Conference Periods: 2Nd, 5Th (Lunch)
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Geometry Mrs. L. Imhoff Office - Room 628 Conference periods: 2nd, 5th (lunch) Homework Hotline & Voicemail: 440- 268-5570 E-mail: [email protected]
Dear Students and Parents:
Welcome back to school! I hope this will be a great year for you. I am looking forward to working with you. Geometry is a different type of math and will allow you to actually visualize math concepts. Additionally, wse will be using algebra principles throughout the year
Our textbook is Geometry, by Holt McDougal. It addresses the new Common Core State Standards. The book needs to be covered with a brown paper bag to help protect it. The students will have homework from the book or practice worksheets most nights. The book is also available online from Students will be given a user name and password to access this site. There are also tutorial videos, Power Points, and practice quizzes for the students to utilize.
A calculator is required for this course. With technology increasing at a rapid pace, students need to know how to use calculators for maximum benefit. Modern calculators are a powerful tool and can reduce the amount of time needed to solve problems. Additionally, the graphing calculators help students to visualize the concepts we are learning. Students should already have a graphing calculator. If not, please get one of the following: a Texas Instrument TI-83, TI-84 plus, TI-84, or the TI-Nspire. There will be no playing games on the calculator. Breaking this rule will result in losing the use of the calculator on tests and quizzes.
Math Lab: We have a Math Lab for students to get help during their study hall. They are to get a pass from me. Passes will not be issued if the student is not paying attention in class. Students are to bring their notes, book, and questions. They can only go at the most twice a week. This is not a one-on-one situation, as teachers or upper level math students are helping other students from different math classes at the same time.
I am again sending home the Academic and Behavior expectations for the class. ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS 1. Homework will be assigned daily and will be collected daily for up to 5 points (worksheets may be worth more). Some homework will be scored for effort, while some will be graded (problems selected on a random basis). To receive full credit on ANY assignment you must show all work. By showing your work, I can see your thought process and help you. This also allows me to give you partial credit when you give an incorrect answer. 2. Approximately one quiz per week (some may be open-note and unannounced) 3. Test approx. every 3 weeks (multiple choice, matching, free response and application questions) 4. Assignments are due at the beginning of the next day’s class unless instructed differently. If turned in later in the class period, the assignment will be considered late and reduced credit will be given. 5. Homework, quizzes, and tests are to be done in pencil. In this way you can correct it easily. Papers done in ink or illegible work will not be accepted. I want you to take pride in your work 6. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO GET MISSED ASSIGNMENTS FROM THE TEACHER AT THE END OF CLASS OR BEFORE THE BELL HAS RUNG TO BEGIN CLASS!!! THE HOMEWORK HOTLINE WILL BE UPDATED DAILY. MY EXTENSION IS 440-268-5570. BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS 1. Students will be in their seats in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. They are to stay in their seats until the bell rings for dismissal from class. 2. Students will be prepared to contribute to the day’s discussion along with having the proper utensils (math binder, notebook paper, calculator, pencil, assignments, etc....). 3. Assignments will be turned in on time 4. The Student Code of Conduct will be in effect at all times. 5. All electronic devices, including cell phones, Ipods, etc. are not to be used or visible during class.
DETERMINATION OF GRADES 1. Points will be awarded for homework assignments, bell work, quizzes, and tests 2. Grades will be determined by totaling the points earned by an individual divided by the total possible points. 3. The grading scale will be as follows: 89.5% -100 A 79.5%-89.4 - B 69.5% -79.4 C 59.5% - 69.5D Below 59.4% - F 4. Grades are available on Power Teacher. A computer print-out of grades will be posted after major tests. It is the responsibility of the student to bring any discrepancies to the attention of the teacher before the tardy bell rings, before school, or after school. 5. Final semester grades are calculated according the following formula: 0.4 (1st quarter %) + 0.4 (2nd quarter %) + 0.2 (semester exam %).
1. Attendance is essential to success in math and all classes. 2. When absent, a parent must call the absence in and a note must be brought to school within the 24 hours of the student’s return. 3. There shall be a minimum of one day make up time for assignments, tests, and quizzes per each day of excused absence. For long term absences of six days or more, assignments, tests, and quizzes will be made up through mutual agreement of the student, parent, and teacher in the best interest of the student. 4. It is the responsibility of the student to get missed assignments from the HOMEWORK HOTLINE or from the teacher before or after the bell has rung. No credit will be issued for any assignments collected if an absence is unexcused.
Copying or allowing someone to copy your work will result in both students receiving zeroes for their assignment or test.
Please ask questions in class. You are not the only one who may not understand the problem, but you may be the only one brave enough to ask the question! The other students are relieved when someone else asks the question. Many people struggle with math; the difference is that you can get help. I will be happy to work with you. It sometimes just takes a little time to grasp the concept. I am available periods 2 and 5. Additionally, I may be able to help before or after school. Please feel free to contact me at school or by e-mail if you have any questions about the material.
Sincerely, Mrs. Linda Imhoff Mathematics Teacher Parent signature______