Laughton-En-Le-Morthen Parish Council
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Parish Council
(Ordinary Meeting 11th November 2015) Present: Councillors Mr T Stanway (Chairperson), Mr P Lilleker, Mr G Price, Mr R Thrower, Mr Paul Green, Mrs J Leaning, Mr Simon Johnson and the Clerk, Caroline Havenhand. In attendance: Ann Mitchell, LVHMC Chairperson, Mr Peter Kenney, LVHMC Treasurer; & Parishioners: None.
104. Recording of Meetings
At the beginning of the meeting the Chairman verbally reminded the meeting and all present of the freedom to record the meeting and asked if anyone intended to do so. The Chairperson encouraged anyone intending to record future meetings to advise the Clerk five days before the meeting so that arrangements can be made to facilitate the recording. No one present wished to record the meeting.
105. Apologies None.
106. Open Forum for Parishioners in Attendance No Issues raised.
107. Minutes of the meeting held on 14 th October 2015 The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record.
108. Declaration of Prejudicial & Pecuniary Interests None declared.
109. Matters Arising from the Minutes No matters were arising that were not included as an agenda item.
110. Parishioner’s Written Requests/Verbal Requests Complaint about Trees overhanging in garden on New Street. Update since last meeting. RMBC have confirmed that the tree is their responsibility and have referred it to the neighbourhood team to deal with. Resolved Clerk to remove from Agenda.
Tree overhanging garden and fence on edge of car park is becoming overgrown and hedge is missing in part. Parishioner has asked whether this is something the council would look at. It was agreed that the clerk should look at the deeds to check whose responsibility the boundary was and report back to the council. Resolved Clerk to review deeds and report back.
111. A) Recreation Ground
LPC Minutes 11th November 2015 1 of 9 i) Recent Inspection findings -
Report date 22nd October 2015– High Risk
Risk Level Issue Current action High Risk Bench – Timbers split, bolts loose Repair Required Moderate Risk Multiplay Junior – Monitor and replace missing Finding 1 - Ball joints wearing caps Finding 2 – 4 Caps missing – Replace missing caps Very Low Risk Cable Runway No action required – queried why still on, awaiting response Low Risk Swings – 1 Bay 2 Seat – Flat – level of To be discussed loose filling significantly below 200mm – Top up loose fill to recommended levels Low Risk Rotor Play – Supanova - level of loose To be discussed filling significantly below 200mm – Top up loose fill to recommended levels High Risk Swings – Freeride Finding 1 – Rope split metal spikes Removed prominent To be discussed Finding 2 - level of loose filling significantly below 200mm – Top up loose fill to recommended levels Low Risk Swings – Basket swing – Type 1 Finding 1 - level of loose filling significantly To be discussed below 200mm – Top up loose fill to recommended levels
Free ride swing will not stand another repair – agreement was given at last PC meeting to order new swing up to £350. This has now broken again though the inspection team do believe it can be mended. However they have had problems with others in the borough and now believe it is a design fault. Stuart Kenney has set up a meeting with Komplan to discuss. In interim swing to be put back in place when mended. Resolved – await update from RMBC Inspection team, currently removed. Repair of Decking – Decking has been repaired – Resolved, remove from agenda. Loose Fill Issues – See later (iii) – In interim spoke to Inspection team to clarify whether leaving till next spring would be acceptable. Lisa Handsford confirmed that it was acceptable but would need regularly raking under the main play areas in the interim. The Clerk asked if this was something the caretaker could do twice a week but Ann was unsure if he would have enough time and she didn’t believe he would want any extra hours. Councillor W offered to come down and rake it at the weekend and see how long a task it was so we could have a conversation with the caretaker about what might be possible. Resolved Councillor W to report back once he has carried out the raking.
