assessment Tasks achievement clearly in view as the valued end.’ 1. Construction of Knowledge . Students construct or produce knowledge rather than reproducing knowledge . This knowledge is expressed in written or oral discourse, or by making and repairing things, or and in performances . Students should hone their skills through guided practice, receive ongoing meaningful feedback, and have the opportunity to refine their task . Construction of knowledge is based on understanding or prior knowledge, builds on this knowledge, and is connected to other tasks

2. Disciplined Inquiry . The task draws upon prior knowledge . The task strives for in-depth understanding rather than superficial awareness . The students use elaborate forms of communication such as: narratives, extended expositions, explanations, justifications, elaborations, and so on, rather than brief responses such as: choosing true or false, multiple choice, filling in blanks, or writing short sentences

3. Value Beyond School . The task has value for the student beyond documenting his or her competence or assessing knowledge . The task is connected to real world contexts

Implications . Not all tasks will meet all three criteria. . Authentic tasks promote engagement and motivation. . There is still a valid place for “inauthentic” conventional tasks such as memory drills that are necessary to build knowledge.

5 Authentic Assessment . What do the students need to learn?

- Identify the overarching concept/s and the key learning ideas based on the content and outcomes of the syllabus to be assessed.

- Identify the learning goal of the assessment task

- Pose overarching question/s . Why does it matter?

- Ensure that the task assesses the essential knowledge and skills of the syllabus and the subject . What do they already know?

- Pre-assessment

- Use the data

- Connect task to previous and future learning

- Ensure that the task is inclusive of all students . What do I want the students to do or produce to demonstrate their learning and understanding?

- Identify what is to be produced

- Ensure that the product or performance is connected to the real world

- Identify the audience

- Have real deadlines

- Provide scope for student choice . How will they get there?

- Identify any possible misunderstandings

- Provide scaffolds, exemplars, annotated models

- Identify the literacy and numeracy demands of the task

6 . How well do I expect them to do it?

- Explicit clear directions on what is expected

GRASPS 1. Goal: What must the student know and accomplish? 2. Role: What role does the student play in this situation? 3. Audience: Who is the primary audience for the work? 4. Situation: What is the situation? What conditions/opportunities/constraints exist? 5. Products/Performance: What does the student have to produce or do? 6. Standards: What outcomes are being assessed and what is the criterion for judging the work? (The Understanding by Design Handbook, Wiggins & McTighe)

When students truly understand, they can: . Explain, make connections, offer good theories: Make sense of what they experience; show their work and defend it; provide thorough, supported, and justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts, and data; answer such questions as: Why is that so? What explains such events? What accounts for such an effect? How can you prove it? To what is this connected? How does this work? What is implied? Why do you think so? . Interpret: Tell meaningful stories; offer translations; provide a revealing historical or personal dimension to ideas and events; make it personal or accessible through images, anecdotes, analogies, models; answer such questions as: What does it mean? Why does it matter? What does it illustrate or illuminate in human experience? How does it relate to me? What does and does not make sense here? . Apply: Effectively use and adapt what they know in diverse contexts and answer such questions as: How and where can I use this knowledge, skill, process? In what ways do people apply this understanding in the world beyond the school? How should my thinking and action be modified to meet the demands of this particular situation?

7 . Appreciate Other Perspectives: See multiple points of view, with critical eyes and ears; see the big picture. Answer such questions as: From whose point of view? From which vantage point? What is assumed or tacit that needs to be made explicit and considered? How is this justified or warranted? Is there adequate evidence? Is it reasonable? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the idea? Is it plausible? What are its limits? . Empathise: Get inside, find value in what others might find odd, alien, or implausible; perceive sensitively, enter the mind and heart of others. Answer such questions as: How does it seem to you? What do they see that I do not? What do I need to experience if I am to understand? What was the artist, writer, or performer feeling, seeing, and trying to make me feel and see? . Gain Self-knowledge: Perceive the personal style, prejudices, projections, and habits of mind that shape and impede their own understanding; are aware of what they do not understand, and why it is so hard to understand. Answer such questions as: What are my blind spots? What am I prone to misunderstand because of prejudice, habit, and style? How does who I am influence how I understand and do not understand? . Synthesise: Access ideas and information and internalise this knowledge to arrive at a personal understanding. Answer such questions as: How is what I am doing now connected to what we have learned previously? How can this information help me? Authentic Assessment . Requires students to be effective performers and producers with acquired knowledge. Traditional tests tend to reveal only whether the student can recognise, recall or "plug in" what was learned out of context. . Values the conceptual thinking behind work; the process, as much as the finished product. . Students reveal their understanding most effectively when they are provided with opportunities to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empathise, and self-assess. . High Expectations and Connectedness: Connected to the real world, challenging and invites risk-taking. . Student direction: Students choosing activities with teacher guidance.

