Minutes of Regular Meeting of Council for the Rural Municipality of Reynolds Held in The s3
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PRESENT: REEVE: David Turchyn COUNCILLORS: Garry Gaetz (Ward 1) Curtis Buley (Ward 2) John Miscavitch (Ward 3) Michael Turchyn (Ward 4) Maurice Yaremchuk (Ward 5) Florence Campbell (Ward 6) Jim Colbert (Ward 7)
Adoption of the Agenda
Res. 45 BE IT RESOLVED that the amended agenda be hereby adopted with additions. Agenda Carried.
Reading & Confirmation of Minutes
Res. 46 BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of the February 11th, 2014 regular meeting minutes of Minutes Council be waived and adopted as written. Carried.
Hearing Delegations:
6:00 p.m. Bill Sawka attended the meeting to present the revised zoning by-law with map, and discussed the minor changes with Council. Mr. Sawka and CAO will attempt to obtain further information regarding gravel deposit areas.
Kaylee Mestdagh, Red River Basin – will reschedule
7:00 p.m. John Giesbrecht and Harold Taylor from NoLimits Internet Solutions attended the meeting to update Council on advances they have made in providing internet in Reynolds. They expressed concern about the municipal office changing service providers. Reeve Turchyn thanked them for attending the meeting.
Committee Reports:
- Reeve Turchyn and Councillor Colbert reported on attendance at WR Planning District meeting in Whitemouth on February 18th, 2014 - Reeve Turchyn reported on February 19th, 2014 meeting with Ted Falk, MP at the municipal office - Reeve and CAO reported on Finance/Personnel meeting of February 20th, 2014 – Financial Plan Hearing date – Refer to Res. 47, 48, 49/14
Res. 47 BE IT RESOLVED that the financial plan hearing be scheduled for March 25th, 2014 at Fin plan Hrg. 7:30 pm at the municipal office. Carried.
Res. 48 BE IT RESOLVED that Council does now move into a Committee of the Whole in camera to In Camera discuss a personnel matter. Carried.
Res. 49 BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole be adjourned and the Council resume Resume mtg former order of business.
a.) By-law 7/13 Zoning By-law – 2nd reading – abey b.) By-law 1/14 Office worker Wages – 3rd reading – Refer to Res 50/14
Prior to calling the following question, Councillor Turchyn removed himself from the council chambers and took no part in the discussion.
Res. 50 BE IT RESOLVED that By-law No. 1/14, being a by-law to establish the 2014 municipal wages By-law 1/14 be read a third time and be hereby finally adopted. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL FEBRUARY 25TH, 2014 PAGE 2
Councillor Turchyn returned to the meeting and resumed his seat.
Unfinished Business:
a.) 2014 Road Maintenance costs – Y-T-D costs provided b.) Public Works Reports - Job Posting – Refer to Res. 51/14 c.) Adopt Calcium policy – Refer To Res. 52/14 d.) Gravelling options 2014 – CAO reported e.) MHHC Medika Drain assessment – cc: Council – invite to meeting f.) Recycling Tender – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 53/14 g.) MTS Internet service – CAO reported h.) Increased wages for Emergency Coordinator and Burnsite Workers – Refer to Res. 54/14 i.) Tax Sale 2013 update – CAO reported j.) Hydro Line relocation for SW 20-8-9E – CAO to advise Mr. Blanchette k.) Resolution for exchange of lands with Province – Refer to Res. 55/14
Res. 51 WHEREAS Russ Gawluk has submitted his resignation as Public Works Employee; Public THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council regretfully accepts Mr.Gawluk’s resignation; Works Ad AND BE IT RESOLVED that an advertisement be posted for the position. Carried.
Res. 52 BE IT RESOLVED that Council adopts the attached Calcium Application Policy No. 15 as Calcium amended. Policy No.15 Carried. POLICY NO. 15 CALCIUM APPLICATIONS 1. Calcium available at homeowner’s expense – RM will coordinate & apply at cost 2. Ste. Rita; Molson and Rennie receive Grant-in-Aid calcium funding 3. Richer East receives calcium in lieu of community club grant 4. Molson receives calcium in lieu of community club grant 5. Rennie receives calcium due to high traffic volumes to campgrounds 6. Prawda (River Road) from PR 506 to house east of Road 74E, and Road 74E from TransCanada Highway north to Birch River, receives calcium due to campground Traffic
Res. 53 WHEREAS Markus Benzler has proposed a monthly rate of $850.00 plus GST for recycling Recycle pickups in Richer East, Ste. Rita and Molson; Contract THEREFORE Council accepts the offer and authorizes the Reeve and CAO to sign a one year W1, W3, W2 contact with Markus Benzler. Carried.