ii) Notice Boards:
Report from Working Party:-
A new notice board location has been suggested in the middle of the village. The corner of
2 High Street and Hooton Lane was seen by the working party as most beneficial. License is in place. After a review of all materials and prices it was the working party’s recommendation that we procure an oak notice board made by a local tradesman at £800. This will not be ready until spring. Councillor X to get firm quotations and also ask about a price if we were to have two made as the one in Brookehouse is poor. Spend proposed by Councillor P Lilleker , seconded by Councillor Q and all agreed. Resolved Council R Thrower to obtain prices. It was discussed that a general review of the Parish Notice Boards should take place as well as looking at the size and location of those in the Village Hall and recreational grounds and then review what goes on them. Councillor Thrower has got some prices for aluminium to use for the notice boards but asked for support to look at where these now need to be and what needs to go on them. Councillor U is to join the working party to assist with this. Thanks were given to Councillor X for his work in the Carr notice board. Resolved- working party to continue to review with a proposal on a way forward by next meeting.
iii) Update on playground surface
Issues regarding the levels of loose fill have been raised again on Playground inspection reports. It had been agreed in previous minutes to do a refill in spring 2016. This lead to discussion as to future proofing the playground by replacing the Cushion Fall with an alternative play surface material in high wear areas as the Cushion Fall requires regular replenishment. An indicative price for a full resurface has been obtained and would be circa £30,000. In a grass/rubber finish £12,000. After speaking to RMBC their recommendation for a surface would be artificial grass. It was agreed to follow this recommendation and get a quotation in order to see whether any grant funding for this might be available before any more money is spent on loose fill. The Clerk is to get firm quotations and submit a grant application. Resolved – Clerk to obtain quotation and submit application.
iv) Broken Bench
Councillors met with Paul Harrison (Builder) before the meeting who recommended works to the bench which would repair it. A quotation was provided at £60. This was proposed as a sensible way forward and the cost acceptable by Councillor U and was seconded by Councillor W and all agreed. Resolved Clerk to ask Mr Harrison to repair the bench. Remove from the agenda.
B) St John’s Road Allotments
Report from working Party on allotments and lease.
i) The working party gave an update on the current position.
LPC Minutes 11th November 2015 3 of 9 A spreadsheet has been produced now detailing the animals, birds, buildings and asbestos on the allotments. A meeting is booked for 18th November with the Agents of the St Ledger Estates regarding the new lease. The YLCA have been provided with documentation relating to the lease and have been asked to assist with legal advice on this. A response is awaited.
ii) Request re Hedge trimming
During the visit to the allotments Michelle asked if the Parish Council could deal with the overgrown hedge on the path down to the allotments. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Paul Day get a quotation for the work. A £100 spend was agreed. Proposed Councillor W, seconded Councillor Z and all agreed. Resolved Clerk to contact Paul Day for a quotation.
iii) Asbestos
The visible Asbestos on site has been listed and quantified as far as possible. There is far more asbestos than was declared to the retired clerk in the questionnaire completed earlier this year. The tenant of the plot that had requested the asbestos removing is happy to wait for removal at the present time. The Councillors discussed the way forward with regard to the best way to deal with the asbestos identified and it was decided that we would need to ask for professional advice and recommendations. Councillor Z lives near a man who works in the industry and is to ask him for a recommendation on who might carry out a review for us and find out cost involved. Resolved – Awaiting contact details from Councillor Z so that cost of a survey can be gained.
iv) Current issues
The Clerk produced a list of letters sent out to allotment holders where forms had not been returned in order to clarify whether they wanted to continue to keep their plots – this letter included a warning letter 1 where plots are not being attended to properly. Resolved Clerk to diarise and follow up with further letters where applicable.
C) RVS Area Assembly & Parishes Meeting
No Assembly Since last meeting.
D) Weed spraying (including Japanese knotweed on recreation ground)
RMBC have done this twice this year so there has been no need for the PC to organise any additional spraying.
Councillor Q reported that there are still problems in Brookehouse. Clerk contacted RMBC who advised that they have already sprayed Brookehouse twice this year so there was no plans to spray again at the moment. It was suggested that Councillor W ask Andrew to spray when he does the works below. Proposed Councillor Q, seconded Councillor W and all agreed. Resolved Councillor W to contact Andrew.