8 . Problematic knowledge: Research, investigation and problem solving. . Substantive communication: Focused on the concept and key ideas. Assessment tasks must reflect the ways in which a person’s knowledge and abilities are tested in real-world situations. Such challenges: . Ask students to “do” the subject . Require judgment and innovation: Instead of merely reciting, restating, or replicating through demonstration the lessons taught and skills learned . Reflect the contexts in which adults are tested in the workplace, in civic life, and in personal life. Contexts involve specific situations that have particular constraints, purposes, and audiences. . Allow appropriate opportunities to rehearse, practice, consult, work collaboratively, solicit feedback, refine performances, and revise products. (Wiggins, 2006)

9 Critical Study: Preliminary Advanced English Assessment Task

Date Due: Week 7 Term 3 Period 1

Speaking/Reading: 15 %

Outcomes: 7, 8, 9 & 12A

7. A student selects appropriate language forms and features, and structures of texts to explore and express ideas and values. 8. A student articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts. 9. A student evaluates the effectiveness of a range of processes and technologies for various learning purposes including the investigation and organisation of information and ideas. 12A. A student demonstrates a capacity to understand and use different ways of responding to and composing different texts.

Concept: Interpretation

Key Learning Ideas: . There are different ways of responding to Gray’s poetry . How and why language features convey meaning . Effective ways to enhance the learning process

Nature of Speaking Task:

In the final year 11 exam students are required to respond to a question on this module. Your task for your speech is to find a way to make one of the poems we have studied memorable and meaningful so that your fellow students will remember the poem and its subject matter, issues, themes, setting, poetic and language features, and be able to discuss in the exam how another reader could respond to the poem.

Investigate a range of processes involving ICT that you believe could work and then select one that you will deliver in your speech. You could use one of the following approaches:  Power point with images and key quotes to make the poem memorable to accompany your speech that covers all of the expectations of the task  A dramatic recording of the poem accompanied by commentary  Mind maps using Inspiration or a word document that are accompanied by your speech that covers all of the expectations of the task  Adding music to the poem and transforming it into a song that is supported by your speech that covers all of the expectations of the task

10  Slide show accompanied by powerful images and music  Short film clip or animation  Podcast featuring a reading and your comments  Use your imagination!

Duration of speech: 5 minutes for the actual speech – this does not include the use of ICT to make the poem memorable.

Expectations: You will be assessed on how well you: - Closely engage with the poem using textual details - Discuss the language and poetic features and how they convey meaning - Demonstrate understanding of how there are different ways of responding to the poem - Deliver the talk. (DO NOT READ THE SPEECH – make eye-contact, be expressive and engage the audience.) - Develop an effective learning activity using ICT that engages and informs the audience

Note: You must hand in a copy of your speech on the date due, even if you don’t actually deliver it on that day. Your name will be drawn out of a hat and you must be available for the allocated time, unless you have made prior arrangements with your teacher.

