Judith Desire c. (347) 994-8830 |
[email protected] | redesigningtech.com | github.com/berryny | linkedin.com/in/jdesire WORK EXPERIENCE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR | REDESIGNING TECHNOLOGY CORP. | New York, NY | MAR 2004 – PRESENT - Providing Front-End/Web Development for desktop browsers and mobile/tablet devices. - Establish and direct long term strategic goals, policies, and procedures - Determine systems needs with software and hardware to meet client’s business objectives. - Develop websites utilizing best practices for IA and GUI design - Assist clients with site tracking and analysis. 2016 Remote Front End Developer | Ruder Finn Inc. | New York, NY Projects: Nokia Technology, email templates Utilize hand-coding skills in HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS/Sass, Bootstrap, and Photoshop to produce template webpages. Coding email newsletter templates for Apple Mail and MailChimp. 2015 Front End Developer | Tommy Hilfiger | New York, NY Projects: Tommy Blog Responsible for updating and maintaining blog template development on native mobile, tablet and desktop web pages using HTML and CSS. Interactive Developer | Droga5 | New York, NY Projects: No Ceilings (http://not-there.org/) Responsible for developing native mobile, tablet and desktop web design with responsiveness, fluid layout and fixed layouts landing page using HTML/HTML5, CSS2/CSS3, JS/jQuery and Bootstrap 3. 2013 - 2014 Consultant / Senior Web Developer | PSL Group | New York, NY Projects: Create template mobile applications Responsible for developing native mobile responsive design applications over the entire application lifecycle in HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, jQuery UI, Require.js and javascript MVC. Consultant / Senior Web Developer | STEADY | New York, NY Projects: Nike Runner's Internal Content Management System (CMS) Coded the CMS in HTML, CSS, jQuery, CoffeeScript, Foundation 4, Angularjs, yeoman grunt bower services with multi-device user responsive design.