Councillor Z mentioned the overgrown area on Hangsman Lane near its junction with School Road. Councillor W has contacted Andrew and asked him to clear the area as agreed at last meeting. Resolved Clerk to check with Councillor Z at next meeting that this has been carried out. - Andrew (LanGuard Ltd).
E) Village Associations
4 Brookhouse:
o Planter - Someone has driven into the stone planter in Brookhouse and damaged it. It is too big a job for a John Shaw (Leaf and Grass). Councillor Q has spoken to the man who built it originally and got a price for rebuilding at £80. It was agreed that this work be carried out. Proposed Councillor Q, Seconded Councillor X and all agreed. Resolved Councillor Q to ask for work to be carried out – remove item from the agenda.
Slade Hooton: No one present Carr: No one present
F) New Banking Arrangements
The mandate change has still not been actioned by Santander – this was escalated as a complaint last month. The clerk has yet again chased and now been told that one of the forms submitted was scanned upside down and can’t be read. Their solution is for the chairman and vice chair to drive to the clerk’s home and go through ID&V over the phone to resolve or to resubmit the paperwork. In view of the poor service we have been given a compensation amount of £205.00. This was discussed at the Parish Council meeting and the Clerk recommended that now it is time to look around and see what is on offer from other banks. This was proposed by Councillor W and seconded by Councillor V and all agreed. Resolved Clerk to look at new banking Arrangements.
G) Standing Orders
At the previous meeting it was agreed that The Council’s standing orders need to be reviewed. Model standing orders have been received from YLCA but not the financial management element. Once these are received the Clerk will review. Resolved – Clerk to review Standing Orders and propose an update format.
H ) Defibrillators
At the last meeting the clerk had discussed possible defibrillator grants. Four defibrillators have been applied for through the British Heart Foundation scheme. We await a decision. Resolved Clerk to advice Parish Council once a decision received.
I) Parish Newsletter
The Parish Newsletter is due and the Clerk requested input on what should go in the newsletter this time. Various suggestions were given and items are to be mailed to the clerk as soon as possible so that the Newsletter can be delivered out the last week in November. Resolved Clerk to produce newsletter. Remove item from the Agenda.
J) Clerk’s Probation
The new clerk has now undertaken 6 months in the role and her probation review is due. Councillor U said that he was pleased with the work that the clerk was undertaking and proposed that the Clerk had passed her probation. This was seconded by Councillor W and all agreed. Resolved Clerk advised that she had passed her probation and accordingly could be paid the annual Telephone/IT Allowance of £240.00. Remove item from the agenda.
LPC Minutes 11th November 2015 5 of 9 K) Training and Books
In discussion with YLCA two books have been recommended to the Clerk as essential reading. One is around allotment management and the other is for Local Council Administration. The cost of both books is around £90 and the clerk asked permission to purchase these. Proposed Councillor Y and seconded Councillor V and all agreed. Resolved Clerk to order new books.
The YLCA have organised a one day course to assist clerks in dealing with the requirements of the new Transparency code. The cost of the course is £115.00 and the clerk asked permission to attend. Proposed Councillor Y and seconded Councillor V and all agreed. Resolved Clerk to book course. Remove from the agenda.
112. Police in the Community – PCSO Andrew Clarkson 1 st October 2015 to 9 th November 2015
Newhall No recorded Crimes Brookhouse No recorded Crimes Slade Hooton No recorded Crimes Carr No recorded Crimes
Laughton En-Le-Morthen –
St John’s Road 31/10/2015 - Criminal Damage to Vehicles
Other Issues: 14/10/15 – Anti-social behaviour St John’s Road – Nuisance Dog 25/10/15 – Anti-social behaviour Railway Bridge Slade Hooton 08/11/15 - Anti-social behaviour St John’s Road – Nuisance Dog
The Clerk advised that she had received and email from PCSO Andrew Clarkson to say that he is departing from Dinnington Safer Neighborhood Team due to reductions in numbers as a result of budget cuts. He passed on the details of a new email address where crime figures will be supplied from going forward. Councillor U asked that the clerk pass on the thanks of the Parish Council for PCSO Andrew Clarkson’s assistance and wish him well in his new role. Resolved Clerk to write to PCSO Andrew Clarkson.