11 Preliminary Advanced Critical Study of Text – Assessment Task 4 Marking Guidelines

Criteria Marks  Insightful understanding of the poem and its textual details and features  Insightful understanding of how there are different ways of responding to the poem 15 - 13  Skilful presentation of a learning activity using ICT that engages and informs the audience  Thoughtful understanding of the poem and its textual details and features  Thoughtful understanding of how there are different ways of responding to the poem 12 - 10  Effective presentation of a learning activity using ICT that engages and informs the audience  Sound understanding of the poem and its textual details and features  Sound understanding of how there are different ways of responding to the poem 9 - 7  Sound presentation of a learning activity using ICT that engages and informs the audience  Limited understanding of the poem and its textual details and features  Limited understanding of how there are different ways of responding to the poem 6 - 4  Limited presentation of a learning activity using satisfactory ICT that engages and informs the audience  Elementary understanding of the poem and its textual details and features  Elementary understanding of how there are different 3 - 0 ways of responding to the poem  Elementary presentation of a learning activity using limited ICT

12 Stage 4 Assessment Task 1: Critical Response

Outcome to be assessed: 1. A student responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure.

5. A student makes informed language choices to shape meaning with accuracy, clarity and coherence.

Concept: Stagecraft

Key Learning Ideas:

. The power and richness of language . How language choice conveys tone, attitudes and feelings and shapes dramatic delivery

Nature of task:

We have been examining a range of soliloquies in class, now it is your turn to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ONE of these soliloquies.

You will need to discuss the following:

. The reasons why this soliloquy was spoken by the character . The content of the soliloquy . The tone of the soliloquy . The language features: word choice, figurative language, sentence structure, and so on and how these features help to convey how the character is feeling and shape the way the soliloquy is delivered . Your personal response to the soliloquy

You will be assessed on how well you:

. Demonstrate understanding of the key ideas of the soliloquies . Compose a coherent and clear critical response . Demonstrate appreciation of the language features and forms

Please note:

. You will have some time in class to work on the response. . Drafts can be submitted to your teacher prior to the due date.

A suggested scaffold has been included. Critical Response – Suggested Scaffold

13 Select ONE of the soliloquies and critically analyse the content, ideas and language features.

Paragraph 1: Introduce the soliloquy and its focus, and state why you selected it.

Paragraph 2: Discuss the context of the soliloquy and what motivated the character to say these words. E.g. In Macbeth’s soliloquy he has just heard of the death of his wife. He realises that by giving into vaulting ambition he has lost so much: love, friends and respect. The fleeting nature of life is acknowledged.

Paragraph 3: State how the character feels about what her or she is discussing, and refer to the word choice and language features that convey these feelings. E.g. Hamlet in his soliloquy has been told by his father’s ghost to avenge his death. In this soliloquy he contemplates his own death and expresses concern and fear about what taking his own life would mean. The absence of knowledge about what comes after death creates fear and doubt.

Paragraph 4: Discuss what the soliloquy reveals about the character. In your discussion refer to examples and language features that reveal his or her motives and personality. E.g. Juliet’s soliloquy reveals how impatient she is to be with her new love Romeo. She repeatedly uses the imperative voice and personification to convey her desire.

Paragraphs 5 - 8: Discuss the key ideas/issues that are raised in this soliloquy and how the language features convey these ideas. E.g. Macbeth’s soliloquy in response to the death of his wife conveys the brevity of life and how it should not be wasted on blind ambition though the metaphor of a candle that can so easily be snuffed.

Paragraph 9: Conclude by stating your opinion of the soliloquy and what it reveals about human nature.

Assessment Task 1: Critical Response

14 Student’s name: …………………………………………….

Achievement: Please Circle: E H S WT ND

Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Performance Descriptor Marking Guidelines Excellent . Composes a sophisticated, coherent and clear critical response . Sophisticated understanding of the key ideas of the soliloquy . Sophisticated appreciation of the language features High . Composes an effective, coherent and clear critical response . Effective understanding of the key ideas of the soliloquy . Effective appreciation of the language features Satisfactory . Composes a sound and clear critical response . Sound understanding of the key ideas of the soliloquy . Sound appreciation of the language features Working towards . Composes a limited response . Limited understanding of the key ideas of the soliloquy . Limited reference to the language features Not demonstrated . Little or no attempt to compose a critical response . Little or no understanding of the key ideas of the soliloquy . Elementary or no reference to the language features

15 Stage 5 Assessment Task: Composing a Digital Narrative

Outcomes to be assessed: 1. A student responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure. 5. A student transfers understanding of language concepts into new and different contexts. 6. A student experiments with different ways of imaginatively and interpretively transforming experience, information and ideas into texts.