Res, 54 BE IT RESOLVED that Council approves a 3% increase to the Emergency Coordinator and Increase Burn Site Supervisor wages, effective January 1, 2014. Wages Carried.
Res. 55 BE IT RESOLVED that Council requests the Province of Manitoba to proceed with Land exchange consideration for exchanging the following Crown Lands for municipal and vested lands; w/Prov.MB 1. Hadashville area Part River Lot 6-8-12E and W ½ SE 8-8-12E (including old Conservation house site) 2. Rennie area Part NE (south of PTH 44) and SE 27-10-14E 3. Richer East Section 14-8-9E between Dawson Road and the TransCanada highway 4. Ste. Rita NW 27 & 28-10-9E and Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20-11-9E 5. NW 11-8-15E and SW & SE 14-8-15E (old Blueberry Hill gravel pit site) 6. Marchand area Part Section 33-5-9E between the old highway and PR 210. Carried.
General Business:
a.) Host Joint Meeting with Whitemouth – March 18th, 2014 – Refer to Res. 56/14 b.) WR Planning District Levy for 2014 - abey c.) Appoint Weed Inspector for 2014 – Refer to Res. 57/14 d.) Fire Protection: 1) Incident Reports – N/A 2) Fire Inspector Appointment – CAO reported – Refer to Res. 58/14 3) Accept new fire fighters - abey MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL FEBRUARY 25TH, 2014 PAGE 3 4) Vehicle Extrication course May 9th, 2014 – Refer to Res. 59/14 5) Purchase Booster for cell phones – Refer to Res. 60/14 6) Purchase of LED lights for pumper – abey 7) Traffic Control training – cc: Council
Res. 56 BE IT RESOLVED that council approves all expenses to host a dinner and joint meeting with Joint mtg Rural Municipality of Whitemouth, on the evening of March 18th, 2014; and Rm of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all council members, Fire Chief, CAO and ACAO be Whitemouth hereby authorized to attend. Carried
Res. 57 BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Reynolds appoints Bert Kuypers as the Weed Inspector for Weed Insp 2014. Carried.
General Business continued:
Res. 58 WHEREAS the Fire Chief, the OFC, and Council desire to have the fire safety inspections Fire Inspector completed by a member of the Reynolds Fire Department; Appointment THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council appoints Luke Toews as Reynolds Fire Safety Inspector; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authorization be requested from the Office of the Fire Commissioner to consider Luke Toews as the Local Assistant for the purpose of performing Fire Safety Inspections within the boundaries of the RM of Reynolds; AND BE IT RESOLVED that the fees paid will be $250 per inspection and $175 for a successive inspection, plus mileage at the rate paid by the municipality. Carried.
Res. 59 WHEREAS the Fire Chief wishes to hold a Vehicle Extrication training session at Reynolds Vehicle Fire Department on May9th, 2014; Extrication THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approves all expenses associated with the Training training session. Carried.
Prior to calling the questions Councillor Buley requested a recorded vote
Res. 60 WHEREAS cell phones have limited reception in the Reynolds Fire Hall; Fire Hall THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approves the purchase of a cell phone booster Cell booster for the Fire Hall. Carried. FOR: D.Turchyn, G. Gaetz, M. Turchyn, J. Miscavitch, F.Campbell, J. Colbert. M. Yaremchuk AGAINST: C.Buley
Res. 61 BE IT RESOLVED that Council permit one fifteen minute extension to the time of adjournment Extension for this meeting of Council. Carried.
a.) December Financial Statement - abey b.) Payment of Accounts – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 62/14
Res. 62 WHEREAS the accounts for The Rural Municipality of Reynolds for the period ending Accounts February 25th, 2014 have been examined and found to be in order; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that cheques numbered 15799 to 15821 in the amount of $26,795.01 be approved for payment. Carried.
SRRCD Report on finances File: S26
C. Feilberg Concern about snow traps File: C12 W7
Agenda Additions:
a.) Municipal Advisory re: Federal Budget – cc: Council
General Discussion:
a.) Savings by using laptops - Paper (2010 12 cases per year ($540) – 2013 6 cases per year $180.00) - 4 hours photocopying and compiling bundles for each meeting (min. 24 meetings/yr x 4 hr x $17.00 = $1,632.00) MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL FEBRUARY 25TH, 2014 PAGE 4
Res. 63 BE IT RESOLVED that this meeting of Council does now adjourn, the time being 10:07 p.m. Adjourn Carried.
______Reeve David Turchyn Trudy Turchyn Chief Administrative Officer Subject to errors & omissions)
Note: All councillors present voted in favour of resolutions unless shown otherwise.