113. Village Hall Issues a. Car park & recreation ground improvements
6 A number of quotations have now been received for the barrier and filtered down to two. Both Contractors have been seen again to go through their proposals. Priorities have been identified and decision proposed is to go for -: Timer to open morning and night Exit loop to open from inside Controller for village hall The preferred quotation based on the barrier being able to be lit at night was shown to the Parish Council. It met our needs, in terms of quality, features and pricing and also reasonable maintenance costs. The Cost is £3660.00 plus vat. It was agreed that the Clerk should instruct works, subject to suitable references. Proposed Councillor U, Seconded Councillor W and all agreed. Resolved Clerk to gain references and instruct the work to be done. b. LVHMC Treasurer’s Report and Recent Bookings
Village Hall Bookings continue to go well and finances are in the black, Councillor U thanked Peter and Ann for their continued efforts. Various activities are planned which Ann is to forward to the clerk to put in the Newsletter. Resolved Ann to advise Clerk of events for newsletter. c. Building Fabric and fittings
No specific issues raised though it is felt that there may be a need to purchase a few more plug in radiators for the winter and also that some of the concrete around the windows will need work at some point in the near future. No action at present. d. Quote for new CCTV system -
This is still under review. Contractors have been filtered down to two and working party have seen one contractor again and are arranging a further meeting with the other contractor. Resolved Clerk to arrange a further meeting. e.) Bins.
Bin has now been relocated from church to village hall. The Clerk has been advised by Streetpride that there is no budget currently for bin replacement. The Clerk has found supplier for a new bin at £145 plus vat. A meeting is due with RMBC about the recreational ground and bin condition and emptying will be raised at this meeting and then the position reviewed. Resolved awaiting meeting with RMBC. f) Football Pitch
The Parish Council remains concerned about the pitch as it is getting damaged by games being played on it by teams other that Laughton Boys. Teams are coming because we have full sized nets that are up all over the football season. Consideration is being given to taking posts down permanently and buying the team nets to erect on match days so as to discourage play in the goal areas and preserve the pitch. The Clerk obtained a price of £800 for two complete Nets and spoke to the Chairman of Laughton Boys. They could see the benefits of the idea if there is somewhere to store the poles. This was discussed the meeting and one of the parishioners mentioned that Maltby have these nets and chain the poles to
LPC Minutes 11th November 2015 7 of 9 outside walls. It was agreed that the clerk speak to Maltby Junior FC to find out what they have used to secure the nets. Coincidentally the clerk is due to meet with RMBC regarding the renewal of the Recreational ground maintenance. At this meeting she will mention the state of the goal areas and also ask how much of the maintenance fee would be saved if RMBC do not need to deal with the repair and removal of posts as this would be offset against the new posts. Once this information is to hand a decision can be made at the next meeting. Resolved the clerk to speak to Maltby Junior FC and RMBC and report back to the council.
114. Environmental Issues a) Brookhouse Dyke/Sewer
Councillor Q advised that the Dyke is now full of Watercress which could cause problems. She asked if the clerk could write to RMBC to raise this issue. This was proposed by Councillor Q and seconded by Councillor U and all agreed. Resolved – Clerk to write to RMBC. b) Thurcroft Landfill
There is nothing to currently report on this issue other than that there is still an interest lodged by the company that may install Solar Panels. In respect of the Landfill this is still ongoing and will be done over the next 4-6 years. New ponds have been built with fences around to relocate the newts. Resolved – Councillor Q to continue to keep the Parish Council informed on this issue.