Concept: Narrative Voice

Key Learning Ideas: . The features of an effective narrative . The crafting of a distinctive narrative voice . How images and sounds can enhance the effectiveness of a narrative

Nature of the Task: A digital story enables you to create an original narrative and enrich it through images, music, voiceover and even video clips. You can even experiment with different forms such as a narrative from multiple perspectives or a narrative with a different structure, such as: flashback, circular or parallel. You could write a narrative about an actual incident from your past or set it in the distant future, or create a non- linear narrative using hyperlinks to alternative endings or incidents. The possibilities are endless! You are only limited by your imagination!

Steps: 1. Plan your digital narrative using a mind map outlining the setting, character/s, incidents, themes, audience and purpose. 2. Use the storyboard provided to plan your images, timing, slide transition and slide effect. 3. Create a folder that will house all of the relevant files. 4. Compose your 300-word max narrative and use spell check and the thesaurus to edit your work and improve your choice or words. Get another student to edit your work. 5. Find the appropriate images on the internet or take your own using a digital camera. 6. Download any video footage you want to use. 7. Record your voice using a microphone or an MP3 player. Make sure that you are happy with the sound, pace and intonation. 8. Use Photostory or Moviemaker to make your digital narrative.

When you have completed your story compose a 250-word minimum Critical Reflection on the quality of your story and its impact on responders.

Comment on:  Intended audience  Purpose

16  Structure  Plot  Ideas/themes/messages  Language features  Images and sounds  How others could respond

You will be assessed on how well you:  Compose and structure a digital narrative effective language, visual and aural features.  Create an original digital narrative.  Critically reflect on the quality of your digital narrative and how others could respond.

Marking Guidelines Descriptors For Assessment Task 2

17 Excellent . Skilful use of imagery, language features, form and structure, and ideas in a narrative . Skilful and original use of images, sound, transitions and effects to enhance your digital narrative . Insightful analysis of the effectiveness and impact of your digital narrative on responders in terms of ideas, perspective and originality High . Effective use of imagery, language features, form and structure, and ideas in a narrative . Effective and original use of images, sound, transitions and effects to enhance your digital narrative . Thoughtful analysis of the effectiveness and impact of your digital narrative on responders in terms of ideas, perspective and originality Substantial . Sound use of imagery, language features, form and structure, and ideas in a narrative . Sound use of images, sound, transitions and effects to enhance your digital narrative . Sound description of the effectiveness and impact of your digital narrative on responders in terms of ideas, perspective and originality Satisfactory . Limited use of imagery, language features, form and structure, and ideas in a narrative Demonstrated . Limited use of images, sound, transitions and effects to enhance your digital narrative . Limited description of the effectiveness and impact of your digital narrative on responders

Working Towards . Elementary use of imagery, language features, form and structure, and ideas in a narrative . Elementary use of images, sound, transitions and effects to enhance your digital narrative . Elementary description of the effectiveness and impact of your digital narrative on responders Not demonstrated . Little or no attempt to satisfy the demands of the task





ACTIVITY 1: Current assessment task

. What do the students need to learn?

. Why does it matter?

. What do they already know?

. What do I want the students to do or produce to demonstrate their learning and understanding?

20 . How will they get there? Outline teaching strategies and resources

. How well do I expect them to do it?

21 Stage: KLA: Focus: Duration: Assessment Task

Outcomes to be assessed: (In full)


Essential Learning Goal:


Key Learning Ideas:

. . .

Nature of Task: (Clear description of what the requirements of the task.)

You will be assessed on how well you: (These statements must reflect the demands of the outcomes and will be used to form the marking guidelines)

. . .

22 Stage: KLA: Focus: Duration:

Marking Guidelines

A . . . . B . . . . C . . . . D . . . . E . . . .