Division Of Mental Health And Substance Abuse Services

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Division Of Mental Health And Substance Abuse Services

Scott Walker Duncan Shrout Governor Chairperson

Scott Stokes Vice Chairperson State of Wisconsin Mary Rasmussen Secretary State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse 1 West Wilson Street, P.O. Box 7851 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7851 Diversity Committee Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2017 Badger Rock Center 501 E. Badger Street Madison, WI

Members Present by Phone: none Members Present: Denise Johnson, Cathy Scheier, Tish Minor, and Thai Vue Members Excused: Anthony Harris, Harold Gates, Gail Kinney, and Sandy Hardie Members Absent: none Interpreter: Scottie and Amy Staff: Mai Zong Vue & Allison

Call to Order: Thai called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Everyone introduced themselves. Members met a new prevention staff, Alison, who has a background in Latino communities and experiences working with diversity.

Public Comments: none

Approval of Meeting Minutes: Approval of July 28 meeting minutes: Discussion include Denise’s comments that there was no deaf and hard of hearing data report from Mike. Staff will ask Mike to look into adding deaf and hard of hearing data and send to Diversity Committee. Gail sent comments for the July meeting minutes on DSPS updates. Cathy moved to approve the July meeting minutes with addition of Gail’s comments. Thai seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.

DCTS Updates: CLAS Standards training, Thai raised issue of cross, Denise ask for a revised org chart. Mai Zong will look for one and send to the Committee. Diversity Workshop: Cathy will not have a video and will talk about the issues clients faced and answer questions. Members will work on the final details of the workshop format and brief the Committee about the workshop on Tuesday, October 24 in the afternoon. Review goals and accomplishments: Mz shared Anthony’s email comments with Committee. A discussion on breaking down the develop a process took place. Should we make the goals specific and accomplishments specific? What does this mean? Should we

1 Denise reminded the Committee that we did a strategic plan. Add the logo and mission statement as footnote on all Diversity Committee work. Add Diversity definition to the foot. Don’t list names for the SCAODA report but keep one detail report for the Committee. LGBTQ Brochure: MZ shared: chinoh drafted the brochure for dhs and asked if Diversity would endorse the brochure. Denise welcome the project. Thai…there is a lot of work ahead for the Hmong community on this issue—the pressure, lack of understanding, and consequences that will come if we don’t prepare for it…prepare culture leaders is much needed. Suicide question asked by Tish. Thai responded that majority of the suicide are young people and we don’t know why— need to look at this issue. What is the plan for the brochure? Should we develop a speaker’s bureau to discuss the issues and distribute brochures. Denise—this is a good start as Thai shared we have not scratched the surface and need to plant the seed. This is a good example of unmet need-lack of materials about the community. October is domestic abuse month and this brochure can be used. Places to distribute brochure: offender office, annual conferences, speakers bureau work, website To add to brochure: a personal story in the beginning to connect to the data in the brochure. Vision and goal for series of brochure? Two Hmong couples were murdered by a soldier—with lots of trauma—who would not have killed these two couples if he received mental health services. Wausau—Hmong man who killed an officer, two friends and a lawyer….if this man receive appropriate services (domestic abuse and build up tensions and trauma within the family), these lives would not have loss. Hmong men carry a heavy burden of social pressure that lead to suicide. Gang—Cathy said she is still seeing in Ethan Ellen now a day. The sensitivity issue is about how we frame our service: Are we the intruders or the planners? Do we need a formal vote to accept the project? Not necessary because we have a consensus by everyone here. Cathy made a motion to adopt the brochure as project of the Diversity.… approving the series of brochure and that we will develop a guideline for the series..and Tish seconded. A definition/glossary page..what different colors mean. Motion was approved unaminously. Tish-- Color on front has meaning? Website: What does it look like? Denise – can Mike set up top Committee bio and picture, number of years on Diversity. Member directory Thai review Denise’s website and like to model after it. Bars should be?: About: denise and tish What: mission What, who, why was diversity established and how did it get formulate into a committee – Denise will do the about - Our Committee - Cathy  Bio and photos

 Position – year join – etc. 2  Meeting minutes and agenda

 Annual reports Resources—articles, brochures, links…, -Gail

Contact Information: mai zong F/A/Q: diversity definition – Alisson Why do you need culturally specific treatment modality?

Events: training, conference – mai zong

Purpose of website: MZ to can draft something using the strategic plan done. Where citizens can find diversity information Leadership Change Raise diversity Awareness and changes Advocacy education, Deadline for getting the inform Mike by September 22—this gives Mike a month to work on it and show the draft at October meeting. Improving Cultural Competence in SA Treatment Review & Discussion – will send electronic version to members and discuss at the next meeting. Old business Next Agenda Item: Improving Cultural Competence Goal for FFY 2018. -- Website – Mike to show what he got 1st Friday is good for Cathy and Denise and Tish Next meeting is November 17 Cathy made motion to adjourn at 2:12

Diversity Reception: Gail met with Dr. Moore. She shared with Dr. Moore what the Committee did in the past. It was reported that he was very easy to talk and will be meeting with him again to flush out the details of the Diversity Reception.

Diversity Workshop: Cathy is still working on getting a candidate after she got turned down by 2-3 candidates. There was one that asked for compensation. As a result, Cathy may not get a video done on time. She will keep trying.

Anthony, are there barriers within Native American? Is Michael Waupoose a person to ask about this topic and potential panelist? Gail may have potential panelist for the workshop. She will let the committee know. Anthony will explore with his contact at Indian Health Center and let the committee know. At next meeting, the Committee will finalize the three panelists.

3 DCTS Updates: The Annual Mental Health and Substance Abuse Registration is out. Please share and register. Some scholarships will be available for consumers. The State Targeted Response (STR) grants were contracted out to counties with high need of drug overdosed. Three tribes were funded. Mai Zong is waiting for travel approval to attend the national Training-of- the-Trainer in October. Per SCAODA’s recommendation to implement CLAS Standards in December 2015, she will be equipped to give CLAS Standards trainings to state staff and providers upon completion of this certification training.

DSPS Rule Change: Gail shared that she did some research on this topic and found that the State contracted with ICRC and other testing sites. In Gail’s research, the testing is only for a master’s level thru the National for Association for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC).

Agenda items for the next meeting include:  Website  Workshop Panel  Diversity Workshop and Reception  Harm Reduction – Scott Stokes  Peer Specialist Program - Lalena

Next meeting date is October 23, 2017, Kalahari Resorts, WI Dells

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:40 p.m. by Cathy and seconded by Anthony.

Meeting notes by Mai Zong Vue; 608-266-9218


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