115. Finance Report
a. RECEIPTS 13/10/2015 COMPENSATION COMPLAINT £ 205.00 1/11/2015 BANK INTEREST £ 7.03 6/11/2015 VHMC £ 280.00
B. PAYMENTS 16/10/2015 G PRICE COURSE YLCA £ 45.00 16/10/2015 RMBC GROUNDS MAINTENANCE £ 187.85 4/11/2015 PAUL DAY TREES £ 456.00 6/11/2015 CLERK’S WAGES £ 410.55 06/11/2015 CARETAKER’S WAGES £ 222.70 10/11/2015 CLERKS EXPENSES £ 14.00 10/11/2015 LINE MARKING IN CAR PARK £ 2352.00 10/11/2015 LAUGHTON BUILDERS DECKING £ 90.00 10/11/2015 RMBC GROUND MAINTENANCE £ 187.85 11/11/2015 WREATH – REMEMBRANCE DAY £ 25.00 11/11/2015 LEAF AND GRASS £ 175.00
116. Planning Applications
RB2014/1511 Building Development at Thurcroft – Letter of objection sent to planning re Sewerage problems. Appeal declined. RB2015/1209 Erection of Barn for storage of agricultural machinery and animal feed
8 Coldwell Hooton Lane Laughton en-le-Morthen – Objection submitted. An Email received from applicant for discussion at meeting requesting Withdrawal of our objection. The Councillors felt that they couldn’t do that On the current information provided. It was decided that Councillor U Would look over the documents again and speak to the applicant. RB2015/1360 Part demolition and Conversion of former public house – Ye Old Cartwheel Main Street, Brookehouse. The Councillors felt that there was insufficient Information in the application as to the materials being used and an objection Should be raised on that basis. RB2015/0863 29 Grangewood Road – re change of use – Undetermined appeal – The Councillors decided there was no further action on this at present as our Previous objection would be submitted with the appeal documentation.
117. Consultation Documents
The Clerk has forwarded the following documents to Councillors by email.
16/10/201 VAR Sheffield – Invitation to AGM 16/10/2015 YLCA – Hydraulic Fracturing Presentation 20/10/2015 YLCA – South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Newsletter 21/10/2015 Copy of Objection letter to RB2015/1209 22/10/2015 Friends of The Peak District – October Newsletter 26/10/2015 Housing Strategy Consultation 28/10/2015 Age UK – Engage Rotherham 30/10/2015 VAR Rotherham – Email Newsletter Bulletin Edition 31 – 30th October 02/11/2015 VAR Sheffield – November newsletter 03/11/2015 South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority – November briefing 03/11/2015 YLCA -Workplace Pensions 06/11/2015 VAR Rotherham – Email Newsletter Bulletin Edition 32 – 6th November 06/11/2015 Community Lincs. Lincolnshire Women’s Enterprise Day 5
Consultation Documents - Paper
Festive Favourites – All Saints Church
118. Correspondence
In Radio Nightingale – Request for funding – This will be added to the requests that are dealt with At the end of the funding year once the Parish Council knows what funds are available.
LPC Minutes 11th November 2015 9 of 9 Email from PCSO Andrew Clarkson – see above Out -Letters re allotments – various, see list. -Letter to planning office re objection to barn at Coldwell Hooton Lane Laughton en-le- Morthen
119. Any Other Business
Councillor U raised the issue of the proposed changes to the Diocese boundaries in respect of All Saints’ Church. This was discussed at length and it was generally felt that much more consultation should have taken place with parishioners rather than us being presented with fait accompli. It was agreed that a letter should be written from the Parish Council outlining our objections over the changes and lack of consultation – it was agreed that Councillor U would circulate a draft letter for approval. Proposed by Councillor Q, seconded by Councillor W and all agreed. Resolved Councillor U to send a letter following approval by the other councillors.
120. Date and Time of the Next Ordinary Meeting
The next Ordinary Meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th December 2015 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Firbeck Avenue, Laughton-en-le-Morthen.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm
Chairman……………………………. Date……9/12/2015…………….