AFDO Retail Food Allergen Committee Agenda

Thursday, April 2, 2014 1:00 PM CDT


Roll Call  Via Webinar-No need to indicate participation on the call if you are logged on to the webinar

 Participants by phone only

o Steve Oswald o Cristal Garrison o Barry Parsons o Bob Lake o Curtis Hayes

Goals  Committee o Charge 1: Collect and review available food allergy guidance documents and develop an AFDO Allergen Control at Retail guidance document. o Goal is to be ready by ???  Today o Review existing resources o Discuss course forward . What should the guide include?  Posters?  Allergen menus? Recommend common symbols (IAFP symbols)?  Procedures?  Training recommendations?  Other items? o Set next meeting.


9/19/14  Raise awareness at retail level  Operations must understand their own limitations, sometimes can’t accommodate requests  Concern about secondary responses from food treatments, education of public is growing challenge. Need simple, understandable materials  Color coding tools/utensils-need education to properly use  Supply chain issues/customer notification  FSMA implications/legislative issues  Wide variation in industry awareness  Customer needs to notify facility and/or staff ask routinely about allergies and/or ordering cues  Placard/notice/reminder to notify of allergy

4/2/15  MA has YouTube videos and providers are authorized to test based on the videos  MA video may need to be updated  MA requires some postings  MI law requires allergen training for many retail food establishments. Working with MI Rest. Assoc. to flesh out a program for purchase ($10 - $20).  What is the target audience? What does success look like?  Is FDA developing anything? Don’t want to conflict with that.  Reach out to NRA.  Facilitate businesses developing their own plans/guidance

Action items 9/19/14  Benchmarking  Contact FARE to see if they have a directory of existing programs (Dave will take this on)  FAACT (Michael will contact)  Check AFDO shared documents

4/2/15  Emily will create a document to help refine target audience, etc.  Reach out to NRA.